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Submitting to Dominance Ch. 01


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There was a knock on the door.

"Hey, are you ready? Wanna come out?" Julie asked.

"Not yet, I'm not ready yet. Do you need me naked?" Perry asked with his cheeks going crimson.

"Uh, no" Julie said.

"Oh.." Perry replied before being cut off.

"But, if you want to, I think it would help. You know with the whole penis thing, we should probably get the size right so you don't have to exchange anything" she rambled.

All Perry could do was sigh, take a deep breathe, and strip. When he was ready, he slowly opened the door and peaked his head out.

"Are you sure that nobody's here?" he asked.

"Yeah, I even locked the door and put up the "out for lunch" sign. Don't worry, the cameras here don't work. They're just for show to scare potential thieves. Management is too cheap to get them fixed. The ones outside the store work though, that's mall security" she replied.

"You've done this before?" Perry asked.

Her answers were way too well thought out. She's definitely had experience dealing with customers who were looking for some discretion.

"Yeah, you'd be surprised. Come on now, hurry up and let's see what we're working with, girl" she excited said and she motioned for me to leave the change room and enter the hall where the full length mirror was.

Holding back a slight smile, Julie then proceeded to take Perry's waist measurements. He was very embarrassed to find out that he would feel best in a medium women's panty, but that he could get away with a small depending on what type of look he was trying to achieve.

"Oh, I'm not going for any look" Perry started to explain.

"Really? Then what are you doing?" Julie questioned with one eyebrow raised.

He wasn't quite sure why, but he took the time to explain to Julie the predicament he found himself in. Guess he just felt comfortable enough to tell her. She was kind enough to help him out in private after all.

"Maybe you're one of those people that likes to be dominated" Julie said with a wink.

"Uh, no. I don't think so. I've always been the dominant one with women" Perry replied.

He wasn't even sure why he felt comfortable enough to share that bit of information with Julie.

"Mhmm, whatever you say" Julie said playfully.

"All I'm saying is, some guys like what they can't have. You're obviously used to being at the top of the food chain in your life from what you've told me. Now you're experiencing what it's like to be at the bottom. No pun intended... yet" she said before rushing off to go get some different style panties for Perry to try on.

In her absence, he heard his phone beep again. He had two missed messages. One from Donald and one from Jamal.

Donald's read, "great, see you tonight."

Jamal's wasn't as pleasant.

"It's 4:30. Hope you're not thinking of bailing on me. I need some reassurance that you're going to do as you're told or I'm going to tell your homies that you liked it when I put my hands on you" was what it read.

Perry checked his watch and saw that it was 4:40 and the message from Jamal was sent 10 minutes ago. He panicked and sent a quick reply.

"Please. No. I'm getting the panties right now. I'll have them for tonight. You'll see" it read as he hit send.

"Prove it. Right now" was Jamal's reply.

Just as he finished reading it, Julie came back with some different style panties for him to try on.

"What's wrong? You look worried" she said as she handed him the first pair.

It was a seamless, nude colored thong.

"Put this on and let's get a look. It might not be the best for sports though, you should try on these boyshorts too to see which is more comfy" she said.

Another text from Jamal came.

"You've got 2 minutes. I'm about to start my workout and if I don't have proof before I start, I'm going to tell your homies as soon as I see them" the text read.

Still unsure of how to proceed, Perry turned his phone over to Julie to get her thoughts. He was in no condition to figure this out on his own. There was just too much weighing on his mind. Was Julie right? Did he enjoy being dominated? Does that make him gay? What was happening? It was too overwhelming.

"That's hot" was all Julie said before she set the nude thong aside in favor of a lacy pink g-string.

She even went so far as to bend down and lift his legs to get it on him.

As she slid the panties up his legs, it started again. His cock twitched and he could feel another erection rising.

"Oh, my. You can't tell me you don't like this honey" Julie said as she got a first hand look at one of the most humiliating moments of Perry's life.

She made some last adjustments as she neatly nestled the string into place between his cheeks and then she grabbed his phone.

Before he could react, he heard the unmistakable sound of a photo being taken.

"Hey, what are you doing? Stop! Please don't" Perry begged.

"I don't think so, you're clearly enjoying this" Julie said as she pointed to his erection again.

Perry stopped in his tracks and quickly covered himself with his hands. Unable to use his hands because they were preoccupied, he couldn't stop her from doing whatever she wanted on his phone.

"Here" she said as she handed his phone back.

Looking down at the screen, he was mortified.

"Why would do this?!?!" Perry shouted.

He was freaking out. He almost dropped his phone, but instead went back into the change room to have a seat. Almost immediately he was reminded of his current state of dress. He felt the cold surface of the change room bench on his butt cheek as soon as he sat down. His cock, still hard, peaking out of the top of the g-string. His balls constrained under the thin lacy material.

He looked at his phone again to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

There it was.

"Here you go, Daddy" it read.

The text that Julie sent to Jamal also came with a photo attached of Perry from behind wearing the g-string.

"Good girl" replied Jamal.

"You better pick a pair to wear to the gym, you definitely shouldn't play in the g-string. Well... you shouldn't play basketball in that g-string, maybe you can play with other types of balls in it though" she teased.


Perry didn't know what to say or do. He just sat there in silence.

"Look, I'm really sorry for getting carried away, ok. It's just, I've only lived here for a few months and I don't really have any friends and I honestly thought this was your kink. I've overheard a few of the other sissy customers talk about it and the texts seemed like they were..." Julie rambled.

She looked like she was going to cry.

Ultimately, Perry ended up going with the nude thong to wear to the gym. He also purchased the boyshorts because they had a buy one, get one sale going on in the store. Julie even threw in the g-string for free because she felt bad.

Just as Perry was getting ready to leave, he turned to Julie.

"I'm sorry for how I reacted, but you shouldn't have done that. We literally just met" he said.

"I know, I'm sorr..." said Julie before she was cut off.

"I'm very confused right now, and I don't know what to make of this, but you did make this afternoon a little better before your stunt. Don't ever do that to me again alright" Perry said.

"Again?" asked Julie as her cute smile began to resurface.

"Yes. I liked chatting with you today and you seem to know quite a bit about this kink. I don't know what to do and would really appreciate it if we could maybe talk again some time? Here's my number" he said before jotting it down for her.

"I knew it" she said excitedly.

'Knew what?" replied Perry.

"Nothing. We can talk later. I'll text you tonight. It's almost 5, you should get going before Jamal tells all your friends about your little issue" she teased again as she put an emphasis on the word little.

The thought of Julie considering his cock to be on the smaller side turned him on. He was half erect inside his thong driving to the gym. He got there just before 6, parked his car, grabbed his gym bag and walked into the gym.

"Oh! There he is, hurry up, we're about to start" yells Ryan.

"Yeah we need to be on the same team today to assess chemistry with a 5th starter" said Donald.

Perry didn't bother to reply, he just headed to the locker room to quickly get changed.

Inside, he was alone. Or so he thought.

"You better be ready to model for me" read a text he got from Jamal.

Then he heard the door to the change room open and heard Jamal's voice.

"I'm coming in now" he said.

Panicking, Perry quickly undressed down to the thong and stood awaiting Jamal.

As Jamal turned the corner and found Perry standing there, it was clear he was disappointed.

"These aren't the pair you sent in that pic" he said.

"Uh, the lady said that they weren't good to play in" he replied as he began to blush.

Blood began to rush to his cock again as Jamal closed the distance between the two of them.

He took hold of Perry's chin raising his head to make eye contact.

"I thought you had a little more fight in you. Wasn't expecting you to call me daddy this quickly, baby girl" he said to Perry.

Before Perry could reply, with his other hand, Jamal grabbed him by the balls.

"Uhhnn" Perry squealed.

"Your secret's safe with me for now. Let's go out there and make sure it stays that way" he said before letting go and leaving the change room.

It would be another five minutes before Perry was out on the court with the guys. He had to let his boner subside before he risked going out there.

As you can expect, the games did not go well for Perry. He was not used to having the fabric from the thong between his cheeks as he ran. He was also distracted by thoughts about his sexuality and none of this was helping his game.

After the first couple of games that they lost, the guys asked Jamal to join the team to see if he had any chemistry with Perry.

"No, I don't think he'd be a good fit with us" said Perry.

"Well, we played well with him last time. We even beat you, Perry. Don't you remember. He stripped the ball off you and hit the game winner? I think it's worth a shot" said Ryan.

"Yeah, I definitely stripped you" the group heard Jamal say as he walked towards them.

As he got to them, he stood beside Perry and gave him a light tap on the bum. In the context of the gym, this isn't abnormal. Athletes are frequently seen patting one another on the bum as a form of encouragement and camaraderie. The look on Jamal's face was unmistakable though.

Jamal inbounds the ball to Perry and as they jog up the court side by side whispers to him, "don't worry, daddy will make it all better."

Perry didn't like the sound of that at all. Not wanting anything to do with Jamal, Perry raced up the court and got an easy basket. Then he got another and another and another.

Perry had scored 4 straight baskets before Jamal got his hands on the ball again. Not wanting to let the opportunity go to waste, Jamal decided to take a shot for himself. He missed.

"God damn, I'm open over here" shouts Perry.

Jamal just glared at him and continued on to play out the game. They ended up winning a handful of games together. It was going so well that Donald and Ryan both took the liberty of inviting Jamal to the team right then and there. Much to the dismay of Perry.

"Thanks guys, I'd be happy to join as long as I'm wanted" Jamal said to the group, but specifically singled out Perry by staring right at him as he said this.

"Come on, we all want you on the team, right Perry?" Donald said.

James nudged Perry on the shoulder, prompting him to speak up and say something to seal the deal. They all knew that Jamal would be an excellent edition to the team. He added size and strength up front and could take some pressure off of Donald. He could shoot and handle the ball meaning that teams would struggle to defend both Perry and Jamal.

"Yeah, we'd love for you to join the team Jamal" Perry reluctantly said.

"So, you want to play with me?" Jamal said back.

"Uh, yeah. I guess so" replied Perry.

"You guess so?" said Jamal.

"Yes. I would like to play with you, happy" said Perry.

All Jamal could do was smile as Perry cringed after hearing himself say that. It sounded so dirty. It reminded him of how Julie had teased him earlier that day about "playing with other types of balls."

It took all of Perry's willpower not to start having an erection right there as Jamal was having his way with him verbally. Getting him to say out loud that he wanted to play with him.

"Look Jamal, we still have a couple of spots we need to fill, so do you mind playing on the other team while we get some run with a couple of other guys?" said Ryan.

"Sure thing fellas" was his reply.

Perry didn't see Jamal again until the last game of the night. They were on opposing teams again, but this time Jamal wasted no time in assigning himself to defend Perry.

"I got this one" he shouted to the rest of his team as he pointed towards Perry.

"Katy Perry here is mine!" he continued to shout.

"That's a stupid joke" Perry said right after scoring a basket on Jamal.

"Alright, Katy" Jamal said back in a playful tone that got some chuckles out of everyone.

The first time Jamal touched the ball that game, Perry was defending him as there was a defensive scramble and they couldn't get to their proper matchups.

"Too small" Jamal said as he began to post up Perry.

He clearly had the physical advantage and was overpowering Perry on his way to the basket. There was nothing Perry could do as Jamal turned and shot right over him.

"Nothing you can do to stop this" Jamal barked at Perry.

Strangely enough, Perry got the sense that Jamal was not only referring to basketball when he made that statement.

The game ended in another loss for Perry against Jamal. This time it was a score of 21-12. Jamal played him very physically, even knocking him to the floor a couple of times throughout the game. To top it all off, he never missed an opportunity to let everyone know that he thought Perry was too small to guard him.

Perry was battered and even noticed a slight bruise starting to form on his hip from one of the falls he took.

"Hey, so you good for drinks tonight?" Donald asked.

"Uh, nah. Feeling a bit battered. Think I'm just going to go home and sleep it off" said Perry.

"Bummer. Ah well, what about you Jamal? Down for some drinks tonight" Donald said as he walked towards Jamal.

Perry didn't bother to stick around and here the answer. He grabbed his gym bag and headed for the parking lot. He was much too embarrassed to risk changing in front of the guys. There was no way he wanted them to see him in his thong.

On his way to his car, he hears his phone beep yet again from inside his bag. Digging inside the bag to find the phone, he doesn't notice Jamal walking up behind him until it's too late. Jamal is practically right behind him before he notices.

"Lose something?" Jamal says into Perry's ear from behind him.

Shocked and startled, Perry drops his bag and the shopping bag from his time with Julie spills out.

"Why didn't I leave that in the car?" Perry asks himself.

"Here, let me help" Jamal says as he picks up the shopping bag, taking a peak inside while he's at it.

"Ooh la la, what do we have here" he says with a big grin across his face.

"Give it here" Perry says reaching for the bag.

"Nah uh, you don't get to make demands" Jamal says as he waves a finger at Perry.

"I can tolerate you running that mouth of yours on the court, but when it's just us, I don't want you pretending anymore" Jamal says firmly.

Perry gulps.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

Pulling the pink g-string out of the bag and dangling it by his index finger in front of Perry's face, Jamal says "I wanna see you in this tonight."

"Aren't you going for drinks with the guys?" Perry asks.

Jamal didn't bother to answer him. Instead he went into Perry's gym bag and grabbed his car keys before proceeding to get into his car.

"Hey! What are you doing? That's my car, man!" Perry shouts.

"Get inside" Jamal says.

Having no other option, Perry decides to play along and gets in the passenger side of the car.

"Look. From now on, you're going to do as I say. You're going to be my sissy" says Jamal.

There's that word again. Sissy. Perry remembered Julie saying something about other sissies when she was rambling on in her apology to him. This was partly her fault he thought. He might not be in this situation if she didn't send that photo calling Jamal daddy from his phone.

"I'm not a sissy" Perry says defiantly.

"I know a sissy when I see one" replies Jamal.

"You're frame is nice and thin, you don't weight much, and you're practically hairless. Your body was made to be a sissy. All you need is for a man to push you in the right direction. A daddy" said Jamal.

"Now. Tell me which way to your place" he said.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I can feel Jamal's cock sliding in me right now. So good.

sissysherry2sissysherry2almost 4 years ago
Liked it but...

Overall I liked the concept of the story and I’m all about how Perry submitted to a superior man. And I’m glad the author put advance notice that there would be no sex in this chapter. I also loved his search for panties and the store adventure with Julie.

There was way too much detail on the basketball games and not enough in key places. Like when Perry had to model.. it seemed rushed. And have an editor check it over.

Great start !

TurningintoCDTurningintoCDalmost 4 years ago
Amazing story

I loved it! I look forward to the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Loved it, please follow up with a 2nd chapter

SkymakerSkymakeralmost 4 years ago

Not gonna lie, I didn't expect much from a story without sex, but goddamn if that isn't one of the best set-ups I've seen for a series. Very excited to see you continue this story - best of luck in your writing.

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