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Submitting to Dominance Ch. 01

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The beginning of Perry's long journey to submission.
6.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/31/2020
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Warning: this chapter does not include explicit sex. That will come in later chapters. Instead this first chapter is meant to chronicle the beginning of Perry's descent to submission. It's meant as a setup chapter and will lay the ground work for what is to be a story of how she is taken from unsuspecting young man to insatiable crossdressing, sissy slut. Hope you all enjoy.

It was just another day at the gym for Perry. Shooting some Wednesday evening hoops with the boys. As usual he was sensational. The best player on the court on most nights.

Perry had been playing basketball at this community gym for the last three years. Twice, sometimes three times, a week he would drop in and play for about 2-3 hours at a time. He knew everyone and all the regulars knew him.

When he first started coming to this gym, the competition was a welcome change of pace for Perry. He'd been searching for a place to play that challenged him as his previous spot had become full of younger teens who were just learning and older folks who couldn't compete with him. He was a cut above everyone at his previous gym and found himself losing interest and his skills stalling. He needed to play against others closer to him in terms of age and skill to keep things fun. It only took about 2-3 months for him to be considered a regular and another 5-6 before he established himself as one of the better players. Within the first year, talk among the regulars was that Perry was a good bet to be one of the best players on the court every night.

Now to put things into context, no, these aren't NBA level players that went to this gym. Just regular guys who worked regular jobs and lived regular lives who just happened to enjoy playing sports and working out in their down time. Perry is an average 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighs about 160 pounds. Fairly average in stature. The rest of the players ranged in height from 5'5" to 6'6" and they weighed between 140 lbs and 225 lbs. So he was closer to the middle of the pack in terms of height, but clearly on the light side among the regulars.

He made up for this lack of size and strength by being one of the quicker and craftier players. He also had a very aggressive play style. Not afraid to come barreling down the lane and initiate contact to make defenders uncomfortable and keep them on their toes. He was also a pretty good shooter which made him hard to defend. It's these skills and play style that earned him Rookie of the Year honors at the end of his first season in the rec league at the gym, which he joined after only playing in pick-up games for the first year at the gym.

Perry followed up his first great season with the rec league with another strong performance the following season. In his debut season in the community gym rec league, he was added to a random team that had an empty spot because he made the decision to enter the league late and most teams were already full. The following season he knew he wanted to play again and quickly signed up to play with some of the other regulars from the drop in sessions. He had become pretty good friends with some of them and thought he'd have more fun playing with players that he has a proven chemistry with especially since they'd spend the last two years playing together.

The new team went on to win the championship in Perry's second season in the league and he was recognized as the MVP of the final game. He had himself quite the game with a stat line of 25 points, 12 rebounds, and 6 assists. The guy's loved it because it was their first championship too. They spent the night at a nearby pub getting absolutely plastered. It was a great time.

Fast forward a few months to the Wednesday evening games where Perry is, as usual, one of the better players. It's just one of the weekly drop-in sessions. The next season of the rec league isn't set to start for another month or so. Perry had been playing with a team of random guys who only show up every now and then. None of them are new faces, but none of them are really regulars. The games are going well until he runs into a game with his teammates from last seasons championship team.

They were on the opposing pick-up team. Perry had gotten to the gym about a half an hour before them so he decided to just hop in to the games with the first team available, something he did quite often. Impatience has always been a weak point of his. The other is arrogance and his incessant need to trash talk. It had only gotten worse after he was named the MVP.

Perry wasted no time getting on his teammates nerves.

"Now you guys will know what it's like to lose to me. I won't be there to carry you guys to the win tonight" he shouted in their direction as they stepped onto the court. Three of the five opposing players played on the championship team with Perry. There was Donald, Ryan, and James. They were accompanied by another regular Walter and a newbie Perry had never seen before.

The new guy was 6'4" and looked like he weighed about 200 lbs. He looked like he was in the best shape of his life and was very easily the biggest player on the court. He wasn't the tallest, that was Donald at 6'5" but Donald had a much smaller frame than this guy.

"This goes one of two ways," Perry starts to think to himself.

"This guy is either going to know how to use his size and strength and will be amazing or he's going to be all brawn. no brain, and end up being awful" thought Perry.

"So you guys ready to take a seat because you're getting bounced quick fellas" shouts Perry with the biggest grin across his face.

"Would you shut up already?" Ryan yells back.

"We haven't even touched the ball and you're already on your bullshit," Donald said with a smile.

"Who's ball?" asks the new guy.

"Shoot for it big guy," Perry quickly replies as he passes him the ball.

"From the 3 point line," says Donald.

Standing at the top of the key, the furthest part of the 3 point line, he guy takes two calm dribbles, spins the ball in his hands, and takes the shot. It's obvious from his shooting form that he's done this before. He knows how to play, which is a welcome surprise as beginners really can slow down the pace of the game sometimes.

"Guess it's our ball, little guy," the new guy calmly said to Perry.

Perry didn't really think much of it, but he definitely found it a little odd.

The game ensues and the new guy wastes no time in letting everyone know he can play. Ryan throws him the ball on the left wing. He takes two dribbles to his right going towards the basket and easily brushes off the defense to get an easy layup.

"2-0, first to 21," James says out loud to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Perry was not having it. There was no way he was going to let this newbie walk on and act like this is his gym. Coupled with the fact that he didn't want to lose to his teammates, he knew he had to come out firing.

"5-2," shouts Perry after a quick 3 pointer is followed up with a steal and a layup.

"5-4," claims Donald as he took advantage of his height the next time up the court. The basket was assisted by the new guy.

Perry continued to trade baskets with the opposing team until the score was 15-12 for his team. 12 of the 15 points scored by Perry himself.

"I got little guy," the new guy says authoritatively.

"He ain't scoring any more buckets, I'm bout to lock that ass up," he shouts at Perry.

"You can try, but you're too slow to keep up buddy," Perry retorts.

So the next time up the court, the new guy is guarding Perry. The defense is more aggressive than the previous defenders as he's trying to take away Perry's space to make things uncomfortable for him.

"So what's your name?" Perry asks between slow dribbles up the court.

"Jamal," says the new guy.

"I'm Perry, nice to meet you," Perry says as he suddenly changes speeds and makes a bee line towards the hoop.

As he goes up for the layup, he sees the ball get swatted out of bounds from behind just as it leaves his hand. He then feels a big body come into contact with his back and the impact causes him to fall to the ground.

"Ain't that a girls name?" he hears from Jamal as he looks up from the ground.

Perry was dumbfounded.

"What?" he asked. Clearly confused about what was going on.

"That's a foul, our ball," says Perry as he gets up.

"Oh, hell no! I got all ball, get outta here with that weak shit. I didn't know y'all was soft," Jamal says in frustration.

"What's this guy's problem?" Perry thinks to himself.

"He's called me little, asked if I had a girls name, and now calling me soft. What did I do to this guy? What does he have against me?" Perry thought.

"Fine. Take it" Perry finally said aloud. Not wanting to appear soft, he brushed it off and played on.

It's now 18-15 for Jamal's team and Perry hasn't scored since Jamal started to defend him. On the possession, Perry catches the ball with his back to Jamal.

"You playing against a man now, baby," Jamal says.

He didn't say it loud enough for anyone but Perry to hear.

"You don't stand a chance, just give in. Lemme show you how men handle things," he says just before he strips Perry of the ball and saunters over to the three point line and ends the game.

"Game," he shouts as he makes the shot.

"21-15," says Donald.

"Hell of a game, Perry" says James.

"Can't win em all can you Perry" says Ryan.

"Yeah Perry, you just didn't stack up tonight I guess" says Jamal with a smirk on his face.

They didn't end up facing each other again for the rest of the night, but Perry did run into the group in the locker room afterwards.

"Hey, Perry. We're gonna go down the street for some drinks, Wanna join us?" asks Donald.

"Nah, kind of tired and I gotta get to work early tomorrow too. Maybe this weekend instead?" Perry replies.

"Sure thing, I'll let the guys know" Donald says as he walks out of the locker room.

As Perry is changing, he hears someone come into the locker room, but doesn't pay much attention. He's focused on getting dressed because he was currently standing in just his briefs. He preferred to play in briefs as they were better at keeping everything contained and not shaking everywhere when he ran.

"Nice ass" he hears from behind him.

He knows it's Jamal. Before turning around to confront him, he composes himself. He takes a breathe and hopes that it isn't evident that he was blushing from the comment. He was unsure why this was happening to him. It was clearly just a joke between two guys in the gym and it wasn't even the first time he had heard it. He does take pride in keeping his body in good shape and one of the side effects of squatting is having a nice butt.

Picking up his boxers, he turns around.

"What?" he asked, pretending as if he didn't hear him the first time.

"I said you got a nice ass. It's perky and round like a girls" Jamal replied with a straight face in a calm tone.

"Look dude, I mean no disrespect, but I don't swing that way" was Perry's reply.

"Oh. My bad, guess I misinterpreted. I just thought that you did" was all Jamal said.

"What? Why would you think that?" asked Perry.

Jamal smirked.

"Well, it didn't take much for you to submit and hand me the ball on the last play. Oh, and how many points did you score on me?" he said as he took a step towards Perry.

"What does that even mean? You were saying weird shit and I got distracted. I was just tired from playing before you" Perry replied.

"If you so say so" said Jamal taking another step forward.

They were now face to face. Or face to chin. The height difference was made apparent and Perry had to look up at Jamal.

"Get out of my face" Perry grunted as he shoved Jamal back.

He was clearly uncomfortable with having Jamal in his personal space.

Within the blink of an eye, Perry found himself with his back pressed up against the locker, Jamal's right forearm on his chest and his left hand pinning Perry's right wrist to the wall. Even with one hand free, Perry didn't fight back. It happened so quickly, he didn't have any time to think. There was no time to react. He was still trying to process what just happened when Jamal started to speak. His tone almost as if he was a teacher speaking to a student.

"I see you think you got a little bit of fight in you. That's cute. Where was this on the court? You weren't acting tough and cocky when I started guarding you. Now in here, you wanna start acting like a big shot, like you the man" Jamal said.

Perry had dropped his boxers when he had been shoved into the locker and his hands were shaking while he was pinned between the locker and Jamal. He was feeling incredibly vulnerable and a bit violated. He was basically naked. All he had on was his briefs. He was also very confused.

Perry knew, but he didn't think Jamal had noticed just yet. Perry was beginning to get an erection. The show of force he had just experienced was turning him on. He was always used to being the aggressor. The dominant. In his work, he was a top performer in his role, and on the court he was always one of the best. He was not used to being challenged like this by anyone, let alone another man. He didn't like the thought of it, but his body was betraying that thought.

"I told you when we was out there, you dealing with a man now. A real man" Jamal said to break Perry out of his trance.

"I'm sorry dude, didn't mean to start a fight" said Perry.

"I don't know about you, but this doesn't look like a fight to me" was all Jamal said as he relented and let Perry go.

As Perry quickly bent down to pick up his boxers and cover up his erection he heard Jamal walking away. The door to the locker room opened, but didn't close. Confused, Perry looked up to see if Jamal had left, only to see him holding the door and waiting for Perry to look up.

"The way you look, you should try wearing panties next time. They'd do a better job of highlighting your excitement" Jamal said with a wink before he left the locker room.

Perry was mortified. He got dressed as quickly as possible before leaving the locker room hoping to catch up to Jamal. He had to explain that he wasn't gay and that the boner wasn't for Jamal. He had to say something, anything. He couldn't have the others find out about this.

There was no sign of Jamal inside the gym so Perry decided it's best he just forget about this and deny it if Jamal started to spread the story.

Outside in the parking lot, Perry is walking towards his car when he hears something.

It's another car. It pulls up slowly beside him and he stands by the driver side door of his own car. The window to the other car rolls down and Jamal leans over. Before he can even say anything, Perry is trying to explain that it was just a fold in his briefs that Jamal saw and not an erection. Jamal's not buying it.

"Ok, fine. I admit it, I was hard alright. Is that what you wanted to hear? Please don't tell the guys" Perry pleads.

"I'll think about it" Jamal says as he begins to roll up his windows.

"What? No, you can't tell anyone" Perry begs again.

"Gimme your number then" Jamal demands.

Perry hesitates, but eventually thinks it's a small price to pay for Jamal's secrecy. He gives him his number and without a word, Jamal leaves.

Perry was incredibly anxious the entire next two days at work. He had spent a lot of time wondering what Jamal wanted his number for. Did he want to use it to sign up for random shit? Maybe he wanted to just chat? It was so strange. Suffice it to say, he got no work done.

When he wasn't thinking about why Jamal wanted his number, he was thinking about why he got an erection in that moment. He wasn't gay. He'd only ever been attracted to women. He only dated women, but it has been a little while since his last relationship. He has had a couple of one night stands in the mean time though.

"Why did I get hard?" was the only other thing he could think about.

He wouldn't really begin to understand it until the weekend came around.

On Saturday morning, Perry got a text from Jamal that read, "if you want me to keep your secret, you'll take my underwear advice seriously and prove it tonight at the drop in session."

"I don't get it" Perry sends back.

"You know what I mean. Don't disappoint me" was the last text Perry got.

Jamal was not responding to any of his other texts. He wouldn't answer any questions for clarification and he didn't even pick up when Perry decided to call.

It was now 2 pm in the afternoon and the drop in session for Saturdays starts at 6 pm and runs until 9 pm. He had 4 hours to find himself a pair of panties to wear to the gym. He couldn't believe that he just had that thought.

There wasn't enough time to order anything online and get them shipped before the gym session opened. He lived alone, so there's no chance to steal a pair from a female roommate or family member. There's no choice.

He got in his car and drove to the mall. Not his regular mall of course, he went to the mall in the nearest suburb about 45 min outside of the city. He went in and tried to find himself a department store.

There was none.

The only store in the small suburb mall that carried panties looked quite fancy. Nothing was going right for Perry. He failed to account for the type of stores located in such an affluent area. He forgot that the suburb he went to was inhabited by richer families.

Running out of time, he resigned himself to his fate and walked into the store. He was quickly approached by a saleswoman who introduced herself as Julie.

"Hey there, what can I help you with today?"

"Oh, god" Perry thought to himself.

He didn't think this through. He didn't anticipate having to deal with a live person. he had no background story to tell to the lady to convince her that he was there to purchase a gift for a make believe girlfriend. This frustration was evident on his face.

"Um, you don't need to worry, there's nobody here. I can help you find what you need" Julie said with the biggest, most adorable smile on her face.

How in the world she knew, Perry didn't know. What he did know was that he was getting excited again and he felt some blood rushing to his cock. He began to blush. The thought that this random saleswoman knew that he was there to buy himself some panties was turning him on. What was happening to him? He never would have thought that being blackmailed into buying panties would do this to him.

"Do you know your size?" Julie asked.

God she was cute. She was petite and slender. Exactly Perry's type, or so he thought. If he wasn't before, he was definitely questioning his sexuality now.

Visually, he still found Julie to be cute and under any other circumstances, he might have even considered asking her out. Mentally though, he was unsure. It wasn't her body that was turning him on, it was what she knew about him.

"Uh. no" was all Perry could muster.

"That's ok sweetie. I can help you find out" Julie said as she took his hand and led him to the back of the store towards the changing rooms.

"You get undressed in there while I go get the measuring kit" she said before walking away.

As Perry closed the door to the changing room, he found himself having to take some time to gather his thoughts and to calm down. His heart was racing. He wasn't sure about how he had got himself into this predicament.

His phone beeped.

It was Donald.

"Hey, we lost a couple guys from last seasons roster. We think it's best if we find replacements as quick as possible. Thoughts on using tonight's drop in as a tryout?" was what the text message read.

"Yeah, sounds good" was Perry's reply.

He didn't even read the whole text. He just wanted to reply and have it be over with. He couldn't be bothered to deal with that right now.


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