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Suburban Sweetheart Adventures Ch. 04

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What happens in the sea stays in the sea.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/08/2024
Created 03/12/2024
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It was the third day of our first holiday away and I had celebrated my birthday yesterday, meaning we were back to being twelve years apart again.

When I say "I had celebrated" I mean we, it would have been pretty dull without Emma.

We slept in that morning and then tried to plan the day. We wanted to see some local sights, so headed off for breakfast at a cafe and then acted like tourists, unsure what bus to catch and where, but managed to get to our destination. We walked around, had a short boat trip on a river and then lunch. We got the wrong bus, our confidence at handling the local transport being found wanting, but we ended up at the beach, just a bit further away from the hotel than we had wanted and we walked down the path and got changed in the toilets.

There was a text from Emma as I waited outside, "Worried about the bikini." it read and it was a few minutes later that she emerged, with her dress on over it and looking rather flustered.

"What's the problem?" I asked as I took her into my arms.

"Nothing. Just suddenly got scared." She said quietly. I held her tight and kissed her forehead as she trembled against me. "Stay close, please." She whispered and I took her hand as we walked over the sand to the sea.

I got the beach blanket out of my bag and spread it out and Emma stood and looked around. This area was very quiet and there were only ten or so other people to be seen and none of them were close. Emma breathed in and out deeply and then unzipped her dress and peeled it off, moving to stand right next to me as it fell to the blanket.

"Does it look ok?" she asked as her chewed her bottom lip. My smile said a lot and she blushed. "I should know better than to ask you something like that." she laughed.

"Seriously, you look great. It's not too revealing, but very classy." I said and I hugged her and felt a small tremble. "If you want, we can go back to the hotel and get the old costume." Emma looked at me and smiled and then rested her head on my shoulder as she hugged me.

"I have that in my bag, just in case." she said. "But, thank you, you are very understanding." She stepped back and then looked at the water. "Ok, I'm going in." she laughed and we tidied up our stuff on the blanket and prepared to get wet. Emma headed to the sea and I stayed behind for a few moments until she looked around and stared at me. "What are you waiting for?" she shouted to me.

"Just wanted to look at you." I replied and she put her hands on her hips and tried to look outraged, but laughed. I ran towards her and she turned and let out a little shriek as she ran and splashed into the water.

The water was cool, but refreshing after hours of walking in the sun and, once in, the sea felt quite warm. Emma swam out as I splashed about a bit, not as confident as her in the deeper water. You could go out quite a way and still have your feet on the sand and I stood with the water just past my belly as the swells rocked against me. She swam up to me and then stood, the water cascading from her breasts as she rose up, her smile wide. Her arms went around my neck and she kissed me, salty lips on my dry ones.

"Come on you, let's go deeper." she said, her confidence back now. I waded after her, then decided I really should try swimming and she trod water as I swam to her and then she enfolded me in her arms as we stood, the water just below my shoulders now. "I like this bikini." she said as her smile blazed at me. "It feels nice to have the water on my skin. Does it look ok?"

I looked down and could see her body in the clear water, her shape shifting with the waves.

"You look wonderful." I said and she splashed me and laughed then shook her head.

"Slightly biased." she chuckled and then pressed her body to me. "Plus, I can feel more of you on me like this." she said softly and she moved her hips forward as we held each other and kissed. "Also..." she whispered and looked around at nothing but the sea, "Easier access." and she smiled as she looked into my eyes. It took a while for me to get it and then I slid a hand down over her bottom and she screwed up her face and shook her head as she laughed. I pulled my hand up and then slipped it into the back of her bikini and stroked her buttock and she wiggled her behind as I held it. "See?" she laughed.

I moved my hand as Emma swam away and I moved back a bit as the deeper water made me nervous. She cut through the water to me and rose up effortlessly. She moved easily in the water, as if liquid herself. She turned and leaned back against me and my hands went around to her belly as she let her legs drift up and slowly moved them around in the sea. She turned and reached her hand and pulled me back out deeper and then twisted to lean against my chest again and her legs floated up as I held her as she played with the ocean. She looked over her shoulder at me and smiled, then stood as the swell moved us in a slow rhythm. Emma took my right hand from her belly and slid it down. I pressed my fingers to the skin on her belly and they dipped under the waistband of her bikini as she guided me lower. I felt the wet hair and the skin rose as my hand cupped her vulva and I rested it on her soft labia as she pushed her hips forward. She lifted one arm back and around to hold my neck as she rested her head on my shoulder and my fingers began to stroke along her soft lips.

Emma's other hand moved down and squeezed me through my shorts and then her fingers wiggled and slid into them and drifted down my hardening shaft.

"It's suddenly got very hot." I giggled and she sighed and she held my neck tighter as her legs drifted open as she let the water hold her up as my hand continued to stroke over her labia. She grunted and then let go of my cock and neck and moved away as my hand left her bikini and she turned and faced me, her smile wide and sweet.

"The water is lovely and clear." she giggled as she bobbed about in front of me and a hand went down to my shorts again and she pulled herself to me and the shorts away from my body at the same time. Emma stood and looked down as she held my shorts away. "Lovely and clear." she laughed. She stepped forward and lifted her head to mine, lips open seeking mine. Her hands went down as I pulled her close as we kissed and she pulled my shorts down enough to have better access to my cock as one of her hands went around the shaft and squeezed. I gasped into her mouth and then groaned as her hand began to move up and down. I let her go and broke the kiss so I could look down as Emma's hand stroked my hard cock in the sea. Then I held her and kissed deeply, our tongues dancing as the swell of the ocean moved, not caring what we were doing.

"Emma." I gasped as I moved my lips from hers and she smiled at me, her eyes shining, glittering brighter than the sun on the surface of the water. She knew, I didn't have to say anything else. I spread my legs a little wider to try and remain stable as the tide swayed me, my body drifting back and forth as Emma's hand held me tight and moved up and down. Her other hand was on my back and curled around me, giving the impression to anyone watching that we were just cuddling out in the water, my groans not making it to shore.

"Cum darling." she said as my breathing got faster and the shivers ran through me. She looked into my eyes and I saw her expression change as my lids flickered and her lips parted as she smiled, teeth shining white as she took pleasure in mine. I groaned and I swelled in her hand and she had to hold me tighter as my body shuddered.

"Oh fuck." I mumbled as I closed my eyes, my arms out as an ocean swell made me weightless and I ejaculated as Emma held me tight in her hand.

"Oh wow." Emma said as she looked down and my eyes followed hers as a stream of thick white jelly floated up from me. I groaned again as another string of it was shot from the end of my cock and three more stream of it bubbled from me and then floated in the current as my body shook in Emma's hand. I gasped as the water held me, lifting my feet from the sand as my arms pushed down to keep me up, floating with Emma as she held me, still moving her hand as the last of the white blobs clung to the hole in my cock, then broke free in the tide and floated away. Emma released me and swam to put her arms around my neck as we were weightless together. She laughed as we kissed and briefly submerged, me reaching to try and pull up my shorts and losing all buoyancy. We spluttered to the surface and I stood as Emma held me, her face to mine.

"Fuck, that was hot." she laughed. "It looked like when coral spawns." she said, her smile huge. "Was it ok?"

"You need to ask?" I laughed. "I just had a beautiful woman wank me in the sea and you ask if it was ok?" Emma let go and swam away laughing, doing a languid backstroke before dropping her legs and kicking to swim back to me.

"It's good the water is clear, that was amazing to see." she said as she stood in front of me, lightly bobbing in the waves. "It's also good the water is clear..." and she reached down and pulled the front of her bikini bottom away and I looked down to see her dark hair swaying in the sea. She laughed and the elastic snapped back and she lifted her legs and sank down before bobbing back up, standing lower in the water now. She smiled and looked around and then pushed the straps from her shoulders and the front of the top down and her dark pink nipples shimmered below the surface. She looked around again and giggled, then stood enough so the breasts were just clear of the water and she put her arms around my neck and pulled me to her and we kissed.

The swell of the sea was gentle and we stood so it just lapped over us, occasionally lifting us, feet far enough from the sand for a brief feeling of panic before the toes would sink back down. Emma was leaning back against me and one bigger wave pulled us up and back before our feet stumbled and we held firm again. She groaned and pressed against me harder, her head resting on my shoulder, her arms on one of mine, holding me as we stood in the sea, our backs to the land. My other arm was against her belly, the hand inside her bikini bottom as my fingers stroked over her clitoris. "Yes, Jesus, yes." she mumbled and she started to shudder and her head went back as the groans got higher. Another wave lifted us as she cried out and she washed against me as my feet felt the sand move and my toes curled searching for ground. I tensed one leg and held there as Emma shook against me, the current pushing and pulling us as Emma reached down and held my hand against her vulva through the material as she cried out in the waves and her own swell swept over her with one last loud cry of "Oh god."

"Do you think anyone heard me?" she laughed as she draped from my neck, having turned to face me.

"I think the lifeboats might be coming." I laughed.

"Not the only one." she said as she blushed.

I swam on my back as Emma bobbed alongside me. We headed a bit further in as the water was rising, the tide coming in. We would stop and stand, kiss and cuddle, as we made our way to shore. We got to the shallows and then sat there, Emma behind me, legs wide with me leaning back on her as the sea washed over us and she held me. There were still very few people about, the crowds growing further along, the noise of them drifting down over the waves.

We walked from the sea hand in hand, smiling shyly at each other. "Your poor little swimmers." she giggled. "Imagine, bursting up and instead of a womb they are swimming in the ocean! It gives a whole new meaning to semen." she laughed and looked out to sea, "Good luck guys." she waved. We sat on the blanket and let the afternoon sun warm us.

Emma reached into her bag and pulled out the little disposable camera and moved behind to take a photo of me against the sea. "Come on." she said and reached for my hand and then led me into the water as she held the camera out to take a photo of us, hugging in the sea. I took some of her wading out and she did the same with me and then Emma waved for me to follow as she went further out and I held the camera up to save any damage. She bobbed in the water and shouted "Ready?" and I held the camera to my face and waited as she moved a bit closer. She ducked down and then smiled as she rose up. We were far enough away from anyone else to see her breasts, but the clear water made it plain she had pulled her top down. "Quick." she laughed and I took the shot. Then I wound on as she looked around and stood enough for her breasts to show above the surface and I got another shot. She dipped back down and pulled the top up then swam to me, laughing. "Another birthday present." she giggled as she pressed against me and took the camera and held it above us as she pressed her lips to mine.

The sun dried us quickly as we sat, watching the sea get closer, the waves still benign. "Shall we get coffee?" I said, slightly bored now. More people were on the beach, but this area was quiet still.

"Yes, that would be good. Not sure I can be arsed to change though." she laughed,

"Then don't." I replied. "I'll just chuck a t-shirt on as usual." I added and she frowned.

"I should have thought of that, a shirt and skirt, or a wrap type thing."

"The bikini looks good for walking along, maybe wait until we're nearer the shops and put the dress over the top." I suggested and Emma looked concerned.

"Not sure." she mumbled and looked down. "Does it show much?"

"It doesn't show anything really." I replied. "The bottom could almost be shorts. If I was braver, I'd let you have my t-shirt, but I need to cover up."

"Jesus, what a pair we are." she laughed. "Both ashamed of bodies the other likes."

"Ok, I'll walk along in my shorts if you want to just have the bikini on."

"Deal!" she laughed.

We walked along the shoreline for a bit, the cool water refreshing our feet after we had baked in the sun to dry. Then we headed across the sand to the road path and the toilets and showers. We walked, holding hands to be braver and no one took any notice of us, just another couple in swimwear on a beach. A few eyes drifted to Emma, which wasn't surprising, but all were admiring glances, which was no surprise at all. We reached a toilet near the town and she went in to change as I washed the remains of the sand from my feet and then we went to get coffee and cake and our new favourite cafe. Emma took a few more photos as we walked there and then said the roll was finished. "I saw a one-hour photo place near here." I said as we ate some lovely cakes. "We could drop that off and see if they have more."

"I really would like a proper camera again, but I also like the idea of digital ones. Not sure if it's worth the cost though."

"Would be if you took more photos." Emma had shown me some of her old photo albums and her shots were really good. "Maybe ask in the shop, or find somewhere to get advice. I like your photos."

"Ok, after cake. I am braver after cake." she laughed.

We found the photo shop and were greeted by the heady scent of chemicals in the hot air. Emma handed over the camera and then asked about a replacement as well as a small digital camera and the man was happy to give advice. We left with two new disposable ones, one being waterproof and even more confusion.

"I'll think about it some more." she giggled as we walked towards more shops, to wander like the tourists we were, lost and alone in the crowd.

We picked up the photos after sitting in a small park for a while, just watching the world go by as we cuddled together. There was a strange calm over us after our exploits in the water, as if we were in a bubble apart from everyone else. Emma looked at the small digital cameras again as the nice man explained some of them and suggested models suitable for general and landscape style photography. She explained we still had a few days left and would pop back. We went to the hotel and just as we neared she stopped and laughed. "Jeez, there was a photo of me with my tits out and he must have seen it!" she said, turning quite red, "No wonder he was so helpful."

The room was hot and stuffy, but only slightly worse than outside away from the gentle sea breeze. We sat and looked at the photos, Emma looking first and then blushing at any slightly risque ones. "Ok, this was for you, another little present." she giggled and handed over a shot, taken in the toilets, her naked as she changed from her swimsuit. She as slightly sideways, so only the pubic curls showed, but her breasts were fully revealed.

"Oh wow... but... I mean..." I blushed as well as I looked at it. The ones from earlier came out well, Emma's breasts visible through the water and very clear in the next shot. There were also several of us together and she held up the one taken from above and smiled. "Oh, that is lovely," I said and kissed her smile.

"Do you reckon he gets a lot of tit shots?" she asked as we looked at the photos again.

"I imagine so. Beach, water, hormones. Perfect recipe for naked photos." I replied. "Bet he loved your ones," I said, holding up the naked shot. "He acted the perfect gentleman though." and Emma laughed.

"Must be weird, having a normal conversation with someone having just seen her tits in a photo." she laughed.

I picked up the photo and looked at it. "Not weird at all." I replied and looked at her as she blushed.

We showered and made ourselves messy right afterwards, my gasps lost in Emma's wet tangles as we writhed together on the bed as the afternoon turned to evening and the streets began to buzz outside. We went to get dinner, then walked along the beachfront as the sun fizzled out into the sea and the darkness crept over the surface of the water. The evening turned to night as we drifted away, messy again and breathing heavily against each other.

The next day was hotter and we worked up a sweat before breakfast that was more brunch by the time we had showered to clean up. We headed for another part of town to be tourists again. By the time we were ready to head to the beach we were hungry, so decided to beat the crowds by having an early dinner and then walked it off with a stroll by the ocean. The after work and school crowds were heading away as we walked along and the six lads were nowhere to be seen. There was a strange calm in the air. We walked over the sand to stroll through the lapping water.

We sat on the sand, feeling the heat through the blanket, a day of strong sun absorbed into the beach and being held. Emma fished around in her bag for her towel and the top of her bikini and then stood and unzipped her dress and wrapped the towel around her and the dress dropped to the floor as she wiggled and then pulled the towel away, the bikini top now on. She flipped the straps onto her shoulders and stretched out her arms. "Ta da!" she laughed. "It's like being a kid again at the beach with the parents and changing under a towel."

We left our stuff in my little backpack and waded into the water, the sea surprisingly warm as it splashed onto our legs. No one else was near and I felt slightly nervous, but Emma held my hand as we walked out and soon the water was washing around my hips and Emma dived out to swim away for a little way, turned and then swam back to me as I continued to walk, the current dragging over my skin. Soon we were up to our chests in the sea and we swam around together, stopping to kiss and hold each other as the swell of the sea caused us to bob together as we kicked against the water.

"This feels lovely." Emma sighed as she draped her arms around my neck, letting her legs drift up as I crouched down slightly. She pulled herself to me and her legs wrapped around my body and she sighed into my mouth. "So lovely." she whispered and her eyes sparkled as our noses rubbed together. She looked around at no one. The lights were starting to shine brighter in the town, but it was a ways away, this part of the beach was ours.

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