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Summer School Pt. 01 Ch. 03

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Tom must pass his classes; one way or another.
6.3k words

Part 3 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/13/2018
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Hello you naughty girls and boys!

For those of you ready to settle in for a longer story I offer you this tale. It is about lessons learned and steps one must take to achieve a goal. It is also something of a favorite of mine. And there is a lot of naughtiness to enjoy. Many delicious themes will be covered and the cast is large. It is a story about Tom and his attendance of a very special summer school in which he must prove his worth to his teachers. Only then will he be able to gain access to his trust, which will assure him of a life of leisure and high society.

In Part One we find out how Tom landed himself in this very special Summer School. Tom and you the reader, get a taste of what's to come.

Please note the story I have listed for each chapter cover all 5 chapters of Part One. Chapter 1 is bereft of any sexual activity while providing information about our principle character and his motivations. Chapter 2 introduces the foot worship and foot kissing. Chapter 3 relates to spanking, caning, and whipping. Chapter 4 is again without any sexual encounters. And finally Chapter 5 sees some ass worship and ass kissing.

By this time Tom has brokered a deal with Ms. Rodriguez. Now in Chapter 3, Tom must deal with Ms. Wechsbotham.

All characters in the story are 18 years of age or older.


Tom was a wreck. Not least of all because he had spent a few days rubbing Ms. Rodriguez's feet. He knew now to lock the door himself so no one else would see his abasement. But that didn't stop her from making comments about her tired feet in front of other teachers, either in her office or in the halls. He was worried about what other teachers knew or suspected and how much they talked.

But it was more than that. Ms. Rodriguez had become more demanding as well. He had to remove her shoes and put them back on when he was done. She would put her foot within an inch of his face, forcing him to smell it. And one of those days her feet were rather ripe. And then there were the kisses. She would change the number and location but worse than that, he would have to kiss her foot again if she felt the first kiss hadn't been truly sincere.

Those hours were the worst and he had to keep reminding himself of the payoff that awaited him. He didn't like it, but he could do it. As horrible as it was it would still be worth it in the end. And that kept him going.

He had also been careful about stealing drinks and was laying off. He felt it was safer and he could outwit Mildred, but he also was missing out on one of his vices. Maybe when he got his money he would buy a bar. Just some dive he could waltz into whenever he liked for a free drink and he could bring in money from all the other suckers in the place.

And then there was Josephine. She could tell he wasn't happy and she wanted to help. Except she wanted to talk, not fuck. She wanted to be there for him, just not with him. When she thought it might be about grades she wanted to help him study and all he wanted was for her to suck his dick. They were having problems, and while he was planning to let her go when he got his money, he still had use for her over the summer.

So Tom hadn't been in a good mood. And he knew this hell was still going to play out for days. Also he had taken a closer look at his other courses. He wasn't doing well in any of them. He knew he had blown off much of this year, and he hadn't cared; until now. He had already begun a few inquiries into cheat sheets and answers for the upcoming finals.

So things were unpleasant, but he still had a measure of control. He could make this work. Now there was one more big hurdle he had to overcome. He had to meet with Ms. Wechsbotham, better known to the students as Ms. 'Whackbottom' due to her beliefs and use of corporal punishment. In fact she would stand in for other teachers quite often when a paddling had been decided upon.

And while they didn't happen that often, in the few recent years, when a paddling took place the student had very few rights. This came about from a lot of kids fooling around and trying to come up with ways to beat the system. One kid tried wearing a pair of his father's jeans over his own. Others tried stuffing their back pockets with small notebooks.

In the end it all came back to bite them in the ass, quite literally. Now even a simple pair of jeans would offer no protection. It wasn't bare-assed, but it was close. Paddling was done in private and the sentenced could only wear underwear to cover their ass. And only one layer for those who thought they could make a difference with boxers and briefs. And even the underwear had to be acceptable. Tom never heard of a case where it wasn't, but it was a lingering threat not to try coming in with some kind of rhino hide underwear.

These thoughts crossed Tom's mind as he approached the office of Ms. Wechsbotham. He didn't know what the History teacher would require, but he had already clenched his butt cheeks several times on the way to her door. Even so, a paddling might still be better than having to rub and kiss Ms. Rodriguez's feet.

Tom knocked on the door to Ms. Wechsbotham's office. She came to the door, let him inside, and offered him a chair. There were other teachers present who seemed to be gathering their things and soon to leave. But Tom wasn't going to take that chance. He didn't want to risk any more teachers being aware of his private business, much less talking about it with others.

"Sorry Ms. Wechsbotham, but is there somewhere more private we could talk? I'd feel much more comfortable."

"Well, all the teachers have their own business to attend to and have access to anything they require. But if its privacy you need I know the Disciplinary Room is in fact empty and won't be needed by anyone else today."

Tom thought she might be trying to suppress a smile. No doubt she liked to terrify people with talk of the room. Also he couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear when she announced the room wouldn't be needed by 'anyone else'. Still, he knew the room would in fact be private and that was his immediate concern.

"Yes, thank you. That should work."

She smiled, grabbing keys from the back of her desk and led the way out of the office. He noticed her hips swaying as he followed her down the hall and he wondered if she had ever been paddled before. Was she spanked as a child and that's why she did it as an adult?

It didn't really matter. What mattered now was this red haired, middle-aged, woman was leading him to the Disciplinary Room. He had to keep reminding himself he wasn't being led there for punishment, just a private place to talk. But as her shoes clacked and echoed in the halls he felt like a prisoner being led to his cell; or worse.

Ms. Wechsbotham reached the door and located the key on her thick, jangly ring. She unlocked the door allowing them to enter and then closed it behind them. Tom thought about when he first followed Ms. Rodriguez into the teacher's lounge and how he thought she locked the door but she didn't.

"Is the door locked?"

"Yes Tom, the door is locked. Rest assured no one will get in here without my permission."

Tom found that to be comforting and ominous at the same time. Ms. Wechsbotham took a seat in the chair behind the desk at the front of the room. The Disciplinary Room was basically a very small classroom. It had a chalkboard at one end and a large teacher's desk behind that. Much of the center of the room was empty, except for a table and a couple of student desks. There were also a few simple chairs along the wall near the head of the room.

Also near the head of the room, opposite the door they entered, was the rack. This was where various paddles of wood and leather were hanging. This was in fact Ms. Wechsbotham's room and some of the implements were just decorative. On the wall above the rack was a large engraved paddle presented to her last year by the wood shop class. There was some question as to why they had done it, but it wasn't spoken of too often or too loudly.

There had been some talk around the school and even among the parents that Ms. Wechsbotham took her role as disciplinarian a bit too seriously. But no one was willing to confront her directly about it. This room was like her own little sanctuary within the school. And thus Tom was having second thoughts about agreeing to be here to talk privately with her about his grades.

He took one of the chairs from the wall and moved it close to the desk and sat down. He needed to make sure he passed her class and he had been reviewing his earlier conversation with Ms. Rodriguez. That could have gone better and he thought then as he did now, that the conversation with his Spanish teacher would be the easier one.

"Ms. Wechsbotham I'm here about my grades. I'm so thankful you brought them to my attention. I hadn't realized how far I had been slipping. I want you to know I am determined to make it up and that I'll do what it takes to pass your class."

"I'm very happy to hear that. You'll have to study very hard for the final for if memory serves you'll need a near perfect score just to squeak by with a passing grade. Otherwise I imagine I'll be seeing you again next year."

This wasn't much of a surprise but it wasn't going so well. Ms. Wechsbotham always appeared to view the world as mostly black and white. Something was what it was, end of discussion. It worked for him before as she never seemed to care what he did in class. He had to behave while in class of course, but she never tried to find out what was wrong if he failed to turn in an assignment. She wouldn't hover over him and have longs talks because she cared about what he was doing with his life.

That was fine when they didn't have to talk and he didn't want anything from her. But now that he was here to plead for his grade it made things that much more difficult. He might have to convince her that black was indeed white, and he wasn't sure how he could manage that. He only knew he had to.

"But Ms. Wechsbotham I need to pass this class. I really want to do well on the final but I can't risk it all on that. I have to be realistic. I have to pass this class and I was hoping you could offer some work for extra credit so I could prove that I'm worthy of passing this class."

"It's a little late to prove yourself. Still, if you do very well on the final exam I think you may pass."

She wasn't budging. This was crazy. How could Tom get her to see reason? Other teachers weren't so inflexible. Maybe that was it. Let her know that other teachers believed in him and maybe she would trust them if she couldn't trust him.

"Well you see I was having a similar problem in Ms. Rodriguez's class and we talked, and she came up with a way for me to earn some extra credit so I would be able to pass. I was hoping we could come up with something similar."

"Mr. Marshall I really don't care what arrangements you have made with another teacher for their class. Their class and how they run it is their business, just as how I run my class is my business. Now is there anything else you wanted to discuss with me today?"

It was falling apart. She was about to get up and walk out. He had to do something. He knew even if he got his hands on a good cheat sheet it might not be enough, and he couldn't risk his grade, his money, on one final exam.

"Please Ms. Wechsbotham. I'm begging you. I really need to pass this class. I'm very sorry I didn't work hard during the year but I'm willing to do whatever it takes now. I have to pass this class. Please, please, I'm begging you."

He gave his best puppy dog look. He looked like he was on the verge of breaking down and crying, which was far too easy to manage right now. His whole body was pleading with her.

She sat for a few moments in contemplation. These moments, which he had experienced before, were killing him. Seconds ticked by with, in a manner of speaking, his life in the balance; his eyes begging the whole time, willing her to have pity and come to his aid.

"Well I just don't know Mr. Marshall. Maybe I can come up with something. What did Ms. Rodriguez have you do for her?"


"You said Ms. Rodriguez offered you a way to earn some extra credit. What did she require you to do?"

Tom was like a deer caught in the headlights. He hadn't seen this coming. How could he tell Ms. Wechsbotham that the price Ms. Rodriguez demanded was rubbing and kissing her feet, and many times at that. He was dumbfounded.

"Mr. Marshall? Are you still with us? If this really means so much to you, then I would think you could answer a simple question."

"It wasn't much really, and it's a little complicated, she just wanted me to make up for some past work, it's nothing."

"Well if you're going to earn points with me it won't be 'nothing'. Now tell me specifically what she required of you. I can ask her myself you know."

He was trapped. She could certainly ask Ms. Rodriguez and he was quite worried she would tell her precisely what he had to do, and in great detail. He had managed to make her consider extra credit but now it was slipping away from him. As awful as it would be, he would have to tell her.

"Well she wanted me to prove to her I was sorry. So...I...I had to rub her feet."

"You had to rub her feet?"


"And what, for one lousy foot rub she promised to pass you, is that what you're telling me?"

"Well. Well it wasn't just one foot rub. It was several of them and I still have to do several more."

God it hurt to say that. Tom knew he was turning a bright shade of red. He didn't want to be there, he wanted to leave, to run away, but he knew that he couldn't. He couldn't look Ms. Wechsbotham in the eye and he prayed she would just let that go, and from it see how desperate he was so she would pass him as well.

"Hmmm. Well that's very interesting."

She sat in silence tapping her fingers together and then holding her hands to her face as if she were praying. Tom had mixed feelings as he felt she was coming to a decision that would gain him some points, but he was afraid of what it would be.

"You know Mr. Marshall I do have this new implement of discipline that I have wanted to try out. I'm not sure that the board would approve of it. But if you would help me give it a proper testing, then I think I might be able to help you with your grade. You will of course, still have to pass the final exam."

He knew it. On the one hand he had won himself a victory, but at what cost. He was rather proud that he had been able to avoid any punishments from this woman but now he was going to have to volunteer.

"Yes Ms. Wechsbotham, I'd be willing to do that. Thank you."

"What a wonderful idea. I've always thought the naughty student should thank the teacher for putting them back in line. Yes I think you'll be thanking me quite a lot, once for each stroke."

She then led Tom over to the table in the middle of the room. He was coming up to its broad side and it stretched to his left and right. She had him stand at the middle of the table and she placed a blanket or towel which had been folded over a few times, over the edge of the table in front of him. Then she instructed him to pull his jeans down to his ankles.

His hesitation was instinctual; his body knowing that to do so would invite unpleasantness. Slowly he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. Slower still were his hands in sliding the jeans down his legs. She then instructed him to bend over the table. Doing so his waist met the edge of the table and he realized the folded cloth was meant for comfort; odd given what was to follow.

She came around to the other side of the table and told him to let his arms hang over the side. The width of the table was a good match for his torso, and as that edge came close to his armpits it was easy to drape his arms over the side. Unfortunately this meant there was no way to rest his head.

Ms. Wechsbotham then squatted in front of him and was reaching under the table. Her movements allowed for something Tom hadn't expected. While her blouse was a moderate affair, given their proximity and his vantage point, he now suddenly found himself looking down her shirt at the top of her cleavage.

Now Tom had never tried to sneak peeks of her chest in the past and hadn't really thought about her body at all, but he couldn't help notice what was before his eyes. He thought about Josephine, and while she had great tits, they were not nearly as full and she could never manage a tight cleavage like this. Tom was also a young man and couldn't help but feel a stirring as he stared at the flesh before him.

In fact Tom was so taken aback and entranced by this development that Ms. Wechsbotham had just finished attaching the cuff to his second wrist before he was really aware of what was happening. He had been surprised by her chest and had watched it move to his left and then right, but he hadn't paid attention to what she was doing.

"What are you doing?"

She looked up at him, and Tom realized too late that it took a moment for him to look away from her chest and into her face. She paused with an admonishing look that indicated she had caught him looking down her shirt, but she said nothing of it.

"I'm just getting you properly prepared."

And then she looked down again and Tom felt her pulling the slack from the cuffs. Within seconds he felt his arms stretched out to his sides and down toward the floor and suddenly he had lost all mobility above his waist. Well he could still turn his head but he couldn't move his arms. And while he might be able to kick his legs off the floor, that wasn't very encouraging.

"Are you sure you're supposed to tie me up like this?"

"This is as much for your benefit as it is for mine."

As soon as he had said it he realized his accusation was rather silly given that he had just made the deal that had put him here. He also realized he was saddened as she stood up and moved behind him taking with her the view of her chest. He felt she was doing something with his jeans but he wasn't sure what.

"There. Now you just stay there while I get my behavior modifier."

He wondered if she made these kinds of jokes with other students in this room. 'Behavior modifier' indeed. He heard her heels clack along the floor as she stepped away, presumably to the rack on the wall. She seemed to take a few moments deciding what she needed. He figured this was just another one of her games to heighten the fear and suspense, and a second later he realized it was working.

As he heard her return to the table his body tensed, which just reminded him of how restrained his arms and chest were. He was also having second thoughts about this deal but there was nothing he could do now. He took a few deep breaths and tried to prepare himself for what was to come.

"Now I haven't yet decided just how many strokes you'll get but I want you to count each one so we may keep track."

Oh my God, He hadn't even thought about that. He had already concluded that a punishment of this sort would be required to save his grade but when the time came he hadn't given any thought or argument to how severe it would be. Of course he was still in the same position where he had little choice, but if she had made a ridiculous demand he could have offered a counter or if truly unacceptable he could have searched for another solution. Now it was too late. He was strapped in with no way to bargain.


The pain had taken him by surprise as much as the fact that she had made her first swing. His body was also surprised and for a moment he hadn't realized he wasn't breathing. He exhaled and took a deep breath and found himself wishing and hoping that she thought three strokes would be enough; two would be even better.


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