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Summer School Pt. 02 Ch. 10


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"Where should I put this?"

"You can just put that on the floor."

He dropped it on the floor to his side. And then noticed her foot moving in the air close to his head. Her foot almost connected with his face and for a moment he was a little off balance.

"Sure there isn't anything else about my feet? No? Well then let's move on to the other stocking."

Her foot was moving frantically for a moment and he was afraid she might kick him, accidentally or otherwise. He also feared she was going to make some more demands but the only command she gave was for him to continue removing her stockings. And so his hands soon were travelling up her other calf.

With her feet now bare she placed them side by side and flexed them back and forth. She was also sitting up now and even leaning forward some as she watched Tom. Apparently she too, found this a step beyond her previous massage.

Tom reached out for her bare foot, not wanting to, but with no other option. He just wanted to get this over and done with. But before he held her foot she stopped him.

"No, stop. Let's do things a little different. Stay there. Let me just scoot closer."

And with a little movement and a little effort on her part, Mildred came to sit on the end of the bed with one foot on the floor and her legs crossed at the knee.

This made the space rather tight between them. Her bare foot was on the floor between Tom's knees and thighs, dangerously close. Her other foot, dangling in the air, had practically no room and she had to turn her foot slightly just to keep her toes from touching him. He was going to have to slide back, at least a little, to have room to work.

"No Tom. Just stay right there. I'm sure we can make this work. Now why don't you start working on my foot. I'll let you know when it's time to switch."

So for whatever reason, she didn't want him to move, so he stayed where he was and reached for her bare foot. It wasn't the first foot, bare or otherwise, he had his hands on lately but the moment of contact was still something he couldn't ignore. Once that passed he tried to get in a groove working her foot.

Given the tight spacing he had to twist his hands and arms differently and it was rather awkward. He feared not only would he not be able to do a proper job with her foot, but that his own hands and fingers may get cramped from the positioning. A few seconds of this and she lifted her foot from his hands.

He thought she had realized the dilemma and was considering allowing him to scoot back a few inches after all. But that wasn't what she had in mind. He was a little confused at first and tried to follow what she was saying.

"No Tom, that wasn't a cue for you to stop. Your job is to rub my foot. If I move my foot, you move with it. Now let's try again."

She brought her foot back and once again he held it in his hands. He began rubbing and kneading her sole and after a few more seconds she moved her foot again. This time he kept hold of it and followed. She had raised it some and wiggled her toes as she watched him.

"That's better. I think I've created a new game. This will help you to be able to massage feet in all sorts of positions."

She laughed at her proclamation and then continued to move her foot every few seconds to a new and different position. Tom didn't think it was a very fun game, but he knew it was meant for her enjoyment and not his. He simply had to play along.

She changed the way she crossed her legs, letting her top leg lay in a horizontal position. This brought her foot higher and for the most part made it easier to work, although it was off to his left. Still it wasn't an easy and natural position.

Then she brought her foot up and rested it on his shoulder. So now her left foot was crossed over onto his left shoulder and he could barely keep his hands on her as she moved it there. She told him to let go with the hand by his ear and reach around.

This still wasn't an effective way to rub her foot and she had to know that. What it did do was put her bare foot exceedingly close to his head. He was sure her foot was just millimeters from his ear. She let it sit there a little longer enjoying his struggles.

Then she pulled her foot back and across and her sole nearly brushed his nose. It would have if he hadn't pulled his neck back. She then rested it on his right shoulder. This was perhaps more 'normal' from her perspective but it still didn't allow him proper access to massage her foot.

But while he was wondering how long she planned to play this game he noticed a different shifting in her foot; her other foot. Somehow it had found its way to rest on his thigh. Tom was wearing shorts and her bare heel was actually touching his bare leg close to his knee.

While she wiggled the foot he was working on he became more and more focused on the foot on his thigh. It was so close, he couldn't help but think back again to his footjob that morning. Did she know about that? Just how informed was she?

Or was this just form of footplay he had never been aware of until this morning? Was it possible that Mildred wanted to give him the same sort of treatment? Was there even a chance? His dick seemed to think there was because it was already growing inside his shorts.

She moved her foot again and Tom almost lost his grip as his thoughts were focused elsewhere. He continued his attempt to rub her foot, now wondering if she would notice his erection. A part of him wanted her to do so much more than notice it, but he still wasn't completely sure she wouldn't be offended and upset with him for his cock's behavior. A moment later he had his answer.

"Oh Tom! Seems like someone is very happy to be near my feet."

Her foot had slid into his crotch and after making a quick pass over his hard-on it had come to rest on top; her heel close to his balls as her sole pressed along his shaft and her toes played near his covered tip. Her foot pressed down as if mashing a brake pedal and Tom let out a moan involuntarily.

He held her other foot loosely as it moved through the air and she made a point to brush her toes across his chest, searching for his nipples. Then her foot landed squarely in the middle of his chest.

"Okay Tom, why don't you lean back a little for me. You can let go of my foot and put your hands on the floor to support yourself."

Tom slowly let go of her foot. He now wanted to grab her other foot and rub it against his straining dick. But he was afraid such a move would blow his chances at being able to blow his load. Plus, as she began to press against his chest with her foot, he really did need to put his hands on the floor behind him to keep from toppling over.

She pushed him a little farther and then stopped. There was a smile behind her eyes and she looked to be contemplating something. Meanwhile Tom was now in something of a triangle formation; his knees tucked under him, leaning back to form a slope, and his arms coming straight down from his shoulder to act as support pillars. He thought he must look like some kind of performing art dancer.

But he was aware of more than just his irregular body position. He was still very aware of Mildred's foot pressing down on his cock. But now he was also becoming more aware of her foot on his chest. His heart was now starting to pound and he wondered if she could feel it on her foot the way he could feel her foot on his heart.

"Well Tom, things just get more and more interesting don't they?"

She then slowly let her foot drag down from his chest towards his waist. He couldn't believe this was happening. He had never had a footjob before this morning, never even thought about it, but now he was going to have two in one day!

But that isn't exactly what happened. He had hoped her foot was going to magically undo his shorts and the two feet would then begin an orchestrated play of his cock until he had another mind-blowing orgasm right there. But her foot took a different tack.

As her toes reached his beltline, they didn't work themselves into his shorts, but rather under his shirt. And then her foot slid back up to rest in the middle of his chest. Her toes tickled his belly for a moment and he thought it the pretext to his second footjob, but when her bare toes and sole slid up his bare chest, held close by the fabric of his stretched shirt he experienced another new sensation. It was as unexpected as the intense pleasure that came along with it.

He didn't know why, but the soft sole of her foot sliding up his bare chest was like the soft sole of Felicia's foot as it had moved across his dick. Now Mildred's foot was once again at his heart and it was beating furiously. What was it with these women? Did all women know how to do such things?

He found he was breathing hard and moaning, and he had begun a rocking in his hips trying to hump the foot that was pressing down in his crotch. In a matter of seconds the foot massage was all but forgotten and now he was experiencing new pleasures and hoping for another explosive release.

"Ooo someone's getting rather excited. Are my feet doing that to you?"

He looked at her and saw the smile on her face. She looked so calm and at ease while at the same time his own body was trembling. He couldn't bring himself to answer her; he couldn't form words. He just looked at her pleadingly and then tilted his head back and closed his eyes, praying she would have mercy.

He felt her foot slowly move across his chest. Her toes pinched at his nipple. He wasn't really sure why she did that and he didn't notice any particular sensation regarding his nipple; but he was quite aware of her foot gliding across his chest as she searched it out.

"I think someone wants something. Did you want to ask me for something Tom?"

He still couldn't speak. He knew she was teasing him and she had to know what he wanted, even if right now he wasn't sure just how she would manage it. What he needed was a release. He needed to cum!

Her foot moved again and now it slid even higher up his body. It found the neck of his shirt and her expert toes dove underneath the edge and slipped through. Soon he felt the ball of her foot resting at the base of his throat and then her toes scrunched and caressed along his Adam's apple.

"What's the matter Tom? Sore throat?"

Oh god, more foot sensations. The soft sole and toes that played across his chest were now at his neck. Meanwhile her foot down below had begun to pump the pedal that was his dick, trapped within his shorts, straining to rip the very fabric and burst free.

He felt her bare heel drag along his upper chest as her leg fought to push itself under and up his shirt. Now her toes were grasping at his chin, like a climber looking to pull herself over that last edge to the summit.

"Cat got your tongue? I hope not for your sake. This might all come to a stop."

Now she was sounding more like Felicia; Ms. Rodriguez. She knew he was close to an orgasm and she was in control. She hadn't done it in quite the same way, but he now knew, even if he might be able to manage an orgasm on his own, it would be a shadow of what she could provide him.

But now Mildred, like Felicia, appeared to be negotiating the cost. He told himself he wasn't going to kiss or lick her feet. He told himself it would just be hands. But that was before Mildred had dropped her foot in his crotch. And she had done so much more than that.

He knew he would regret touching Mildred's feet with his tongue. He didn't want to do that for her, he didn't want to be used. But at the same time he was already comparing the cost to the potential reward. Besides, while she may be able to claim down the road that he licked her feet, he could also claim that she had given him a footjob. Surely that was about equal.

As he was coming to his decision he felt her toes creeping up past his chin and onto his lower lip. Her toes were now pulling at it and it would only be a matter of seconds before her toes passed his lips and moved into his mouth.

He made his decision. He dropped his head to look at her and at the same time allowed her toes to slide into his mouth and onto his tongue. He locked eyes with her as he began to suck on her toes. Her own eyes lit up and she seemed pleased he had made the right choice.

For precious seconds they just looked at each other while Tom sucked on her toes. He moved his tongue under, over, and around them. He pushed his tongue between them and drug it back out. He would pay the price. He would suck her toes and she would let him have the second foot-powered cum of the day, and of his life.

"That's a good boy. I'm quite impressed Tom. But if you want something from me you're going to have to say it out loud. What do you need from me Tom?"

"Imm meaghd thoo combmph"

She hadn't removed her foot from his mouth. In fact as he tried to speak she had simply pushed her foot farther inside. He realized this was just part of her game. He had to play along if he wanted his reward.

"What was that Tom? I couldn't understand you."

"Ahm neef tho cmmm."

"Sorry Tom? One more time; with feeling."


She had pulled her foot back and Tom was practically shouting, unprepared for the sudden relief in his mouth. She looked at him as though shocked he had been so loud, but again it was her doing really. All part of her game which he had to play. Now maybe she was ready to do her part.

"Well that's a rather unusual request for your housekeeper. Still I suppose you might be allowed to cum. Let's see how deep you can take my foot. And really show me what your tongue can do. Your 'cum' depends upon it."

She had laid it out. In the end Felicia had required him to beg. He was forced to voice his need to Mildred but he was glad she hadn't required any real begging. For her it seemed to be a test of performance. He was prepared to work his tongue like crazy to get to the final stretch.

She wasn't kidding either. He soon found her foot pushing deeper and deeper into his mouth reaching places it hadn't touched before. She appeared to be after his tonsils and suddenly her foot wasn't as sexy as a moment before.

Still he worked his tongue like mad, dashing it under her sole and under her toes, wrapping it this way and that, trying it get in a decent suck here and there. All the while he was humping furiously against her foot.

"Yes that's it Tom. Take it. Take my foot!"

Now she was matching his rhythm. As he humped her foot, her foot moved back and forth in his mouth. As he realized she was fucking his mouth with her foot he lost some of his edge, but he was still so close, so very close.

"Take it Tom! Take it!"

She must have extended her leg somehow, for with a mouthful of her foot, he felt her heel on his chin and his body being pushed back even further. His arms threatened to buckle and he felt her toenails scraping the roof of his mouth. She held him there for the span of a couple seconds, perhaps less, and then she relinquished and pulled her foot out of his mouth and back.

And as her foot came free of his mouth her other foot ceased its pumping and dropped lower, still pressing hard against his member.

"Whew. Good boy Tom. I think you've earned that cum."

She said it but she had all but stopped. He waited for her to pick up the pace again. Or maybe she was going to open his shorts and let him out. He had already been so close it would have been easy to push him over the edge. Maybe she didn't know as much about what she was doing as he thought.

Seconds passed like molasses. Her foot remained in his crotch, pinning him quite effectively, but there was no skin to skin contact going on. No stroking or caressing, even with feet. She was just sitting there quite pleased and relaxed as he waited, desperate to have his cum.

"I can see supervising your homework is going to be rather exciting. I can't wait to see what this first week will bring."

What was she doing? He earned his cum. He needed his cum. Damnit, he wanted to cum! He wanted to cum now!

He figured he was still pretty close and it wouldn't take too much work. So he decided to just take matters into his own hands. He sat up and reached for her foot. A few hard rubs and he would be back in business. A couple more and he would have his orgasm.

But as he reached for her foot he felt something different. Her heel suddenly came down on his balls. That surely didn't help. And she wasn't quick to move her foot afterwards. He was losing.

"What do you think you're doing! Get your hands off my foot!"

It was confusing. She had wanted his hands on her feet. In fact she had ordered it. She was the one who found his erection and began to play with it. She offered him a chance at an orgasm. Why was she now so indignant?

"But you said I could cum!"

He was whining. He heard it in his voice. He sounded like a bratty kid and he wished he could take it back. But why had she stopped? When Mildred spoke her mind she meant what she said. What was going on?

"Yes I did. But you could lose that in an instant for bad behavior. Now if you shape up right now I'll still let you have your precious cum. Once I leave you can masturbate to your heart's content. But one more false move, one twitch, and you can't have that. Now promise me you will behave."

What was she talking about! He would be allowed to masturbate? Like she had any say in that anyway! She was supposed to use her feet to let him cum. Felicia had done it. She had started it and he agreed to use his tongue on her feet for it. He even agreed to her pushing her foot deeper into his mouth so that he could have his footjob completed. Why now was she taking that all away?

" were supposed to...I used my tongue. I did what you asked. Why won't you...why...why won't you use your feet to make me cum!"

"Well Tom that does sound like quite a treat, and maybe I will someday. But I made no such promise to you. I simply told you I would allow you to cum if you showed me what you could do. You've done it, and now you have my permission to come; just not until after I have left the room."


He wanted to fight. He wanted to get his just reward. But it was already lost. His dick knew it, and now he knew it too. He wanted to cry. But he surely wasn't going to do that. Not here, not now; not in front of Mildred.

"So Tom, tell me you'll be a good boy and I'll be on my way and leave you with some privacy."

He was defeated. She wasn't going to give him a footjob; at least nothing more than the protracted tease she had already put him through. Now he just needed to be alone. And for that to happen without a protracted argument, he needed to do one more thing.

"I'll be a good boy."

"That's what I like to hear. Now let me get my shoes and stockings and I'll see myself out."

Tom shuffled backwards allowing Mildred some room. He also handed her the stockings which were balled up on the floor nearby as she retrieved her shoes. In a very short time she had shoes and stockings in hand, and with feet still bare, she walked out of his room. As she retreated down the hall he heard her call back to him.

"Just don't take too long Tom. I'm sure you still need to do some more reading. And I'm sure you'll have a busy day tomorrow."

Tom just sat there on the floor. He slowly unzipped his shorts and took stock of his situation. He found he had a large wet spot on his underwear and it felt a little slick. However closer examination showed no signs of milky cum. His pants were wet with precum but he hadn't achieved a real orgasm.

Maybe that wasn't all Mildred's fault. Maybe he just had nothing left after this morning. Either way a quick tug or two and he decided he had lost the moment. No real point in trying to have a good wank now. So instead he tossed the underwear and shorts into the laundry hamper and changed into fresh ones.

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