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Summer to Remember


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I had found my answer, and so much more.

"Leslie, I need to tell you something. That first night, when you came into the restaurant. I knew then. From the moment I saw you, I knew." Tony pulled me close to him as we cuddled in the new clean sheets we had put on the bed when we got out of the shower.

"I love you, too." It felt so good to say it. "Now go to sleep. Amber told me I'd feel better if I fucked your brains out in the morning. I'm not sure I believe it's possible to feel any better than I do now, but I'll need some rest if we're going to find out."

Amber was right, twice. The smile she gave me when I found her in the kitchen the next morning told me she knew it, too.

"Tony, are you staying for lunch?" My aunt Judy called out to us as we tried to say goodbye in the driveway next to her house.

"Yes, ma'am." I answered for him, grabbing his hand and dragging him inside. It was Monday. Neither of us had to work, so what else did he have to do than spend the day with his girlfriend?

Somehow, my life got busier. Mostly because spending time with Tony was now a priority. Before, it had just been something nice to do. I spent the night at his apartment, and Judy let him spend the night with me at her house. Convinced she knew what was going on, I just did my best to be as quiet as I could.

I called Betsy to see if I could crash on her couch while I looked for an apartment. The cheap efficiencies I usually rented were sometimes in high demand, but it usually didn't take long to find one. I just needed to find one with enormous closets.

"Depends." She had this sort of thing in her voice that told me she was messing with me. "How serious is this girl thing?"

"Pretty serious. I already have a therapist and she enrolled me in a couple of group counseling things the school offers for trans students. This is me, now Bets. I even have a boyfriend."

"That." She giggled. "Is a good thing because Sue got engaged and is moving in with Mark. That means I have space for a roommate."

"What about your dad? He made how he felt about me moving in pretty clear when we asked them a couple of years ago. So, why is it a good thing? I'm still me with all the same parts. What changed?"

"First, a couple of years ago, my dad thought you and I were, um, more than just friends. Second, I showed my dad your pictures. I told him you were transitioning. I know I was a little premature, but he agreed. We're both seniors this year, after all. So, you want to be my roomie?"

The closets in Betsy's condo were massive. Not only did I have a place to stay, but I also had room for almost all my clothes.

Tony helped me get organized and went with me to get the boxes I needed to pack all the stuff I was taking with me. Leslie had a lot more stuff than Les ever did. Most of it was clothes.

"What are we going to do?" I nestled in his arms, resting my head on his chest. "I don't want to be without you."

"You worry too much. I just found you. Do you really think I'm just going to let you go?"


"No buts." Tony kissed me hard. I'll only be an hour away. We can make this work.

There were no words. He believed it; I was sure. My heart was full of doubts. I just nodded and smiled.

It was harder to leave Judy's house this year than it had been in the past. I'd miss Judy like I always did, but this time, there was Steve, and Amber and Rick, not to mention Angelo and the other servers at the restaurant. At least Tony was going to help me move.

Steve put his arms around Judy as I pulled out of the driveway. I thought there was something more than just neighbors between them. Maybe they'll admit it one day. Tony pulled in behind me, and we were off.

Betsy's parents were there when we got to the condo. With their help, it didn't take the five of us long to have all my stuff upstairs and get the boxes in the trash. Somewhere along the way, Tony and Mr. Simmons got to talking. I don't know who said what, and it didn't matter. While I was organizing my shoes, Tony came into the closet and started hanging clothes in the open space and putting jeans and T-shirts on the open shelves. They were all his.

"What are you doing?"

"It's OK. I talked to Ben and Sarah. They said not to make too much of a habit of it. Betsy may have done a little begging. I think she gets her way a lot." He smiled and let out a soft chuckle. "I just kept my mouth shut. They talked and agreed it would be ok." I loved his smile so much. "You don't mind, do you? I can take it all back down to my car."

"So, conjugal visits with your girlfriend. Hmmm." I smiled at him. "I can live with that, if I have to." Laughing, I climbed into his arms, giving him a huge kiss. I certainly wasn't going to say anything to Betsy's parents. I'd have to call Judy, but I was betting she wouldn't object either.

It was probably a good thing, anyway. I had a lot to figure out, a ton of questions to answer. Not having Tony with me every day would help me focus on those things. Then, when I graduated, he and I could figure out what came next.

We all climbed into Mr. Simmons' Yukon, me Betsy and Tony in the back seat to go out to dinner. Mr. Simmons' treat.

"Just put those anywhere. I brought them for Betsy and forgot to take them up to the condo." Mrs. Simmons glanced back and motioned to a small pile of catalogs in the back seat. I picked them up and slid into the middle as Tony climbed in behind me.

Just as I was about to toss them into the back of the truck, I saw the cover of the one on top, a pretty redhead in knee boots and a sweater dress. It was me! I got the cover! Dammit, Steve probably knew and didn't tell me. That was OK. I think I liked finding out this way better.

I let out a small scream and showed it to Betsy and Tony. Betsy grabbed it from me. We spent the entire trip to the restaurant looking for pictures of me and commenting on how good I looked in this outfit and how cute I was in that one. Tony just laughed.

We got to the restaurant and Betsy handed the catalog to her mom, who showed it to her dad.

He looked at the cover, then at Tony, then at me, shaking his head and laughing. "One hell of a summer, wasn't it?"

"Yes sir, definitely one I'll never forget."

My modeling was the conversation over dinner, how I got started, how much work it had been, and, of course, what it had led to. Betsy's parents dropped us off at the condo and, after we all said goodbye, headed home.

I grabbed Tony's hand and looked at Betsy. She pretended to lock her lips with a key, winked at me, and just left Tony and me standing there. Smiling at him, I led him to my new room and ravaged him for all I was worth. When I was done, he took his turn with me.

The next morning, as I relished the feeling of waking up in Tony's arms, I let the summer run through my head, revisiting all of it. Propping myself up on my elbow, I smiled down at him and let it all sink in. Betsy's dad had been right. It had been one hell of a summer. From the way Tony looked at me when he awoke and opened his eyes, I knew the best part was it had just been the beginning.


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AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

Another great love story, I am really enjoying catching up with your work. I have read quite a few now and I am totally hooked on the romance. Please keep writing them. As an older transgender person (a lady of a certain age) I find the love and warmth between your characters beguiling and even more exciting than the sex. Or maybe I'm just turning into my mom...

MaryFrancis36MaryFrancis36about 2 months ago

Another fantastic story Shelby Dawn. Loved every word - every line!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

One amazing story once I started reading I couldn't stop I had to finish it before I went to bed it definitely deserves a 10 star rating

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

This story showed Leslie’s journey in such an open and honest way that was incredibly beautiful at times and utterly soul crushing at times as well. That is the way it is with being transgender and more so when transitioning because you are putting yourself out there without having the knowledge and skills to pass if you want/need to. The joy at finally being your true self is incredible and yet some piece of trash asshole can come along and try to kill you just for existing. There are also the fetish freaks who don’t see you as a person but as an object that they get to play with, abuse, hurt and walk away since you aren’t human anyway. If everyone would spend a week trying to understand and survive Gender Dysphoria I think so much of abuse and hatred would disappear since they would understand that you either transition or end it all since you can realistically only live with it so long before it truly sucks the life and joy out of you. Thank you for this spectacular piece of work that gets five stars and should get more for its honesty and realism. Thank you for making an incredible story and posting it, it is deeply appreciated. Be well and stay safe.


SmoothandLovelySmoothandLovely3 months ago

A wonderful story like so many of your others. You have a knack for drawing a person into the situation with the characters and touching emotional nerves. I really enjoy your work.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A wonderful story that covered so much territory yet it was so well thought out and written that it flowed beautifully and honestly both in actions and conversations. Transitioning can be such lovely thing one moment and complete hell the next. You can be having a great night with some friends and 10 minutes later you have three guys beating the hell out of you just for existing and the saddest part is, they don’t know you, never met you but thought this is the best thing they could do aside from raping you after or during the beating. Even when you survive it physically, mentally you wonder why you survived and should you just end it all.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I appreciated the sensitivity of this well written story of self-recognition and love in transition. 5S.

FeliciaAzFeliciaAz5 months ago

I really love your stories, but the drugs part after the BDSM shoot really affected me. Amazing story telling, don't get me wrong, but I think if I had known that there were themes of drink spiking and drugs then I would have avoided this story for my own wellbeing as I struggle with those themes a lot.

LaceyboiLaceyboi5 months ago

This is my 3rd story in a row tonight since having the pleasure of finding the incredible writer you truly are !

As much as I genuinely struggle with the challenging sexual scene's, it somehow validates,and cements the genuine love and romance created in an amazing journey. A privilege to read, you're a genius ♡

PRTNDRPRTNDR6 months ago

A wonderful love story, beautifully written and very hot!

Christy76Christy766 months ago

What a great story. I loved putting myself in Leslie’s position. Thank you😍

LatinaprincesssLatinaprincesss6 months ago

This one is definitely very relatable and had me reliving my youth. Talk about triggering memories. It's as if you wrote my story with only minor differences... Thank you for all your well written stories. <tear>.

aglex59aglex596 months ago

Beautiful story, i loved it and i appreciate the happy ending. Thanks for your work and time.

xDarkAngel0xDarkAngel06 months ago

I love your stories, but I have to confess when the bondage shoot part part began i had a serious anxiety attack. I noticed that the usual promise of a happy ending was missing, and i know you like to try new things. I considered stopping reading at that point, but not knowing how it would end was equally distressing. I think sometimes I become too involved in the characters, and "watching" the car crash that followed was so difficult. I think we all regret certain events from our youth and remembering that Leslie is 21 had me pleading with you that all would be well. The rollercoaster was inverted, in free fall and so wanted to "get off", but i was spell bound. Your writing is amazing and i felt like an observer, i wanted to scream, to warn Leslie, lead her to safety, but was helpless. The ride bounced around for another page or so and then recovered. You have no idea the relief I felt by the time i reached the end. I had to read it a second time to truly appreciate it. Luv Chloe x.

Chr0nicBi0hazardChr0nicBi0hazard6 months ago

I lost count of how many times I cried reading this.


I was worried about Leslie after the BDSM shoot, too invested in your character I suppose. I like how you handled that part of the story. It was hard to read, because I wanted her to have her first time with Tony. But a good story has some conflict, some resolution, a love story, and some self discovery.

Keep writing, and I'll keep reading them.

JonAPlayerJonAPlayer6 months ago

New heights is all I can think of. Wonderful!

chazmj1schazmj1s6 months ago

OMG. I love this story. So much love and support, and Tony; I love that he stayed supportive after what happened at the party.

I can always count on you for that happy ending, too. I'm either smiling or crying when I finish one of your stories, or both.

I swear, you are the Transgender Hallmark channel for Literiotica. :)

Please never stop.

SexySenior56SexySenior567 months ago

I think this may be your best work to date. Loved the characters, loved the twists, loved the humor, and of course the happy ending. Good job!

4Leather4Leather7 months ago

Loved it. Just making a small mistake in live you really find out who really loves you for who you are.

Kathryn65Kathryn657 months ago

I’d read this once before didn’t rate it or even commented on it, I’m sorry, it’s such a beautiful read and so soulful in just the right places. Yes indeed your characters are believable and that so much makes reading this story so enjoyable. Thank you kindly for sharing your craft with us all. xxx

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

What i like about your stories is the reality. It gives life to your charitars.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Wonderful story, I just love being a Crossdresser. Thank you for another great adventure.💕🇦🇺

AeneaTAeneaT7 months ago

What a beautiful, tender, loving story. Thanks for remaining true to the characters you created, and not getting dark to make it more sexy. I empathize and longed for this type of life!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Shelby you are hereby validated. Loved every paragraph

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