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Taboo! Lesbian Teen's Mom-Lust


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Well, the two chicks wanted to fuck each other now, and the circumstance that had made doing so rude 24 hours earlier had changed. Susan sensed that Joyce was indeed awake and expecting to hear the sounds of sexual excitement coming from her lesbian lover, her daughter, and her daughter's lesbian lover – two of these parties being Susan, one in the same. She decided to take the direct approach.

"Joyce?" she said, loudly enough for the woman to hear if she was awake, but not so loudly as to wake her if she was not.

"Yes, Susan?" came the unsurprising response.

"I'm going to fuck your daughter now, because we were both extremely aroused by your and my experience yesterday, and need to get off." Susan said this matter-of-factly, clearly enunciating each word.

There was silence from the other side of the hut, but after about 20 seconds a response came: "That's alright, Susan, I understand. Have fun. Have fun, sweetie." This last was for Kara, who was already squirming with embarrassment, and whose face now turned beet red. Susan found this completely charming, and oddly enough, completely understandable.

Odd because - for goodness sake! - Kara had sat naked on the bed and watched Susan fuck the living brains out of her mother less that 24 hours ago. And the girl wanted to have sex with her own mother herself! But notwithstanding all that, certain adolescent behavior patterns would not be denied – such as embarrassment at being caught by your mother while having sex, or about to have sex.

There was one more loose end that proper "being the lover of both mother and daughter" etiquette demanded. "Joyce?"

"Yes, Susan?"

"You're welcome to watch if you want. You're also welcome to not watch. Whatever makes you happy, dear."

"Thank you, Susan," the disembodied voice came back from the woman lying out of sight on her couch-bed. "I'll think about it. I might like that, but I'm not sure. But you two – go at it, darlings. I want you to. I want you to give each other pleasure."

"Thank you, Joyce. That's very gracious. Thank your mother, Kara." Susan knew she was piling it on the girl with that last – she found the teen's embarrassment over these exchanges just too exquisitely delicious.

"Erk! Um – thank you mom," Kara squeaked in an embarrassed little girl voice.

That did it - Susan could contain herself no more, and burst out laughing. As did Joyce, whose indecision about watching was broken by the humor of Susan prodding her daughter in this way. At first she could not decide whether it would be more uncomfortable to watch or to listen. With the tension-breaking laughter thoughts of discomfort vanished, and suddenly she wanted to watch.

Joyce came to the large bed, and climbed aboard.

"Fuck her good, Susan. Kara's a horny chick who likes to fuck," Joyce said, fully entering the spirit of the thing.

"I know she is, Joyce. There seems to be a lot of that going around on this island. Your mother says I'm supposed to fuck you good, Kara."

The girl was not in sight – she had burrowed under the sheet and was curled against Susan's body in embarrassment. Susan and Joyce burst into laughter once more.

Then Susan relented. "Come out, Kara – we'll stop teasing you. You are incredibly lucky to have a mother who loves you so much for just exactly who you are – a . . ." She bit off the lewd phrase that would have broken her promise to stop embarrassing the girl. "A lovely girl who has strong physical – sexual – needs. Come out, Kara – I want to fill those needs."

Susan drew Kara up to her level on the bed, and seriously quit fooling around by seriously starting to fool around, in the form of a deep, penetrating kiss. Not the soft sensuous kind that she had used with Joyce the day before, but a hard driving, tongue-penetrating ravisher. She did so in part get the ball rolling irrevocably down the field, and in part because Kara liked to be ravished, and dominated in bed.

So Susan ravished and dominated. She rolled the girl onto her back and climbed on top, pinning Kara's wrists over her head and continuing the deep, penetrating mouth kisses. She interrupted these by aggressively kissing Kara's neck, chest and nipples in a forthrightly sexual manner, rather than a softly sensual one. Then her mouth returned to the girl's for more of those "won't take no for an answer" kisses.

Not that there was any risk of that – a "no" that is. Kara responded to the almost rough treatment very positively, as Susan knew she would. The girl groaned, and thrust her pelvis upwards into the woman who was dominating her. When Susan's lips dropped again to the girl's tiny breasts and nipples these too were insistently thrust forward.

Kara's had completely forgotten her embarrassment. Joyce was absolutely fascinated to watch how in a breathtakingly short amount of time her daughter had been converted from a childish, red-faced teen reacting to being "busted" by mom for preparing to have sex with another, into a wanton, writhing vixen.

Joyce was not only fascinated, she found the spectacle incredibly erotic, and was aroused by it more than she would have imagined. To gain perspective on Kara's sexual responsiveness she tried to imagine what it would have been like for herself at the same age to be taken in hand by someone with the same powerful sexuality – and skill – as Susan.

Put that way, it all clicked into place – Joyce's preferred sexual style was different from the "sub" role that her daughter clearly liked to play, but that was just a detail. She knew that Susan would have just as effortlessly found her own 18-year-old buttons back then, and pressed them just as effectively. Her appreciation for this amazing woman's accomplished sexuality rose to new heights. How different her life would have been!

Of course Susan had been 10-years-old at the time, she reminded herself – it was hardly like this was some missed opportunity. But in a broader sense, that's just what it was.

These thoughts were swept away as she watched Susan press her attack to a new level. The woman kissed her way across Kara's belly, her destination clear. Kara spread her legs wide in invitation.

Joyce looked more closely at her daughter's tender young sex, which was dripping with arousal and aching with need. She knew it was wrong to be so titillated by the sight, and was ashamed, but she couldn't help it, and couldn't deny it.

Kara's vulva was tiny like the rest of her, but fully developed rather than childlike. Joyce did not know whether to be ashamed or not at the fact that she found her daughter's tender pink sex to be wondrously beautiful, with its thin fuzz of almost translucent blonde pubic hair at the top.

Watching Susan get near to her destination Joyce had the queer sensation of being the cheerleading squad for her daughter's team: "Go Susan, satisfy Kara! Yay Kara!" She recognized that in a way she was cheering for herself, and for the sexual life that had been curtailed by her own life circumstances.

Susan arrived at her destination. But then, she swung her body around and mounted Kara in the classic lesbian 69 position. The girl did not miss a beat – she reached her arms around to Susan's rear end, and with youthful strength pulled the woman's sex down onto her mouth and began to lick. As did Susan at her end.

For several minutes the room was filled with the obscene wet sounds of mutual sucking and licking. Joyce was aroused and couldn't help it – like her daughter in a similar circumstance the day before, one hand dropped to her sex and she stroked her own clit.

Susan and Kara did not mess around – they were both going for the gold. Each added fingers and plunging vaginal penetration to their lingual loving. They were almost hyperventilating in excitement, and gasped when the other made some contact that was just right.

At this rate it wouldn't take long. Kara went over the edge first – Joyce leaned closer to watch exactly what Susan did. She felt that same cheerleading impulse, mixed with shame at finding her daughter's arousal so - arousing. "Go Susan: Make! Kara! Cum!" she thought, embracing the absurd notion. And finally: "Touchdown – Yay!"

In other words, Kara came. Joyce almost had an orgasm herself watching the spasms rock the tiny, darling girl's body. She knew it was so wrong to be so excited by the sight, but then, the dam of propriety broke: "To hell with right or wrong! I want Kara to have the pleasure that I never did! Cum, daughter, cum!"

All of this was unspoken, of course. And in any event Kara didn't need a cheerleading squad – she had Susan's mouth.

The girl's ability to tongue her lesbian lover's slit fell off temporarily while she experienced climax. Then, Joyce noted that Kara recovered very quickly, and soon her fingers, lips and tongue were busy again on Susan's sex. Kara's labors did not take long to pay off; Susan had held back her release so as to make Kara cum first, because she knew that her own orgasms rendered her hors de combat for at least a couple minutes.

She held back a little longer after Kara resumed licking and fingering, to get up a good head of steam to propel her off the cliff. Then - Susan let go. She was falling, falling, and heard herself shout, "YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!" The affirmatives were an accompaniment to the spasms of orgasmic pleasure that swept through her. She pounded her sex almost cruelly into poor Kara's face in time with each word and spasm.

Except it wasn't "poor Kara" – Susan knew the girl loved this kind of rough handing from her climaxing lover. Joyce sensed this and thought with wonder, "She demonstrates virtuosity in even the way she experiences orgasm."

And then, Susan did swoon, rolling off her teen lover just before she did so, so that she could savor her own discombobulation without concern about trapping "poor Kara."

Joyce was dumbstruck. "Did I just see what I thought I saw: My sweet little daughter drive this incredible woman to a state of blithering post-orgasmic collapse with her lil' old fingers and tongue," she thought? Or little young fingers and tongue, that is.

Joyce did not know that this swoon was Susan's usual response to orgasm. Naturally enough she saw it in the context of her own collapse the day before. Therefore she was highly impressed with her daughter's amazing efficaciousness.

Not that Kara didn't deserve admiration for her lesbian pussy licking skill – never mind the oddness of it coming from her own mother – because notwithstanding the girl's youth and relative inexperience, she was a quick study in this department. More importantly, she had that empathic sense that separates wannabes from sexual virtuosos.

Kara sat up, and saw the look of amazement on her mother's face. She was embarrassed again – her face was covered with and fragrant of Susan's moist arousal. At first she misread Joyce's expression as one of disapproval.

Sensing this, and not wanting to cause any unwarranted discomfort, Joyce quickly shifted gears. She changed her expression to one of frank admiration, and gave Kara a theatrical, raised-eyebrows "Damn – you're good" nod. Kara's embarrassment did not diminish but the incipient shame disappeared, and she smiled.

Susan was returning to earth, and Joyce spoke: "That was the most amazing, beautiful thing I've ever seen. Thank you, Susan, for giving my daughter something I never had."

Susan sat up still groggy, but forcing herself back into full awareness in response to Joyce's heartwarming words. She felt strong emotions well up in response. Joyce was not finished. "You have given Kara the gift of . . ." she paused, seeking the right words. "Lust satisfied. Yes, that's it. It may sound silly, but as one who has lived with lust unsatisfied, believe me, it's not."

Susan was fully back in the world now, and she choked up at Joyce's words. She looked at Kara, and saw that the girl had a tear trailing down her cheek. Susan leaned over and gave Kara a hug, then kissed the tear away with her lips. She said nothing – no response was called for, or possible.

Chapter 11 – The most forbidden fruit

Susan cleared her throat, and shifted her gaze from Kara to Joyce, then Joyce to Kara, and back again several times. On one side of the bed, the mature mother, voluptuous body still firm and desirable, lovely face surprisingly unworn by a life struggle that would have broken a lesser woman.

On the other side, the petite, sprightly teenager, body fully taut with the natural tone of youth, a face that exhibited not just that ineffable "cuteness" of girls not far from childhood, but also the deeper beauty of one wise beyond her years.

Both were naked, and fully aroused, in a room redolent of the aroma of stimulated-and-satisfied female lust, on a bed that had just been the venue for Susan licking the daughter to orgasm, and herself being licked to orgasm by said daughter – while the beautiful mother watched. It was weird - but strangely wonderful, too. She weighed her next words carefully.

"Joyce, you know that Kara wants to have sex with you," she said. Kara gasped, learning for the first time that her secret had been revealed.

"Yes, Susan," Joyce answered.

Susan continued. "Joyce – um, I was kind of preoccupied, but I know you were turned on watching me lick Kara's cunt." Susan deliberately used the hard Anglo-Saxon word. "I know you were, because I saw you peering closely, and then – stroking your own clit. You were turned on watching me make love to your daughter, weren't you Joyce?"

"Um, er . . ." Joyce was acutely uncomfortable at this: "Those questions again – always with those questions, this one!" she thought. But she could not lie to this woman, or to her daughter. Not to mention the fact that the words Susan spoke were perfectly true.

"Yes, Susan. It was incredibly erotic."

Susan turned to the daughter. "Kara – do you still think you want to have sex with your mother? To kiss her, and suck her tits, and suck her cunt, and have her suck your cunt too, and make each other cum?" Susan unloaded both barrels at the girl, laying out in explicit, gory, uncompromising detail exactly what her own "I think I'm in love with my mother" meant.

If Kara had turned beet red at Susan and Joyce's embarrassing byplay earlier, she was the color of a fire engine now. While Susan was slightly distracted by the lovely sight, she spoke in a no-nonsense tone.

Kara considered carefully, determined to be honest whatever the cost, with herself, with her mother, and with Susan. She looked deep inside – and the answer had not changed. It came out in voice so soft as to almost be a whisper: "Yes, Susan." Kara looked at her mother: "Yes, Mother."

Susan's voice assumed a new tone – one of power, and majesty. And at least at that time and place the potential effect of her message was as real as if the words themselves were literally true:

"Incest is forbidden in this world. But I am the goddess of this island, and I have great powers upon it. One of these is to waive for a time the taboos that are unbreakable in other places and times. If I choose to exercise that power, then on this island, for this day alone, the taboo of incest may be repealed.

"But beware! After this day the taboo will be returned, in full force, as if it had never been lifted! And it shall not be broken again in your lives, ever! Do you understand, Kara?" The teen was impressed – at that moment she almost literally believed that Susan was a goddess who wielded supernatural powers.

"Yes, Susan. I understand. And I accept."

Susan turned to Joyce, who wasn't quite as swept up in the hokum as her daughter, but realized that there was a certain power to Susan's words, if not a supernatural one. Essentially, her "decree" would have as much power as those involved were willing to give it. Joyce knew what was coming.

"Joyce, do you desire that this taboo be lifted for a spell?"

Well, Joyce thought, that was the question, wasn't it? Did she desire it? She looked to her nude daughter, vibrant and alive, fair skin still flushed from the orgasm she had experienced a few minutes before at "the goddess's" fingers and tongue – her face still sticky with the remains of Susan's wet excitement, her inner thighs shiny with the slippery product of her own satisfied arousal - and felt a little stomach flip of shameful lust.

Well, there was her answer, wasn't it? Kara wanted it – and she knew now that she did also. She summoned her courage, and . . . could not say the words. She tried again, and then just forced herself through the barrier without further thought, the words tumbling out in a rush:


Given their sanctifying nature Susan felt like her next words should be, "You may kiss the bride." In a certain sense they were equivalent, since their effect was that the two people to whom they were addressed would soon have sex together. She stayed in character, though, understanding that like a shaman's "medicine" the effectiveness of her "magic" required that she not break the spell, or mood, or whatever it was.

"Very well. For this day alone the taboo is lifted. Mother and daughter may lie together and sexually pleasure each other's bodies."

Chapter 12 – That which is forbidden is done

Then – nothing happened. It was as if Joyce and Kara were almost expecting a bolt of lightning or something. Susan realized she better come down to earth and provide a little more prosaic direction. Since it was Kara who had initiated the whole sequence of events, she would put the onus on the girl. She first turned to the mother: "Joyce, lie down on your side here." Susan pointed to the middle of the bed.

"Kara, your mother loves that sensuous kind of kissing. You like it too, and I know you're good at it. Not the kind I did to you before, the other kind. Would you like to kiss your mother that way?"

Kara would – and did. She lowered her tiny body alongside her mother's larger one. She reached to Joyce's face and tilted it toward her. Mother and daughter looked into each other's eyes. They each beheld fear, and in Joyce more than a little shame, despite the "temporary waiver," but mostly they saw – excitement! And lust!

Yes, mother and daughter lusted for each other. They wanted to kiss each other passionately, as lovers, and pleasure each other's bodies in every way. This daughter wanted to make her mother cum, and be made to cum by her mother. This mother wanted to place her mouth and fingers on and in her daughter's tender young sex, and wanted her daughter – the child that had issued from her own womb – to do the same to her.

Kara leaned forward, and kissed her mother's lips with her own. The first thing Joyce noticed was the taste and smell of Susan's sex on her daughter's mouth and face. Which was a useful distraction, because it drew her attention from the shame of participating in an affair that was so deeply wrong. Susan's "supernatural powers" were not nearly so great as to erase a lifetime of conditioning in that regard.

That taste and smell reminded her too of what a novice she was in this brave new world of lesbian lust, and how vastly more experienced Kara was. Joyce had long suspected that her inner sexual identity was bisexual - the events of the last 24 hours seemed to confirm it beyond all doubt – but aside from those unconsummated fumblings with a high school girlfriend years ago she had never enjoyed the opportunity to explore this side of herself.

How curious, she thought, that her very first time as an active participant in an act of Sapphic sex, rather than as a dazed and purely passive recipient, should be with her own daughter.

"With the fruit of your own loins!" some internalized Biblical voice of shame called out to her. Not that Joyce was at all religious, but somehow deep societal prohibitions seemed to be written in King James language to her.


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