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Tabootopia - A Nation of Incest


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"Yes, yes, yes," muttered Tammie, who at that point was inching closer and closer to her boiling point -- her climax.

Regina knew she had Tammie on the ropes, and knew exactly what she needed to do to clinch the victory. She pulled her right knee up and drove it down towards Tammie's vagina, shoving the vibrator deeper into her.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Tammie tried hiding it, but she was done. She was cumming. "Ohhh! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhhh! Ohhhhh! OHHHHHHH!!! Oh!!! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...oh."

Both rivals lay there, together, on the wet floor, in a heap of sweat and cum, both fully exhausted.

"Fuck... she didn't beat me, she didn't beat me," whispered Tammie, "she didn't, she didn't," she slowly got to her hands and knees, onto her feet, and looked down at Regina. "You didn't beat me, I let you do that, I let you." She walked off gingerly; with cum rolling down her legs. "I'll be seeing you...Regina Cestin"

After Tammie had left, Regina turned, looked up at the shower, the water dripping down her face, letting all that had happened sink in. She couldn't think for too long, as the school bell had gone off. Gym class was over. She stood up and went to her clothes.

She was dressed in her underwear when she saw a concerned Vivi running towards her.

"Oh my god, Genie-Baby, are you ok?"

"I-I'm fine."

"Oh my god, Tammie, was she?--"

"It was fine, really...everything is...good."

"So what happened?"

"I don't know, I can't explain it. I-I, I think I... enjoyed it?"



"So divide this whole number by eight and you get...oh who cares. Hey, Jeremy, me and your mom still good for tonight?"

"...Yeah, Mr. Jones, my mom just asks you don't bring the crazy."

"Fuck, I'm bringing the crazy! It's the reason she wants me! You just bring the water, lube, towels and whatever else me and your mom ask for. Ok class, the standard deviation...Oh fuck it, talk amongst yourselves, organise fucks, whatever." Mr Jones sat down at his desk and began typing away on his BlackBerry.

Regina was sitting next to Vivi, quietly pondering her steamy lesbian conflict with Tammie Kwon. There were many pressing questions regarding her sexuality floating around her head. Questions, such as: do I like women? Do I like Tammie? Am I a lesbian? Have I gone bi? All important questions that she had never encountered before.

"Umm, Genie-Baby, you ok? You've been quiet since gym class. Did Tammie touch you in all the wrong places?"

"No, it's just, I don't know, it was--"

"Psst, hey." Just then, a foppish-haired male student interrupted Regina. "Hey, sorry, but, dude, are you that Regina chick everyone's talking about?"

"Umm, yeah."

"Oh, dude, no way! We saw you and Tammie on the big screen, man, that was awesome! Hey, you wanna have sex later?"

"What? No, no I don't want to have sex with you."

"Ah you must be busy. No probs, I'm here if you need me."

Regina turned to Vivi who was grinning excitedly.

"Eek! Genie-Baby, you're popular! Which makes me popular by association!"

Before Regina could respond, a girl slammed the classroom door and loudly entered the room.

"Hey bitches~! Soyo in da hiz house!"

Soyo Bucks was a half-Thai half-Chinese teen girl with a Japanese name. She spoke in a New Jersey accent, had tan brown skin, highlighted brown and blond hair, a small frame, well-rounded breasts, a proportionally round ass, wearing a black tank top with a small beige coat, a tiny grey skirt and heels.

"Hey Soyo!" Vivi waved.

Soyo was walking over to Vivi, but stopped in her tracks when Mr. Jones shouted, "Hold it!

You can't come in my class late and expect no punishment."

He went up to Soyo, looked her in the eyes, grabbed her by the shoulders, turned her around, pulled her skirt up, pulled down her cotton bumblebee underwear and exposed her ass.

"You want a feel? Can't blame ya," she giggled. "Spank me, I been a bad, bad girl."

"Yes, yes you certainly have," Mr. Jones grabbed a ruler and made a loud thwack sound when he used it to smack her ass.

"Oww! That stings!"

"Teaches you not to be late, now sit the fuck down!"

"Ouchies," Soyo rubbed her butt as she sat down across from Vivi and Regina. "Hi Vivi, sorry I'm late, my dad woke up early and made me do shower sex with him for hours. That jerk knows I love getting wet and horny in the mornings and knows how to keep me going, it ain't my fault he packing a nine-incher, the jerk. So how you doing?"

"I'm good," replied Vivi. "This is Regina. I call her Genie-Baby."

Soyo turned to Regina and looked at her in amazement, "Whoa! Your tits are big! They're almost melons!"

"Umm, uh, thank you?" Regina wasn't sure if she was pleased or disturbed by Soyo's compliment

"Oh my god!" Soyo slapped her forehead, "I know you! You're that girl that had sex with Tammie; the whole school is buzzing about it. Oh, did she use the pink dildo?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Bitch did the same to me, couldn't sit right for days, but still, it was one of the top sellers: 'All Asian Anal', look it up, I'm in it!"

"Well I fought back, had her on the ground, cumming like a --" Regina stopped herself mid-sentence; she was surprised at her own gleeful response.

Soyo gasped, "Oh my god, you beat Tammie!? No way! You must tell me everything. Let's ditch the next class and go into town."

"Umm...Cool!" replied Vivi.

Regina shrugged. "Sure, ok."


"So you took her down and used her own dildo? Fucking yeah!"

"It-it was nothing," Regina blushed, "I was just going on instinct, really, I don't know--"

"Hey," cut in Vivi, "enough with the sex talk. Let's all go to the sweetie shop!"

The three girls had reached the lush, green, cosy town centre. It was a pleasant, modestly-built, shopping district: with small quaint-looking shops, stone flooring and a sense of gentle sereneness flowing throughout. Though hints of the town's true nature still were present: the book shop sold how-to guides for incest roleplay, the small, yet packed, electronics shop was advertising Kay Parker High tapes and the local lingerie shop sold a range of colourful, purple, yellow and pink underwear labelled as 'Mother's Choice.'

The three girls entered inside the shack-like convenience store and made their selections. The interior of the shop matched the décor of the town centre, with an olden-yet-modern approach to the design. The girls put their goods on the counter and waited as a bald, well-built, black gentleman counted up their items (no electric till in this shop.)

"Oh wow," muttered a flush Regina.

"Hmm? Genie-Baby you ok? You look really red."

"It's nothing, I-I just really like...chocolate."

The man had finished counting. "Ok ladies, that will be thirteen heidis and sixteen klums, or, a seven minute blowjob."

Regina, expecting an offer like this, had thoughts about stepping forward, but noticed Vivi gently nudging Soyo in the ribs.

"What, what? What're you doing, Vivi? Oh, I see, I get it: you making me suck him. Why the Asian girl gotta be the only one sucking cock, huh? "

"It's not like that! I sucked him last time...for two whole hours!"

Soyo glared at Vivi, but broke immediately into a big grin, "Ha, you know I'm just playing. I love nothing better than sucking on some big cock!"

Soyo went under the shop counter, got on her knees, out of the girls view, unbuckled his jeans and got ready to pay her debt.

"Oh yeah baby," he groaned in a smooth voice as he brushed her hair.

"...I think she'll be there for a while. Wanna get going Genie. Genie-Baby?"

Regina was in a trance as she watched the 'transaction' in progress. Vivi touched her shoulder and got Regina back to her senses.

"Huh, oh yeah, let's go over to your place."

"We're going Soyo, that coolzees?"

Soyo put her hand up and made a thumbs-up sign.

"Great, see ya tomorrow!"


After a short walk, the two girls had reached Vivi's large, spacious suburban home. This house was a cut above the other homes, as it had two garages, a porch and a large satellite dish.

"We're here! Are you ready to meet my parents, Genie?"

"Uhh, yeah, I'm ready."

"Then let's go!" Vivi opened the door and the two of them entered inside the Keentucker household. With plush carpeting, lavish decorations and spotless walls, it could be easily summarised that this was the home of a moderately-wealthy family.

To the left of the doorway was the living area which had a large television and couch inside. To the right was the dining area, where the other Keentuckers were seated.

"Hi Daddy, Hi Lili, Hi Titi," said Vivi as she rushed towards the large dining table.

Sitting at the table was Lili and Titi, Vivi's younger twin sisters, both 12 years old, with blond hair and bows. Across from them was Vivi's father. He stood up to greet Regina.

"Hello, my name is Sage and I can explain everything." Sage Keentucker was a tall, well-built, lightly-tanned Caucasian man with short brown hair, black-rimmed glasses, slight stubble, wearing a grey dress shirt and black trousers. He had a calm yet strong presence; he came across as a man that had great wisdom.

"Hi, I'm Re --"

"Regina? Right?" he interrupted.

"Yeah, h-how'd you know?"

"The whole town knows about you, the girl that toppled the mighty Tammie, you're on television tonight; they've been showing promos for it all day, did you know that?"

"No, I didn't."

Sage turned and smiled at his two daughters, "Girls, you want to go to your soundproof-completely-un-lockable-yet-comfortable-and-fully-liveable-rooms?"

"Yes!" they said in unison as they ran off to their rooms.

"Perfect," he said in a hushed tone. "Now we can get down to business."

He approached Vivi, got close to her, put his hands through her soft brown hair, his face next to hers, puckered up, and kissed her on the tip of her nose.

"Tee-hee!" she giggled happily. "Tickles."

"Vivian dear, why don't you go wear your 'special outfit'? Hmm? I wanna talk to Regina a little bit."

"Yes Daddy!" She nodded and playfully ran off to her bedroom.

Sage sat down, smiled at Regina, and motioned towards the chair across from him. "Please, take a seat."

She sat across from him, slightly nervous at his calming stare.

He took a deep breath and clasped his hands together. "You comfortable? You look tense."

"No, I'm good...So where's Miss Keentucker?"

"A gangbang."

"Of course."

"You don't seem surprised."

"Well I'm not anymore."

"Good, that's progress. Now, I will answer the most intriguing question you have: why you are here in Tabootopia."


Sage chuckled, "Tabootopia, that's the name of this place. The name says it all really: a Utopia of Taboo. You really don't...need an explanation of this place, after all you been through, all you need to know is that you...and your family...belong here: your family was chosen. I'll avoid going into a long-drawn out explanation, which includes background checks and the such, but I do know, without a doubt, that you have the capabilities to belong here, you proved it with your actions today."

"Ok...I kinda get it; my parents were invited here because they like incest, right?"

He nodded in agreement.

"Right, ok, but why me? I don't like incest, I'm-I'm just a normal girl--"

"You know that's not true," interrupted Sage. "In fact, no one here fits the typical mould of being 'normal'. A 'normal' teen girl would've melted down by now, but you haven't. Wonder why?"

"Umm, yeah, I kinda do."

"Well, then, hmm, how should I explain it...I got it, think of it like this," Sage grabbed a plate of cheese and put it in front of her. "You like cheese, Regina?"

"No, I don't."

"Have you ever tried it?"

"Umm...No, I haven't."

"Then how do you know you don't like it?"

Regina was stumped by his response. She had no answer.

"...That was the reaction I sought. You made a judgement before even knowing what exactly you were judging, and you know what the amazing thing is? People do this every single day: with food, people, books, television, movies. Sex. You understand?"

Regina solemnly nodded.

"Good, now I'll explain some other aspects of Tabootop --" before he could finish his sentence, Vivi ran into the room, kissed her dad on the cheek and stood grinning at Regina. Vivi was wearing a low-cut, tied-up above her waist, white school girl shirt, a tiny red plaid skirt, knee-length cotton socks, had put her hair in pig-tails and had applied a little glitter on her cheeks.

"How do I look Genie? Aren't I just the cutest?"

Her father smiled at her as he put his hand around her lower back. "You look great sweetie. There's some dinner over there, help yourself."

"Yes Daddy!" she sat next to her father and began to eat. "Yummy~"

"Now, Regina, where were we? Ah yes, I was going to explain a little bit more about Tabootopia. But first, just out of curiosity, I would like to hear your assumptions of this place."

She pondered for a moment, "Hmm...A secret island with a secret society...I say only, like, about thousand people live here, right?"

"Umm, you're a little off target. This place is estimated to have around, hmm, I say six million residents."

Regina gasped at the amazingly large figure. "T-that's alot for a small island."

"Hmm, I'd guess you'd assume this place was small, what with the lifestyle and all, maybe you thought it was a small cult of sex-fiends. But in actuality, you have only seen one small part of Tabootopia. This place is split into five areas, each independent and unique to one another. The one we live in is the newest: its name is Our Haven. Outside of Our Haven there are other, much more interesting areas, such as --"

"Daaaadyyyyy~!" whined Vivi in a school-girl voice, "this is so boring~, let's go have sexy playtime."

Sage shook his head and sighed, "Ok dear, let's go to the bedroom."

"Yay, yay, yay!" she yelled excitedly.

"Want to watch?" Sage asked Regina.

"W-What? N-N," she paused, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and found her real answer. "Y-Yes. I want to watch."

"Good." Sage smiled

Vivi made a cute little frown on her face as she pointed at Regina and said, "I like you watching Genie-Baby, but don't touch my daddy! It's our special time! Mine! Coolzees? Coolzees!?"

"Ok, ok, I got it."

Sage chuckled at his daughter's enthusiasm. "Calm yourself Vivian. Regina, you want to go wait in the bedroom for us?

"Umm, sure."


Regina was sitting on a chair that was positioned to the left of the bed. She was waiting anxiously for the show to begin. Not knowing exactly why she was there, but knowing she wanted to watch, she wanted to watch Sage and Vivi have incestuous sex.

Sage walked in first and sat down at the edge of the bed. He flashed a smile as he took his glasses, watch and shoes off.

"Nervous?" he asked.

"Y-yeah, a little bit...alot really."

"Well the best advice I can give you is to not over-think everything, just feel it, let it happen."


After Regina got that piece of advice, Vivi skipped into the room and stood right in front of her father, positively beaming.

"Stand up Daddy, I want to undress you, tee-hee!"

Sage stood up and allowed his daughter to unbutton his shirt and slip it off. She then got on her knees, unzipped his trousers and took his pants and underpants off with one pull. His cock was right in her face, large and looking at her right in the eye. She held it gently with her left hand, looked up at him with her beautiful brown eyes and gave it a gentle kiss.

"Ohhh!" Sage shivered. "Now your turn, do your little dance for me."

He got up and laid himself out on the bed, his right hand on his cock as he watched his sexy daughter do a little shimmy for her daddy.

She bit her lower-lip as she ripped her shirt off to reveal her pink-hearted bra, then quickly unzipped and tossed aside her skirt to reveal matching-panties. As she was taking her socks off, she saw Regina out the corner of her eye and got a delectable idea.

"Genie-Baby, wanna help me get my underwear off?" Vivi scooted over to her and pointed at the back of her bra.

"Umm, I --"

"Come on," she whispered, "unhook my bra, my dad will love it!"

Regina put her arms up and unhooked Vivi's bra. Vivi grinned and tossed the bra to her father.

"Take my panties off," whispered Vivi as she wiggled her cute butt in Regina's face. She hesitantly grabbed Vivi's cotton panties, pulled them down and took them off.

Sage approved. "Hmm so nice to see my sweet girl have such a nice friend."

Vivi, now fully naked, gleefully jumped onto the bed, went on top and began romantically kissing her father on the lips. As she was locked in his embrace, he slid his hands down her smooth sexy skin, down to her delicious peachy ass, rubbing and slapping her soft cheeks.

"Yes Daddy, yes! Hmm, Daddy, stick it in me!"

Sage went with his daughter's request and stuck his cock into her tight vagina.

"Ahhh!" she squealed. "Yes, ahh, hmmm, feels so good Daddy." Vivi rose up, put her hands on her father's chest and gently rode him.

Regina watched in awe as father and daughter were having full-on consensual sex. To her amazement, she was not disgusted or offended: she was intrigued -- turned-on even. As Regina continued to watch, she noticed that she was instinctively rubbing her thighs together.

"Feels good baby, so good, Vivian. You think you could do that thing I love? You know the one."

"Yup," she replied with a nod. Vivi slid her delicate fingers inside her father's mouth and groaned in delight as he sucked her fingers.

"Yes, that's the stuff, good girl. Think I should up the tempo?"

"Yes please!"

"All right baby," Sage pushed her down towards his face, rubbed his forehead on hers, grabbed her ass, and pushed his cock in-and-out of her at a rapid pace.

"Oh Daddy!" she groaned, "oh Daddy feels so good, oh Daddy, oh, oh so hard! Oh Daddy!"

Regina had slid her hand down her skirt and was rubbing herself quietly.

Sage turned himself over, got on top, and plunged himself deeper into his daughter, her mouth wide open as she took the full-length of her father's member, the bed shaking as the two engaged in the cardinal taboo of life itself.

"Oh Daddy, Daddy, I feel it, I'm, I'm, ohhh, I'm so close, oh god, yes, please~, oh!"

Sage held his daughter's arms down and peppered her with loving kisses as he continued to plow himself into her. "It's cumming sweetie, it's cumming!"

Regina had slid aside her panties and was openly fingering her tight teen vagina as she watched her friend reach her climax.

Sage turned her over, got her on top, and held on tight. A few more expert thrusts was all that was needed to make his sweet sexy daughter reach her peek. He knew her well.

"Oh DADDY!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. As her orgasm came, she shook like a wild salmon, her body flapping on top of her father's, "OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! OHHHH, OHHH, OHHHH, OHHH, oh, oh god, oh god, Daddy, oh, oh, oh, oh..." she took in some deep breaths as she allowed her orgasm to take full effect. "Oh Daddy, that was wonderful." She gave him a peck on the lips as a way of saying thanks.

At almost the exact same time, Regina had a mini-climax of her own, as she fingered herself to completion.

Sage rolled his tired daughter of his body and laid her out to the right of him.

"...Ahh! So, Regina, what do you think?"

"I-I enjoyed it... alot," she replied as she adjusted her panties.

Sage sighed, looked down at his well-spent daughter, took a deep breath in, and said, "Consider this the end of your induction. Welcome to Tabootopia. Sector One: Our Haven."

Regina smiled and nodded. "T-thank you...Its gotten late, I better be going."

"Oh, just one more question: you willing to have a three-way with your mom and dad?"


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