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Tail Spin


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"Good stuff, huh?" Misato asked. Rosa lingered on the girl's polished toes for a second longer before pulling her eyes away from them.

"Oh, yeah! Totally," she said. "I'm already getting a little tipsy, haha."

"Gosh, what a lightweight. Well we're out of the Dai Ginjo, let's get started on the Russo-Baltique," Misato said, uncapping a large and ornate bottle of vodka. Rosa wondered where these girls got such exotic liquor, and assumed they much come from a well-off family. She was so curious about them, but she was still too shy to ask them anything too specific. By contrast, the two sisters seemed anything but shy, and even began to take on an interrogative tone.

"So how old are you, anyway?" Saori asked as Misato poured a new round of shots.

"Um, 18. Just turned last week."

"You got a boyfriend?" Misato asked.

"Not really," Rosa replied. "I mean, not anymore. I kinda broke up with a guy a couple of months ago."

"Sorry to hear that," Saori said, her fingers clutching her full shot glass tightly. Rosa could see that Saori was the more expressive of the two, and felt slightly more comfortable talking to her. She unconsciously turned towards her as she spoke.

"Nah, it's okay! It wasn't meant to last, with me going away to college soon and everything. He was kind of controlling, anyway. You know what I mean?"

"What college?" Misato immediately asked.


The two sisters nodded at each other slowly. The small amount of alcohol in Rosa's blood had dulled her intuitions just enough for her to miss this cue. She simply continued to beam at Saori and Misato cluelessly, wondering if and how she should ask them the same kinds of questions. She had almost built up the courage to inquire in kind. Maybe after one more shot.

"Well, let's make this next toast to your new freedom," Misato said, raising her glass. Laughing nervously, Rosa nodded and followed suit, then Saori. Then they all leaned their heads back and put the glasses to their lips.

The second shot stung less going down. Rosa gulped it all quickly. When her head came back down, she noticed that the two sisters remained with their glasses pressed up against their lips, not drinking. Misato then slowly placed her full shot glass aside, and Saori did the same. Rosa was confused.

"Heheh, what, did you two chicken out?" she joked, blinking. The sisters remained as still as statues now, their faces expressionless. All they offered now were dead-eyed stares.

"Haha. Um. So uh, what's up?" Rosa continued, dimly alarmed. The sisters continued to stare in silence. She could see that their limbs were tensed up, as if they were ready to move quickly at a moment's notice. And then she felt a surge of fear.

"Uh. Did I do something wrong?" she sputtered. No response.

She tried to sit up straight, but she found that her legs suddenly felt very rubbery and numb. The sensation began to trickle from her legs to her thighs, then traveled up her spine, causing her to feel off-balance.

"Saori? Misato?" she said, losing sensation in her arms. Her skin started to feel foreign and heavy, and she started to gasp in desperation. "What's going on? Is this a joke?"

The sisters stood up slowly, watching as Rosa suddenly began to convulse in the sand.

Her throat felt as if it were tightening up. She thought to yell, but when she tried, only a ragged squeak came out, hardly loud enough to be heard by anyone.

And then, almost in a flash, her consciousness was snatched away from her.


At first all she could see were the crimson undersides of her eyelids. She didn't yet have the energy to lift them. She could hear some creaking, like the movement of wood beneath feet. Possibly some mumbling as well, but it was all faint and dull.

Her ears felt like they were stuffed with cotton, her throat dry. She coughed, smelling something musty and earthy, like rain-damaged oak. She felt her hair dangle about of her face; where was her scrunchie? Where was anything, for that matter? 

For a moment she thought she was dreaming. Then, insidiously, she began to feel aching sensations. The kind you only feel in real life.

First it began at her temples. It began as a slow sizzle, then quickly swelled to a searing migraine. She could faintly feel her knees, but they were rather sore, and there was a burning around her wrists as well. Her lips were chapped, and she could feel dried saliva on her chin. She could feel the cold.

After a few minutes, Rosa managed to open her eyes just enough to perceive the color of the space around her. It was well-lit, and she could see shades of mahogany. As her vision focused, she began to realize that she was very close to a wall or door of some sort, and that it looked thick. 

She tried to move. Though her limbs now weakly responded, they seemed to be held in place by something heavy. Making a few weak attempts to move her arms, she found that her hands were locked parallel to her head, and that any attempt to pull them from their vice only served to hurt her wrists further.

Realizing that she was naked, she gasped aloud and began to struggle, but her legs appeared to be tightly bound to the floor. A dry chill hardened her bare nipples, and elsewhere raised goosebumps across her flesh. 

The more she moved, the more the discomfort in her upper back began to override the other sensations, growing into something truly unpleasant. She screamed weakly, her whole body tensing. 
As she began to regain clarity, panic began to mount. She could turn her head in either direction only a small bit. It was just enough to see that the device that constrained her was specifically designed to do so.

She screamed again, this time sufficiently loud. Her voice quickly ricocheted back to her ears, confirming that she was in a very tight enclosure.

The aching seemed to subside slightly when she stopped trying to pull herself free, so she held still, trembling. Her screams now turned into pleas, though she didn't know who would even hear her. In her confusion, she couldn't recall the events leading up to this. She remembered two girls, but only vaguely. She thought of her parents, and her childhood home back in San Mateo, and how much she now wished to return to them as soon as possible. But they were very, very far away, it seemed.

"Please! Somebody! Please help!" she yelled in a high, manic shriek. The creaking and mumbling around her seemed to swell in response. Finally she heard a voice through the wall in front of her. It was a woman's voice, and it was deep and deliberate.

"Junbi wa dekimashita ka..."

"Hai aijin," replied a chorus of hushed female voices.

Flinching as the space in front of her rumbled, Rosa saw the wall gradually lift upwards. The screeching of un-oiled pulleys raked her ears, and wood dust blew up into her face, forcing her to shut her eyes.

She heard the crank turn for a few more seconds, and then the ambient sound of a much larger space opened up in front of her. She could clearly hear the stifled mumbling and whispering now, and as she opened her eyes, she realized that she was on an elevated platform, and there was an audience before her. 

About a dozen women were lined up horizontally a few feet below Rosa. They were all nude, most of them appearing to be in their mid to late 20's, and representing a surprisingly broad cross-section of ethnicities. Roughly half of them stood with markedly odd posture, sporting shiny steel collars that connected with something stiff at their backs. The other half had a more relaxed posture, but wore some kind of strange orthodontic headgear that obscured their faces somewhat.

Behind them was a raised platform, upon which a woman stood, though Rosa could't lift her head up high enough to see anything beyond the the legs of an armrest and a pair of black boots. She could hear the woman's voice clearly now, however, and it was booming and husky.

"Okaerinasai, boku no taisetsuna..." The woman began calmly. 

"Who are you people!?" Rosa yelled. "What are you doing?!"

"Hmm...America-jin?" the woman asked someone out of Rosa's sight.

"Hai," was the response. There was a pause, and then the woman addressed Rosa in English. Although her accent was heavy, there was not a shred of uncertainty in her tone.

"You will understand everything soon, little American girl," The woman told Rosa, her voice menacing despite the calmness of the intonation. "You and I will talk together in private when the time is right. For now, we must determine a few things about your fate."

Terrified, Rosa squirmed frantically again, cold steel rubbing her skin raw in response. Her flailing feet scraped across the floor, driving a splinter under one of her toenails. She screamed in pain, unable to budge even an inch. 

She tried to make sense of her surroundings. It looked like a basement of some sort; its low ceiling and musty odor certainly seemed to imply that it was, but there were tapestries and strange artifacts lining the walls. Then she heard footsteps from either side, followed by shrill bickering.

"Kasaan, desu ka?"

"Iie! Sore wa...watashi no ban desu! Deban dazou!"


She recognized the voices immediately. It was those weird twins; Rosa couldn't see either of them, but she somehow recognized those nasal voices. Her nose also picked up the slightest hint of that odd buttery scent she'd smelled on them before. 

"Misato no ban," the throned woman replied definitively, silencing the apparent feud. 

"Hai, kasaan..." Saori mumbled defeatedly, walking in front of the trapped girl to hand a silver dollar to her sister. Unlike the women in the audience, the two sisters remained clothed, sporting the same all-white ensemble that they wore when Rosa first laid eyes on them. 

Rosa looked up at Saori, pleadingly, trying to find some compassion in her eyes. The girl paused, a vague remorse registering on her face as their gaze met, before she shook her head prohibitively and passed the coin to her sister. Misato seemed to have no such strain of regret in her, and Rosa could even see a hint of pride in the girl's face as she raised the coin high for all to see.

"Young girl," the woman started, "You may have noticed that I did not bother to ask your name. Even if my daughters were to have told me, I would likely have forgotten it soon after. There is a reason for this."

Rosa ventured to lift her head to the voice above her, letting out a small peep:


"Because in the Lesser family of our household, names are only assigned after Fate has spoken. Until it has, you are nothing but clay yet to be molded. This coin my daughter holds has determined the names of every woman you see before you." 

"I...don't understand. Please, let me go!" Rosa said.

The woman continued, appearing to ignore the girl's words. "My former slave, Ichiro, is no longer with us, but he served his purpose as seed-bearer. With him I begat twins, whom you have met, and I ultimately inherited a great fortune from him as well. And before he passed, he gifted me with one final treasure: this coin."

Misato placed the object right in front of Rosa's face for her to see. The girl wearily looked up and noticed that, with its sea green shade and antiquated engravings, the coin looked almost ancient. She heard the woman stand up now as she talked, and she took slow steps down from the elevated chair so that her upper body, and then finally her face, were visible.

Immediately Rosa recognized strong elements of Saori and Misato's admixture in the woman's visage, sharing the same oblong symmetry and dark, cutting eyes. Like them, the mother was rather tall, lanky, and fit. Rosa could not tell her exact age, but it was certainly well beyond her own, given that the woman had two adult daughters.

Unlike like those twin daughters however, this older woman was dressed entirely in black, with a style that looked vaguely fetish-like. Her black satin button-down was tucked nearly into a sable velvet dress, and cinched by a studded leather belt; this was completed by tall leather boots and even taller cotton socks. They all looked impeccably clean. The woman ran her fingers through her closely cropped, jet black hair and focused her eyes on the coin in Misato's hand. 

"The coin itself was originally intended as an extra monetary gift, to ensure that our Greater family lives comfortably. An appraisal revealed it to be astronomically valuable, even in its tarnished condition. But I have since devised other, more consistent ways to secure wealth...and so I instead use this coin to speak for Ichiro in his absence."

"What do you mean..." Rosa started, then decided she really didn't want to know. The woman seemed more than happy to elaborate, however.

"I can see you're confused, little one. It's simple. You see, my Ichiro may have been a lowly salaryman, but he was also an exceedingly sneaky one. That is how he became so rich—he was an exceptional con artist. Such cunning and intuition is rare for a salaryman, you see, or any man really, so he was quite special to me. Through this coin, which he also acquired quite guilefully, his talents shall continue to augment my own."

Rosa dropped her head, hoping dearly that this was all just some vivid nightmare. But no nightmare she'd ever had felt like this. "This coin my daughter holds has determined the fates of every woman you see here," the woman went on. "And now it will determine yours. Either it will be Omote, or it will be Ura. Heads, or Tails."

Before Rosa could try to make any more sense of this, Misato flipped the coin into the air, then caught it, slapping it over the back of her hand. A grin crept up her thin lips as she looked at it. 


"Tails!" all of the women repeated in unison.

"Fate has spoken. You, my dear, are a Tail. You will join the ranks of your sister Tails, the Ura who are bound at the neck, and whose back-gate serves as the pathway to salvation."

"My what?!" Rosa cried. "Who are you?! You're crazy! Let me go!" 

All of the subordinates looked on with rapt attention, parting a path for the tall black-clad woman. She came up to the platform, locking eyes with the poor young girl.

"Who am I? My name is Mistress Ayaka. And as for your name, it will simply be Tail Seven. As the seventh girl to be inducted in the Tail branch of our family, you will be trained to open yourself, body and mind, to my will."

"What?! No! T-this is insane!" 

"Sanity is an illusion. Regardless, my daughters will assist you in this. Their words may be crass and their methods harsh, but this is all necessary to dissolve the barrier of your ego, and to instill the correct level of humility and servility within you. You will find it beneficial to speak to your sisters as well." 

"No!" Rosa yelled at an ear-splitting volume, tears streaming down her face.

Mistress Ayaka reached out, touching the girl's sweaty face with surprising gentleness, and smiled. 
"Now that you're in our family, Tail Seven, I must love you just as I love my other girls. You will first learn to accept my Discipline into your body and mind. That is your purpose. That is your Fate."

"I hate you!" Rosa yelled. "Don't touch me!" 

"Only once you have been edified," the woman continued cooly, "once your pride has been tamed, once your sense of agency has been revealed as nothing more than folly—only then will you be ready to to accept my love. But I will not force myself upon you. You will come to me of your own volition, Tail Seven. And when you do, you will learn how to best use your blossomed your."

"What?! "Rosa yelled before she broke down and began to sob. Mistress Ayaka merely nodded, then walked back to her elevated perch.

"Heads, you are not needed now. You may leave. Tails, remain present. Saori, fetch the brace."

As the five headgear-adorned women exited the room, Saori quickly walked over to a supply closet at the fringe of Rosa's plane of vision. She retrieved a very strange object. It had a metal collar like all the rest, but now she could see what was welded to it—a long stretch of stiff, heavy cable wire that connected to a curved hook. 

Surrounding the end of the hook was a large, smooth lightbulb-shaped object made of solid glass. At its widest point, it was roughly the circumference of a butternut squash, and this portion extended cylindrically by several extra inches. Rosa nearly fainted when she saw it.

"Hi bitch! Remember me?" Misato said, leaning next to Rosa and planting a kiss on her cheek. She reached behind, smacking Rosa's round bottom.

"So, it looks we're gonna have to resize that lil' pooper of yours before you can even think about pleasing mama," Misato barked, sensing that her father was relaying temporary control to her and her sister.

"Look at how big her butt is, Saori. You don't see that every day, not around here at least!"

"Uh, yeah..."

"These Latina girls, I tell you...they almost make me jealous. Grease this gaijin's crack up real good, I'm going to enjoy this."

That buttery scent immediately returned to Rosa's nostrils, but this time it was heavier. Turning her head, she could see that Saori had leaned over a large white bucket, pulling out what appeared to be a huge glop of margarine. 

"No! Oh God—Saori, please, let me go! I promise, I'll do anything!"

"I'm sorry," Saori murmured solemnly. Misato shot Saori a severe look. "Don't apologize to this little rat, Saori. It looks like she's lived a real charmed life up until now. This'll build her some character."

"Uh...okay," Saori said with grave complacence. Rosa shrieked as she felt the greasy, fatty substance smeared down her exposed ass crack, then up, stopping at the almost invisibly tiny portal of her sphincter.

"You ever been butt-fucked before, Tail Seven?" Misato asked.

"No!" Rosa yelled, disgusted by the mere idea. Up until then she'd barely even contemplated anal penetration. She recalled a particularly stern sermon her pastor once gave denouncing the evils of "sodomy," which left an impression on her at an early age. And she also remembered a friend in high school who'd tried it and said that it hurt, which only compounded her growing bias. And, well, it involved a hole where feces comes from, which just seemed kind of gross. That was basically all she "knew."

"An anal virgin, huh? Oh, how nice! It'll be fun prepping your big ol' booty, then," Misato said, her voice dripping with viciousness. Rosa winced as she felt Saori push a finger through the clenching drum of her ring. 

The subsequent burning sensation was acutely uncomfortable to Rosa, and as the finger slid up into the warm and twitching confines of her rectum, she started to feel like she had to run to the toilet. Of course, she wasn't running anywhere.

"W-Wait, wait!" Rosa yelped. Saori pushed in a second finger, the burn in the frightened teenage girl's anal ring rapidly worsening. "Stop!"

"Jeez, her shitter's really tight," Saori said, mimicking her sister's brackish tone. "It's like a vise grip. I guess she really is a virgin back here."

"You a virgin in the front too, chica?" Misato asked, smacking the girl's bottom harder. Rosa looked up, hoping to plead with anyone to save her. The six women remaining in front of the stage merely stared back at her, their faces exhibiting only a curious mixture of arousal and glassy-eyed, defeated indifference. She lowered her head again and tried to relax her body as best as she could. 

"Answer me, bitch. You a virgin?" Misato shouted in her ear.

"Yes," Rosa admitted through pursed lips. Her parents raised her to be chaste. She remembered catching a few glimpses at a vague bulge that would occasionally form in her ex boyfriend's pants during their awkward make-out sessions, but that was her only experience with a penis. Misato and Saori both shared a laugh. 


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