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Tales from the Club – Mom Wins


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Unlike the soft, swift fall of fabric that rendered Mom gloriously naked, getting me undressed seemed to take forever. After I shucked my own shoes and started for my belt, Mom said, "Oh, let me, please." So I let her, and she turned it into a sort of ritual. She made getting my shirt off last forever, licking my neck or nibbling my ear after undoing each button. When my shirt was loose, she snatched it off and threw it on the couch. Then she began to peel my undershirt up from the bottom, licking my belly and chest as the skin was exposed. When she got to my nipples I found out that Mom was a little bit of a biter too, but only on my left nipple. The right one she just licked and sucked into her mouth as she finished getting the shirt over my head.

When I was naked up top, Mom came in close and rubbed her breasts slightly across my ribs, teasing her own nipples which were already standing proud. She planted a deep kiss and kept it going as she unbuckled my belt and undid my pants button. She pushed my pants and underpants down with one sudden move, and they found their own way to the floor. I started to step out of them but she broke the kiss and said, again, "Oh, let me, please."

She got down on her knees in front of me and held down my clothes as I stepped free of them. Then, looking up with a glint in her eyes and a smile on her face she said, "You know what's coming next. Maybe you'd better sit down." And she gently pushed me until I backed into the chair across from the sofa and plopped myself into it.

Mom quickly crawled into position in front of me and wrapped her lips around the head of my already engorged cock. Then, slowly, she began to prove once again what Cindy had said when I first saw Mom in action at New Xanadu: "Wow, that gal really knows how to suck cock." I have had my dick sucked by a lot of women, but very few came even close to being as artful and satisfying as my Mom. And I don't say that just because she's my Mom and I love her. Looking at me submissively all the while, she used her tongue, teeth and lips to play with me to the point of coming before backing off to let me cool down and start over again. By the fourth time that I was about to blow my load, I was begging her to let me get there while she playfully evaded my frantic efforts to fuck her face.

Her lips released my prick and she said, "Promise me that if I do you'll be able to get it up again." Hell, by then I would have promised her that I would fly to the moon and back if she'd just finish. Of course I gasped out, "Yes, please, not a problem, oh yes; now Mom, please."

Mom then returned her mouth to my shaft, sucked it all the way down, hard and, for good measure stuck a finger in my ass. I came, I swear, like I have never come before; and Mom, fellatrix extraordinaire that she was, kept sucking very gently until every gob of my cum had spurted into her mouth. She opened her mouth to show me her coated tongue, swallowed mightily, then got up and back onto my lap and gave me a long, deep, semen tasting kiss.

We cuddled for a little while before she said, "I've heard from several women that you give really great head. I'm going to want some of that too, but right now I really want you to fuck me. You weren't lying when you said you could do it again, were you?"

"No, Mom, I wasn't lying. I'm usually good for at least three times a night. Those women who outbid you at the club managed to get five out of me."

"Don't brag Sweetie, though I'm glad to hear it." Another deep kiss then, "With all that gasping you were doing, I bet you could use something to drink. Water or another margarita?"

I think maybe she was giving me some recovery time before our next stage, but in fact I really was parched, so I said "Water would be great; yes, thank you."

"Oh, how polite you are. Your mother must be really proud," she said with a chuckle as she headed into the kitchen, exaggerating the sway of her hips and ass as she went.

When she came back Mom slipped herself back onto my lap. As I sipped my water she started in on my nipples; as before, soft and loving on the right one, rough on the left. I was definitely feeling it in my crotch, though I was a long way from hard yet. Water finished, I put my glass down and Mom returned to kissing me, taking my hand and placing it on top of her super slick cunt. As we kissed, I fingered her clit and in no time she was moaning and squirming against me. She broke the kiss to gasp, "Yes, go on, faster, harder," as she added her fingers to mine. She lay her head on my shoulder, giving me the full volume of her every gasp and moan, until, suddenly, she went rigid and cried out her ecstasy.

Needless to say, I was no longer a long way from hard. When she had recovered enough from her orgasm to notice this, Mom said, "Sweetie, when you were having those fantasies about fucking me, where were we doing it?"

That trip down memory lane was not too difficult now. "Mainly in my bed, once or twice on the living room sofa. After I saw some porn with the guy fucking a woman bent over the kitchen counter or the washing machine, I had some fantasies along those lines." I thought, then I said, "And where did we fuck in your fantasies?"

"Oh, almost always in your bed, for some reason during the daytime. Maybe that is because I was always stripping your bed during the day to do laundry, and coming across all those cum stains. A couple of times in my bed, but those were always in the dark." She gave me another deep kiss, ground her ass against my dick, and said "Where would you like to do it now? And please don't say across a counter top. I want to enjoy this at least as much as you do."

"Lady's choice, Mom."

"Then, let's use your bed. We've left your room pretty much the same as it was when you lived here. It's not that your dad would mind us using our bed, but I'd like our first time to be in yours."

Mom wriggled off my lap, took my hand and led me up the stairs and into my old bedroom. She was right, they hadn't changed much, except the sheets which were freshly laundered and folded back. Mom said, "Can you really go two more times?"

"If we have some time, I'm sure I can."

"Then," as she lay down on the bed, spread her legs and held her arms out to me,"please be gentle and slow. I've been looking forward to this for such a long time; let's make this last."

I lay down between Mom's parted legs and kissed her mouth deeply. With all that we had done downstairs, I didn't figure any foreplay was necessary. I was certainly still ready. I placed the head of my stiff cock between her lower lips, gave a couple of short in and out thrusts, then slid all the way into her in one smooth stroke. Mom wrapped her legs behind mine, thrust to meet me and said, "Oh, Sweetie, welcome back."

That made me stop; I was pretty sure we hadn't done this before. "What?"

"Oh, you wouldn't remember, but you've been in my cunt before. All of you in fact, back when you were born. This feels so much nicer. Now, close your mouth and start fucking your mother like a good boy."

Not wanting to return to the issue of whether a good boy would be fucking his mother, I started moving in and out of her gently. Pressure from her legs and thrusts from her hips were telling me that she wanted more, faster, but I was determined to, as she had requested, "make this last." I did up the game by getting one of her nipples into my mouth, which got her moving even more energetically.

I recalled how she had repeatedly brought me close to an orgasm with her mouth then backed off. So when I sensed she was getting close - which didn't take much sensing; Mom being very vocal and energetic in her fucking - I backed off and waited for her to calm down. By the third time I did this she was almost crying in frustration and pleading, "Oh, Sweetie, I need to cum; please make me cum." And when that didn't get the desired result she shouted, "Make Mommy cum, you motherfucker."

Well, I thought, I think we're even now, so I put a hand under her butt and rammed a finger into her asshole as I slammed my dick into her as hard and deep as I could. Boy, did she ever get what she'd asked for. She went wild, thrashing and nearly screaming; and then, literally - she passed out. "La petite mort" was something I'd encountered before, so my first thought was not, Oh Christ, I'm going to have a hard time explaining how I killed my Mom during incestuous sex. Rather I checked her breathing and pulse, found both, and waited for her to come to.

When she did she looked at me with adoring eyes and said, "Sweetie, that was wonderful. That may have been the best fuck of my life,"

As she gave me a big, tender kiss I thought: May have been?; or how about, Did you come too?; or even, Was it good for you? But since the answers to those last two were Yes and Unbelievably Yes, and because she was my Mom and I loved her and knew that she loved me, I decided not to dwell on that May have been.

I rolled off her and we cuddled, just holding each other, letting our sweat dry from the parts that weren't touching. Eventually she said, "This is so much better than the fantasies that I had. I can't believe I waited this long to make a move on you." Another, long, deep kiss, then. "Sweetie, I've fucked a lot of guys, and you are right up there at the top of the list. Honest, I'm not saying that just because I'm your Mom and I love you."

What's a son to say? It had been a good - no make that a monumentally great - fuck, so it was easy to stick to the unvarnished truth. "Mom, I've been a sex addict for a long time. I've fucked a lot of ladies, younger, older, from beginners to women who have spent years turning sex into an art form. Technically, you are a great lay, easily a ten. But none of those ladies was my Mom which means whatever I had with them didn't include love. Sex with them has never been as good as what we just had."

"Oh, John, you're so sweet. Now would you be even sweeter and let me get to the bathroom? Some of those margarita's are wanting to come out."

"Mine too," I said. "And I could stand to clean up a bit. You take the upstairs bathroom and I'll use the one in the downstairs hallway."

"Alright, but don't get cleaned up too much, unless you weren't telling the truth about not being able to go a third time. I'm not ready to be done with you yet."

I gave her a wave and headed downstairs. After relieving myself in the bathroom and washing a good deal of our juices out of my crotch, I made a stop in the kitchen where I found that Mom had put the pitcher of left-over margaritas into the refrigerator. I salted and filled two glasses which I took back up to my bedroom.

It took Mom a few more minutes to finish in the bathroom, which had me wondering, but not for long. When she came out she took the glass I offered her and said, "I told you that for years I've been taking it in my ass. How would you like to fuck your mommy's ass?"

"Tonight I've fucked your mouth and your pussy, and I like fucking women's asses, but I'd be happy to do any of your other holes again, so why don't you call it?"

"Then I want you to fuck my ass tonight. I want you to have all of me."

"You've had my dick and a load of cum in your mouth. Would you like for me to eat you out first?"

"Not tonight, Sweetie. I hear around the club that you give great head, but let me look forward to that the next time we get together. Right now I want to feel you in my ass." Then, with some apprehension, "There is going to be a next time, isn't there?"

"Yes, Mom, and I'm hoping many times after that."

"Oh, good," she said, lighting up. "Now, where shall we do this? Here or in my room."

"I'd just as soon save the energy it would take to go back down the stairs, so let's stay here if that's okay with you."

"Perfectly fine. I put lube in each bedside table," she said as she handed me a bottle of silicone lube before getting onto the bed and onto her knees. Then, reaching behind her, she spread her ass cheeks, presenting me with a freshly-cleaned pucker. Not too puckered, I noticed, and slightly pulsing in anticipation. I started to harden just at the sight of it.

For a sex addict with a lot of miles on him, the one thing that I'm really queasy about is rimming, so I didn't offer that and, thankfully, Mom didn't ask for it. Instead, I put a generous serving of lube onto my hand and started working it around her asshole. I slipped in a finger and started to lube her inside. She cooed, "Oh, that feels fine." Then, "Try another one Sweetie."

As that finger slipped in, she started to wriggle her ass and push back against me. What the hell, I though, so I stuck in a third finger. That got a just little flinch out of her before she again began wriggling and fucking her ass back and forth on my fingers. "Oh, yes, Sweetie, that feels wonderful. Now, how about sticking your big, beautiful cock into me."

I pulled my fingers out and instead of replacing them with my dick, I turned her around on the bed. I was already pretty hard just from watching and listening to her reaction to my fingers up her ass. But a little harder wouldn't hurt (me anyway, or her, either, at least not much I suspected. Besides, I wanted to watch her take my dick into her mouth again.

At least from what I'd seen of her at the club, sucking cock was what Mom loved best,. She didn't need any encouragement to lick the pre-cum off the top on my prick, then suck it into her mouth. She was bobbing up and down enthusiastically, so I didn't feel any need to face-fuck her myself. In no time at all she had me fully hard, and I pulled my dick out of her mouth with a pop. She started to turn around again on her hands and knees but I stopped her.

"I love to watch a woman's face when I enter her" I said as I pulled a pillow off the top of the bed. "Lie down on your back, put this under you ass and spread your legs for me."

While she quickly moved to carry out my orders, I lubed up my dick. Having already lubed her ass, and after her reaction to my three fingers, I didn't think that was necessary, but better safe than sorry. Except for that one time when I totally lost my head (and quite possibly the woman with whom I'd come closest to being in love; see New Xanadu Part 11), I don like hurting women any more than they want.

I got onto the bed, kneeling between Mom's legs, put my arms under her knees and stretched her legs up and out. Looking down, I could see her rosebud, slick with lube and pulsing in anticipation. "How do you want this, Mom? Soft and gentle or fast and hard?"

"You're kind of a big guy, John. How about you start slow to get me stretched out, then you can get rough if you want."

That sounded good to me. I put the head of my dick on Mom's rosebud and started to push. When she took a deep breath and bit her lip, I stopped and waited until she gave me a nod, then I pushed gently some more until I felt the head of my dick pass through her anal ring. I stopped again and Mom gave me a big smile and said. "Wonderful, Sweetie, now ass-fuck me like you mean it."

With that I drilled the whole length of my cock into her ass, pulled it out all the way and entered her again. This time her sphincter gave almost no resistance, and I was all the way up her ass in one smooth thrust. I leaned forward as I kept drilling into Mom's ass, her legs now up on my shoulders. She started bucking her hips as much as she could and then I felt her put her fingers in her cunt. I kept pumping away until I could tell from her contorted face and ragged moaning that she was close. When she came, the intense constriction of her ass, added to the stimulation of watching her go over the top, brought me along with her. I dropped her legs and collapsed on top of her, panting.

When our breathing had calmed, I gave Mom a deep kiss and carefully rolled off her. Once again we cuddled and this time she asked, "Did you enjoy that?

As before, I figured the truth was best. "It was a really great butt fuck Mom. Clearly you enjoyed it and that helped me enjoy it more too. But to tell the truth I had much more fun fucking your pussy, and I'm thinking that maybe you did too. After all, you didn't pass out from getting buggered like you did from when we fucked."

"That's fair enough, Sweetie. Some guys are really excited by the idea of anal, and I'm perfectly happy when someone who knows what he's doing sticks his dick up my ass. But I think you're right, that for us, pussy fucking is best."

"That's great Mom. When either of us gets the urge to use the windward passage, it'll be a pleasant diversion. But I really did enjoy fucking your pussy more; and think of all the variations there that we haven't tried."

"You're not telling me you want to go again, are you?"

"With all my heart, I do. But I've come so many times in the past three days that I might not be able to, and I wouldn't want to disappoint you. Besides, when is Dad coming home? I'm not sure I'm ready to talk to him about this, much less to have him walk in on his wife and son in the same bed, naked and reeking of sex."

"Not to worry about that. We agreed that he would spend the night at Jill's unless you stormed out of here early and I needed some consoling. By now he'll have figured he won't need to be home until breakfast time. How about you; would you like to sleep over?"

"I'd love to Mom, but I'd better not. I have work tomorrow and I don't have any clean clothes here. I need to go home, get a really good shower and some sleep so that I can earn my keep tomorrow. Would you mind terribly if I just got a quick shower and took off?"

"Certainly not. 'Me shower is su shower' or however you say that. I understand what it is to have a steady job outside the home. Go head and get you cleaned up and back into the real world. As for me, I'm going to lie here for awhile in these sweaty sheets, breathing in the sex smells and replaying the visions of the best fuck of my life."

I went downstairs to use the bathroom in the master bedroom, which had a walk-in shower. While there, it came to me why my highly-sexed patents had chosen a house with their bedroom downstairs and the kids' rooms up. Then I got dressed and slipped back upstairs quietly in case Mom had fallen asleep. She hadn't. True to her word, she was lying in the tangled sheets. Her eyes were closed, and she was smiling happily, with one hand stroking the nipple on her left breast and the other playing with her cunt.

I must have made some noise, as she opened her eyes, though her hands kept on doing what they had been doing for a few seconds. Then she sat up and said, "This has been so wonderful, Sweetie. Every Mom should be so lucky as to have such a loving son. Would you like for me to see you to the door?"

"Certainly not like that," I said. "The real world starts on the other side of that door, and we have to be careful with what your neighbors see. And we especially can't show any hint of this in the club. The Sheriff and a couple of the local politicians are members, and there's a Sheriff's Deputy manning the security cameras. The club's made it a point to keep our activities squeaky clean, or at least squeaky legal and, like I said earlier, incest is still illegal in this State."

"I understand, Sweetie. This will be our special safe place. At the club I'll make it a point not to bump elbows, or anything else, with you."

Another long kiss and a "Goodnight, Mom. I love you," and I was ready to tear myself away.

"I love you more than you can imagine Sweetie. Please take good care of yourself."

As I headed for the stairs I turned to blow Mom a kiss. I saw that she had already laid back down and resumed playing with herself.

Walking back to where the Uber had dropped me off earlier in the evening, I called for a ride to pick me up there. On the trip home images of what I'd seen and done kept running through my mind. I expected I would have a hell of a time getting to sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

I shouldn't have to go on an easter egg hunt to figure out how to read your stories, what order, how they're related (or not related), etc. Give us some names to follow along, chapter titles, something...

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