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Tales of the Soiled Dove Ch. 01

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How Princess Jeanette serviced a ship's entire crew.
4.8k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/21/2015
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Author's Note: I didn't have time to write a full chapter this week, so instead I'm presenting the first chapter of a spin off series, Tales from the Soiled Dove. They won't have any plot to speak of, and don't strictly adhere to canon, but they are fun erotic tales of some of Jeanette's adventures in the brothel. They will generally take place before chapter 3 of Orc Dominion: Zentara. I'll add to the series when I'm too busy during any given week to write a chapter for the main story. Enjoy! Enjoy!


Brass and copper bracelets jingled against one another as Jeanette strode through the streets of Ruar. Her admirers at the Soiled Dove had gifted her with the cheap, tawdry jewelry and wearing it when she worked at the brothel made it seem more real to her. Wearing it made her feel more like a prostitute and less like a princess. So every night before leaving, she slipped on the bangles and necklaces, donned the peasant dress and cloak and disappeared into the city. With the alterations to her dress that Cindy made, and the gaudy jewelry, no man would mistake her for anything other than a prostitute if she removed her cloak.

The Soiled Dove was busy tonight, Jeanette could tell that much as she entered the building. The bar downstairs was packed with men, and the stage where the girls attracted clients was empty. That had to mean that they were all upstairs with men already, and that there would be men waiting downstairs, eager to hire her services. Jeanette pushed her way through the crowd towards the Madame, who was guarding the way upstairs. Most of the men didn't recognize her as female, as she was still hidden by her cloak. Those who did groped her breasts and ass, and made lewd comments that brought a smile to her lips and made her flush with excitement. It was shaping up to be a lively night.

The Madame seemed to be arguing with what appeared to be a ship captain. When she spotted Jeanette, she beamed happily at welcomed her over. "Now captain, here comes the perfect girl for your request. She has all the requisite experience and ability you're looking for."

The ship captain turned to look at Jeanette, looking over her with a critical eye. "She's pretty enough, sure. But isn't she a bit young? I don't want some lass who is going to pass out in an hour. Don't try to push off on me the first new girl to come through the door."

Jeanette raised her eyebrows, curious as to what special request the captain could have. This was getting more interesting by the moment. "Please don't think I cannot handle it only on account of my age, captain. I've been working here sometime and am quite experienced. I'm sure I can satisfy any need you might have."

"I've no doubt about that, sweetheart, if it was just my needs you're to be satisfying."

The Madame smiled soothingly at the captain. "Rest assured, captain, Jeanette will be everything you require and more. She is the reigning Gangbang Queen of the Soiled Dove."

Heat flashed through her, turning Jeanette's ears red as the mark hit a little too close to home. "Ah, it's to be that sort of party, is it captain? Why don't you come upstairs and tell me all the details."

The Madame reached out to touch Jeanette's shoulder. "Not so fast, honey. The good captain has requested that you join him and his crew tonight on his ship."

His ship? Jeanette's heart leapt up into her throat. She'd never worked anywhere besides the Soiled Dove before. There would be no bouncers to protect her on the ship, she would be at the mercy of the men. They could abuse her; kill her, sail away with her. Any number of things might go wrong. Even still, a tinge of excitement ran up her spine. The added danger was thrilling to her. Besides, ship captains in Ruar were honest men, on the whole.

Jeanette ran her tongue over her lips wetting them as she looked at the captain again. "I would love to join the captain and his crew on their ship, though it will cost me dearly to be away from the Dove for so long."

"Oh don't you worry about that, lass, you'll be paid for the evening up front, on deposit here." The captain laughed jovially, running his hand up the back of Jeanette's thigh to cup her bottom.

"Yes, don't you worry about money, my dear. You'll have nothing to complain about on that end, rest assured. But don't keep her away too long, captain. The poor dear needs to be in bed by dawn if she's going to be rested enough to return to work tomorrow."

"Hah! I doubt she'll be wanting to work tomorrow! But don't you worry Madame, I'll have her back by dawn. Come on lass, let's get a move on down to the docks!" The captain squeezed Jeanette's ass again, and led her out of the brothel.

A tremor of excitement shot down Jeanette's spine as she stepped out of the Soiled Dove. She could feel her pussy moistening already in anticipation of the night's festivities. Her excitement led her to leave her cloak open and her hood down. It was dark, and night, so it was doubtful anyone would recognize her. At least, not as the Princess. Everyone who saw her would assume she was a whore, walking with her next client.

"So captain, may I ask why you want only a single girl for your party? I'm sure you could have hired a small army of hookers off the street to service all your men for what you paid for me." Jeanette looked at the captain closer. He was handsome enough, with strong forearms and broad shoulders suggesting a hard life at sea before becoming captain. Still, he seemed a little ragged and word down, not the sort of man she'd expect to spend richly on a prostitute.

"That's a bit of a long story, Jeanette, isn't it? I'm Gregory Tranaith, captain of the Western Treasure. But I suppose I should tell you, so you can prepare yourself for what we have planned with you. Our normal run is to pick up Elfish goods from Ruar, and sail them east to the orc camp of Drakoth and sell them to the orc merchants there. They then take the goods through the Angrian March and sell them in the Eastern Kingdoms. Well, last autumn we set sail to Drakoth later than we planned on. We got caught in a storm, and blown way off course." Gregory continued to fondle Jeanette's backside as they walked.

Her fingers stroked up and down his forearm as she walked beside him. "A terrible ordeal, captain. Where did you end up?"

"We didn't know, we still don't know, really. It was a strange land, far to the south of the Drakoth. There were people there, not humans or elfs, or even orcs. They were as tall as an orc, but skinny like an elf. Called themselves the Mincentti. They asked us all sorts of questions, about humans and elfs and orcs. They fixed up our ship for us, real good they were at it too. It was strange, since they didn't have any ships we could see. But there also weren't that many of them. They had big villages, but no people. Anyway, they fixed us up on their ship, and in payment they said to honor their tradition.

Now here's where it gets a bit odd, see, they wanted us to, well, to all share the same woman. Something to do with their fertility Goddess I guess, or maybe it has to do with how few of them there are. Anyway, in honor of our rescuers, we're all to spend the night with a single woman; and not just some common doxy, either, she had to be worthy of it, someone who could last the whole night with each man."

Jeanette watched him for a moment, and then burst out giggling. "Oh come on captain, you're pulling my leg, aren't you? I know sailors like to tell stories but that's the most absurd one I've ever heard!"

A smile formed on the captains lips as he pinched her bottom. "Now why would I go making up a story like that? It's true, every word of it. You can ask the crew if you don't believe me. They'll tell you the same story, word for word. I didn't reckon that you'd believe me, which is why I left out the more fantastic parts."

"More fantastic than that? Please, do tell!"

"Well, it wasn't easy getting to the Mincentti. At first we stopped along the shore to get supplies to fix up the ship ourselves, but we were attacked by creatures, half-men half-bull. Minotaurs they were called. They drove us off their land and we retreated back to the ship. We sailed along the coastline, looking for a spot to land. Next we spotted a herd of half-men half-horses, but they just fired bows at us form the coastline. It wasn't until we saw the Mincentti village and actual signs of civilization that we braved the shore again. Luckily they at least were friendly."

"Bull and horse men? Bull something, I'd say." Jeanette laughed playfully and wiggled her bottom into his hand. "But if you want me to be your sacrifice, captain, I'm happy to oblige. How many of your crew made it back from this fantastic voyage?"

"There are twenty-four of us, lass. Think you can handle that? Twenty-four men in one night?"

The number took Jeanette aback. Twenty-four men? In one night? She had never handled that many before. Tomorrow was definitely going to be a day where she slept in, and possibly didn't even get out of bed. A smile crossed her lips at the thought; sometimes it was good to be princess. "I would sure love to give it a try, captain."

The Western Treasure was looking remarkably good for supposedly having been in a storm. Truth be told, it looked better than new. Gregory guided her up the gangplank, and on the deck she was greeted by the whole crew who were already waiting for her. Tables had been set up, and the men were drinking, eating, playing dice and making music as they awaited her arrival.

A great clamor erupted as she walked on deck and let the cloak flutter to the ground, revealing her in only the skimpy dress. The sailors immediately rose up and surrounded her to get a better look. Jeanette smiled and posed for them, lifting her skirt, thrusting out her chest, and turning slowly so they could all get a good look at her curves.

"Alright men," the captain's voice boomed over the sailors, and they quieted down to listen, "you all know why we're here. We made a promise, and tonight we're going to keep it. We'll do this in order of rank, so me first, followed by the first mate, the quartermaster, and so on down. But don't worry, lads, everyone will get a chance. I've been assured that this lass is the Gangbang Queen!"

The men laughed and cheered again as another embarrassed blush came to Jeanette's face. If only they knew. Jeanette slowly unlaced the front of her dress until it was loose enough for her to pull her breasts free. Her nipples hardened from the chill sea air, and she turned back towards Gregory with a grin. "So, you're to be first captain?" Jeanette pressed her hands against his chest and slid them down his firm body to his loose pants and squeezed his member firmly. "How do you want me, then?"

Gregory groped Jeanette's breasts in his calloused hands, squeezing them firmly. "These are mighty tempting lass, but I think I'll take what's between your legs while it's still fresh. Captain's privilege and all that!" Gregory moved his hands from her breasts and down to the skirt of her dress. He bunched up the fabric in his hands, raising the hem higher and higher as she backed up towards the table. When her bare ass pressed against the edge, she pulled down his loose sailor's pants and wrapped her soft hand around his cock.

"Aye aye, captain!" Jeanette grinned saucily and spread her legs as the crew cheered. The music resumed, and the revelry started again as the true party began. Jeanette moaned as she felt the captain's hard shaft push inside her already wet and waiting cunt. Gregory grunted as she felt her snatch envelop his shaft, and began to thrust his cock eagerly in and out of her.

The table creaked as Jeanette bounced atop it, rocking her hips to work his cock circularly inside her body. Her large tits swayed before the captain, and he was quick to grab one in a strong hand and bring his mouth to the other, kissing it all over. Another sigh escaped the princess as she felt him suckle on her nipple, and his hard cock sent shivers through her body as it rubbed her sensitive pussy flesh.

Broad shoulders met her hands as she gripped him tightly, using him for leverage to grind into his cock. She shuddered in delight again, a tremor running down her spine as she felt the lecherous eyes of the crew devouring her naked flesh as she fucked their captain on the deck of the ship. This was a different kind of pleasure for her. She was used to taking men in the small rooms of the brothel, not out in the open like this. So many men were watching her, wanting her. They were all going to get a chance with her, too.

The captain grunted as she dug her fingernails into his bad, panting harder as he thrust more forcefully. The wet slapping sound of their fucking was barely audible beneath the ruckus of the crew. Jeanette clenched herself, squeezing his cock firmly inside her as she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer. "Ah, oh that's it captain, fuck me! Give it to me! Give me all of your big cock!" She moaned outrageously, putting on a good show for his crew. While the captain's cock certainly felt good inside her, it was mostly the situation she was in that she was enjoying. Still, he was the one paying so she might as well make him look good in front of his crew.

The captain had been at sea for far too long, but he still had the presence of mind to pull out before he came. He didn't want to spoil her too much, not when he was going first. He managed to slip out of her just in time, and shot his load all over her inner thighs as his cock bobbed and twitched around.

Jeanette sighed with need. The captain had cum too fast for her to get off. She looked around hungrily, searching for the first mate. He appeared quickly enough, and soon she was moaning again as another cock was inside her. She didn't even know his name, this man who was thrusting wildly inside of her. Most of the time her clients wanted her to know them. But not this time, not tonight. She would never know the names of most of the men who would sate their lust on her body.

Strong hands gripped her shoulders and pulled her flat on her back. The first mate lifted her legs, holding them straight out to his sides as he plunged between her legs. The quartermaster climbed atop her, apparently unable to wait his turn. He slapped his fat prick against her breasts, and then spread them around his cock so he could push between them. Jeanette looked up at the quartermaster's face, locking her eyes with his as he wildly thrust his cock between her breasts.

"Hey, wait your turn!"

"Ah screw you! There's plenty of the bitch to go around!" The men laughed as both of the officers had their way with her body. Jeanette opened her mouth and tilted her head down to kiss and lick the head of his cock as it pushed up and down between her tits. Her hot moans reverberated around the cock as the first mate thrust harder and faster inside.

"Ah! Ah ah!" Shrill cries escaped from Jeanette as the quartermaster slapped her breasts, making them bounce and jiggle against his cock before squeezing them firmly around his shaft against.

"That's it, lick the tip, oh fuck you're a good whore! Keep going!" The quartermaster groaned as he felt Jeanette's lips wrap around the tip of his shaft, holding it in place inside her hot, wet mouth as she tickled the underside of the head with the tip of her tongue.

From the corners of her eyes Jeanette could see cocks come out as the sailors started to stroke themselves while watching the show. Seeing their swollen dicks sent a shudder of excitement through her, and she lifted her hips to push firmly into the first mate's cock. She moaned eagerly around the quartermaster's cock as she worked the tip between her lips. Jeanette reached forward, gripping his ass to pull him further up her body, taking his shaft deeper into her mouth as he pushed up close against her.

The first mate gripped her firmly by the ass, groping it fiercely as he pumped between her legs. He grunted gutturally as he thrust, his cock tingling from the wondrous friction of her cunt around his meat. He slapped her ass, and then lifted on leg up to his shoulder, bracing her against him to better support her weight. He kissed her ankle and calf, and then licked it broadly to leave a long wet strip of spittle on her leg.

The first mate and the quartermaster had obviously been at sea just as long as the captain, and weren't able to last any longer. Jeanette whined in frustration as the first mate pulled out of her before she had the chance to cum. His hot jizz shot over her stomach, staining her dress while the quartermaster exploded in her mouth. She swallowed it down eagerly as he used her tits to milk all the sticky seed between her lips.

When they both moved off her, she sat up on her elbows and looked around. "Who's next? Come and get me boys! I'm all yours all night!"

The crew rushed in around her, most cocks then she knew what to do with. The first mate was quickly replaced with another cock, eagerly thrusting in and out of her cunt. Rough hands found her breasts, and the squeezed them and pulled her onto her side, where a twitching cock was waiting. Jeanette opened her mouth wide and swallowed the cock, expertly taking it all into her mouth in a single movement.

She felt her hands pulled out to each side, and soon a throbbing dick was slapped against her palm. She jerked the cocks eagerly, running her soft hands up and down the slabs of meat. Jeanette bobbed up and down on the cock, slipping it in and out of her throat quickly as her tongue swished against the underside of it as it plunged in. Her lips squeezed the base of it, milking the loose skin of the erect penis as it thrust in and out of her mouth.

"Oh fuck! Her mouth is incredible!"

"Hurry up, stop hogging her!"

"He pull her off the table! Bring her down to the deck so I can fuck her ass!"

Strong hands lifted her off the table and brought her down to the wooden deck. Another sailor was already undressed and stroking a hard cock, lubed up with his spit. Someone spread her ass cheeks apart, and soon another cock was pushing inside her hot body. Jeanette moaned eagerly around the cock in her mouth as she felt the two dicks pushing in and out of her pussy and ass.

Waves of pleasure crashed through her as she finally found the release she was craving. Her climax swept through her, making her clench and cavort around the cocks as she writhed beneath all the men. One man thrust down into her pussy while another thrust up onto her ass. Sweaty balls slapped her eyelids as a third man pushed his cock down her throat. Two more cocks were in each fist, and she jerked them both eagerly.

Hands groped her breasts, squeezing and pulling on her nipples. Rough fingers stroked her legs and feet and her ass. Men touched her everywhere as she was ravished from all sides at once. Jeanette could feel them throbbing inside her, and she knew that they wouldn't be able to last much longer either.

"Oh fuck, yes, that's it, I'm gonna-!" The sailor fucking her throat ripped his shaft out and started cumming on her face. Nearly a whole year's worth of sperm splattered on her nose, her eyes, her forehead. It dripped down her cheeks and chin and coated her lips. Sticky semen knotted in her hair, matting it to her face as the man drained his balls on her. As soon as he was done, another man stepped forward, ready to take a turn with her mouth.

The tightness of her ass proved to be too much for the sailor beneath her, and soon she felt his cock spasming as it shot his load deep in her bowels. He soaked her insides with his cum, making it sloppy and slick for the next sailor to take her there. The one fucking her showed a little more restraint, but when he climaxed his load splattered over the outside of her sex, covering her pussy mound so long drabs of cum dribbled down the curve of her nether lips.


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