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Taming a Brat Pt. 19

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Alias pushes her limits to the edge.
4.9k words

Part 19 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/07/2022
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*Alias's POV*

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

All I could hear was my brain cursing me with every step to the playroom. The thud of my heartbeat rang through my ears. Why am I so damn nervous?

I looked at Kane and relief washed over me, reminding me this could be the best thing I ever tried.

Or the worst.

Damn anxiety. Always shows up at the worst time, no matter how positive I want to be. I want to do well. I want to enjoy this. I don't want to force it though. Just relax, Alias.

Kane squeezed my hand reassuringly before stopping in front of the door. I smiled at him, nervously, might I add.

"You're absolutely sure about this?" He asked me compassionately.

"Don't ask me that!" I giggled, "I'm sure but don't let me think about it too long."

"I'm just checking," He chuckled, "If things get overwhelming, just talk to me, Alias. It's just me and you, no need to be so worried. From the time we start to the time we stop, you are my priority. Your comfortability, your happiness, and your pleasure are my main focus. Just remember no matter what, every command is in your best interest. Your obedience will give you the greatest rewards, but should you need to stop, I will start aftercare immediately."

"Yes, Sir," I smirked at him, feeling the pressure fade away.

"After you, sweetheart," He opened the door for me, motioning me inside. I gulped silently before stepping into the playroom.

I stopped immediately. What do I do? Where do I go? The anxiety that faded was already back.

"Follow me," Kane stated as he walked ahead of me. His voice was different, more seriousness in his tone. I obeyed, walking behind him, thankful he was providing directions.

Kane plopped down in a large cushioned chair, slouching comfortably. He must want me in his lap. I took a few steps toward him. He raised his foot, keeping me a distance away and shot me a stern look, followed by a slight head shake of disapproval. I bit my lip nervously, waiting for his instructions.

"Take off your bra," He commanded gently, yet sternly.


"Quietly," He cut me off before I could speak. Probably for the best, I was ready to start rambling to buy myself some time. I shouldn't be this nervous, but I wanted to please him desperately.

Hesitantly, I reached around behind me and unfastened my bra. I caught it with my arms, suddenly shy of letting Kane see my breasts, as if he hadn't seen them a few times now. His reaction let me know I shouldn't do that, so I relaxed my arms and slid the straps down my arms slowly. The cold air hit my nipples, causing them to immediately perk up. The smirk creeping up in the corner of his lips let me know he noticed as well. He studied my body for a minute before speaking his next command.

"Take off your panties," He smirked devilishly, his eyes turning a dark shade of blue.

I reached down, unclasping the clips on my stockings. I hooked my index finger on the sides of my panties and took a deep breath before sliding them down my legs.

"Keep them on," Kane instructed, "I quite like the stockings and belt. You will keep them on the remainder of the time."

Suddenly, my core tingled with anticipation. Oh will I? I smirked to myself, biting my tongue. Anxiety slipped away as lust set in. Kane was looking at me expectantly. Oh, right.

"Yes, Sir," I smirked, letting the 'sir' roll sexily off my tongue.

"Come here," He motioned with his eyes for me to step towards him, and I did.

"Kneel," He smirked slightly as he instructed me. Slowly, I lowered myself to my knees, dropping my head, and resting my eyes on his shoes.

He leaned forward in the chair and reached out to stroke my hair lightly. My body relaxed at his touch, a familiar comfort began to set in as I remembered he always takes care of me. His fingers trailed from my hair, running softly down my cheek then to the center of my chest until he landed cupping my right breast delicately. He circled it lightly, teasingly. Shivers ran through my body as he barely touched my nipple. I whimpered lightly, wanting more than he was giving. He lightly pinched my nipple in response, causing me to gasp. When my eyes met his, there was a look I didn't recognize- a cross between lust and utter control. He looked at me with so much desire, yet barely showed that with his actions. While looking in my eyes, he repeated the same motions with my left breast, teasing around my nipple delicately. I arched my back a little, hoping he would apply more pressure. Instead, a devilish smirk spread across his lips.

"Stand," He said simply. I lift my hands and used his knees for support as I stood slowly. He raised an eyebrow curiously, and I couldn't help shoot him a seductive smile as our eyes remained locked on each other.

"Go to the edge of the bed," He motioned with his head towards the bed behind me.

I turned slowly and turned to face him as I sat down on the edge. This wasn't so bad after all. I waited patiently for him to come over to me, but he didn't. Instead, he gave me a look- something between disapproval and amusement.

"I did something wrong?" I bit my lip nervously.

"No," He chuckled, "But I didn't tell you to sit."

I shot him a nervous smile as I realized my mistake. I started to stand, but he stopped me.

"That's alright, I can position you from there," He smirked.

"Position me?" I asked innocently.

"Think of it like modeling," He smiled devilishly.

"How is-..." I started, but he cut me off.

"Alias, you belong to me now. My submissive. You will do what I want, and I want to look at you, to watch you. The commands are mine to give, understand?" He was more serious than I had ever seen him.

"Yes, Sir," I responded nervously, unsure how to feel. Butterflies erupted through me as he announced I belong to him, followed with indescribable lust as he put me in my place.

"Lean back," He demanded, almost switching characters. Instinctively, I obeyed, propping myself up on my hands. I flicked my hair over my shoulder as he watched my every move, arching my back lightly so my breasts were on display for him.

"Spread your legs," He said as he placed his chin in his head, studying me intently. I gulped lightly, slightly uncomfortable with being on display like this. I obeyed anyway, hesitantly opening my legs until the coolness of the air met my bare core. I stayed in the same position for a few seconds. He seemed to be contently enjoying the view, whereas I was going through every emotion from utter anxiety to absolute raging horniness. I wanted him to come touch me. He was only a few feet away, but I felt like there were miles between us.

"Beautiful," He admired me while his eyes roamed my body. "Scoot back to the headboard," He instructed, satisfied with my first position. I obeyed, keeping my eyes locked onto his as I scooted myself backwards until I felt the velvet cushion on my back.

"Bring your knees up and spread them."

I kept my eyes on his, almost a way to calm myself through my nerves. Slowly, I brought my need up to my chest and used my hands to slowly part my knees. I felt frustration build as he only looked at my body. Was he just going to look at me this whole time?

"Now, play with your breasts," He smirked, waiting for me to obey.

But I want him to play with me.

"Why don't you?" I asked seductively, shooting him an enticing smirk. His face turned to a disapproving frown.

"Pinch your right nipple," He narrowed his eyes.

"What?" I asked nervously.

"Actually, pinch both until I tell you to stop," He moved his hand from his chin, readjusting himself in the chair.

I hesitated, but he seemed to be beyond serious. I slid my hands slowly up my sides until they were cupping my breasts. I had never fondled my own in front of someone, but I closed my eyes, imagining my hands were Kane's. It became incredibly pleasurable as I pictured his large, warm hands squeezing and teasing my breasts. A light gasp slipped past my lips as I got a little too caught up in my delusion. My eyes fluttered open, landing on a very unhappy face.

"Alias, listen to my commands," He said, frustration lingering in his voice.

"I am, you said play-.."

"And you asked why don't I," He cut me off, "Asking something like that is almost the same as disobeying. I said pinch. I want you to punish yourself."

Oh, fuck. Why do I like this? A wave of heat rushed to my pussy as he corrected me.

"I'm sorry, Sir," I bit my lip slowly as I brought my fingers to my nipples. Carefully I pinched them, causing my back to arch slightly. I whimpered lightly as I forced myself to pinch harder. I looked at Kane, pleading with my eyes for him to replace my hands with his.

"Mhm, that's what I wanted to see," He smirked at me, "Now, I want you tease yourself."


"Alias, play with yourself for me," He pretended to ask nicely, but I knew he wasn't asking at all.

"I've never masturbated in front of anyone," I admitted nervously. I didn't want to be punished, but I needed reassurance.

"Even better, take your time, Sweetheart. Show me what makes you feel good, show me what you want me to do to you," He smirked as he responded. With those few words, I didn't need any further explanation.

I let my eyes drift closed as my right hand trailed away from my nipple and made its way down to my throbbing clit. I brushed my fingers over it lightly, pleasure pulsated down to my toes. I started in small circles, arching into my fingers with every loop. My left hand continued to fondle my breast, pinching my sensitive nipple occasionally. I brought myself closer and closer to the edge, letting go of my hesitations as I imagined Kane was doing all of this to me. I let my head fall back, soaking in the pleasure.

"Don't cum, Alias," His raspy voice brought me back to reality, "Don't stop either."

I groaned in agony. Something about him telling me not to cum only made me want too twice as much. I stopped playing with my clit, sliding my fingers inside of me to help prevent my release. I was soaking wet at this point, juices dripped down between my ass cheeks. My pussy was begging me to climax.

"Look at me," Kane's voice bringing me back to my senses. I peeled my eyes open as I panted, fighting my orgasm with everything I had. I could have fucking screamed when I saw him. He sat leaned back in the chair, his large cock in his hands as he stroked himself while he watched me. The need inside me grew, desperately wanting my pussy to replace his hands on his hard dick. I felt myself all but go over the edge as I remembered the feeling of his dick inside me. I'd do anything to have that now.

"Please," I begged through my breaths.

"Please what, babygirl?" He grunted as he stroked his cock slowly.

"I want you," I whimpered, trying to steady my pace to keep myself from orgasming.

"Oh I know, baby. I can tell by the way you play with yourself you want me," He chuckled sexily, not offering any relief. Well, fuck it if he's not going to do it.

"Please let me cum," I pleaded as I fought another wave of pressure. My hand is soaked in my juices, my walls clenching with every pump.

"No," He smirked, taking pleasure in my distraught. I couldn't keep going or I was going to cum right fucking now. I pulled my fingers from my dripping, pulsating pussy and put them back on my breasts. I tried focusing on my breathing, but the sexual tension in my body was far louder than my thoughts.

"I didn't say stop," Kane grinned cheekily, almost as if he knew this was going to happen. I groaned desperately for mercy. Kane stood up, zipping his pants back up, and walked over toward a closet. I took advantage of my freedom and stretched my legs out, letting my climax die down as much as possible.

Kane approached me slowly, his eyes were dark. He had thick, black ropes in his hands and a small silver bullet with a remote control. He smirked devilishly as my eyes widened. He sat down on the bed beside me for moment, seeming to break character as he laid the ropes on my bare stomach.

"They are soft, but they will hold you still," He explained as I felt of them. I looked up at him confidently and excitedly. Finally, my dream of being tied up was about to come true.

He smiled softly at me, raising his hand to tuck my hair behind my ear.

"Are you alright?" He ran his thumb gently across my cheek.

"I'm good," I smiled at him, truthfully enjoying myself aside from my nervousness. This was all so new to me, yet I was thriving in the excitement of the unfamiliarity.

He kissed my forehead softly before taking my right hand and pulling it to his chest. He wrapped the rope gently, yet firmly around my wrist and brought it up to bed post where he tied it in place- expertly I might add. He walked around the bed, repeating the same steps with my left hand. My nipples hardened at the position he put me in. I tugged on them just to test their secureness, and they only moved enough to allow blood flow to my hands. I succumbed to my every desire, completely carefree of anything he did to me so long as I remained in this position. Something inside me loved it, the idea of being completely at Kane's disposal.

"I'll let you decide this once, would you like me to bind your feet as well?" He smiled at me.

"Your choice, Sir," I batted my eyes at him seductively. I was fine with either choice. His lip curled into a sinister smirk, and he gave me a nod of approval.

"We'll stick with only hands for now," He reached up, tugging the rope to be sure it was secured.

He reached over me, keeping his eyes locked on mine and grabbed the bullet from beside me. I bit my lip in anticipation. No one had ever used a vibrator with me before, and I was all but ready to beg him to put it inside me. He took the remote and pressed a button, turning the vibrator on to a low power setting. Gently, he pulled my left leg up, placing my foot flat on the bed. He motioned with his eyes for me to do the same with the other, and I hurriedly obeyed. I was no longer self conscious at this point, the only thing on my mind was the pleasure I knew was yet to come.

He ran the bullet down my inner thigh, skipping my needy core, and back down the other thigh. Teasingly, he brought it back up and over my stomach, touching each nipple for a brief second. I whimpered as he teased me, desperately wanting him to put the vibrator inside of me. To my surprise, he turned it off instead, receiving frustrated groans from me.

"Ask for what you want, Alias," He smirked.

For once, I didn't mind doing exactly that.

"Please put it inside me, Sir," I shot him a look of desperation, "Please, Sir."

He nodded in approval, sliding his hand with the bullet back up my left thigh. He turned his hand slightly, flicking his finger up my slick folds.

"Mm, fuck yes," I couldn't hold back how good the slightest touch from him felt.

"My sweet girl, you're so wet for me," He looked at my pussy hungrily, which only sent more waves of need through my body. Fucking hell, if he wants me so bad, he should just fuck me right now.

He slipped two fingers inside, thrusting at an agonizingly slow place. My toes curled and walls clenched around his fingers as he hit my G spot over and over. I threw my head back in ecstasy. Forget the vibrator, I could cum for him right now if he'd only allow me. I arched my back into his hand, my arms tugging on the ropes. As much as I was enjoying being restrained, I desperately wanted grab something each time he pulled his fingers out of me. I caught hold of the rope and squeezed so tightly I'm sure my knuckles were turning white. He must have noticed what he was doing to me, as he placed his thumb flat on my clit and held it in place. I groaned loudly as it throbbed around the warmth of his thumb.

"Mm, someone is enjoying themselves a little too much," He smirked, knowing I was ready to cum as soon as he would allow me too.

I was about to speak when he removed his hand from my soaking core and swiftly replaced it with the bullet. I was so wet, it glided in without a moments hesitation. I anticipated it to be cold, but it was a comfortable temperature from where Kane held it in his hand. I cooed at the feeling of it inside me as anticipation built inside me.

"Are you going to behave?" He asked, voice deep and eyes full of lust. Fucking hell, I'm going to try.

"Y-yes, Sir," I stuttered out, craving the sensation I knew was coming.

"You cannot cum until I say so," He looked at me pointedly, "If you do, the scene will end. That will be your punishment."

Fuck. I could never last long with a vibrator on my own, much less now since I was hanging by a thread. I whimpered in response, hoping he'd show me mercy. Instead, he only got up from the bed, taking his chair back at the foot of the bed and scooted it closer for a better view. I bit my lip knowing I was about to have to channel all the inner strength I had so I could obey his command.

Faintly, the familiar buzz began from inside me. He put it on the lowest setting, but the vibrations were erupting through me like fireworks. Loud moans escaped my lips as I pleaded in my mind for him to turn the speed up. As if he could read my mind, he did just that.

He turned the speed to the fastest setting, pressure instantly built in my core. Pussy juice dripped heavily down both my ass cheeks, and I knew he could see it glistening from where he was sitting. My hips rocked as I fought off yet another orgasm, and I closed my knees as I desperately tried to fight it. I tugged on the ropes, but they weren't budging. My moans turned to screams and I watched my clit throb from the building pressure of my climax. Fuck, I can't hold on anymore.

Just as I was ready to lose my inner battle, the vibrator switched back to the low hum of the slowest setting. Tears streamed down my cheeks from how tightly my eyes had been shut. I was panting, almost gasping for air as my climax slowly died back down, bringing me back down from the edge. I was ready to cry, I so badly wanted release. My want to obey him was stronger than my desire to cum, but this was the hardest thing I'd ever done.

He watched me closely, spotting the tears on my cheeks. I could barely hold my eyes open from the pleasure, but I noticed the worry come across his face. He got up from his chair, his dominance radiating off of him as he approached me. I moaned lightly trying to signal him I was okay, but he sat down gently next to me. He wiped my tears from my cheeks and we shared a look of reassurance for each other, letting us both know to continue. He hesitated for a moment before turning the speed back up. He stayed by my side, caressing my breasts and rubbing my chest gently with his fingertips. I cried out, knowing I couldn't fight it off much longer. I squeezed my eyes shut, fighting my instincts. I felt the bed beside me cave in, and his hand run softly between my breasts, down my stomach and back up again. He caressed my nipples and just like that, I was teetering over the edge.

"My good girl," He whispered to me as I struggled to hold on. The combination of his hand caressing me and the full speed of the vibrator was becoming too much to bare.

"Please, please, please," I cried in pleasure, dying for release. He trailed his hand to my right thigh, wrapping his arm around my knee, holding it still. His other hand came to my clit, rubbing his thumb small circles around it, sending lightening bolts through my body. I knew I couldn't hold off any longer this time.

"Cum for me, Alias," He gave his final command, one I waited so long to hear. I all but screamed in relief as the words registered.

With perfect timing, waves of pleasure rolled through my body, pulsating through my core. I cried out as I stopped fighting. My back arched, my arms pulled the ropes as tight as they would go. He kept my leg in place as my orgasm took over, my juices pouring out of me and soaking the bed beneath me.


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