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Click hereWe're both moaning now. The bedroom door is open and I wonder if Sarah can hear us. The slap of flesh on flesh, the creak of the bed frame. I want her to hear us. Actually, I want her to watch us, the way I watched the two of them. That would only be fair, wouldn't it? I want her to see how good Ravi and I are together.
I glance over at the door, half-expecting to see her standing there naked except for her little white socks, come to investigate the sex sounds. I want her to masturbate as she watches us do it. I want her to remember how good Ravi's cock felt when it was inside her. But it's inside me now! He's mine. I want her to feel as jealous as I felt watching the two of them.
But this is all just a fantasy. Sarah's not standing in the door. She's still sound asleep out in the living room.
So she misses out on seeing me cum, which is a pity, because my orgasm is epic. I watch myself in the mirror over our dresser. My brown, curvy body moves in the primal rhythm. My long black hair hangs down my arched back. I clutch my full tits, squeezing my thick brown nipples until I cry out. I rock my hips back and forth, greedily using Ravi's hard cock to get off. My cunt clenches around him as I moan out my love, my agony.
Afterwards, l collapse next to him, sweaty and spent, both physically and emotionally.
Sleep takes me.
* * *
A few hours later, I wake up alone in bed. It's pitch dark. The clock on my nightstand reads 3am. What's going on?
Baffled, I rise naked from the sheets and tiptoe to the door. There's a faint light filtering in from the living room.
It's Ravi, using his cell phone as a flashlight. He's standing over Sarah, who's still passed out on the couch.
I watch in amazement as he gingerly lifts the edge of the blanket, turning it back to reveal her sleeping form. She's so out of it she doesn't even notice. The tee shirt has ridden up while she slept, so without the blanket she's totally exposed. The pale skin of her naked torso is luminous in the glare of Ravi's cellphone. Her skinny legs are akimbo, lewdly displaying her hairy pussy.
Ravi has his cock in his hand, slowly stroking it.
I stand in the bedroom door, feeling confused and betrayed. What does he think he's doing? This was never part of the deal. The deal was a one-time hook-up with me watching. Not this!
I contemplate saying something to him, telling him to stop. But then Sarah would wake up... and there would be a scene....
So I keep my mouth shut and quietly watch. It's not cheating if I watch... right?
He doesn't last very long. After a few quick jerks he squirts a little spurt of cum on her hairy bush.
Then he does something even more appalling. He bends over and presses his lips against Sarah's sleeping mouth.
I've seen enough. I scamper back to bed, pull up the sheets and curl myself in a little ball, fighting back tears. He promised no kissing. He promised!
A few minutes later, Ravi comes back to bed. He doesn't know I saw him with Sarah. He lies down next to me, oblivious to how hurt I am. I pretend I've been asleep the whole time, that I didn't see anything, that everything is totally fine.
But everything isn't totally fine. I lie awake for hours, kicking myself for ever letting him fuck Sarah. No drama, we agreed. What a joke! We were so good together; we'd even been talking about getting married. But it's all ruined now. Stupid, stupid, stupid....
Eventually I drift off to sleep again.
* * *
When I wake up, the morning sun is slanting in through the curtains and Ravi is gone. I sit up alone in bed, feeling devastated. Did he leave me? Did the two of them run off together?
I'm startled out of my grim mood by a knock on the bedroom door.
"Hey!" Sarah chirps, sticking her head in. "Mind if I join you?"
She hops up onto the bed and sits cross-legged facing me.
"But... you... how?" I stammer. "Where's Ravi?"
"Off at work," she shrugs. "He left a few minutes ago. "He said he wanted to let you sleep in so it's just us girls."
"I suppose...," I mumble. I'm having a hard time processing what's going on. "You want some breakfast...?"
"That would be great!" Sarah bounces. "I already made us coffee!"
I trail after her into the kitchen. She's still wearing Ravi's big tee shirt, but I'm completely naked. Okay... whatever... I guess it doesn't really matter....
The dirty dishes from last night's dinner are still on the kitchen table. I clear them away so we have somewhere to sit.
Breakfast is buttered toast and coffee. I take cream in mine, but Sarah drinks hers black.
She's strangely chatty, bouncing from topic to topic like a pinball machine.
"Uh... thanks for last night," I say, sipping my coffee. "Ravi had a great time...."
"Me too!" Sarah laughs. "You weren't lying, girl... that dude is hung, and he knows how to use it!"
I briefly contemplate telling her what I saw afterwards, but decide against it. It won't change anything. It will just make more drama. I figure it's better to leave well enough alone. After I finish my coffee, I rinse out the mug and put it in the dishwasher.
"My shift doesn't start 'til 2," Sarah says brightly. "I'll help you clean up this mess!"
I roam around the apartment naked, collecting dirty plates and glasses while Sarah stands barefoot at the kitchen sink, elbow-deep in soapy water, scrubbing. When the dishwater is full, we both head into the living room and collapse on the couch.
"It was really great seeing you," Sarah says. "We didn't hang out much back in the day, but we should totally do this again...."
I must give her an odd look, because she quickly clarifies.
"Ha! No... not the whole fuck-your-boyfriend thing! I just mean you and me should hang out more...."
I shake my head. "You don't want to hang out with me. I'm boring...."
Sarah scoffs. "Girlfriend, you're not boring. You're just normal. Being around edgy freaks all the time is exhausting. Everyone's gotta have some normal friends...."
"Well... I can certainly do normal," I laugh. "I like hanging out with you too. There's just one problem...."
She raises a pierced eyebrow. "Ravi?"
I nod. "He's still got a huge crush on you. If you and I spend more time together, he's gonna get weird about it...."
"Girl, I totally get it," she says, touching my shoulder. "I mean, look how he acted last night when he thought you were asleep...."
"What!?" I exclaim. "I thought you were asleep!"
"I was at first," Sarah explains." I only woke up when he pulled back the blanket. At first, I thought I was dreaming... and then he started jacking off... and then he kissed me...."
"Oh my God, Sarah! Why didn't you say anything!?"
"You guys are so cute and happy together; I didn't want to be the one who wrecked it. I figured I'd keep quiet unless you brought it up. But now I totally get why you're concerned about him...."
"Sarah... I'm so, so sorry!" I say. "Ravi's such a jerk!"
She waves it off. "He's a typical guy. They're all big horndogs... don't worry about it."
"But he promised there wouldn't be any drama! I actually watched him fuck you so it wouldn't count as cheating! Do you know how hard it was for me to see the two of you together? To watch him cum inside you?"
"I can imagine," Sarah nods. "I couldn't believe you agreed to it...."
I fold my arms over my bare breasts. It's weird having this conversation naked.
She flashes me a wicked smile "So, you wanna get back at him?"
I waffle. "I don't know... I guess... maybe?"
Then she abruptly leans forward and kisses me on the lips--not a little peck either, but a full-blown romantic kiss with tongue and everything. I've never kissed a girl before, but it's nice actually. Her lips are warm... sweet... soft... gentle....
Not like Ravi.
"Wait!" I exclaim, "I thought you weren't into girls!"
"Yeah, I lied," Sarah shrugs. "I've always been bi. Girls, guys, whatever... as long as they're fun and sexy, I'm up for it.
"You think I'm sexy...?"
"Girl, you're so sexy it hurts. You're the stuff wet dreams are made of. I've always been attracted to you, but I never flirted with you because you're so obviously straight. So how about it? How about giving Ravi a taste of his own medicine?"
"I don't know.... I don't know what to do...."
"Just do what feels good," Sarah says. "Let your sexy inner slut come out to play."
She strips Ravi's tee shirt off over her head. Now we're both naked, which is kind of weird, but also kind of hot....
Sarah reaches out and touches my breasts.
"You've got such great tits...," she purrs, playing with my thick brown nipples, pinching them, teasing them harder
I do the same to to her cute little titties. "I like yours too...."
"Suck on them," she says, lying back on the couch.
Tentatively I bend over to suck her hard nipples. Sarah purses her lips and looks down at me, tenderly stroking my hair.
"Yeah...," she moans. "Just like that...."
I cup my own tits and play with my nipples as I suck hers. I've never even fantasized about fooling around with another woman before, and now I'm actually doing it. My sexy inner slut has definitely come out to play.
Sarah's small hand slides down my fleshy tummy to my smooth slit. I glance up at her through my messy bangs, and our eyes meet. The ensuing negotiation is silent.
Sarah? Are you really gonna...?
Sarah nods. Uh-huh, yeah, I am....
She dips her middle finger into my wetness, teasing the eager little button of my clit, making my eyelids flutter.
I ride her hand for a while as she adds another finger to my cunt... then two....
"Come up here and kiss me, sexy girl...," Sarah mutters, using the same husky voice she used to ask Ravi to suck her tits.
Now I'm the one doing the kissing. Now my tongue is in Sarah's mouth, darting, teasing. This feels so good, so right. My shyness about making out with another girl has completely evaporated.
Sarah grabs my ass with both hands, and pulls me tight against her skinny body. We writhe against each other, skin-to-skin, reveling in our mutual nakedness. My full tits are flattened against her tiny ones, our hard nipples are rubbing together. I grind my crotch against hers, giggling a little as Sarah's unruly bush tickles my shaved mound.
She shifts underneath me, raising one leg so I can grind against the top of her thigh. I moan, rubbing my open cunt against her skinny leg. I'm so turned on.
"I wanna taste you...," Sarah murmurs.
"Ok...," I nod. "How should I... how should we...?"
"Just lie back and spread your legs."
After a bit of awkward acrobatics, we flip around with me flat on my back with one foot on the floor, and my other leg propped up on the back of the couch. Sarah lies on her tummy between my open thighs, her smiling face inches away from my open cunt.
She's so close I can feel her warm breath on my private parts. Her delicate fingers stroke the inside of my thighs, then, suddenly, she licks the full length of my pussy from bottom to top, opening me up with her tongue.
"Oh... wow!" I exclaim.
"Hush," she laughs, "Don't disturb an artist at work...."
Sarah really knows how to eat pussy. Ravi usually just sticks his tongue in and wiggles it around. but Sarah's approach to cunnilingus is more holistic. She teases and flirts with my clit, briefly flicking the tip of her tongue across it before backing off to focus on my tender labia. Every quivering inch of my open pussy is lavished with attention, until I'm panting with desperation.
"I... I wanna taste you too...," I plead.
"Okay... horny girl," Sarah laughs, and flips around so she's on top of me with her knees straddling my head. Her face is still down between my thighs and her pussy is right in front of me on full display. I've never seen another girl's cunt up close before, and I study her with lust and fascination.
Her delicate pink lips are a baroque wonder, so fleshy and sensuous--so utterly different from my tidy little slit. And she's so hairy! If her lips weren't so prominent they'd be totally hidden among her lush auburn curls.
Her scent is amazing--so musky and earthy. So raw and feminine. Exotic... yet strangely familiar....
My God! I realize where I've smelled Sarah's cunt before--when I sucked Ravi's cock right after he fucked her. I flash back to watching them together. Her pretty pink pussy lips wrapped around his thick brown shaft. The damp arabesques of her extravagant bush clinging to her pale inner thighs as he thrusts into her.
I raise my head to sample her fragrant pussy, trying to mimic her technique, teasing her clit with my tongue, nuzzling and sucking her swollen lips. My face is covered with her juices. I'm drowning in her, intoxicated by all the subtle favors of her cunt--salty and sweet, musky and tangy.
I know I must be doing something right, because Sarah's hips start to move, rocking in ecstasy as my tongue plunges deeper. Sarah is tonguing me the same way, her arms locked around my thighs. Holding me wide open so I can't escape.
"I'm gonna...," I murmur, my voice shaky and muffled.
"I'm gonna too....," Sarah echoes
We cum together, moaning into each other's cunts.
Sweaty and out of breath, we gingerly untangle our arms and legs, and sit side by side in the couch, both slightly stunned by what just happened.
"Ok... wow," I say. "That was intense."
After I rest a bit, it dawns on me that I just cheated on Ravi and I dissolve into tears. I wanted teach him a lesson, but I've only made things worse. Everything is ruined.
"Hey... hey...," Sarah says stroking my hair. "Whatever it is, it can't be that bad...."
"I'm a dirty cheater," I sob. "He's definitely gonna leave me now...."
"It's all my fault," Sarah soothes. "I seduced you...."
"But I went along with it... I enjoyed it... I enjoyed it a lot...," I snuffle.
"Nothing's ruined yet," she says. "Let's just think this through...."
I nod. Ok. That's a good idea. Think it through. I lay down on my side and rest my head in her lap. Sarah combs out my long dark hair with her fingers, and spreads it out over her pale thighs. Gradually, I regain my composure.
"When's you next birthday, sweetie?" She asks.
"Next month," I say softly. "I'll be 28."
"Ok here's the plan. You tell Ravi you want me as your present...."
It suddenly dawns on me what she's proposing.
"If he watches us together, then it won't be cheating!" I say "That's brilliant!"
"That's what friends are for."
Everyone's motivations were entirely believable. Narrator earns our trust quickly. Fun story, including nonchalant acceptance of female hairiness. Will check out your other stories!
Awesome story and so well done. Just added you to my list of authors to follow. Such great storytelling with real characters that were enjoyable. Love it now need to read more of your stories. Cheers
I doubt I would have uncovered her for a last look, almost certain that I wouldn't have jerked off onto her pussy and completely certain I wouldn't have kissed her, but there's Ravi in all of us boys--we would want to.
And the way Sarah let it go doesn't actually seem improbable: The reflex "not to make a scene" is very powerful, well-practiced and particularly for girls who to one degree or another are conditioned to be quiet, "ladylike" and not a little submissive to boys' sexual desires. It can be read as a mere tool to allow the girls to bond over boys' otherness and to go on to (at least for her) experiment sexually, but that is an uncharitable reading I think.
Nice work,
I thought the first sex scene was described too briefly. I like how skin color was introduced much later.