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The Adventures of Abigail Pt. 04

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A young woman finds her way in the world.
5k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/08/2010
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This story is based loosely on some real experiences and is mixed with a healthy dose of my kinky and perverse imagination. What is included is a lot of bisexual FF – a little MM, MF. There is punishment, spanking, exhibitionism, wrestling, groups and a little incest. It is primarily a fantasy. Do not try this at home – and always be safe. Also, all of the characters are all over 18 and everything is completely consensual. This story is long and I will post more and more of it as time passes. I am always interested in feedback and suggestions. The musical references in the chapter titles are there to ground the story in musical events. Feel free to listen to them while you read the chapters. I would love to find an artist to draw illustrations. Enjoy.

Chapter 7 – Meeting the Company

Come scolio – Cosi fan Tutte

I slept hard. When I woke I found myself alone and naked in the bed. I looked at the clock: 9:47 AM. Wow, I slept a long time. Where was Emmy, I wondered? I got out of bed and grabbed my robe and went into the living room. No Emmy.

I walked over to the little kitchen. There was nothing there; no food, nothing. I walked back into the living room and plopped myself on a chair. We have a 1:00 afternoon rehearsal, I thought. Then I heard someone at the door. It was Emmy.

"Hi, Good morning." I said.

"Hi." She responded, a little cold. "I went for a walk. I found a really nice little bakery so I bought us both a pastry and some mango juice. I hope that is ok."

"Yeah, great. Thanks."

She handed me the bag with the pastry and the bottle of juice and walked towards the bedroom.

"You want to eat with me?" I called after her.

"No, I have already eaten mine. I need to practice. I hope that won't bother you."

"Not at all. You use the living room. I need to get dressed."

She emerged with her viola case.


I watched her as she went to set up. Something wasn't right. She was looking away from me. "Emmy, are you ok? Are you mad at me?"

"No, of course not. " She said coldly. "I just need to practice."

I sighed. "Of course."

I retired to the bedroom and I closed the door. Soon I heard the most beautiful string playing I had ever heard. She was not just good. She was amazing. She sang on her viola in a way I could not sing with my voice. It brought tears to my eyes to listen to her play. It was from the heart. I sat there on the bed listening to her beautiful playing and thinking about her. She had gotten under my skin. I really liked her. But she was distant this morning. She was embarrassed about last night I surmised. I should have expected that. She has not had much experience in relationships and I came on too strong and it has freaked her out. My heart felt sick. I sat on the bed listening to her play and felt tears brimming in my eyes.

I jumped from the bed. "Don't be silly," I thought. And so I got dressed. I resolved to dress conservatively today. This would be my first meeting with the company, and there was no reason they had to peg me as a slut the very first day. I'll go braless another day. I dressed in a pretty light skirt and loose blouse – with panties and bra and then cleaned myself up in the bathroom. Afterwards I just sat on the bed and listened the Emmy play the viola. I was entranced with her playing.

After about an hour or so, she stopped and there was silence. My heart started pounding. "This is crazy," I thought. "I'm acting like I am in love with her and I just met her". But we needed to clear the air and so I took a deep breath and walked out into the living room.

I stood and watched her finish packing up. When she had closed the case she looked up at me. "You play beautifully." I said, thinking that didn't really describe it.

"Thanks," she said dismissively.

"No really, you are amazing."

She smiled, then she looked away.

"We should go get lunch."


"You go ahead, I bought an apple." She said at last.


I took a deep breath.

"Emmy, there's something going on between us this morning. Can we clear the air? Are you angry at me for last night?"

She looked away, "Not angry..."

"Then what?"

"I... I don't know...."

"I know." She looked at me with a quizzically. "I scared you."

She looked down. I hit the nail on the head.

"I came on too strong maybe. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry, I am a consenting adult. I could have said no. And I think you would have respected that."

"Look Emmy," I came to her, but not too close (I didn't want to scare her away anymore.) "I want to say something – ok?"

She nodded yes.

"I... I really like you. You are a remarkable woman. It was such a wonderful gift to have been able to spend last night with you and share with you like we did. If that is it between us, I will always treasure the brief time we spent together. But I still hope we can be friends." She looked like she was going to say something but I went on...

"Let me say something else. Just because we had sex last night doesn't mean that I expect that we now have an exclusive relationship. If you are not ready for that or if you don't want that ever I am fine with it. I am not sure I am even capable of an exclusive relationship, to tell you the truth. So there is no expectation on my part. Also, I know from what you told me last night that you have not had many relationships," My tone was gentle. "And I understand that you might not be ready for everyone to know what we did together last night or to know that you are a lesbian."

"I am not a lesbian" she whispered.

"Ok, well even so that is what we did last night. Look, the point is I will not out you. What we shared is totally between us and it is no one else's business and I will never tell anyone else about anything that we shared or did or talked about last night. So, whatever you want others to know about you is completely up to you."

She looked up. She was crying. "Thank you." She whispered. "I guess I am confused." I started crying.

"I'm sorry, if I pushed you farther than you wanted to go last night. I didn't want to hurt you in any way."

"Stop apologizing" we laughed through our tears. She opened her arms to me and I took her and held her and we wept together.

She spoke to me in a whisper through her tears, "I don't blame you for anything. Last night was amazing for me. I loved every second of it. You didn't push me any farther than I wanted to go. I wanted to go everywhere you took me. Thank you for being my friend. I want us to be special friends."

"Me too," I said. "And we don't ever have to have sex again if you don't want."

"Why not," she giggled, "I like doing myself, but sharing that with you is a whole lot more fun." She blushed.

I bent up and kissed her in the lips. She returned the kiss. It was deep, long and passionate.

After a while of kissing and holding each other I said, "I want you to be the one that sets the boundaries for us. Whatever you want is fine with me. But we are about to go to rehearsal. We are going to be in different groups. So I need to know from you what you want from me."

"Ok. Let me think about it." She kissed me. "You are a special friend."

I smiled and kissed her again.


After a little while we decided to go together to get lunch. It was about noon. We left our bags and suitcases in the apartment and ventured out. Neither of us could speak Spanish. Luckily we didn't have to go very far. The opera house was just across from where the apartment building stood. So we wandered around outside together stopping at a couple outdoor shops. I went over a newsstand and saw there an English language daily paper. I picked it up and looked at the man and said slowly, "QUANTO CUESTAN EL....... Ah.... EL PERIODICO?" His response: "venticinqbolivare.." was fast and pointed. I had to ask him to repeat himself and finally I gave up and handed him a 100 B note. He gave me a nasty look and then gave me two handfuls of change. Emmy was laughing at me. "I couldn't understand what he was saying. He spoke so fast."

We found a lovely outdoor café and had a seat. The very friendly waiter could speak English - we were both relieved. We ordered a light meal with plantanos and beans and then we looked at our watches and set off for our first rehearsals.

As we neared the stage door Emmy led me around to the side of the building where we were alone and then turned to me. "Abi, thanks for last night. Sorry I was weird this morning."

"Don't apologize for your feelings. A friendship can only work if both friends can be honest with each other about how they feel."

"Ok. Thank you for last night. It was amazing. No one has ever loved..... ah... made me feel like that before."

"That's how I feel about you. And you are an amazing violist, I loved listening to you play this morning." She looked like she was going to dismiss the compliment (typical orchestra player). "I mean it, Emmy, listening to you made me cry."

"Really?" She seemed surprised.

"You so deserve this job, you are going to be fantastic."

She smiled, "thanks." Then she kissed me gently on the lips. "Thanks."

I squeezed her hand, then let it go and then we walked into the stage door.

"Have a great rehearsal," I said.

"You too." And with that she joined a violinist that had just come through the door and I watched them both walk down the steps towards the pit until they were out of sight.


"I am one of the young artists," I said to the guard. "Where do I go?"

He didn't speak English. Now what?

Just then Kirsten entered through the stage door. She spoke in Spanish to the guard and then turned to me, "Welcome to Caracas, Abi. Follow me. I'll show you where to go. Did you have a good trip?"

"Yes it was fine, no problems."

"Good." We rounded the corner and up ahead was a large rehearsal room. "Now, when we met in New York I offered my apartment penthouse. Do you still want to live there?"

"Yes, I was counting on it. At least at first. If that is ok."

"Yes, that will be fine. The rest of the groups in that Penthouse are orchestra members, and they are a little odd. So it will be good to have a singer."

"All women?"

"Of course not." She seemed surprised at the question. "There is a married couple, a single guy and me and now you. I will tell Pedro to move your things to the penthouse."

I wanted to ask her about Emmy. What about Emmy? Where would she be living? But I resisted the temptation. I was sure the orchestra would take care of her somehow.

"It will be nice to have you live with us." She smiled. "By the way, you look good today."

"Thanks," I smiled.


With that we walked into the chorus rehearsal room. There were a number of people milling around. I sat on one of the chairs.

"Hi, I'm Jenni," I looked up and a pretty petite and bubbly brunette was smiling at me. I took her hand.

"I'm Abi."

"You're the new girl. That is great. We soooo need you to be here."

"How long have you been with the company?"

"Oh, since the season started last fall."

"Was there someone who left?"

"Didn't you hear the story?" She seemed both amazed I hadn't already heard it and at the same time anxious to tell me.

"Ah, no, what story."

"Oh, well, the girl who you are replacing, Kathy, was very religious and she couldn't deal with some things, like... " (she started to whisper) "the maestro really likes young chorus girls and he likes to touch us." Back to her normal voice, "Kathy couldn't deal with that. She would push his hands away and then he would get mad and it was just really hard for her."

"Well, I know about his wandering hands," I said softly, "I have already experienced that at my audition."

"Most of us did. So did she, but she was so naïve she didn't get it."

I leaned over and whispered, "Does he take those liberties with the orchestra members too?" I was thinking of Emmy and how she would not be able to handle that I was sure.

"Oh no! Orchestra members are harder to come by and he has to have a different kind of relationship with them. I have heard about him having affairs with like the old oboe player and a violinist in the past but he doesn't touch them like he does us, on a regular basis. Like at every coaching."

"How do you feel about it?"

"I saw what happened to Kathy when she resisted. I figure it is part of the business. He doesn't sleep with us he just likes to touch and look and... " whispering again, "he really likes the girls to go braless." She reached up and bounced her breasts to make the point.

"Yes, I heard." I giggled.

"From Kirsten."

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Kirstin likes the girls to go braless too." Whispering: "She's a lesbian. And she makes passes at the girls. But if you aren't interested she at least will respect that and not push it. Some of the girls have been with her."

With that she started pointing out some of the girls who she thought had had sex with Kirstin, but before she could finish the room was called to silence.

Kirstin and Marco, the chorusmaster, called the meeting to order. I was introduced, but he didn't dwell on it. "This is Abi, our new soprano, young artist." "Welcome Abi." The end... I was relieved actually.

They were in the midst of Cosi, which has a small chorus, but rehearsals were starting for Traviata! I was so pleased. I already knew that one. The last two opera of the seasons I was told would be Elixer of Love and Turandot. Wow, Turandot!!! That is one of my all time favorite operas, I was so excited to hear that. But today – Traviata. So after this brief meeting we plunged into chorus rehearsals. Since I already knew it I was able to stay on top of it really well.

Afterwards Marco spoke to me and was impressed that I had already learned the score. I almost told him I had just performed it, but then I figured "let him be impressed." Kirstin called me over and gave me a 2-week schedule, which included lesson times, and coaching's with her and with Maestro. Also on the schedule were chorus rehearsals and young artist meetings. We would be doing some scenes and we would also have the opportunity to cover some of the leads, but would probably never get to sing those parts on stage. That was fine with me. I understood that. The point of having principal covers in opera is different from understudies in theatre. Covers just step in for rehearsals to allow the principal to rest his/her voice, or will stand in if the principal is not yet arrived (which is often the case here in Caracas). Maybe, I thought, they will assign me to cover Liu, that would be soooo cool! But covers rarely are called upon to replace a singer who withdraws. Usually a name singer needs to be replaced by another name singer. I understood all that. No problem. Besides, there is always the issue of whether or not the cover is vocally ready to actually perform a role on stage. It is one thing singing a part in a rehearsal room, quite another to sing that role on stage with an orchestra in front of an audience. I did end up covering several parts (not Liu though, darn). When we did Cenerentola I covered one of the mean sisters. It was great fun, but I didn't take the role onstage.

Kirsten spoke to me again, "So, right now you need to report to costumes to be measured. Then meet me in my studio and I'll take you home to meet the rest of the group."

"Your studio?"

"Right around the corner. And the costume shop is in the basement, right next to the pit. They are expecting you."

I headed downstairs, and then down a long corridor lined with orchestra cases. The orchestra had just been released. I recognized Emmy's case. I paused. "Should I wait for her, or... not. I promised her I would let her set the boundaries...... I won't wait."

I started to move on.

"Abi, hi." I turned around to see her smiling face. I melted. I felt like I was in high school.

"Hey, how was it?"

"Fine, I'm sitting in the back of the section for the rest of Cosi. Then I'll move up to my chair in the first stand when we start the next opera."


"Ok, cool. I have heard of that."

"I...." feeling self-conscious, "I was heading to the costume shop to be measured. Then I am going to my new place with Kirstin."

"Who's Kirstin?"

"She's the main voice coach and accompanist. Where are you staying?"

"I'm not sure. I may be squatting with a couple of the other players until I can find a place."

"Oh." I felt guilty.

"I'll be ok." She must not have been convinced. "Really, Abi, I'll be fine."

"They must deal with chorus and orchestra differently."

"Yes, I am sure they do. I have colleagues. Look orchestra players look out for each other. I promise I won't sleep on the street."

I giggled. "Ok. Ok."

"When I get settled I'll invite you over."

"I can hardly wait."

She bushed. She rubbed my arm.

"Have a nice night. See you tomorrow maybe."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." I smiled. There were too many people around for any more physical affection so I just patted her arm and walked past her. As I did she whispered, "dream of me tonight." I whispered back, "only of you. Dream of me." She blushed again and responded, "I won't be able to avoid it." We looked into each other's eyes and then I moved on to the costume shop.

A portly elderly lady who spoke broken English ran the shop. She had me undress to my bra and panties (I was glad I had worn them today). She measured me up and down and sideways. Every possible measurement of a woman's body was taken including hat and shoe size. Height 5'4" Hips 36; bust 34; waist 27 and on and on. She seemed rather unconcerned that people were walking in and out of the shop during this procedure. So here I was standing in my underwear and men and women were coming and going as if this was a bus stop. Well this must be the big time I thought.

When I dressed and returned through the corridor Emmy was gone. In fact there was no sign of any of the orchestra members. But I knew they had a performance tonight of Cosi so she probably ran out for supper and would be back.

Chapter 8 – My Temporary Home

Una donna a quindici anni – Cosi fan tutte

"I'm ready now." I said as I bounded up to Kirstin who was waiting at the stage door entrance.

"Are you sure?" She said, smiling.

I blushed. "Yes, I'm ready."

"Good. Come on then."

I followed her obediently outside into the warm late afternoon.

"We'll join the others for a quick dinner and then they'll be off the play the show."

"It sounds great!"

We made our way underneath the opera house to the parking garage underground. I continued to follow her as she wound her way through rows and rows of parked cars.

"There we are," she said as she pulled out her key and stepped to the driver's side of a little yellow 2-door Renault. She unlocked her door. "Are you wearing panties?"

"Yes," this time without the blush as I was expecting this question.

"Take them off and put them in your purse."

Now I started blushing as I reached under my skirt and hooked my fingers in the elastic of my panties and pulled them off. I pulled them to my knees and then let them fall to my ankles where I stepped out of them. I picked them up and put them in my purse.

"Good girl." She came around to my side of the car. She opened the door and pulled the front seat up. Reach in and grab a towel off the back seat, if you would."

I bent over and pushed myself through the little space over the now folded front seat and reached into the back seat where I grabbed a towel. As I did this I felt her hand snaking its way inside of my skirt gently caressing my ass and then slipping between my thighs. She found my slit and began to play with my labia and clit. I stayed frozen in the position for a minute.


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