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The Adventures of Boipussy Pt. 09

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Pete meets up with Carlos at Eternal and they fuck out back.
5.6k words

Part 9 of the 13 part series

Updated 03/31/2024
Created 05/07/2023
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Pete went grocery shopping at his regular store and stocked the fridge. He didn't feel half a million bucks richer. He'd planned to call Carlos later tonight to tell him about his eventful day, but he desperately felt like a beer. It had been a big day, and he'd earned the refreshment. Why call his boyfriend on the phone when he could visit him at work?

He changed into civvies: a black Judas Priest t-shirt of Carlos's that had somehow ended up in his laundry hamper, a pair of tight black denim jeans, and his cherry-red 8-hole Doc Marten boots. He tied a flannel shirt around his waist and threw a baseball cap onto his head. He checked himself in the mirror before leaving. On the way down in the elevator, he ran his fingers through his long red hair.

He arrived at Eternal around six. Carlos was behind the bar, and it was a quiet night. "Hey, bartender," he smiled out of the corner of his mouth, "pour me a cold one, and don't skimp on the suds." He sidled up to the bar attempting a John Wayne impression. It was terrible.

Carlos grinned, leaning across the bar to kiss his boyfriend. He selected a clean glass and began to pour Pete's favourite brew. Pete passed a $10 note across the counter and, just in case a CCTV camera was watching, Carlos returned two $5 bills as change.

"Long day in the office?" asked Carlos.

Pete had a story to tell. "Not quite as long as I'd expected. I left a little bit early." He looked around the room. "Hey, can you take a break?"

Carlos nodded. "Yeah, think so." He waved to Adahlia, tonight's bar manager, gesturing to her to take over for a few minutes. She recognised Pete and came over to give him a tight friendly hug. She was so happy that her dear friend Carlos had finally come out of the deep funk he was in after Gorilla died, and she knew Pete was a large part of the reason why. She loved him dearly for that.

Pete felt her sizeable goth tiddies pressing into his upper body, but women did absolutely nothing for him. He received the gesture exactly as it was intended -- as an expression of friendship.

Pete and his boyfriend sat at a table close to the bar. Carlos had a glass of water in front of him. It was goth night at Eternal, and the drum machine and dark bass of Sisters of Mercy were pumping out of the speakers. It was quiet now, but it'd get busier later. Reticent, skinny, androgynous men wore thick mascara; their black fingernails held fragile glasses of deep red wine. They mixed with bold, confident women; their huge, fat racks amplified by tight corsets.

Carlos scanned the room. He knew that goth women saw men as prey. For a brief moment, he imagined a corseted chick pounding the fuck out of a goth femboy with a strap-on from behind... in his mind, he heard the femboy's high-pitched moans and squeals as her plastic cock drove home... he imagined her reaching down to slap his balls and pour scorn on his clitty...

(Once, he'd actually walked in on a pegging in Eternal's men's bathroom. While he didn't see any of the action, it was obvious just from the sound what was happening inside the cubicle. That poor guy, whoever he was, got obliterated that night.)

He wondered what it'd feel like if Adahlia fucked him hard in the ass. He looked over at the bar. She was leaning forward as she poured a glass of red wine for a goth; the hapless dude couldn't take his eyes off her.

Fuck, her titties were on fire. She'd sucked Carlos's dick a few times, but that was a long time ago, way before Gorilla. He imagined her fucking him. He'd love to feel her breasts pressing into his back as she reached around to pinch his nipples and tease his straining cock. He was already moaning on the inside, just thinking about it.

As Pete began to speak, he had no idea where his boyfriend's mind had just gone. "I need to tell you all about today, Carlos. But first, do you want the good news or the bad news?"

Carlos winced as his daydream fantasy dissolved into thin air. "I hate it when people ask me that question. It usually means there's bad news, and then there's even more bad news. So give me the bad news first."

"OK. I got fired."

Carlos blinked in disbelief. "What the fuck?"

Pete nodded. "As of today, I am no longer a law school intern." He knew that, strictly speaking, he hadn't been fired, but he wanted to freak Carlos out for a second.

Carlos nearly panicked. "What the fuck did you do?" He remembered the time he deliberately got himself fired from a shitty office job he hated. He went to work that day dressed like a slut who'd been out on the town the night before. He teased his thirsty supervisor mercilessly before delivering the coup de grace -- he unzipped his pants on the office floor. He flopped his cock out and demanded his supervisor blow him in front of his co-workers. He didn't last until lunchtime before security took his ID pass and frogmarched him out of the building.

"So I asked them for time off work for the tour," said Pete. "They said no, and I guess it's fair to say things escalated from there. But it's not all bad. In fact, there really is some good news, Carlos."

Carlos felt anxious. "OK, I'm ready. Tell me."

Pete spoke quickly. "I didn't get fired, I quit, and they paid me half a million bucks to leave."

"No fucking way," Carlos breathed.

Silently, Pete opened his wallet and produced the check. Carlos's eyes boggled in disbelief. He'd never seen that much money in his life. Not even close.

"Fuck me dead, Pete, that's a lot of money." Carlos knew there was a story to be heard. "Wait here." He raced behind the bar to pour himself a beer of his own. He brought it back to the table, but his first sip was mainly froth. He'd poured it way too fast, partly because he couldn't peel his eyes from Adahlia's rack, but mainly because he desperately wanted to hear Pete's tale. "OK, dude, tell me what happened."

Despite everything, Pete still bore the moral and ethical marks of a good lawyer. "I can't tell you everything. I signed an NDA, and I'm bound to honour that commitment. I can't tell anyone what occurred in that room today, not even my boyfriend. And, by the way, keeping confidentiality protects us, too. I mean, let's say someone at the firm wants to sue me, it goes to court, and they call you as a witness..."

Carlos got the point immediately. He nodded to show he understood.

"So let's just say they fucked up bad," said Pete.

They gazed at each other across the table as they drank their beers. It dawned on Carlos that everything Pete had worked for in his professional life was gone. "Do you have any regrets?" he asked. "I mean, you've worked hard and you've studied hard, and now..." He wasn't sure how to finish his sentence, but he knew Pete would get his meaning.

Pete looked uncertain. He sipped his beer thoughtfully and returned the glass to the table. "Depends, I guess. I mean, nobody has regrets about half a million bucks landing in their bank account, do they? And there's nothing holding me back from going on tour anymore. And I don't think I'll be lying on my deathbed one day looking back on my life regretting not being a lawyer."

Carlos wondered why Pete would've been asked to sign an NDA. Something serious must've happened for the firm to buy Pete's silence, but he could only speculate what it might have been. He thought hard before framing his next question. "But are you happy with the dollars you got, Pete? Feels like you've given up everything you've studied for."

"Yeah, I know, that's true, but right now, I couldn't give a fuck. I feel free. The firm knew I had a bright future, which is obvious by how many zeroes are on the check they cut me, but in this moment, I've got no regrets how today panned out. I don't have to go to class anymore, and we're about to go on tour. Why would I feel down about any of this?"

"But that money won't last forever, Pete. Spare a thought for me. Like, I've got myself a sexy, smart and talented boyfriend whose high-priced law salary might've bought us a penthouse in Manhattan one day, but I guess that won't happen anymore." He pouted sexily. "I thought you were going to be my breadwinner."

Pete leaned across the table and grabbed Carlos's hand. "You're gonna be *my* breadwinner, dude. We're gonna be rockstars. One day, your sexy face is gonna be on the cover of every music magazine in the world. Dudes around the world are gonna sneak your magazine cover into the bathroom and jack off all over it. We'll still get that penthouse, but in a different way."

Carlos grinned. Pete was right. Things had worked out perfectly.

Pete looked around the bar. Eternal was as much his second home as it was Carlos's. "Anyway, now that I find myself unexpectedly unemployed, I guess I need to look for a new job. Do you know of any openings here at Eternal?"

Carlos smiled evilly. "I think there are. Two, to be precise. Do you think you might be able to fill either of these openings?"

Pete felt his cock hardening. "I've always been interested in working in hospitality, but I'm a lawyer by trade." He poked his sexy tongue out the corner of his mouth. "Do you need anyone to handle your briefs?"

"I do, actually," Carlos replied. "My file is quite fat, and if I can be honest with you, counsel, it's growing fast. There's some urgent business to attend to."

Adahlia smiled as she watched Carlos drag Pete into the storeroom. She knew she'd be looking after the bar for a little longer. She loved watching the chemistry between these two sexy men. She jammed a hand down her jeans and touched herself a little, wishing she could watch.

Carlos led Pete to a quiet room out back near the loading dock. They could hear the distant street beyond them.

He ran his fingers through Pete's beautiful, shoulder-length red hair as they kissed. Their kiss was slow, tender and meaningful. There was no urgency; it was pure, languid pleasure.

Carlos reached out to grab Pete's junk. He sank to his knees and unzipped his boyfriend's tight denim, extracting his hard cock. He gave it two or three quick strokes, followed by a loving squeeze. "I mentioned we've got two openings here at Eternal," he said. "Here's the first one."

Carlos opened wide, taking Pete's dick way deep into the back of his throat. He rested his hands on Pete's twitching thighs, and it didn't take Carlos long to feel Pete's knees trembling and buckling uncontrollably.

Pete looked down at his sexy Mexican boyfriend as he sucked him hard. "Fuck, Carlos," he whispered. "That feels so fucking good."

Carlos took Pete's stiff, wet shaft out of his mouth and looked up at him. "What's better than getting half a million bucks?" he asked, casually stroking his boyfriend's dick with a loose fist.

Pete couldn't think straight. He barely even heard the question. "I... umm... what?... I don't know."

Carlos smiled widely. "Half a million bucks and a sweet blowjob," he said, before taking his drummer back into his throat. Pete saw stars as the tip of his dick bounced off Carlos's tonsils, and as he felt Carlos's tongue lapping the underside of his shaft, he felt himself approaching the point of no return.

Carlos sensed it. He took Pete's cock out of his mouth and squeezed it. He looked up at his drummer. "Not yet," he said. "I still have another opening I need to show you." He stood up, but only for as long as it took to remove Pete's tight jeans. He lay on his back on the cold storage room floor and spread his thighs wide. His legs were bare, but his boots remained on. "Here's the other opening we have here at Eternal. It's all yours, if you want it."

The mere sight of Carlos's spreadeagled pussy was almost enough to make Pete lose it. He bit his bottom lip. "You look so fucking sexy, dude," he whispered.

"Uhh, thanks, I guess," Carlos replied. "You want this opening or not? I'm a busy man, and time is money."

"I feel like I'm just about to cum, Carlos. Your mouth... your ass... I can't talk."

"Shhh," Carlos soothed, breaking the employment roleplay. "I don't care how long you're inside me for, babe. I just want to feel you on top of me right now, and in me, even if it's just for a sweet moment."

Pete lay his frame on top of Carlos and pressed his cock into him. Almost immediately, his universe exploded. He got one thrust in, two at best, before he impregnated his lead singer. The sensation was so beautiful he nearly cried.

Carlos wrapped his arms around Pete's lower back, holding him close. "Don't pull out. Not yet. Stay inside me for as long as you can."

They heard the noise of the street outside.

"You feel so good inside me, Pete."

Pete's dick was still twitching.

A broad smile spread across Carlos's face. "And I'm not just saying that for your money."

Pete laughed. He brushed the hair away from Carlos's face and planted his tongue in his mouth. "I need to take it out in a second, but before I do, I need to tell you something."

"¿Qué es?"

"I love you so fucking much, Carlos."

"I love you too, Pete."

Pete smiled. "Just don't steal all my money."

Carlos laughed, reaching up to grab the back of Pete's neck. He pulled him down for a deep, tender kiss.

With a wet plop, Pete's spent cock eventually fell out of Carlos's asshole. Carlos went to the bathroom to clean up. He headed back to the bar to continue the rest of his shift.

Pete sat at the bar all night, keeping his boyfriend company. Adahlia came over and sat with him from time to time, and they swapped stories. He drank beer and ate pretzels until closing time. He had nowhere else to be, and there was nowhere else he wanted to be. He didn't have to get up for work in the morning, either.

Adahlia called last drinks around midnight. The shutters were down not long after. Carlos usually had some additional post-closure duties, but tonight, she waved him away. Carlos kissed her on the cheek and thanked her for the early mark.

A few minutes later, Pete and Carlos stood outside Eternal, waiting for an uber. Carlos usually waited for a bus, but fuck, Pete could afford the expense.

"Can I stay at your place tonight?" asked Pete.

Carlos ran his hands through Pete's hair and softly cupped his jaw. "I'm never gonna say no to you."

The uber pulled up and they piled into the backseat. The ride was quiet. After a few minutes, they disembarked at Carlos's building and the car motored away.

They stood on the steps of Carlos's building and hugged like soulmates. Their relationship was so much more than sex, friendship and music. It felt like they were meant to be together.

Pete grew up knowing he liked boys, but he lacked self-confidence and self-assurance. He thought his life would be solitary and grim, living alone and eventually dying alone. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever think he'd find someone that he connected with so deeply, and especially not someone as lightning-hot as Carlos.

Carlos wondered if his days of fucking around were over. He was so into Pete it almost hurt. He couldn't ever remember feeling this way. Not even with Gorilla. The chunky trucker had left a deep imprint on his soul that would stay with him forever, but Pete was like an angel from heaven.

"Can I invite you inside?" asked Carlos. "For a coffee, perhaps?"

The look on Pete's face was pure desire. "Do you have anything... creamier?" He grabbed the front of Carlos's pants.

They barely even made it into the lobby. They couldn't pull their faces away from each other. It took Carlos three tries to press the call button for the elevator.

The ride was slow and the boys were very impatient. They desperately wanted to fuck some more. The elevator doors eventually opened on Carlos's floor. He unlocked his apartment and they ran inside.

Limbs were entangled and clothes flew around the room as they stripped each other off. They couldn't get naked fast enough.

"I want you so fucking bad, Pete."

Pete kissed his boyfriend and moaned into his mouth. "Yeah, I know what you want," said the natural-born cocksucker as he fell to his knees. "And I know what I want, too." Carlos's thick cock swelled on his tongue as he softly began to fuck Pete's face.

The shallow thrusts slowed, and then stopped completely.

Pete gripped Carlos's knees as his boyfriend held his cock perfectly still in Pete's mouth. Pete wrapped his tongue around Carlos's fat Mexican shaft, teasing the head of his dick. He knew his mouth could make his boyfriend cum on command. He was born without a gag reflex, and once before, he'd bet Carlos that he could make him cum inside a minute. He won the bet easily, but this was a different dynamic.

Carlos focused purely on the sensation of his dick resting inside his boyfriend's mouth. Everything was still and quiet. The only motion in the room was Pete's tongue licking and teasing his boyfriend's erection, and only sound was the suction of his cheeks and mouth.

Pete looked up at his boyfriend. His eyes drank in Carlos's beautiful mane of hair, his dark, fiery eyes, his taut, hairless chest, and his pouty mouth gaped open in total sexual overload. Pete dragged his hungry tongue over the head of Carlos's stationary cock and, half a second later, he saw his boyfriend's eyes close in bliss.

Carlos was trying hard not to move, but his dick had a mind of its own. He began to move his hips, just slightly, silently edging himself inside Pete's beautiful, wet mouth.

"Oh fuck... it's building up... fuck, Pete, I can't hold it..."

Carlos threw his head back in ecstasy as thick streams of his semen oozed onto Pete's tongue. Pete's expert mouth teased Carlos's shaft until his boyfriend's knees began to buckle.

"Pete... por favor... fuck... please stop..."

Pete swallowed. "That was one of the strangest blowjobs I've ever given." He stood up and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's sexy naked waist. "But it was also one of the hottest." They kissed deeply. "Fuck, babe, I can't tell you how much I love feeling your cock in my mouth. You can edge in my mouth any time you want. That was so fucking hot. We need to do that again."

That was a dance with the devil that could wait for another time. Right now, Carlos was completely fucking spent. And besides, it was his turn now to pleasure his boyfriend. He grabbed Pete's hand and led him to his bedroom. The room was dark, but there was just enough ambient light from the street for them to see each other.

"Lie down on the bed," said Carlos. "Roll over onto your belly."

Pete complied, and a few seconds later, he felt his cheeks being parted like a biblical sea. Carlos's tongue drove itself in, licking, kissing and sucking on his hungry pussy. "Fuck, dude," Pete whispered, "I fucking love how it feels when you eat me out."

Carlos took it up a level, licking and kissing his boyfriend's hole until it was saturated, ready for penetration. He licked his middle finger and inserted it, down to the second knuckle, and Pete gasped involuntarily. "Fuck, babe, you don't fucking know what you're doing to me right now."

Carlos smiled, knowing he was giving such immense pleasure. He pushed the rest of his finger in and found Pete's prostate. He applied just the smallest amount of pressure, and Pete's pussy clenched around Carlos's digit as he pre-came all over the bedsheets.

"Feel good?"

"You're melting my brain," Pete reported. "And I think I just pissed semen all over your bed. I'm sorry about that."

Carlos didn't care. "Roll over, babe."

They both saw the puddle when Pete rolled over. As he lay back down, he felt his precum smear all over his back. His rock-hard penis pointed towards the ceiling, pulsing with each beat of his heart.

"Wait here for a second," said Carlos. (As if Pete was gonna go anywhere.) "I need to get something."

Carlos opened a drawer and pulled out a fat eight-inch dildo and a bottle of lube. He extracted another item, much smaller in size, and placed it on the floor by the side of the bed. He drenched the dildo in lube. "Spread your legs, Pete." Eight inches of plastic knocked at Pete's back door. "Relax, babe, I think you're gonna fucking love this."


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