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The Adventures of Tim Bodge Ch. 01

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Sci-Fi Fantasy Sex M/F F/F SPACE.
3.2k words

Part 1 of the 74 part series

Updated 11/22/2023
Created 09/17/2020
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This is a work of fiction written solely for entertainment. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. All characters in this work having anything to do with sex are 18 years or older.


The Adventures of Tim Bodge

By T Hodge

Edited by Steve

Chapter 1

Tim remained in line to board the shuttle, heading to his parent's place in Taboj. It'd been twenty-five years since he left and joined the Elite Special Forces. Of course, he had spoken to them often over the years, but seeing them would be much better.

The line started to move, and he reached the shuttle's entrance and handed the gate agent his ticket. "Sir, please, turn to your left, and you are in the front row on the right side, and the seat next to you will be empty. And Colonel, Thank you for your service."

He nodded, saying, "Thank you."

As Tim moved along the row of seats, he noted where the escape pods were. This was an ingrained military habit, needing to know the location of everything important. Finding his seat and sat down, placing his carry-on bag next to him.

Stretching, he looked around. Forward and approximately six feet ahead of him was a display screen. To the left of the screen was a doorway to the flight attendant station and then to the pilot's cabin.

Making himself comfortable and waiting. Ultimately, every person was seated. The flight attendant stood next to the door and picked up the mic, and said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard flight 201; we will arrive at the Bernin system in twelve hours. Please sit back and enjoy your journey. Once we are underway, we will make available beverages, and two meals will be served during the trip."

The flight attendant turned around and asked Tim, "Colonel, would you like something to drink?"

"No, thank you. I'll sit here and take advantage of this downtime." Closing his eyes and asked himself what he was going to do, only been out about two months and was drifting without a plan or goal.

Tim had to piss, got up, and headed for the head. He was standing over the urinal, pissing when the door opened. He stood there, pissing as the head flight attendant walked in and closed and locked the door behind her.

She walked over, stood behind Tim, reached around, took hold of his cock, and said, "Colonel, I think you need help."

"I think this shuttle service gives the best service."

She pulled him around using his cock as a guide, dropped, and licked the head. There was still the taste of urine. She looked up and said, "You have a strong flavor but are very tasty."

She licked and sucked, getting his cock wet. She stood and turned, raising her skirt and pulling her panties to the side, "Now, fuck me! I can't resist a man in uniform."

Tim had a thing for following orders. He bent her over the sink, placed his cock in the crack, and moved it up and down. Making sure that both parties were good and wet. Grabbing her hips and placed his cock at her opening and shoved it.

The head flight attendant let out a moan and pushed back. She wanted him in her all the way. She grabbed a towel from the rack and shoved it in her mouth. She held onto the towel rack and moved her ass up and down to get friction for a quicker orgasm.

Tim grabbed her hips and began to pound her pussy. He knew that this had to be a quicky.

The Head flight attendant squirmed and squealed in delight as the head penetrated her. She pulled the towel out and said, "Oh, fuck, do it harder; it's feeling good," and shoved the towel back in, biting hard on it as she came again.

Tim attacked her pussy at a fever pitch, bouncing off her butt with loud smacks. He was getting into the rhythm and became more aroused. Tim went all the way in with a single thrust until his balls bounced off her ass.

The room echoed with his grunts and the moans from the attendant. Tim asked, "You just love feeling me inside of you, don't you?"

The attendant looked over her shoulder and mumbled, "Yeah."

Tim leaned over her back and whispered, "Show me how much."


"By squeezing my cock with your pussy."

Tim felt her squeezing her pussy muscles.

Her knees began to buckle, and Tim had to hold her up to finish. He started to pull out.

She spat out the towel and said, "Leave it in. I want to feel your load being deposited."

Tim grabbed her hips tighter, shoved his cock in as far as possible, and held it there. As he shot into her, he let out a moan.

She stood, allowing her panties to slide back into place and the dress to fall. She turned, winked at him, and walked out the door.

Tim returned to his seat and began to smile.

He slept about three hours and was awakened by a loud bang. He jumped up from his seat and started looking around. Seeing the flight attendant running towards him with a pale white face and in tears, he stopped her to find out what was happening. She looked at him and blurted, "We are being attacked, and they are taking the passengers."

Tim held her, looked her in the eyes, asking, "What are you talking about?"

"Pirates have boarded the ship and are kidnapping everyone." She broke free and rushed into the pilot's cabin, where she and the pilot could be rescued. Tim turned and saw people running around, scared. He saw a young couple sitting two rows back, paralyzed in fear, praying.

Tim walked over to them and, in his command voice, "Follow me."

They both got up without question and followed Tim. He helped them into an escape pod, closed the hatch, and launched it. He turned to see if there was anyone else that needed his help.

Tim looked towards the central stairway, saw smoke coming from the lower deck, and heard screams. Weaponless, he looked for an escape pod. Entering the first open one, he turned and pressed the close hatch button and raised his head just in time to see a weapon as it hit his head.

The time came to a standstill for Tim; he was in darkness. It was the most intense darkness he'd ever known. There was no sound or a flicker of light anywhere. Wondering if he was dead, he tried to move and felt like he was being restrained.

Finally, he heard a voice from far away, "Sir, can you hear me?" The voice was soft and sweet, like an angel's might be.

He tried to turn his head to see who was talking to him, and he was powerless to move, and the attempt failed. In his state, he didn't know if he was lying down or sitting up, as his sense of direction was disrupted.

He had no idea where he was. Then, the voice again said, "Sir, can you understand me?"

Again, Tim tried to find the source of the voice. He saw something just for an instant. There, in the far distance, was a flicker of light.

He had to move forward towards it. At the end of the tunnel, he knew there would be life, and he had to make it there. Remembering his training, he relaxed and concentrated on the move just a little at a time. He thought that he was crawling. He felt fatigued, it seemed like forever, but the light was getting larger and brighter. The voice again requested, "Sir, please open your eyes."

As he mentally clawed closer to the light, his surroundings became gray. He opened his eyes and quickly closed them; the light was too intense.

"I am sorry. I will dim the room lights for you. If you could, please rest for a little more. The next time you open them, you will feel better."

Tim closed his eyes and waited to see what would happen. After what seemed like hours, he tried to open them. Finally opened them slightly, he found most of the blurriness was gone. Now that the lights were dimmed, he could make things out. He focused on what he could see in front of him. It was a ceiling, and the bright light was just a lamp. It looked like one that would fit in a hospital.

He still couldn't move his head, so he used his peripheral vision to look around, and he could only see cabinet tops with some books stacked on them. Then he heard that voice again, "Sorry, sir, I hope the lighting is better now?"

"Yes, thank you. But could I ask, Why can't I move my head?"

"I applied a nerve block because you were moving around too much while in a coma." The voice replied. "If you would like, I'll have it removed."

"Yes, please."

Tim felt something begin to drain away the tension from his head and neck, and he could now move. He looked to the right and saw a robot with a medical device in its arms. "Are you the one I talked to?"

The robot did not reply. The voice came from Tim's other side, "No, he is just a bot that I use, and I am the one you have been talking to."

Tim turned his head and saw a female standing about four feet away. Tim tried to sit up. But there was a strap across his midsection restraining him, and he looked at it with a questioning look.

"Sorry, you may unfasten it if you want. Again, it was for your safety."

Tim unfastened the strap and started to get up. "Please, sir, you are not strong enough to stand independently."

She was right, and Tim lay back down. He turned his head to look at her. "Could I ask your name?"

"My name is Sarha, and I am the controlling intelligence for the ship, its AI."

"Well, Sarha, I am happy to meet you. I am Colonel Tim Bodge, Retired."

"Sir, I am happy to talk to you, But you need to rest to regain your strength so you can walk again."

"I believe you are right."

"Sir, when you wake up, just call my name, and I'll be here immediately."

Tim stretched out and fell asleep. This time, it was not asleep of darkness and heaviness, and it was more normal sleep.

Tim woke up more relaxed and felt great. He sat up and looked around, seeing he was still in the medical bed. He started moving his legs to see if they could support his weight.

He didn't see Sarha. Tim looked around for the nurse's call box but did not see one. He called out her name, "Sarha."

She appeared on the other side of the room. "Yes, sir, how may I help you?"

Tim was caught off guard by her appearing this way. She noticed the surprised look on his face and said, "I am sorry, Colonel. I didn't mean to startle you."

"Please call me Tim and for startling me. I am not used to someone appearing out of thin air."

"Well, Tim, how are you feeling this morning?"

"I feel great; I haven't felt this good in a long time."

"I am happy to hear that, and how do you feel about your physical health?"

Tim now had to think about what she was asking, "What do you mean, my physical health?"

"When I retrieved you, you had a large knot on your head."

Now that she had said that. Tim began to remember. He looked at Sarha with a strange look. "What happened to me, and where am I? And how long have I been here?"

"For all that's happened to you, I have no way of knowing. ... For where are you. ... You are on my ship. It is one of the Special Guardianships, called Star Gladiator 1, and the last question you have been here for, by your unit of measurement, you were unconscious for 156 of your hours or 6.5 days," Sarha stated.

"What do you mean, your ship? How did I get here? The last thing I remember is getting into an escape pod and someone hitting me on the head." Tim's military training insisted he understood the situation and needed to know what was happening and where he was.

"No, Tim, you are aboard my ship. I retrieved your escape pod and brought you on board. I can't explain everything, but you were unconscious, lying on the deck of your pod with an extraneous appendage beside you. The appendage belonged to someone who was attacking you. I don't know of any alien species that might do that, but I have encountered pirate groups who have attacked any ship they feel they may profit from," said Sarha.

"Sarha, how could you just appear in front of me from nowhere." Tim inquired, still disoriented from the long period of unconsciousness.

"Tim, as I said earlier, I am an AI."

"I wasn't aware of our vessel's AIs," Tim said. Tim kept looking around, trying to see if there was anything he might use as a weapon if he needed one.

"I'm not sure whether your ships have AIs either,"

"How did I end up here?" Tim asked. He knew something had happened to him and was now worried about it.

I was crossing that system and noted that your ship was under attack. I picked up your escape pod. There were several other pods, but they had been torn open. I can elaborate on that later. Right now, I need to complete a medical assessment of your injuries. With your permission, I will perform some tests."

"What sort of tests?" Tim asked, and he was concerned, and letting someone, or something, do tests on him didn't sound great.

"Well," Sarha said, "One of them is a DNA profile."

Tim reluctantly allowed her to do the tests. Some tests were familiar, but most consisted of light playing over his body. He did not feel anything while the beams were active, so he was unsure what their function was. After she was done, he tried to stand and stretched out his hand to hold the bed for balance. He finally stood up and took a step. "My legs feel weak, but I think I can stand."

"If we could go to the bridge, I will answer as many questions as I am allowed."

There was a flash of light and a twist in his stomach, and he was standing on the command deck of The Star Gladiator 1.

What's going on here?" Tim asked with a shocked look.

"Sorry, our Material Transfer System, or my former crew members called it MTS," Sarha said.

"Where is the crew? Where is everyone?" Tim looked around the bridge; "why wasn't there anybody else?"

The bridge layout was impressive. To the front was a large view screen showing what was ahead. There were ten stations, each with a large work surface and chair. There was room for everyone to do their work, but close enough to allow for good visual and audio communication.

Tim looked around, saw all of this, and knew from experience that this was a huge ship. Again, he asked about the crew.

"As a matter of fact, you are the only one on board! The entire ship is completely automated,"

"How is this possible? I would guess that a vessel this size would require a minimum of 1,000 crew members to keep it functioning."

"I am the artificial intelligence for this vessel and control the entire ship."

"How large is this vessel?" Tim asked with a highly doubtful look.

"This is The Star Gladiator 1. It is a cylinder-shaped ship, measures 6.6 kilometers long in your units, and has a diameter of 4.8 kilometers. If we could continue, is there anything you need now?" Sarha asked.

"Yes. Is there someplace on the ship where I can eat?" Asked Tim as his stomach rumbled.

"I have updated the ship's food dispensers to recognize your DNA profile so that your first meal fulfills your dietary requirements. There's a food machine on the left side of the wall, and tell it what you want to eat."

"You mean it can make food? All I have to do is ask?" Tim's eyebrows raised in surprise.

He walked to the food dispenser and said, "Steak and baked potatoes and butter on the side. Cook the steak medium-well." Five minutes later, a slot opened, and a tray with the food appeared.

Tim picked up the tray and returned to a seat on the bridge, it just happened to be the captain's seat, and he began to eat. "This tastes good; I wouldn't believe it came from a machine. This almost tastes real." But at the same time, he wondered how the machine knew exactly what his words meant. He could have been given a steak that could have come from many different animals. Turning to Sarha, he asks, "How did the machine know exactly what to prepare?"

"Learning your language also means that I understand common usage, and I transferred the knowledge to the food machine."

"OK, what's the next thing we should do or talk about?"

"What do you remember about what happened to you and that shuttlecraft you were on?"

I was on a vessel bound for Taboj, a Planet in the Bernin system. I was asleep in the first row. We were nine hours away, and I heard a bang. I jumped out of my seat, looked around, and began to assist people to the escape pods. I think one of the flight attendants assisted other people. I heard a sound and saw a silhouette in a spacesuit, and smoke was coming from the deck below. I hit my head. No, something struck me as I got into a pod. I don't recall what happened after that, though. The next thing I remember was your voice.

"Well, yours was the only intact capsule I discovered in the area. There were other ships in the system changing course in the direction of the scene, and there was also a ship headed out of the system, hyper-warping rapidly."

"Why didn't you stay around and help?"

"It would be best if you remembered that I am an AI and have no direct will of my own. I can only follow instructions, and part of my last set of instructions, one of which was to avoid detection."

"Did you stay in the system?"

"I went to the next closest system, which turned out to be uninhabited. If you want, I can take you back."

"Sarha, how are you familiar with our measuring system and language?"

"Knowing your unit of measure, going through any system, I monitor every signal and translate it into my future reference data file system. That way, I become more knowledgeable."

"What the hell am I supposed to do now?"

"For the time being, you may stay on this ship," Sarha replied.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Gave you 3 stars. Like others stated your idea is neat, but the grammar, and dialog between characters need to be cleaned up.

One idea. When you write something. Read it out loud while also recording it. To listen to how it sounds.

Patton_McGroinPatton_McGroinover 2 years ago

Nice concept but I could not endure the manner of writing and changing of tenses. Perhaps the series will improve but it is not written in a way that engages the reader.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good concept, nice start but you really need to improve your writing basics. You keep changing tenses and you dialog is very stilted. If dialog flows well the reader will follow the back and forth without a Tim says Sarha says every sentence. This idea has promise but work with somebody to build depth and flow.

prof_W303prof_W303almost 3 years ago

This seems like it will be a good story but I'm not sure about anyone that would intentionally order a steak medium well. 🤔 I'm looking forward to reading more.

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2ualmost 3 years ago

Hello. I think you have your Planet, solar system, Galaxy and universe names out of wack. The girls keep talking about exploring the universes. That’s plural, however there is only one universe but there are billions of galaxies with an impossibly large amount of stars and planets. So can the universes bit as it hurts my head and put galaxies in the spot instead please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

A very good start, with some minor editing flaws that does not detract from the story. You do need to give more background detail on how things such as knowledge of how food for the "crew" is made to their specifications without the necessary background knowledge of their culture and such. Language is another thing, Tim meets with the felines and language is immediately no issue? Minor details such as these can make a good story great.

Do go on, you'll only improve as you go along and there are many constructive criticisms from your readers that may help you out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I hope the editing gets better as you go along.

Could be a good yarn.

thodge1945thodge1945about 3 years agoAuthor

Anonymous .... Thank you for at least reading my story. You have a good day. Thank you again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This is truly awful.

SillywillieSillywillieover 3 years ago

Good story keep going

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