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The Amazing Divorce of Doug and Jeannette


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The End.

Epilogue: Seven years later their partnership had been going on but struggling at times. After they installed their National Merit son into a college dorm and were driving home, Doug said to his significant other, "A certain lady and I have a mutual interest in each other but she has made it clear to me that she has no interest in a future relationship because of my present domestic situation. Would you consider moving on? I would offer you a settlement fee so that you wouldn't be in the poor house."

Panic exploded in her head again, but she responded with a lie, "That works out because Harrison Deerfield - remember that name? - still looks at me like a hungry puppy on his monthly sales calls to the CM, and I am sure he wants me as much now as he did 6 years ago. The CM says that he is now the single proprietor of his Manufacturers Rep agency. I will move by the end of the month, Doug. I'll never stop thanking and loving and admiring you, but I know now that our relationship can not completely recover. Much happiness to you and whoever you couple with in the future."

After Jeannette moved out she looked up her once upon a time, best friend, Bill Walker. She found him at an VA assisted living facility in a roll around lounge chair after having suffered a stroke. She sat beside him and they chatted about life since she had seen him. She concluded, "I just moved my son into a college dorm and moved out of my house at my ex-husband's request and I plan to re-attract the the man I was riding in that Hartford hotel room when Doug came in and caught us in the act - if you can recall that incident."

Obviously no longer impressed with her he still held her hand and said, "I am sure you will find some happiness with whomever you pair up with in the future. Thanks for being my friend. I really appreciate your looking me up and coming by."

Jeannette walked to her car quite certain that she didn't have a friend in the world! But she also knew that she could give herself a cosmetic makeover and she could easily find a gentleman to help her survive for the next short period of time.

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buzzsawlennybuzzsawlenny5 months ago

What a cold, callous, superficial woman you created.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Dry as burnt toast

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Hahahahhaha. Good one. Move this story to the Humor & Satire section. 1 star if I could.

mathur_nkmathur_nkover 1 year ago
A real bad story. Most wimpy husband most dirty wife


A real bad story. A husband allowing an adultress in his house and life having only a technical divorce and even sleeping with her only a few days after he took pictures. Almost as bad as accepting sloppy seconds. And she readied herself for the same. All this for giving a perfect normal sham of life to the son! The whole story is sham.

James G 5James G 5over 1 year ago

Was this written in Hindi by ChatGPT then badly translated in to English?

It would be a crap story regardless, but the poor language was grating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why write this?

Miserable characters. Shallow storyline.

The dialog was like a story written by Tommy Wiseau.

AngelRiderAngelRideralmost 2 years ago

What a shit ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

7 men in 12yrs of marriage, what a cheating skank of a wife!! Old bitch Billy was her sounding board because he too was using her, not sexually.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I agree with most of the commentators, this story is a humongous load of crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

He should have fully got rid of her all those years ago. She is one selfish person and only thinks of herself. It would be interesting if she could live with Harrison Deerfield rather than just bang him. I feel they may be not compatible to live with each other.

jflindersjflindersalmost 3 years ago

I found this story better than the comments would indicate and wonder if a few of the commenters missed what a sad, lonely life was the ex-wife's present and future.

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