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The Bet Ch. 03

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Final few days.
11.4k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/23/2020
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~*~*An anonymous user so eloquently stated that this story is "Unoriginal" because it has the same exact premise as a previous story, which is true. Although, that story was never finished so I took it upon myself to make my own fanfic of that story because whoever it was that wrote it, had a fantastic idea and I felt empty because the story remains unfinished. I should have made a disclaimer at the beginning of the first installment, that is my fault. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this last installment and please comment because I do love hearing what you have to say.*~*~


Richard woke up with Alexis still in his arms. The bet wasn't supposed to go like this. Yeah he had an Alexis sized itch he needed to scratch but he didn't expect it to be this...explosive. He didn't expect to have conflicting feelings either. He always got a kick out of their arguments but he thoroughly enjoyed the conversations they had. He also loved feeling her warm, soft, curvy body pressed against his.

During his morning routine his mind kept playing the way she rode him. The way she looked when she was riding him like an expert. Brushing his teeth, he peeked in the room finding her missing from the bed. He walked to her room watching her clasp a see through bra with tiny dots behind her back. She already had on a pair of see through matching panties with a thick velvet band cinching in her waist. She stepped in to a pair of perfectly tailored pants that lifted up her pert ass.

Quickly wiping his mouth, he could feel toothpaste dripping down his chin. He turned to go back to his room, not used to having such a gorgeous woman in his home. Rolling his eyes, he felt the behemoth in his underwear growing at a dangerous degree. Shit, he was addicted.

In the car there was an awkward silence that neither of them could seem to break. Every time she thought of something to say, it died a fast death. She couldn't even look at him. Why was she so embarrassed? He was lucky to have a taste of her. She definitely was lucky to get those mind blowing orgasms from him. He was the only man to ever satisfy her and that was why she attacked him, dragging him to the bed. She wanted more but her body had reached its limits after the twentieth climax.

Richard glanced side long at Alexis, watching her lick her lips then bite her bottom lip. He knew she was thinking about last night just like he was. Last night was on a loop in his brain. He could only see her naked body on top of his or bent over taking him deep.

Backing into the parking spot, he stayed behind the wheel to reel himself in before work. Alexis left the car, switching her sensual hips the whole way. He knew, she knew, what she was doing. His jaw on the floor, he closed it fast as he saw Andre from accounting catch up to her.

"Hey girl, I tried calling you last night." Andre threw his arm around her shoulders.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I got held up taking care of my cat." slyly Alexis smirked at Richard.

"I would love to meet your cat." he said suggestively.

Richard sneered.

"Well you can ask Richard, he's met her." Alexis smiled full on this time.

Richard's eyes almost bugged out his head.

"He's been to your house? Before me? You're breaking my heart baby doll." Andre put a huge hand over his heart.

"I don't want to break your heart, that's the last thing I'd want to do to you." Alexis inconspicuously moved away from him to press their floor.

"Oh yeah, ya'll are doing that mock case. I almost forgot. My services are still available for the price of dinner." she couldn't believe she used to find this charming. Now all she can think about is Richard choking her as he stroked deep in her depths.

"Want to meet me in our spot at nine?" Andre whispered in her ear.

She looked worriedly at Richard praying he could help her out of this situation, "I uh. Well-"

"Alexis, I need you to take a look at the McLeod file for me. I think this is up your lane." Richard saved her because she looked a little uncomfortable.

"Um sure Vickers I can take a look for you." Luckily the elevator arrived on their floor and she could make a quick getaway.

"She got an ass on her." Andre elbowed Richard with an appreciative laugh.

Richard walked away without acknowledging his statement. He wondered what Andre whispered to her. And why did she look so uncomfortable? She usually fawned over him. Masculine satisfaction roiled through him knowing he was the reason Alexis was avoiding Andre. He tried to think of tasks he could get her to do so he could keep an eye on her. He wanted his hands on her.

"I saw you pull up with Freeman today. What's wrong with her car?" his coworker, James, asked.

"Oh I, uh, her car broke down."

"Why didn't she just call her friends? Or Andre? Those two have been hot and heavy for some months now."

"Months? Yeah, no, I saw her on the side of the road. I am a gentleman by the way." Richard had to remember to tell her to tell people her car broke down.

"But didn't you bring her to work yesterday too?" James the inquisitive mentioned.

"Her car broke down yesterday and I offered to take her to work today as well."

"Damn bro are you at least gonna taste some of that for all your generosity." James joked.

"It's not like that." Richard started.

"I wouldn't mind gettin' all up in that if you know what I mean." James gave an exaggerated wink.

"I got a lot of work to do man, I'll talk to you later." Richard moved away from his desk and away from this conversation.

Every time he tried to corner her she would make an excuse to get out the way or someone would actually get in the way. This game of cat and mouse was getting on his nerves but also he liked the chase. She was embarrassed for some reason and it made him feel a little smug.

Alexis knew he could tell she was avoiding him. She was flustered because he basically blew her back out and she was mewling under him like a sex starved nympho. She has never been that uninhibited with anyone and here she was mesmerized by his dreamy blue eyes and the way he fucked her.

And she had to go back home with him! Just the two of them. By themselves. Alone in a house where their moans can probably still be heard bouncing off the walls. This was going to be a hard night. He was so hard. So deliciously hard. When she felt that monster against her leg she could have sworn he had a metal bat poking her. Richard knew how to use that magical cock, and well.

Alexis sent a text to her best friend, Jessica.


*Oo spill the tea babe!* —Jessica

*I need you to pick me up after work today, then I'll spill* —Alexis

*Be there at 6* —Jessica

Alexis loved her best friend. She never had to offer any explanations, Jess just went along with whatever Alexis needed at that moment.

Until six o'clock came around, Alexis had to keep avoiding Richard which was becoming hard. Almost as hard as her nipples. Her arousal immediately deflated when Andre walked to her desk.

"Hey baby doll, do you want to grab a drink tonight? There's going to be an open mic night at this bar and my buddy is the third act. Full disclosure, he's not any good." Andre laughed flashing white teeth.

"Wow Dre that sounds great but my friend and I already have plans. What time is it? Maybe I can try to pop in and make an appearance." she really didn't want to go but she figured she has been sending signals to him for months now, the least she could do is let him know she's no longer interested.

"Sure I'll text you the details. See you later baby doll."

She was like Lola bunny, she didn't want to be called doll. At least not by him. She rolled her eyes, then tapped on her computer doing research.

She wasn't at her desk but he planned on staying there until she got back and she would be because she left her phone just sitting there beside her mouse. As he waited, he saw her phone light up displaying a message from Andre giving an address and a time. Fury boiled his blood. He told her to stay away from him. She was his this entire week and if she wanted to bend over for Andre then she could do it next week.

Rage forced him to turn around to compose himself. He would discuss this with her when they got home. If he talked about it here, he would say things he doesn't mean and he didn't want to make a scene at work. At his desk, he buried himself in work to distract him from his anger with Alexis. Before he knew it, it was well after six.

Richard made his way to Alexis's desk but found it empty. Confused, he looked around the office not seeing her anywhere. He spotted James across the way.

"Hey Jay, you seen Alexis?"

"Alexis? Oh you mean Freeman? You never use her first name." the ever inquisitive James noted.

"Have you seen her?"

"Oh yeah she left about thirty minutes ago."

"Thanks." Richard turned sharp on his heel making his way to his car.

He couldn't believe she just left him. Without a goodbye or at the very least a heads up that she was leaving. Was she coming back? What made her want to leave? And he really hoped she prepared for the punishment he was going to bestow upon her for this silly stunt.

"So you're telling me, this guy fucked you silly and you're running away from him? Why?" Jessica looked at her friend like she was insane.

"It's not that simple Jess. All of this is coming out of left field." Alexis tried explaining to her friend.

"Wait. Haven't you been telling me you was about to reel him in anyways? Isn't this what you wanted?"

"What? No, this is a different guy not Andre."

"Bitch I thought we were talking about Andre the whole time! So who is this new dude and why don't I know about him?"

"Well you did go to that yoga retreat for five days, which you didn't invite me to, but that's neither here nor there. We made a bet but I didn't think he was gonna take it this far but this is the best sex I have ever had and I'm so damn confused." Alexis ended in a huff.

"Again, why are you running away? Because from my point of view, you should keep him. At the least keep getting your back blown out by him. A females orgasm is elusive, especially when a man is involved. And your ass don't even like yoga. And you're not stupid, you definitely knew that there was a strong possibility with this bet that he would be asking for sex."

"You right." Alexis laughed, "But seriously I never expected Vickers to look at me like that and now it seems like I can't enter a room without him jumping my bones. I mean I'm the same way with him but damn we were just rivals last week!"

"Vickers! You have been sleeping with the enemy? Lexi, I thought we hated him?"

"Exactly!" Alexis threw her hands up exasperatedly.

"Ok ok so you guys secretly liked each other and want each other, that's easy to understand. Most men and women who dislike each other, always end up attracted to one another. I'm just gonna throw this out there because I know the audience wants to make sense of this: you clearly like him a lot because you agreed to this little bet and you're lying to yourself if you say otherwise. So why are you conflicted?"

"He's white." Alexis looked at Jessica who went quiet.

The silence was drawn out so long, Alexis thought Jessica would kick her out the car.

"Jess say something."

"Oh girl I thought you needed more time because what's wrong with him being white? I'm down for the swirl."

"I don't know Jess."

"I honestly think you're trying to come up with any old excuse to get away from him because you really like this dude. Plus where are all these feelings coming from? What am I missing?"

"Over these few days, I have learned some things about him that I find endearing. Also, we have a lot in common. He has me staying at his house and you know I'm nosy, so obviously I went through his things and I found books, movies and music that are my favorites. Tell me why he has a Basquiat painting in his office. Made me wet just looking at how cultured he seems to be."

"You like the cover, now you want to read the book."

"You understand me so well."

"Duh, this is why we're best friends. I say go for it, you don't have much to lose. Just a little heart break, losing the best sex, your words not mine, of your life and a nicely shaped thick cock."

"I did not tell you he had a nicely shaped thick cock."

"Does he though?"

"Honey, I have a hard time getting my mouth around it, let alone getting all of him down my throat." Alexis bragged.

"I want one! Does he have a brother?" Jessica laughed.

Alexis felt a weight off her shoulders. She really didn't know why she was tripping, "Ok but is it all right if I stay with you tonight? He is going to be pissed. He's gonna be extra pissed when I don't show up tonight but I got something special planned for tomorrow and you're helping me."

"We're going sexy clothes shopping aren't we?"


"I cannot wait to see what you have in store for him."

Richard stayed in the living room waiting for her to return. He only called her three times with no answer, not wanting to seem crazy. But that's how he felt. Crazed.

Nine came and went. Ten came and went, then eleven and twelve. By one o'clock he knew she wasn't coming in tonight. A slow burn of anger started deep in his gut because he knew she was with Andre from accounting. Adjusting his doubly angry dick, he went to take a cold shower and turn in for the night.

He planned on angry fucking her again and showing her who was boss. He needed to teach her a lesson. He was going to spank that glorious ass of hers and fuck that pretty mouth. He wasn't big on BDSM but he was going to tie her up and torture her with edging until she learned her lesson. His cock twitched in anticipation.

Richard couldn't believe he was hard as a rock again after he handled himself this morning in the shower. Driving to work knowing he was going to run into Alexis, flooded his manhood with blood. His seed was ready to burst out of him to find its home in her. Collecting himself before he exited the car, he had to think about naked grandma's. Satisfied, he made his way up to his office only to discover Alexis wasn't there.

Maybe she was late, which was improbable since she has never been late the entire time she's worked with the firm. That was the only excuse until closing time came around and she never showed up. Nobody mentioned that she was gone and that was weird because in this office, people notice everything. They talk about everything too, but today is the day they chose not to gossip. Just his luck.

Borderline livid, Richard drove home without focusing on the drive. It's a wonder that he made it home in the first place. His muscles were tight with disappointment until he saw a figure standing at his door. His first emotion was anger but immediately his second emotion was unbridled lust.

Alexis was standing at his door with a short plaid skirt, a tied up white collared shirt, thigh high white socks and black heels on her teeny feet. Her hair was up in a messy bun with ringlets of her escaped curls caressing her pretty face. She was sucking on a lollipop looking up at him with innocent eyes.

"Alexis where have you been?" Richard boomed loud enough that she winced.

"I'm sorry Richard. My friend needed me." she batted her eyes at him invading his space pressed against him.

"You could have called to let me know." he could feel his resolve melting.

"I can make it up to you." she ran the lollipop on his lip then turned around and bent at the waist pushing her generous ass against his groin.

He got a peek at snow white lace panties wanting to rip them off with his teeth.

"Are you gonna open up the door? I have a surprise for you." seductively she rubbed the front of his pants that now looked like a perfect pitched tent.

Fumbling with the keys, he let them both in. He watched as she locked the door and guided him to the sofa. Provocatively she unbuckled him to pull his pants down to his feet. Removing his shoes then pulling the pants and underwear completely off, she gently pushed him to a seated position.

Still sucking on the candy she got to her knees. She looked up at him under her lashes making her look like a siren, she twirled the lollipop around his shaft and over his head. This slow tortuous speed was too much for him. It was clear she read his mind because she stuck that divine tongue out to curl it around his cock tasting the candy.

He loved watching her work that mouth up, down and around his length. He's never seen a tongue like hers in person, only on the internet but damn if she didn't know how to use it.

His hands held on to the sides of her head when she inhaled his manhood. He tried hard not to pump his hips down her throat but she was sucking him so good. Her cheeks were hollowed out with the suction. She was caressing his sac in soft circles in her softer hands. He held her gaze peppering her with compliments. Every time he told her she was a good girl, she would increase the vigor threatening to suck his soul out along with his essence.

She hummed her approval at his praise making his knees shake triggering an eruption down her throat.

"Fucking shit." Richard groaned at the ceiling.

Alexis lightly cleaned him up with her tongue making his muscles jump. Having his soul return to his body, Richard scooped Alexis up surprised she was a little dense. Must be all that ass she's packing. He carried her up stairs to their bed, dropping her smoothly on the mattress. He sat down with only his shirt on then pulled her flush against his chest.

"Alexis, you wore the perfect outfit because you've been a bad girl. And bad girls aren't allowed to come until I say so."

"Wait." Alexis tried to move but he held her back against him restricting her movement.

"No." Richard shoved her legs open then ripped her shirt open sending buttons popping, exposing her sexy little bra.

He kissed along her neck as he felt the weight of her breasts in his hands. She coo'd pressing a delicate hand on his cheek. Snaking his hand down her body, he landed at the apex of her thighs feeling the heat coming from her.

In slow soft circles, he rubbed her pussy through her panties. She moaned long, tilting her head back to rest on his shoulder. Returning to her breasts he decided to give her a massage. He didn't realize how sensitive her breasts were until she was squirming between his legs. Her groans of approval were turning him on but right now he had to show her who was in charge.

Her hand started to massage her clit. Richard popped the offending hand then the inside of both thighs. Getting the message, she dropped her hand to rest beside his leg. One hand was holding her breast as his other faintly patted her core. Her chest heaved with the jolt of pleasure arching her back.

He rubbed her pussy with the flat of his hand in wide circles while she pumped her hips. He feathered his fingers across her hardened bud, stopping her from riding his hand to orgasm. A high sigh flew from her lips, her hand clutching at his thigh.

Richard placed his hand on her core as far as at would go then glided his hand slowly upwards in a petting motion. Petting her multiple times, her breath hitched moving her hips against his hand needing more friction.

Patting her firmly on her mound, a moan escaped her mouth in a mewling cry. Her skin was so heated he could feel the scorch through his shirt. His cock was hardening against her back as she rotated her hips.

Pressing his hand firmly between her legs, he rubbed her in quick small circles. Panting, he could tell she was about to come so he removed his hand, effectively stopping her climbing orgasm. Grabbing her panties, he played with her by pulling the fabric taunt against her sensitive flesh.

She was so turned on, her hips were humping the air searching for more. Needing more.

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