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The Bet Ch. 03


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Now all she wanted to do was spend every night. Every second with this man buried to the hilt inside of her. A white man no less!

Hung like a horse, smart as hell, sharp as a whip and fine on top of it all? Sign her the fuck up as tribute. Relieving herself, Alexis decided she needed to call her friend again. In the morning, because she just didn't have the strength to do anything at the moment.

She walked out to Richard turning the mattress over.

"What are you doing?" she asked as she helped him turn it.

"Someone left a giant wet spot on my bed and as much as I love how much I made you come, I don't want to sleep in it."

"I know you're not talking, I don't think you have anymore sperm left in your body judging by how hard you came. I hope your next wife don't want kids because they're all gone now." she smiled up at him.

Pulling her to his chest, he leaned down to give her a drugging kiss.

"I can't get enough of you." he grunted into their kiss.

Her face heated and her heart fluttered. If he kept saying things like that, she was going to keep him.

After they got the bed dressed, they curled into each other. Her the big spoon, him the little. Sleep took them under at a record breaking speed. She replayed their bed play in her dreams which made her so wet she could feel a pool of her essence wet her inner thighs.

Alexis reached around his body to find him hard as steel jutting straight out. Wetting her hand with her own juice, she started to stroke his thick shaft. He let out a puff of arousal, slowly pumping his cock into her hand.

She had to taste him. Stealthily moving him to his back to not wake him, she stroked his length again. Taking him into her mouth, she moaned as she fingered her wet slit.

Richard was having the most seductive dream. He was buried in her heat again. Rolling his hips he felt a vibration that jolted him out of his sleep to reveal her gorgeous curly hair bobbing up and down his shaft. As much as he loved her tonguing him, he wanted to be connected to her.

"Come here." he growled pulling her up to him.

He laid her beside him to be the little spoon, lifting her leg to slide deep inside her depths. Smothering him with her heat, he hooked his arm through her leg to pump his cock with strong strokes.

Her hand caressed his face, turning to kiss him. Reaching his long fingers towards her core, he fingered her clit drawing moans from her. He groaned along with her feeling her walls clench around him with a firm squeeze.

Speeding up his kissed her neck with his balls drawing taut. As her walls restrained him, sucking him in, he unloaded his seed in her honeypot. Her last spasm of an orgasm forced him out of her with another squirt of come dripping down her leg.

The house could have been on fire and they still wouldn't have woken up. They slept the sleep of the dead with exhausted bodies clinging to each other.

Alexis woke first, relieving herself again. She gazed at him from the bathroom as she brushed her teeth. This was overwhelming but she was going to ride him until the wheels fell off. She ordered a late breakfast for them then went to get washed. Her poor (or lucky) little pussy was swollen from a good night fucking. She caught herself smiling as she washed, having flashbacks of the way he touched her. The way he talked to her with those dirty words. Kissing her neck. Gripping her ass just the way she liked with a little bit of possessiveness laced in every muscle of his body.

"Down girl." she chided herself from rubbing her pussy. She was turning into a sex crazed hussy.

Alexis didn't want to but she had to go to the library or her house to do research for this mock trial. She went downstairs, seeing him munch on the food she brought for him. He looked completely content. She wanted to see that contentment for the rest of her life.

"Last night was-" at a loss for words, she gesticulated for an adequate description.

"Amazing. Mind blowing? Marvelous. In-fucking-credible. Unreal. The most glorious sex we have ever had in our entire life." he was grinning from ear to ear.

"Yes all of that and more but I need to do some research so I can hand you your ass on Tuesday. So I'm gonna head out. Before you say anything, I know I agreed to a week but honestly I need this promotion. We'll still have Sunday to wrap everything up, is that okay?" she flinched getting ready for the impending blow up.

"I understand. And I'd rather have my hand on your ass but sure, we'll use this time to get our ducks in a row. Make sure you use all your weapons in your arsenal because I won't be holding back." he stood and was now striding to her like she was his prey.

Heart quickening, she met his lips with her own. Tongues tangling, hands roaming. She could feel her temperature rising again. Despite the thorough fucking last night, her body was raring to go again. Sucking on her tongue, he grabbed an overflowing handful of her luscious backside in his left hand as his right encircled the base of her head getting wrapped in her soft curls.

Feeling him grow against her she ground her pliable body against his hard one.

"You keep doing what you're doing and there will be a repeat of last night." Richard whispered on her lips.

She gave him one last peck on the lips to call her friend to pick her up. After confirming her ride, she went to stuff her work in her briefcase.

Richard watched as she left feeling a tightening in his chest. The demand to be inside of her again was riding him hard just like she did last night. Maybe he should get her pregnant to keep her? Nah, he would do this right. He wanted her. And he was going to have her.

Throughout the day his mind drifted back to Alexis. He loved the way her eyes sparkled as she looked deep into his eyes like she was really seeing him. They way she was completely uninhibited while she took what she wanted from him. He admired the way she submitted to him when he was overcome with lust. He especially revered the way she unleashed her shattering climax with a long drawn out moan and his name on her lips.

The way her heavenly pussy milked him dry, massaging him. Luring him to her sirens song. Her soft curvy body undid him every time he looked at her. Richard adored the little pudge she had making him feel like she was his own personal life sized teddy bear.

Without his knowledge, he was stroking himself through his pants.

Richard sent her a text.

*I'm thinking about you. My cock in your mouth as you rub your pretty pussy for me.*

*Get back to work and stop obsessing over me ;)*—Alexis

*You don't know the half of it. I can't wait to fuck you on my couch. We haven't done it there yet.*—Richard

*Hmm I could have sworn we did.*—Alexis

*How about you come on over? I have a taste for something only you can provide.*—Richard

*I would have never guessed you were so nasty...

I like it*—Alexis

*I'll show you how nasty I am tomorrow evening. We're going on a date. Wear something sexy for me.*—Richard

*Sounds like a date. Until then, I have a little something to tide you over for the night.*—Alexis

The next time his phone pinged, a photo popped up and his jaw dropped. She sent two pictures of herself. One was a full front shot of her in a red hot babydoll, her breasts spilling out of the top and the bottom of the outfit barely brushing the tops of her thighs. The second photo was of her on her knees showcasing her plump ass slightly spreading her cheeks showing her glistening mound wet and ready for him.

Concentration was a thing of the past. He stroked himself to a climax looking at her photos. This woman was going to be the death of him but he would happily go to an early grave just as long as he was held captive by her clenching glove between her thick thighs.

Earlier in the day, he messaged Alexis to tell her they were going out this afternoon and to bring something sexy to wear. She responded with a saucy winky face. Now he was in the mirror checking his hair smoothing down stray strands anticipation forming electricity over his skin.

Richard waited for Alexis at the bottom of the stairs, checking his watch. If she didn't hurry, they were-


Alexis looked drop dead gorgeous. She was sporting a red sparkly dress that conformed to her generous curves then pooled at her feet. It reminded him of the naughty picture she sent him yesterday. The V showcased her perky breasts bouncing as she walked down the stairs. There was a thin chain dripping between her breasts tantalizing him, wishing he was the one pressed against her body suspended between her chest. Her curly hair was pulled up with curls kissing her forehead exposing her beautiful neck.

Her makeup was done splendidly with a red lip to match her dress, accentuating her pout. As she walked down, she had a self satisfied smile on knowing that she was bringing him to his knees.

Dumbly, Richard walked towards the steps to assist her. He cleared his throat, "Alexis,'re stunning."

"Thank you, you look great as well." with a shy smile she took his hand.

"Did you use my gift?" feeling desire rush through him, he prayed she did.

"Yes I did. Are you ready to go?" Alexis was excited. This week has been interesting and she was actually liking Richard. It seemed he was growing to like her too but tonight she had to see if this thing between them is temporary or permanent because to be completely honest, she wanted to be with him.

In the car, Richard couldn't keep his hands off of her. He found himself wanting to hold her hand as he maneuvered the streets. He didn't just want to fuck her, he wanted to make love to her. Clearly it's way too soon to be feeling signs of love but the more honest time he spent with her, he could feel himself falling head over heels for her. Fast.

Pulling up to the restaurant, Richard ran over to open her door. As she stepped out to turn her back to him, electricity roared through his veins. The S of her back seductively mesmerized him. Richard wanted to dip is tongue at the arch. Placing a shaking hand at the small of her naked back, he ushered her to the front of the restaurant.

"Capital grille? Oh I have heard good things about their steak. I'm so excited!" Alexis sped up making Richard laugh at her eagerness.

Once the hostess sat them down, it was hard for Richard to find his voice. His throat was dry and the appendage between his legs kept trying to make an appearance making it hard for him. Literally.

"So you won your bet, how about we play a game?" Alexis rested her chin on her hand giving him hypnotic eyes.

"And what do I get out of it?"

"What do you want?" was her racy reply.

"I'll let you know that later, what are we playing?"

"Twenty one questions." staring into his eyes she was daring him to say no.

"All right you start."

"Why don't you like me?" carefully taking a sip of water, hurt flashed in her eyes then quickly disappeared.

"What do you mean? I like you. I showed you how much I liked you last night."

"I mean before this week, before the bet. It seemed like you were keen on disliking me from the get go."

Luckily the waitress came to take their order giving Richard enough time to think of an adequate answer, "Do you remember your second day on the job? I heard you ask HR if you could move desks. You said you didn't want me to be your neighbor. I didn't do or say anything to you but you couldn't even deign to share the same space as me.", Richard could feel himself getting angry all over again.

Alexis giggled, "I figured that was it."

"So you don't deny that you did it?" anger mottled his cheeks.

"Oh, no I definitely did that." unashamed she nodded.

"Why?" Richard thought he could end up liking her more, maybe even being in love with her later on down the line, but for her to blatantly admit to her juvenile stunt, he didn't think he could deal with that kind of attitude.

"My first day in the office after everyone was done introducing themselves to me, Andre showed me to my desk when I realized I still had my lunch box, so I went back to the break room to put it up. But I heard you say to your minions, 'I guess Lyle, Adams and Scott made their quota.'" Alexis paused looking at Richard's dumbfounded face.

"Don't give me that look, we both know you said it and we both know what you meant when you said it."

"I didn't-" Richard tried to find the words to deny it.

"Richard don't insult my intelligence. You said it. It's not enough that I went to Yale, it's not enough that I graduated summa cum laude. It's not enough that I graduated at the top of my class or that I was the valedictorian. I check all the fucking boxes but all ya'll see is my skin. Yes I am a minority but that isn't all that I am. I'm a damned hard worker and I refused to sit by someone who didn't respect me enough to acknowledge my credentials. So yes I asked to move to another desk, but that was all in response of what you said about someone that you didn't even spend a full hour with. You judged me before you got to know me and I was tired of proving myself. To be completely honest I thought we were going to be good friends, I saw the Stephen King book on your desk and I was happy to find another book worm. But that ended before it could even start." Alexis finished with a half hearted shrug.

"Shit Alexis, I'm sorry. Honestly. There is no excuse for what I said." filled with shame Richard felt that a sorry wasn't enough.

"I know you're not a racist but that really did hurt my feelings." unshed tears bubbled in her eyes.

"I'll spend eternity trying to apologize to you." he grabbed her soft hand, massaging it with his thumb.

"Wow eternity huh? What made you want to start this bet with me?" switching gears she went to familiar territory.

"Andre from accounting was following you around like a love sick puppy." he sneered.

"You say his name like it's a curse." she laughed, "And you don't have to say Andre from accounting, you can just say Andre."

"And I would like it if you didn't say his name while I was around." grumbled Richard.

"Oh is little Dick jealous?" she teased.

"You know very well there's nothing little about my dick." Richard watched her eyes widen a fraction.

Alexis licked her lips with need coloring her face.

He dug out his phone bringing the app up, then he turned on the vibrator he gifted her. Quickly she jumped grabbing the edge of the table looking at him with saucers for eyes and her mouth in a silent 'O'.

Bringing the mechanism down, she let out a stream of air, relaxing in her seat.

"Richard." Alexis moaned his name quietly.

She tried to take a sip of her drink but he turned it gradually up watching her face contort. She quickly schooled her face, remembering she was in public. Sticking her thumb nail in her mouth, she closed her eyes letting a whimper slide past her lip.

Richard watched as her eyes rolled back slowly as she dropped her head back. She sat up straighter when he put it to its max. The look on her face begged him to jump across the table to devour her.

Her hand flung out for him to grasp. She was nearing orgasm. He could see her breathing shallow while she licked her lips clutching at his hand. Alexis started to fan herself smiling at him when thankfully he turned down the intensity.

From the way she squirmed in the seat, he could tell she was trying to hold it in. Smirking, Richard turned it up again. Watching her struggle with her climax flooded his core with blood. She licked her thumb, sucking it in her mouth. He has had enough. He threw bills on the table and swept her away outside.

She followed but bent over trying to catch her breath. Richard realized he still had the toy on high power so he turned it off.

Alexis shoved him against his car bringing him down to her lips as she hungrily sucked on his tongue. She rubbed her body against his like a cat in heat. Richard was squeezing her bottom in his hands pressing her against his raging erection. If they weren't careful, he was going to take her in the middle of the parking lot.

Making it home in record speed, they rushed through the door. Alexis immediately reached for his shirt tugging it out of his slacks while he quickly undid his belt. Richard felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest he was filled urgency to be inside of her.

She took a step back turning around so he could fiddle with the zipper at the top of her ass slowly teasing himself with the slow plunge, uncovering her thong clad round bottom. Swiftly the dress pooled at her feet. Stepping out of the fabric on the floor she turned emboldened, presenting her high breasts to him. Richard let his eyes roam over her body taking in her exquisite form.

Richard walked her back to the couch spreading her legs wide after she fell on the cushion ungracefully. Instantly he was assaulted with her arousal. Her come was dripping down her legs. Licking up her cream on her thighs, he slowly pulled the toy out of her with a vulgar squish.

Her slight moan made his lips quirk in a smile at how hard her little bud was between her delicate petals. Her hands were pinching her hard nipples as he feathered wet kisses on her legs. Slowly he sucked one of her fleshy lips into his ready mouth. His fingers faintly touched the sensitive skin of her pelvis making her her shudder.

"My little princess is sensitive."

Alexis felt like she was a bundle of nerves. Her nerve endings were firing intensely making the slightest touch heighten her arousal. She was dangerously close to coming and she was afraid that she would disintegrate from being so wound up. That devilish toy he gave her, rapidly ratcheted the lust she had for him when he turned it on.

She was already wet and horny when she saw the way he was looking at her the entire time but the second he turned the toy on in her already weakened state, she wasn't able to hold back the orgasm that was waiting at the edge to be pushed over.

He kept avoiding touching her clit with his diabolical tongue. Rotating her hips hoping he got the hint, she unexpectedly wailed as an orgasm stumbled through her.

"Did..Did you just-" his rough voice trailed off with amazement. He was barely touching her. He didn't even press the magic button and yet she came anyway.

His chest puffing with satisfaction, he made short work of taking off his shoes and pants to slip a condom on. Positioning Alexis on her back, his body hovered over her, coating the tip of his length with her spilled honey. Her hips thrust forward, pulling him into her private center. In unison they groaned. Alexis noticed as he scrunched his face in bliss.

Refusing to move for a pregnant second, he got his bearings to slowly draw out of her to forge forward into her fiery furnace in one hard thrust. Feeling the sofa rock under the momentum, he did it again.

And again.

One hand was on his lower back assisting in his movement while her other hand was on the back of his neck pulling him in for a kiss. She couldn't decide what she wanted. She wanted him harder. Faster. She also wanted to kiss and savor this moment. She felt he was surrounding her and it was only them in the world. His mouth was on her, tasting her, his hands were everywhere, knowing her body. His legs were pressing into her trying to fuse with her body.

The stroke of him in and out of her womanhood at this slow pace was driving her mad.

"More, Richard. I want more." she cried against his lips.

Lifting up with her still firmly planted on his cock, he walked them to the bedroom. Gently laying her on the bed, he moved her towards the headboard. He wrapped her legs back around him to thrust home. Placing both of his hands on the headboard he sunk deeper inside of her. His hands clutched at the wood, his knuckles white with the strain.

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