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The Bra-Busting Case of Mimi Rogers

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Can Mimi hunt down a serial Bimbofier?
8.1k words

Part 12 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/30/2024
Created 11/30/2020
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A young brunette woman strode down Coral Lane and ducked into an alley.

The woman went by Renee Esper and she walked with concerned purpose. She wore a long brown jacket that covered her plain black dress. Her mid-length hair was done up haphazardly with too many pins.

Once she was in the thin, dark alley, Renee looked up and down the length of the walls for a dark red door. When she spotted it, she dashed towards it and hurried inside. Just as she had been instructed, she climbed up three sets of a thin metal staircase until she finally reached her destination.

The office door was heavy oak with a square window on the upper half. Written on the window with gold lettering was the following:

Mimi Rogers: Private Detective


Specialization: Preventing Unwanted Bimbofication

Renee smiled and then walked in the door.

"Miss Rogers?" Renee asked before she was even fully inside.

"Miss Esper, I presume?" Mimi asked back,

"You have to help me, Miss Rogers," Renee gasped. "Monica isn't going to be Monica for more than another few days, I'm sure of it! Oh the look that Trevor gave me this morning sent chills down my spine! You have to believe me, there's just no time!"

"Please, Miss Esper," Mimi said calmly. "Sit down. I know I took some details over the phone, but I'll need the full picture if I'm going to help you. You said that Monica is your sister, right?"

"That's right," Renee said. She was clearly a little frazzled but she calmed down at Mimi's words and took a seat.

Mimi's office was larger than Renee expected considering how cramped the alley and building had been, but it was an absolute mess. There were files and books scattered all over the place and there were far more lamps than were being used and certainly far more than were necessary.

Still, the office had a warm and welcoming quality to it and the longer Renee sat on the large wooden chair with the worn out padding that she had been offered, the calmer she felt.

"Monica is my older sister," Renee continued. "She's 32. I'm 25. We've always looked after each other in different ways. We're always protective of each other when we enter relationships, but this guy, this... this GUY-"

"-Trevor?" Mimi asked calmly.

"Yes! Trevor!" Renee said and sat forward. "I knew that there was something creepy about him but then I saw that post - I linked you to it! - and I found out that he's done this before! You looked at it, right?!"

"I saved it," Mimi said. "But I wanted to talk to you first. I do things very deliberately, you see."

"We don't have time for that!" Renee insisted. "It's really quite dire!"

"Has your sister already begun to show signs of being Bimbofied?" Mimi asked.

"Well..." Renee replied.

"Forgetfulness? Increased giggling?" Mimi asked.

"Well no..." Renee said.

"Then we at least have a few days," Mimi replied. "I do take this seriously, but you will have to trust me if you're going to hire me. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Renee said and twisted her hands together in her lap. "I understand."

"Now tell me about Trevor," Mimi began. "Don't describe him through the lens of what you're feeling right now. Try to go back to the first time you met him. When your sister introduced you to him."

Renee huffed and adjusted herself in her seat.

"Well I guess I didn't think he was so bad when I first met him," Renee admitted. "He was handsome and charming and said all the right things. But I was a bit suspicious of him because of that."

"Because he was too nice?" Mimi asked.

"Because somebody with no flaws is hiding something," Renee said.

"But you said you're very protective of your sister," Mimi pressed. "Maybe you were just looking for a negative perspective?"

"Are you a private eye or are you a shrink?" Mimi quipped.

"Go on," Mimi said. "How long ago was that?"

"When I first met him?" Renee asked.

Mimi gave a nod.

"Just about six months," Renee said. "Monica is always so slow with everybody she dates, but it was different with Trevor. They moved in together after just two months. They're already talking about marriage."

"Any proposal yet?" Mimi asked.

"No proposal," Renee said. "As far as I know."

Mimi leaned back in her chair so that she could see her laptop. She clicked the link that Renee had sent her. It was to a screengrab of a social media post. Mimi was wary of screengrabs. It was easier than ever to doctor an image.

"So if Monica isn't showing any signs of Turning, then why are you so concerned?" Mimi asked.

"Turning?" asked Renee.

"It's another way to say getting Bimbofied," Mimi explained.

"Oh!" Renee said. "Well, I told you. I saw that post! He's done it before!"

"It seems a little extreme to get this up in arms about one little post," Mimi said. She skimmed the screengrab. There was a photoset and a paragraph of writing underneath it. Although Mimi couldn't expand the photos, it was clearly a progression of pictures of a man with his girlfriend, showing her in various stages of Bimbofication. Mimi recognized the man as Trevor from the information that Renee had sent over e-mail.

Under the photoset, the post read as the following:

"WARNING! Trevor Regent is NOT TO BE TRUSTED!! My best friend, my sweet best friend Kara who swore she would never EVER be a Bimbo suddenly changed after dating this CREEP!! She fell hard for this guy and they were even talking about getting married but then she turned into one of those mindless pathetic sex dolls that everybody seems to just accept as normal! It's NOT OKAY!!! After Kara turned into a Bimbo, Trevor just disappeared!! If you see this man, STAY AWAY!!!"

Mimi had to rub her eyes a few times just to get through the post. She looked at the name of the author. Eveline Nicchols.

"How do you know Eveline?" Mimi asked.


"Eveline Nicchols," Mimi clarified.

"Oh!" Renee said. "Well she's actually just somebody I met once, like, ten years ago. Back when you would just add people without really thinking about it. It's a total coincidence."

"A huge coincidence," Mimi replied and started to jot things down in her notebook.

"Do you even believe me?" Renee asked. "Are you even going to help me?"

Renee craned her neck to try and get a better look at Mimi.

"You have blonde hair," Renee continued in an accusatory tone. "And you're wearing that bulky trench coat. What if you're a Bimbo?!"

Mimi rolled her eyes. She stood up and slid her trench coat off her arms. She revealed a slim body in athletic wear that had no chance of hiding the signature curves of a Bimbo.

"Okay, whatever," Renee huffed. "You're really pretty, though."

"You don't have to be a Bimbo to be pretty," Mimi said and pulled her coat back on.

"There's just so many now," Renee said. "Don't you hate it?"

"This surprises most of my clients," Mimi said. "But I have nothing against Bimbos and Bimbofication."

Renee's face read of the same shock, distrust, and confusion that Mimi had grown accustomed to.

"What I have a problem with is people being Bimbofied without meaning to," Mimi explained. "We all know the corporate explanation that Pink Industry turns to. We all know that nobody has been able to prove in court that a Bimbo was Turned without her knowledge or consent. But we also all hear countless stories of a friend or co-worker or family member who was vehemently against Bimbofication and then became one without warning."

Renee seemed to settle down. She folded her arms tightly and let out a huffy jet of air through her nose.

"I think I have enough," Mimi said. "I'll take the case and I'll begin right away. Did you bring my first payment?"

Renee reached into the inside pocket of her long jacket and pulled out a brown envelope.

Mimi took the envelope, counted the bills and nodded.

"I'll call you tomorrow," Mimi said. "Have a safe trip back home."


Mimi spent the day researching. As much as everybody complained about social media and as much as the information was unreliable, it was still one of the best and quickest ways to do a little digging.

Although Mimi never found Eveline Nicchols' page or the original post, she did find evidence of Trevor Regent's pattern with women.

Before the end of the day, Mimi had traced back to Trevor's last five girlfriends. Each couple appeared to go through the same pattern of getting really close to Trevor really quickly, all getting Bimbofied out of nowhere, and then Trevor completely disappearing out of their lives.

Mimi was particularly confused by two things. The first was that Trevor never changed his name or assumed an alias. The second confusing thing was that Trevor disappeared so quickly after the Bimbofications. If he really did date women just to turn them into mega-busty ultra-horny men-adoring dummies, then why not stick around to enjoy the fruits of his labour?

Mimi pondered these things as she left her office and locked it behind her. She was proud of her little unofficial private eye business and had already had success in the cases that she had been hired for, but the money was too erratic and unreliable to be her only source of income.

Mimi wasn't ashamed of her second job, but she was aware of the irony of it and the fact that many of her clients might not trust her if they knew about it.

The night was quiet and still and the air was soft and beautiful. Mimi took deep breaths as she kept her trench coat pulled tightly around her and made her way to the back of the Carrion Mall.

As always, there were groups of huddled people smoking or making deals but the only attention that Mimi drew were some glances to ensure that she wasn't a spy.

The back door to the Pink Industries 'Pink Store' was significantly less welcoming than the large glass entrance way at the front of the mall. Mimi punched her in code and the heavy grey door automatically pulled open and Mimi went inside.

After walking through some nondescript hallways, Mimi reached another door and punched in a different code. Through that door was a sharp change in tone.

From the sketchy back side of the mall and the drab unmarked back hallways, even a Pink Industries staff-only changing room felt like exotic luxury. The room was large and bright with comfy-looking furniture and large TVs everywhere. There were a few other non-Bimbos in the room, but they were mostly keeping to themselves.

"Hiya, Mimi!" Ruby smiled from behind the desk. Mimi smiled and waved at the friendly Bimbo.

"Hey Ruby," Mimi said as she hung her coat on a hook with a round and pink bubbly tip. "How's it looking tonight?"

"You're gunna have SO much fun!" Ruby clapped. "There's a big corporate party tonight."

Mimi felt a twist in her stomach. Even after so many years, she still felt nervous excitement knowing the ride that she was about to embark on.

"Auto-gratuity then?" Mimi asked. She walked up to a panel-with-a-slot on the wall near Ruby's desk and she punched in a third code and then waited for Ruby to provide the day's authorization number.

"Uh-huh!" Ruby said. "But I hear that these guys carry cash anyway!"

"We'll see about that," Mimi grinned. "What's the code tonight?"

"Oh right!" Ruby giggled. "4188."

"Thanks, babe," Mimi said. She punched in the number and the slot filled with little pink pills.

Mimi took the pills and studied them. There was a little hourglass symbol on each pill. She tossed them into her mouth and swallowed without any water.

"See ya on the other side!" Ruby smiled.

Mimi felt her head fill with that familiar and wonderful cloud of pink smoke. She walked to the other end of the room where there was a lineup of doors with digital panels on top of each one. Mimi walked to Door 7 where her name was displayed and walked through.

Inside was a simple dark room but Mimi walked right in. She gasped and moaned as she felt her body start to change.

"Yessss," she gasped to herself. The only quick-Bimbofication pills that Mimi knew about were also the only temporary-Bimbofication pills that Mimi knew about. She had been a 'Party Bimbo' for over 5 years. She only had to work a few nights a month and it paid very well. Nobody in her life knew about it but it was a secret delight for Mimi. She loved the feeling of the unique otherworldly rush of her body changing and her mind draining.

"Ohhhh, that's it," Mimi whimpered. She moved her fingers up to her stretchy top and lightly pressed against her stiffening nipples. The athletic top was made from a very special material just like her tights which made it such that she didn't have to change for work. At least not before her shift.

Mimi gasped as her felt her breasts grow. Sometimes she would masturbate as she Turned but this time she just kept her hands pressed against her own flat chest so that she could feel her mounds grow bigger and bigger.

Mimi rubbed her thighs together. The feeling of her hands lifting off of her chest was so thrilling, especially as she felt her mind growing emptier, caring about less and less until only her own body and the pleasure of men concerned her.

"Yesss," Mimi moaned as her top expanded such that each hand was no longer large enough to cup each breast. "Bigger and bigger titties."

Mimi whimpered at the sound of her own voice. It was still her voice, but it was so naturally syrupy and submissive now. It was like every word dripped with sex.

The idea that on the other side of her tiny little dark box was a room full of men was intoxicating to her. She no longer just held her hands on her enormous tits but she started to grope herself. She loved the feeling of her titflesh pushing up through her stretchy top. Although the material had expanded impressively, it was still not intended to fit properly and her new Bimbo-sized M-cup melons looked incredibly slutty trying to squeeze out the top, sides, and bottom of her top.

"My pussy is so, so wet," Mimi whined. "Can't you jus' lemme out now? I need to be a good li'l Bimbo for big, big cock!"

Mimi didn't care about anything else. Even her own tits didn't interest her any more. She stepped forward and started to bang on the front door of the tiny dark room that she had entered in the back side of.

"Please!" Mimi begged. Her massive tits wobbled with each pound of her fist against the door. "I need cock! I need hard cock! Please!!"

Mimi felt herself fall forward as the door open and she gasped in pure delight to see a room full of handsome older businessmen all looking at her hungrily.

"That's the hottest slut I've seen in my life!" one man grinned and strode towards Mimi.

"Please, Sir," Mimi whimpered. "Can I suck your cock?"

"You're going to do a lot more than that!" the man growled.

It didn't take long for Mimi's tight little outfit to get torn off and although other Bimbos entered the room one-by-one, Mimi never stopped getting used.

The men fucked her face and tits and pussy and ass. They fucked her one at a time, they fucked her from both ends at once. Mimi begged and cooed and moaned and cried out in pleasure as her body was used to please cock after cock.

Mimi loved the way her enormous tits swung under her body when a man fucked her from behind and she loved the way big hard cocks would explode in her mouth. She loved knowing how good she made men feel and loved feeling and tasting the creamy results of their climaxes.

"Isn't this the same slut from the beginning of the night?" one man asked his friend about Mimi while she slurped his huge cock. "How does she have the stamina?"

"I jus' love big dick so much," Mimi slobbered, pulling her face back to the tip so that she could answer.

"Quiet, Bimbo," the man said. "The men are talking."

Mimi felt the man push on the back of her head and gratefully moaned as her throat filled up with delicious thick cock.

"You'll never get better than a Pink Industry Bimbo," the man's friend said. "Never ever. Fuck, I thought I was done, but looking at her go, I think I need to plow her again."

"Be my guest," the man chuckled. Mimi repositioned herself so that her thick ass was pointing up, giving easy access for either of her holes to get fucked.

Mimi moaned loudly into the cock in her throat as she felt her pussy stretch out yet again. She never wanted to stop.

But soon after, the party's time ran out. The hard deadline was very deliberate because it wasn't ten minutes after the last men left when Mimi started to feel more like herself again. She stumbled off to the showers to wash off and get changed. She felt amazing but exhausted, like she always did after a shift at Pink Industries.

Mimi could recall every detail of what happened but it was more like watching a porn movie than reliving her own memories. When she first started the job, she had expected to feel guilt and shame yet she never did. She knew that in her regular state, she could never have behaved the way that she just had, but it was also true that she had just had a genuinely incredible time and had felt intense pleasure.

After her shower, Mimi was back to her original mind and original body. She pulled on a robe and stumbled to one of the dormitory rooms provided for Party Bimbos to sleep in after their shifts.

Mimi exchanged sheepish grins with some of the other women who were already in there and then she went to bed.


The next day, Mimi Rogers was back in her office. She felt her phone buzz and she pulled it out. Her bank account had just swelled from her work the night before and she smiled to see her hit a new record. It had been an amazing night.

But Mimi didn't have time to reminisce. She had a long day of interviews and although she had found contact information for everybody that she planned on talking to, three of them were within driving distance and she always preferred to conduct her interviews in person. Not only was it safer in terms of being spied on, but it also gave Mimi the benefit of reading people's body language and facial expressions.

The blonde detective drew up her plan for the day and then left and locked her office to go out to her car.

Mimi drove an old station wagon that had belonged to her uncle before he moved out of the country. It was a large impractical vehicle but Mimi adored it.

It took Mimi seven minutes to drive to Orion Crescent, where Rachel Orson lived. It was a large detached house but that was why Mimi had chosen it first. She assumed that somebody like Rachel - a bored rich housewife - would be the easiest person to get to talk.

Mimi, as she often was, was right and it wasn't two minutes before she was sitting down in Rachel's dining room with a bottle of sparkling water.

"I'm not surprised that there's an investigation out about this," Rachel said. She slid down into a chair and crossed her long smooth legs. She was wearing a breezy light blue skirt and a black bra top. "Do you think there's going to be a docuseries about this? It's crazy, right?"

"What can you tell me about Erin and Trevor?" Mimi asked.

"Down to business, huh?" Rachel smiled. "But sure. I remember how excited Erin was about him. Erin used to be in the group of us that gets together to gossip and chat on Monday afternoons."

"Used to be?" Mimi asked.

"Well," Rachel scoffed. "I'm sure I don't have to tell you why she's no longer in my friend group."

"Indulge me," Mimi requested.

"Nothing against Bimbos, of course," Rachel said and rolled her eyes. "But Erin just wasn't the same after what Trevor did to her."

"So you think Trevor did it?" Mimi asked.

"Well of course he did!" Rachel said. "Isn't that why you're here?"

"I'm here to investigate," said Mimi.

"Well I'll tell you this much," Rachel said. "Erin used to be like any self-respecting woman and loathed the idea of being a Bimbo. What an insulting thing. Then Trevor came into her life. She used to be a lawyer. Now she's a receptionist. She says she's happier this way, but who believes that?"

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