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The Business Trip

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His pregnancy kink gets exposed at a conference.
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I'd been sent out on a business trip to a marketing conference in Minneapolis. It was a national conference, so people from all over the country were there. They'd gone all out for us—the conference was in this really nice downtown hotel, they gave us breakfast and lunch and even held a mixer for everyone on the first night.

It was that first night that I noticed Maureen. I didn't know her name at the time—that I'd learn later. She was kind of standing off on the side, idly chatting with some people here and there. In a situation where it seemed like many of us did not know each other—and there were roughly 100 people or so at the conference, it was slightly awkward. But I noticed Maureen based mostly on the fact that she was quite pregnant—roughly 8 months along if I judged her bump correctly.

I'll stop here to say that pregnancy is absolutely a kink for me. I don't have any kids myself—it was a bit of a sticking point in my marriage; I wanted kids, she decided she didn't—and ultimately we ended up divorcing. Though, to be fair, the problems in our relationship ran far deeper than that. After a brief cool-down period, I've only just started to get myself back into the dating game. But this is all sideline to the story. I like the pregnant chicks, ok? Whenever I see a delightfully round bump in my daily travels, I can't help but look longingly—but secretly. Or as secretly as possible.

So, seeing Maureen there, on the other side of the room, in her tight blue dress, munching on some nuts and drinking seltzer, I was a bit mesmerized. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. I dared not make an unsolicited approach—surely, she was married and totally uninterested in some random dude chatting her up at this conference. So I let it go. Besides, I ought to be paying attention in the conference, not losing my head in my crotch.

I figured I ought to try and burn off some of this feeling before the next day's session so I made sure to masturbate. Not just before I went to bed, but the following morning as well. Nothing to be left to chance. I absolutely thought of Maureen as I scrolled down some pages of pregnancy photos...her dirty blonde hair spilling down past her shoulders...her dress struggling to hold itself around her very large, round firm it must be as she rubbed it and softly patted much she must feel that baby kicking and rolling inside her...and how she must get a happy, wry little smile on her cute little lips every time she does...what she must look like when she peels that dress off and gets in the shower to scrub down her soft, creamy skin...whew!


The next morning, I grabbed some breakfast from the buffet and sat at a table off on the side of the room. I didn't see Maureen, and that was just as well. Another woman I did speak to briefly the previous evening, Julianne, sat next to me. She was from northern New Jersey, practically my neighbor as I was from New York. Not pregnant, and by the lack of a ring on her finger, I assumed not married, she was cute and curvy and very talkative and so I was glad to engage her. Hell, I was glad to engage in conversation with someone at this conference, which was kind of awkwardness city. She asked if she could sit with me once the session got started and I said of course—which kind of felt a little high-schooly—and I couldn't help but think I was being flirted with a bit. Which I didn't mind at all.

This session, Tuesday, they told us we would be splitting up into breakout groups each afternoon and into the evening to prepare a series of presentations on the last day of the conference, Thursday. They'd randomly put together groups and, as luck would have it, my group included both Julianne AND Maureen.

So much for being able to focus on the conference...

There were five of us in the group and we were moved off to a small conference room to begin to strategize. We were given a particular thing—in this case it was a Broadway musical—and we were supposed to develop a plan on how to market it. We briefly introduced ourselves—there were two other people, Geoff from Tampa, Florida, who was a bit bookish, and Erica, from Memphis, Tennessee, who talked a blue streak.

We all worked in different fields, but as I was from New York and had some experience in Theatrical marketing they voted me to be the group leader. So my first order of business was to give everyone a task. Julianne was looking up previous productions of the musical to see if she could find audience demographics. Maureen worked on tag-lines and copy. Geoff did some research on similar productions. Erica worked on promotional materials and events. I just floated around everyone, advising and pointing everyone in the right direction.

Most of the afternoon, I sat with Erica, helping her get a better feel of the lay of the land in New York and what a theatergoing audience might be into. She needed quite a bit of help, and so I only briefly got to spend any time with the other members of the group...particularly Maureen, who sat off on the side, staring at her laptop and idly rubbing her belly while intermittently typing things. When we broke at the end of the day, she approached me. She'd come up with a series of pitches and copy for advertisements, and she wanted to go over them with me. She wanted to know if I'd mind if she came over to my room after dinner so we could talk about it.

Hufffff...! Seriously? This was either the universe mocking me or a horny fantasy about to come true. Either way, no matter what urges I felt inside could not ever make their way to the outside—especially working with her one-on-one—unless I wanted some real trouble.

It was maybe 8 or so when Maureen knocked on my door. I let her in and helped her set up on my desk. She'd changed from what she was wearing earlier—a grey wrap dress that, like most things she wore, made her belly really stick out—in favor of a simple white cotton t-shirt, black leggings and a cardigan. "Not staying dressed for afterhours work," she said with a grin. I smiled and nodded, trying to divert my eyes up from her belly and trying to make that growing bulge in my pants seem not so obvious.

I pulled a chair up to the desk—enough that she wouldn't be able to see anything amiss in my crotch area—and we got to work. She'd occasionally stop, and sigh, and rub her belly. I asked if she was all right.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said. "Baby's been really active this time of night lately. She's just bouncing around between my ribs and my bladder. Nothing to worry about!"

"Nothing to worry about." Easy for her to say.

Maybe ten minutes later she got up to use the bathroom. She stood and put her hands on her back, and with a groan she bent slightly backwards, stretching herself out and pushing her belly outward. Her cardigan slipped off to the side and the t-shirt rode up her bump, exposing her little knot of a belly button that stuck out slightly. As she stood back upright, she noticed what happened. "Sorry!" she giggled. "You weren't expecting a show," I know.

Again, all I could do was smile and nod because I'd basically swallowed my tongue at this point.

When she came out of the bathroom, she stopped and asked if we could sit on the couch instead—the chair had gotten kind of uncomfortable for her. I said OK, as I picked up my notebook and held it in front of my crotch. She slowly moved toward the sofa—she wasn't walking with a full waddle just yet, but you could see it beginning to develop. The very gentle hip swish she did with each step told the story.

"You wouldn't mind helping me sit?" she said. "I'm sorry I'm so discombobulated. Pregnancy really makes you appreciate the limits of your physical capabilities. Not so used to operating with this belly."

With that, she giggled and rubbed her bump with both hands, almost giving it a little shake. "No, it's OK," I replied.

I figured at this point my cover wasn't going to keep covered much longer, so I put my notebook on the sofa and helped her down. She had to notice the bulge. I caught her eyes diverting that way when she sat. Part of me expected her to say something, but she didn't. It was back to work.

Maybe an hour or so later, we finished. She yawned. It was late. 10 or so. Much too late to be working. She sighed, leaned her head back and put her hands on her belly.

"Do you have any kids, Larry?"

"I don't."

"This is my first. It's really exciting. Exhausting, but exciting."

"I'm sure it is. I'd like to have kids someday."

"You seem like you'd be a good dad," she smiled. "You've got a lot of patience. I could tell from seeing you working with Erica today."

"I try my best. Need to find the right woman, first."

She sighed again and rubbed her belly some more. "Have you ever felt a pregnant belly before?" She said, a bit excited.

"A couple of times."

"She's really kicking me hard—feel it!"

And with a big grin on her face she took my hand and placed it on her belly, exactly in the spot where I could feel a little shifting lump inside her.

"You feel it?" She said as I nodded. "So crazy. It freaked me out at first but I've really grown to love it. My husband can't seem to wrap his head around it but I enjoy it. What do you think?"

"It's...wonderful," I stammered, kind of floored by what was happening.

"I wish he felt that way," she said. "I kinda enjoy letting people feel my bump. It's such a unique and wonderful experience."

I had my hand on her for maybe a minute. Two minutes, tops. It felt like two hours. Her belly was really firm and round, with some gentle divots around it that you could see through her t-shirt. She said that her belly was constantly changing shape as her baby moved around. My face felt flush and I was sweating. She said nothing about it, fortunately, but I can't believe she didn't notice.

She yawned again. "Think it's time for me to get to bed," she said. "Thanks again for sitting with me this evening—I think it'll be helpful once we all meet again tomorrow. Oh, one more thing..."

"What's that?"

"Can you help me get up? I hate that I can't do it anymore but sofas are my worst enemy these days."

I chuckled and took her hands. She let out a guttural "UNF!" as she stood up. As she left, she touched my shoulder as she said goodnight, thanking me again for helping her.

I shut the door and leaned against it, sighing. I was basically soaked in sweat and my boxers were sticky with precum. Maureen had to have noticed. She was, I'm sure, being very polite to not bring this up and, fortunately, it didn't seem to make her uncomfortable. Or at least I didn't think it made her uncomfortable.

I needed to clean myself up. But first...after all that...I really needed to jerk off and blow this pent-up load out of my balls. And fast.


I came downstairs for the next day's morning session feeling a bit...I don't know. Guilty, perhaps? I suspected I was in some kind of trouble in spite of the fact that all I'd done was help a colleague and get really turned on by her pregnantness. Or maybe I was just afraid I'd be outed somehow. That would be truly embarrassing. I figured the best thing to do would be to lay low until we split off into our groups in the afternoon. But when I went into the conference room, the first thing I saw was Maureen and Julianne sitting together, waving for me to come over and join them.

"Morning!" Maureen said, happily.

"Sleep well?" Julianne said.

"I did," I replied.

"Good!" Maureen said. "Got a long day ahead of us today. Julianne and I were just talking about the presentation and we have some ideas. I think another late night might be in order."

I could only grin and nod. Another late night with Maureen and her big belly, multiplied by Julianne and her curvaceous body...

I had a hard time focusing during the morning seminar. If Maureen could tell how much she turned me on...and if she was sitting there with Julianne talking...she had to have said they both know...and they both want to go late tonight...Shut up,'re thinking about this too much. Just...relax...if such a thing is possible right now.

The whole day was a bit of a blur, at least until after lunch when we split off into our groups again. Erica seemed to be the most needy of my attention once again, and Geoff mostly hid behind his computer working away. Occasionally he'd pass something along to me. That left Maureen and Julianne, who were sitting off in a corner. Both of them were feverishly looking at their laptops, though occasionally glancing at each other. When I came over to see if they needed anything, Julianne immediately closed her laptop.

"I'm good!" she said. "Just...Figuring out our target demographic."

I wasn't stupid. She was probably chatting with Maureen. Something was clearly up and I didn't necessarily feel good about it. Knowing that they had a late night in mind, I said to everyone in the room that we should meet in my room upstairs after dinner, just to make sure we had everything in order for our presentation. I figure, if I have Geoff and Erica in the room as well, maybe they'll be a buffer for whatever sort of confrontation Julianne and Maureen had in mind for me.

We all met in my room that evening. I gathered up the information everyone had put together and started building our presentation. Maureen, Geoff and Erica worked on a Powerpoint. Julianne and I worked on a script. It was around 9:30 when I decided we'd done enough for the night. I could see that everyone was kind of fading. So we had a quick rundown on how the presentation would go, and then we said our goodnights. Geoff left first, followed by Erica, and Julianne. Once Julianne left, I thought maybe I'd be in the clear. Of course, Maureen was still there.

"Just want to tweak one more thing on this presentation," she said. "Aaaand...we're good."

She closed her laptop and leaned back in her chair, putting her hands on her belly. She looked up at me. I looked back at her. We shared a brief moment in silence. My heart began racing, wondering what she was going to say, if anything. Finally, she spoke.

"You like it, don't you?" she said, softly.


"This," she said, rubbing her belly. "Pregnancy. Pregnant women. It turns you on."

"How did you...?"

"You looked ready to faint when you touched my belly last night," she said with a sly grin. "When you're pregnant, you become very observant about that sort of stuff."

"I'm sorry, Maureen...I..."

"Larry. It's OK. I don't mind. If you want to know the truth, being pregnant has made me feel so sexy and confident in my body. What sucks is that my husband seems to have clammed up on me for whatever reason. I ask and he says he doesn't want to hurt the baby or some other silly excuse. I'm not made of glass...I'm just pregnant, and I still have the same needs I've always had. But I've become very desirous for attention these past several months."

I paused, unsure of what to say. She put her arms on the sides of her chair and stood up.

"UNGH!" she groaned, before standing and approaching me. Those groans she made when she'd stand or sit sent shivers down my spine.

"Larry, right now, I feel more sexy and feminine than I've ever felt in my life. I just want to share my pregnant body with someone who's going to enjoy it as much as I do."

"What do you mean?"

"Just...let's lie down on the bed. Can we do that?"

"OK," I said. I was choking out words at this point. I was totally sweaty once again and my heart was beating through my chest.

She sat on the bed. I sat down next to her. She shifted herself back so she was sitting against the headboard, propped up on some pillows. She patted the bed next to her and I moved up towards her.

"Feel my belly," she said with a grin. I put my hand on her and kind of left it in that spot.

"Don't be shy, Larry," she said. "Feel as much as you'd like."

I was kind of stunned as to what was unfolding, but I went with it. I started moving my hand around her belly, first in a tight circle, then in a wider one, around and around on her belly.

"Try it with both hands," she said.

I put my other hand on her and held her belly on both sides. I started to rub circles on either side of her belly.

"Here, you know what would be nice?" she said, "A massage."

And with that, she pulled up her shirt, exposing her very large, very round belly. Her skin looked stretched quite tight, with some light pink stretchmarks ringing around her belly, and beginning to form around her waist. There were some very faint uncolored stretchmarks snaking across the lower part of her belly. It seemed almost perfectly round at first, until you looked closer and noticed some gentle indentations. Maybe it was more oblong than round. Her belly button had sort of popped. It wasn't quite an outie, more like a little knot that was beginning to push itself outward. It was getting there. I stared at her belly intently, before she spoke and broke my concentration.

"Admire my belly all you want," she grinned, "But I'd prefer it if you touched it."

I put my hands on her belly. Her skin felt as tight as it appeared. Her belly was very firm. I stretched out my hands wide, filling them with her roundness. I began to gently press in with my fingertips and began circling my hands around her belly, giving her the massage she desired. She leaned her head back and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Ohhh..." she sighed. "This is heavenly. You have no idea how badly I've needed my belly touched like this."

Her voice had become slightly husky, as though this awakened something deep inside her, a hidden desire, aching to be released.

I pressed in on her slightly harder as I continued to rub her belly. The contented look on her face relaxes me a little. I decided to let my hands wander a bit. Up across the top of her belly. In front, over her belly button. I gave it a little push with my finger and she giggled.

"Tickles," She said. "That's a sensitive area."

I then slid my hand around the underside of her belly. One spot in particular seemed to make her suddenly tense up, then moan softly.

"You OK?" I asked.

"The bottom of my belly is really super sensitive," she said. "You're good, it's just there's so much pulling and stretching down there...and some other stuff."

I was curious as to what the other stuff was. So I massages her a bit more firmly down there. She closed her eyes and began breathing heavily, putting her hands on the sides of her belly. Clearly this was turning her on. So I continued.

"You are so good at this," she purred. I'd like you to do something else for me.

"What's that?"

She took my hand and slid it lower down, past the waistband of her leggings and in between her legs. She moved my hand right down to her vagina and looked up at me, her eyes burning lustfully.

"I haven't been touched here in months," she said. "Please..."

Who was I to deny the needs of a pregnant woman who was practically throwing herself at me? So I slowly began rubbing her, at first around the lips of her vagina, circling it to get a feel for the shape. It was warm, and I could sense that she was already quite turned on. That was confirmed when I slipped a couple of fingers inside her vagina, which was hot and slick. She was already quite juicy. She gasped as I entered her, then smiled and bit her lip.

I ran my fingers down for a second, running them around her pelvis and up toward her cervix, feeling around inside her until I found the right spot. When she tensed up and went "HNNNG!" I knew I'd found it.

"Oh fuck..."she moaned. "Oh my god..."

I slipped my thumb inside her, moving it around for a moment until I found the nub of her clitoris, which I began to slowly rub. Maureen started grabbing her hair and thrusting her head backwards as she moaned. I began to move my thumb and fingers at the same time, and she let out a short scream of pleasure before clapping her hands over her mouth.


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