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The Carnie and the Cheerleader

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Innocent cheerleader gets her virginity taken at a carnival.
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Life is pretty good right now. I just turned 18, I'm on the cheerleading squad, I've gotten accepted into two of my top college choices, and I have a lot of friends. As for boys, I'm as single as they come. I think it's because I don't have time for boys. I split my time amongst school, cheerleading, and friends. I've kissed a few boys, but that's as far as I've gone. I kind of want to see what second and third base are all about before I leave for college. But I'm saving my virginity for my future husband.

The cheerleading squad was in a competition a month ago and the prize was a day pass for the entire team to attend the town's summer carnival. The team dressed up in uniforms, skirts and tank tops, and went last Saturday. I was kind of excited because I heard the haunted house is the scariest around.


This town is so boring! Just a bunch of stuck up school kids and their parents. As a carnie, I don't mind my job. I get to tour the country, and the carnival is usually excellent people watching. My favorite people to watch are teenage schoolgirls. I have a hankering for tight, young bodies in skimpy clothes. And there's been no shortage of skimpy clothes at the carnival since this summer has been so hot.

My hankering runs so deep that I keep a collection. I snap secret photos of my favorite girls and keep them in my living quarters. The other carnies are jealous of my collection and come to view it often. I've tried approaching some of the girls before, but they just freak out and run off to their friends. The ones I like are usually out of my league.

Since I helped build this little carnival city, I know every vantage point and hiding place in order to scope out the young hotties. Every once and a while, there's a girl hot enough that I follow her around. Sometimes I'm lucky enough for her to enter the haunted house. In there it's dark and there are a lot of mirrors and noises that allows my peeping and photographing to go unnoticed. I've been a carnie so long that even my boss doesn't care if I come or go, as long as the work gets done. Heck, he views my collection the most!

I was in my usual hidey hole near the ticket booth when I spotted her: cheerleader with a beautiful face, wavy brown hair, late high school, short and petite, and huge knockers. Oh man, that skirt! I'm pretty sure I saw a little ass cheek hanging out. I was smitten! I had to follow this girl around. Maybe at some point talk to her or even touch her. My mind raced with the possibilities.


My teammates and I were having a blast at the carnival! We rode the biggest rides and ate elephant ears and fried twinkies. It was getting late and we still hadn't done the haunted house yet. My teammates wanted to leave and go get dinner, but I told them I'd stay to do one more ride, then join them later.

The haunted house was the kind where you walk through, and there's a new scare around every corner. After standing in line, I was ushered into the haunted house with 20 or so other people. The first stop was a spooky cemetery with lots of fog and lights. I felt something touch my arm. I tried to just shrug it off and remind myself that it was a haunted house and it was supposed to be scary, but my instincts told me to be on high alert.

Then me and about 10 others were crammed into an elevator-type contraption to be taken to the next phase of the haunted house. It was dark and there were people pressed against me on all sides. As the elevator started, I felt two rough hands reach under my skirt and begin rubbing the outside of my thighs. I tried to push the hands away, but the elevator was too crowded and the hands were too strong. Then the hands began kneading at my butt. I couldn't believe this was happening! And I couldn't believe that I couldn't stop it. I kept struggling, but it wasn't helping.

When the elevator came to a stop a minute or two later, instead of following the crowd out of the main door, I was pulled back into a hidden door. Suddenly I was in the haunted house's under belly, the place participants aren't supposed to see. The man had pulled me into a small dark room with several doors that potentially led to different parts of the haunted house. We were all alone now.


I followed the cheerleader for a long time. She went on several rides with her friends. Then by a stroke of luck, all her friends left and she went to the haunted house alone. While a group of park-goers were in the cemetery, the girl was standing so close to me that I took a chance and reached out and stroked her arm. Her arm was soft and smooth. And her hair smelled like flowers. Right then I made up my mind and decided I had to have her. I knew the perfect spot!

While the participants were getting shipped off to the next part of the haunted house, I snuck in behind her. Her smell drove me wild. I reached down and started petting her legs. They were toned and silky smooth. I couldn't believe I was so close to her! No girl her age, let alone a cheerleader, had ever let me get this close. I knew I'd seen some buttcheek earlier, so I had to feel that too. I grabbed her glorious ass in both hands and squeezed hard. She tried to move away, but luckily it was too crowded. When the elevator stopped, I grabbed her and pulled her into the exit room. I knew we could be alone there.


Before I could scream, the man pushed me up against a wall. I began to panic and kick. The man was firm, but not violent. He seemed eager and oblivious to the fact that I wanted to leave. I caught a glimpse of him in the almost-darkness. He was in his 40s, scrawny but strong, missing a front tooth, covered in tattoos, greased back hair, dirty work clothes, and he smelled strongly of cigarette smoke. I knew immediately that this man was a carnie.

As I was thrashing, the carnie pinned my arms down with one hand, then pulled my cheerleading tank top down with his other hand, then smashed his face into my cleavage. He swished his face back and forth between my two breasts. He didn't talk or do anything threatening. He treated me like I wasn't a person, but a doll or something. Then he pulled my top down further and both my boobs sprung out completely. While he was still pinning me against the wall, he used his free hand to massage my boobs. His hands were rough and callused.

Then he sank his head forward and put my nipple in his mouth. His tongue swirled and sucked while his hand kneaded. He began to groan. I couldn't do anything but watch the outline of his head in the almost nonexistent light. I couldn't believe this carnie was just helping himself to my breasts; he didn't even try to kiss me!

He stayed suckling and massaging my breasts for a least five minutes. He seemed to be in no hurry. As he continued, I felt that the threat had passed and began to relax a little. Maybe this guy just wanted some boob action. Maybe he'll be done soon, so I can go join my friends at dinner. As my mind wandered, something started happening to my body. My nipples stiffened and my crotch tingled. I was ashamed that this actually felt good. After several minutes, I accidentally let out a little moan. The carnie just kept going. After a while, I was moaning and thrusting my chest into his mouth involuntarily. I had no idea that my nipples were so sensitive and erotic.


After I had the girl in my lair, I didn't have a plan, but I knew I had to take advantage of the situation. The girl struggled a bit, but it was easy to subdue her 100 pound frame. First things first, I had to see these tits. When I pulled down her top, it was like light shining from the heavens onto the most perfect tits in existence. They were perfectly round size D's with tiny teenage nipples. My mouth went to work immediately. I took my time and savored each breast. After a few minutes I noticed that the girl stopped struggling. She even let out a few moans. Good! I mean, I didn't really care if she enjoyed herself, but it meant I could use my hands for other, more productive activities besides holding her down.

Her boobs were spectacular, but now I needed to be inside of her. I thought back to the last time I had sex: after the last carnival take-down, the other carnies and I bought a hooker to celebrate. We aren't rich, so the hooker was a little sketchy. My turn with her was near the end, so she was loose, her makeup was smeared, and I'm pretty sure I stuck my hand in another dude's jizz. It wasn't a high point in my sexual career. But this little hottie, oh man, she will go up on my hall of fame! The other boys will be so jealous!

After I'd had my fill of breast, I lifted her skirt and pulled down her panties. She was only mildly struggling at this point. I clutched her panties to my nose and breathed deeply. I can't ever get enough of that young coochie smell.


I guess he was finally done with my boobs because he abruptly stopped then took off my underwear. My eyes had adjusted to the dark well enough to watch him sniff my panties. Gross! This guy was totally skeezy. I could see him unzipping his fly and presumably pulling his dick out of his pants.

He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me towards a big wooden crate. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap facing him. I tried to struggle and protest, but he just ignored me. My top was still pulled down exposing my breasts, and my skirt was hiked hip around my waist. He grabbed my hips and pulled me up and down mashing my vagina lips into his penis, just sliding up & down without entering. He was closing his eyes and grunting. Again, I felt like I was being used like a doll.

After a minute or two of grinding, the carnie stopped. He lifted me up by my hips then skewered me with his dick. "Ahhhhhh! Noooo!" I screamed. He put his hand over my mouth and used his other arm to lift my hips up and down on his shaft. Oh my God, this gross carnie just took my virginity! He lifted and lowered me over and over again. I could feel my body betraying me as I got wetter and wetter. When I stopped yelling, he put both hands back on my hips and thrust me up and down with all his might. His head was exactly chest height, so he took hold of one of my nipples with his mouth and started sucking again. I tried pushing him away, but he just clamped down harder. Then I felt him stick a finger in my butthole. So gross!

His dick and his finger synchronized, so they were penetrating me at the same speed and depth. There was so much stimuli that my body was going crazy. The faster he pumped, the more tingly my nether regions became. Since I knew I couldn't escape, I decided to make the best of my situation. I found his pubic bone and began grinding my clit on it. He seemed surprised when I started pumping and grinding on my own.

Oh man, it was starting to feel really good. I could tell I was building into an orgasm. The faster and harder he pumped, the faster and harder I grinded. We were both breathing heavy and groaning. "Yes! More! I'm going to come! Don't stop!" I yelled. I could tell he was getting close too. Then the wave of the orgasm hit me like a storm. I arched my back, screamed, and shuddered with intense pleasure.

He apparently wasn't done yet because he was still going strong when I finished. All my energy was spent, so I slumped limply in his lap. This seemed to have a rejuvenating effect on him, and he removed his finger from my butt and lowered my back to the ground and began driving into me with such force that I thought he might push me out of one of the doors. Finally he reached his climax and howled like a dog and his drove his dick deep inside me.


I knew what I had to do. What I really wanted was to fuck this princess with her tits bouncing in my face. I couldn't think of a more perfect scenario. So I looked around and spied a packing crate to sit on. I whipped out my dick and pulled her onto my lap. The whole scene was so erotic, I just got to work. I slid her pussy lips back and forth on my rock hard cock. She was gushing lube thanks to my expert titty sucking. Then I just pulled her down hard onto my cock. She screamed and struggled, but I held her tight like a cowboy on a bucking bronco. Her pussy was impossibly tight. I think I might have just bagged myself a virgin! I needed to come like a spaghetti needs meatballs, so bounced her up and down on my shaft. She was light and easy to maneuver.

It was time for some delicious titties again, so I went to work. While I was feasting on her bountiful breasts, I got the genius idea of fingering her ass. The dirtier the better! The hooker requested it, so I figured all women went wild for it. I had to orchestrate a deep fuck, an ass fingering, AND tit sucking; this was getting tricky. But oh so worth it!

The girl started grinding on my lap with every pump, so I could tell she was getting into it. After a few minutes of dick bouncing and tit sucking, she orgasmed hard. Man, she was loud! I hope no one inquires about the sound. Hopefully they'll think her scream was just a haunted house scare. I hadn't climaxed yet by the time she finished orgasming. She turned into a limp doll afterwards, so I used it to my advantage, put her on the ground, and humped her hard. It all paid off because I ended up with the best come of my life! I knew this little hottie would be worth the trouble. And of course I had to snap a picture of her for my collection before I exited; otherwise none of the other carnies would believe me.


So much for losing my virginity to my future husband. The carnie finished his business, stuffed his dick back into his pants, wiped his dirty finger on his shirt, scurried towards one of the doors, then I think I heard him take a photo just before he left. I just laid there wondering how this all happened. I was pretty sure I had scratches on my back from being drilled on the hard ground. After a few minutes I stood up, mopped the jizz up with my underwear then discarded them, pulled my skirt down and my shirt up, and stepped back out into the carnival with a little smile on my face. Well, I guess my wish was granted; I rounded the bases faster than a sprinter. If I hadn't enjoyed myself so much, I'd probably go straight to the police. But for now it'll just be my little secret.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I hope he had a long thick cock with a hairy sack and shot her tight pussy full of his thick seed and stuck her with a baby. Like to watch his mature ass humping her young pussy before he bred her. Maybe her boyfriend will eat her pussy out before going home, getting a taste of the carnie's seed.

StormKing33StormKing33about 6 years ago
5* Excellent!

But he should have kept her. Also, did she get knocked up?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Really boring when you write this way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago


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