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The Chess Piece Ch. 11

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Jason and Laysea become close again.
3.3k words

Part 9 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 04/18/2009
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Thanks to MaaddMaaxx for the editing then the re editing that I seem to be putting you through. Thank you for pointing me to the parts that I need to build up and all the advice you have bestowed on me!

I also want to thank all of my new friends who have contacted me to tell me how much they enjoy the story. A special thank you to a couple that have offered advice on how to make the story better.

Hope everyone enjoys! - CinderLaw


"So what do we do next?" Laysea asked Jason when she got back from the bathroom.

"We go back and claim what is our rightful place."

She smiled at him, "Ours?"

"I can't run my business without you and I won't live my life without you." He said pulling her down beside him then began to rub her protruding stomach. "I am sorry that you have had to go through this by yourself. I ordered them to stay close to you, in fact, the day that Maxie walked up to you in the park was the day that she was suppose to bring you to me. It had been long enough and we could establish your identity in another state or city. Then you would disappear with me. But you had just found out you were pregnant, that changed the whole situation. I knew that you needed to stay close to the doctors and so I sent Ty to talk to your doctor. It cost me three million dollars but I bought him off. Your file was locked up so that no one could access it but the doctor. He copied your file after every visit and Maxie picked it up. He wrote out exactly how you were doing both physically and emotionally."

"I was doing better physically."

"I know, Ty told me how hard you took it when Jared yelled at you in the truck. You know that he did not mean any of it. He understands that out of everyone you and he have the strongest bond with me. He had to get you out of your shocked non-belief. He had to have you believing by the time you all got back here so everyone who saw you would also believe that I was dead. He also needed to appear as if he blamed you, that was the only way to explain why my guys did not stick to you like glue. It was the only way that you could be removed from our loop. It made it easier to get you out of here and keep you away from everyone so you would not be hurt in the future. So he said the thing that he thought would hurt you the most. He told you that it was completely your fault. That I had to be with you and that I died because of you. I punched him for it, and Ty had to remind me that Jared was following my orders, but it did not make it any easier to accept that he had hurt you so badly . I would kill anyone that said something like that! But ultimately he succeeded and that was the most important thing, that you were safe in the end, even if you were hurt emotionally I could fix that later. We also had to keep Trista away from you because she would have broken down and told you. Hell I can't even tell you how many times we barely caught her before she headed out the door to do just that." He explained to her.

"Can I ask who the leak is? Who was it that made you feel the need to take this extreme route that almost cost you us?" she inquired changing the subject to a less touchy one.

He looked into her eyes, "Aaron. How ironic that he knew that I had been shot and already had his wife moving into the penthouse and was out front to meet you. By the way for future reference, if I had died you would have been moved to my country estate -- this estate, where you would have resided with my team. Ty, Jared, Jerry, Mac, and Trenton along with any wives or girlfriends that they had, or would have, would all live here with you to insure your safety. Their jobs would have still been to protect you, and they are very good at their jobs. All of our stuff would have been moved here for you. Everything that I gave you is yours forever. You would have still had access to my accounts to live off of for the rest of your life. Aaron found out that he could not use the accounts so he wanted to make sure you couldn't either. That is why he had tried to block you from the accounts. Had my team actually been dealing with my death they would have secured your rights."

"So when do you want to go back and what are you going to do?" She asked leaning into him.

"Well I would prefer that we stay here for a couple of weeks or until the baby comes but since we had to forcible remove you, everyone has to know that something big is going down. That means that you are now being looked for by Aaron and Mitch."

"Why in the hell would he turn on you?"

"Greed, he was second best and he knew it."

"I thought that Jared would lead because of being your brother."

"Nope, the previous leader must pick his replacements successor and five alternatives. This allows the leaders to be decided on based on merits rather then who they like. Jared was always a major part of my team so he would never be looked at as a leader -- besides he never wanted to lead, same with Ty. They could and would be awesome at it but they don't want it."

"Okay so I guess that we are going back soon? Tomorrow? Tonight?" She asked.

"Just as soon as I make sure that we are okay and that you had calmed down after finding out I was alive. Laysea you have to know that you are the most important person in my life. This baby, our baby, is the greatest gift you could have ever given me. You see, years ago when I accepted how hard my life would be on someone I gave up the hope of ever having a child. But I promise you this, if you stand by me, I will never do anything like this again! I will be there for our child and you," grabbing her hand in his, he brought it up to his lips and kissed it, "forever."

"Jason, I know I can't live without you. I tried and found out I am horrible at it. I do want to be with you forever, just not in this room the whole time. So how are you gonna get us out of here? You threw the key out of the window after you locked the door."

He grinned at her with a mischief gleam in his eye and pulled a key out of his pants pocket. "Yeah, but I have two keys. Of course, if you are still over excited then maybe we should calm you down before we leave."

"Calm me down how?" She asked with a suspicious look.

Jason grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her close for a passion filled kiss. Laysea opened her mouth so that their tongues could mingle in a familiar dance. Jason pulled her onto his lap so that she could lie on the arm of the sofa. With his free hand he began to become reacquainted with her body that had gone through pregnancy changes. Rubbing his hand gently over her protruding belly where their son lay sleeping safely. Gripping the bottom of her shirt he began to slowly, allowing his fingers to glide softly over her silky skin. When he was sure that she was not planning on running from him, he released the back of her neck so that he could unhook her bra. After successfully unhooking the bra he pulled away from her so that he could remove her shirt and get to her breasts.

Laysea had missed this so much! The feeling of his rough, large hands rubbing over her skin, it felt like a dream. She had the sudden desire to have nothing between their skin. She needed him more then she ever had before. She began to unbutton his shirt but some where along the way she began to just pop the buttons off, neither one seemed to notice. She ran her hands up his chest feeling the hard chorded muscles in his chest before pushing his ruined shirt over his shoulders before it dropped down his arms. She could feel his hardened arousal against her bottom; she squirmed against him causing him to moan into her mouth.

Jason did not think that he would last long this time around, especially when Laysea's ass began to rub against his cock. He picked her up from his lap and carried her over to the bed. He placed a knee high up in the bed so that he could lay her towards the top of the bed, then he leaned over her looking into her passion filled eyes. Slowly he bent down to kiss her lips, then he unfastened her pants before standing back up. He stared down at her lying on the bed, topless with their baby growing in her body. He reached up and grabbed the top of her pants slowly lowering them over the swell of her hips and down her shapely legs, until he was able to pull them off of her feet. He then leaned up and grabbed the waist band of her underwear and pulled them off of her also. He kissed the bottom of each of her feet before climbing back up on the bed towards her.

"Jason, no, I can't wait..." she began only to get cut off by his lips latching onto her nipple. She began to moan and brought her hands up to grab onto his hair to keep him in place.

Jason's tongue would lash at her nipple with his tongue then begin to gently roll the nipple between his teeth. His hand kept the other breast busy by simulating the action of his tongue. After a bit he switched nipples, stimulating both nipples to rock, hard pebbles. He got up on his knees and began to kiss down her belly to her pussy. With very little resistance from her, he was able to spread her legs wide open. He breathed her scent in deeply, recalling all the times over the last few months that he had missed her scent on him, the bed, even in the room. He slowly licked her pussy to gain her taste in his mouth. Working his tongue in and out of her, slowly building her up, until she was rocking against his tongue. He pulled his tongue back out of her heat and worked his way up to her clit. Once he had the hard pea in his mouth he gently sucked it into his mouth, nibbling lightly on it. He knew that Laysea was very close to having her orgasm but he was feeling a little selfish. He wanted her to have an orgasm while wrapped around his cock so that he could join her this time.

Jason pulled back in time to prevent her from going over the edge. Her screech of aggravation was not lost on him. "Sit up baby." He told her.

"What are we going to do?" she asked him very flushed.

"You're gonna ride me." He replied as he leaned in a lounging position back against the headboard.

Catching his drift, Laysea crawled up to him and straddled him while holding on to the top of the headboard for added support. She began to lower herself down onto his red, weeping cock, looking in Jason's eyes as she felt him slide slowly into her. He held onto her hips slowing her progress down his cock. Only when he was embedded fully into her did she rock her hips a couple of times then lifted herself slowly off of him before sliding back down him. She felt him twitch deep inside of her as she squeezed him with her pussy. Placing her hands on his shoulders she began to bounce at a more steady speed. She could feel him thrusting to meet her with each push. The pressure building inside of her faster and more intense then it ever had before maybe because of their separation.

Jason kept eye contact with her as they pushed each other to fulfillment. He began to feel his balls churn with the coming orgasm. He released her hips so he could pinch her enlarged nipples as he felt her began to clinch his cock with her pussy.

"JASON!" she screamed.

"I'm here love, let go." He told her out of breath as he began to have his own release.

Laysea collapsed on top of Jason, completely out of breath and feeling like she was unable to move. Jason wrapped his arms around her holding her to him as he kissed the top of her head.

After a while Jason sighed loudly, "I wish that we had time to stay like this. Maybe make love for the rest of the night. But the longer you stay gone the more people who will be looking for you. I am taking you some place safe until all of this is over. I will come back to you. We will never spend another night apart, I promise you!"

Within the hour they were back in the city, walking through the front doors of the penthouse. Jason's crew was all present. The ladies, on the other hand, had to be placed into a 'safe house' as Jason called it. It was actually Maxie and Mac's parent's house, stacked to the max with electronic gadgets that if your sneeze was abnormal, people were burdened with helping you wipe your nose.

As the guys walked in, a door opened and Aaron came out of the back conference room.

When he saw Jason he smirked, "So Jared are you coming back to actually work for me now? Look you brought all of your friends with you. Are you done mourning Jason then?" Then he began chuckling, "Maybe I will let you guys come back, depends."

Jason just stood there looking at him motionless then Jared walked around the pillar to stand beside Ty but behind Jason. "First Aaron, we would never work for you -- we have standards. Second, I am not Jared."

Every one of Jason's crew pulled their guns and pointed them at Aaron and his crew. Aaron then stumbled trying to pull his but froze at that sound of several guns cocking. He looked around and realized that the lower ranks were showing their loyalty to Jason and not him. Aaron and his team were surrounded by guns, lots of them.

"I'm sorry. Did you really have a question about what was going to happen?"

"Jason, why wouldn't you tell me that you were faking your death? I could have helped."

"Yeah, you would have helped get me or Laysea killed. Why did you turn? What did Mitch offer you?"

Aaron looked at him with hate in his eyes. "Because he was going to give me this territory and not cause me any problems."

"Except that you became his bitch. Here is a question for the times, how did he pick Laysea and why?"

Aaron laughed, "Well that's simple. He'd seen her at one of her jobs. She was observed for months making sure that she was someone who you would be interested in. Then she was grabbed -- her being a virgin was just the cherry on top. He knew you would keep her. What he did not expect was for you to fall for the bitch. Then you ended up getting her pregnant. You knocked her up later than he wanted, but regardless. What we did not see though was you faking your own death to protect her." He started clapping, "Bravo, Bravo Jason."

"Yeah tell me if you seen this coming?" With that Jason fired a shot into his head. He then looked at Ty and said, "Kill them. I don't want them polluting the air my wife or son breathes." He walked into the conference room stepping over Aaron. There on the monitor was none other than Mitch.

"Aaron, what the fuck is going on? Come back here and answer me."

"Hello, Mitch."

"Jared? Well, well this is a surprise."

"Good thing you're sitting down Mitch, because I am Jason not Jared. Faked my own death -- ingenious right?"

"You mother fucker!"

"Mitch I owe you -- you kidnapped Laysea after giving her to me. Not nice to take back a gift Mitch. By the way Mitch I am coming for you. Not just because you tried to control my but because you took my wife. You made her into a pawn in a game between us. You touched what is mine and for that you will die." With that Jason disconnected the video conference call.

The next morning after the mayhem had broken out in the apartment building the ladies were lounging out by the pool at Maxie's parent's house. Laughing and talking about babies, funny stories, fashion -- everything. Laysea had never felt more at ease and rest as she did right at that moment. The doorbell rang and Maxie went to answer it, the yelling that Laysea and Trista heard coming from in the house prompted them to walk in and check out what was going on. Maxie was standing there with Aaron's wife Tiffany, also known as 'princess' ass, Maxie was walking away from her saying, "Tiffany, I said get the fuck out of here on your own or I will have you removed."

"He killed my husband over that bitch!" Tiffany gritted out. As Maxie reached the counter to where her phone was at and picked it up to dial Tiffany raised a gun from behind, her aimed at Laysea and fired. Laysea saw everything happening and it seemed to be slow motion but she could not move. She saw Trista throw herself in front of Laysea then jerk toward Laysea forcing her towards the ground, a look of surprise and shock on Trista's face. Laysea then heard a second gun shot and looked up to see that Maxie had a gun and fired at Tiffany. People came running from everywhere all talking at once.

Maxie's mom ran to Laysea, "Honey are you okay?"

"I-I-I'm fine. Trista. . .Trista did you get hurt?"

Trista smiled a weak smile at Laysea whispering softly. "Tell Jared that I love him and..."

"TRISTA?!? Oh my god! Is she? Find the bleeding and let's stop it."

Laysea began to issue commands even as she saw the pool of blood that was seeping from behind Trista. Maxie's mom checked for a pulse, "I sorry sweetheart but she is gone."

"NO! They did this with Jason -- she is alive or she'll come back to life." She looked at Maxie, "Why are you all doing this to me?"

Maxie's mom grabbed her hand, "Laysea, look at me! Feel for yourself she has no pulse. You witnessed this right in front of you. I'm sorry but she is gone."

Laysea looked up at Maxie and saw tears rolling down her face. Oh no, she thought, this is for real -- my friend is dead!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Jason’s tongue lashed her nipple with his tongue. His tongue has a tongue?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I'm loving this story, but as others have mentioned in early chapters, please find a new editor, doesn't seem like he does anything to them, yet you seem to think he is so great.

marklionmarklionabout 15 years ago
Fabulous Chapter!!!

Cinder you wrote another great chapter in this series. I like how Jason was able to fake his own death and comeback to Laysea and his son. I was sorry to see Trista get killed by Tiffany but I was happy to see Tiffany be killed by Maxie. Can hardly wait to see the next chapter in this series.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Bring her back!!! *stomping my foot* CPR. Something. Anything. Please.

Grrrr I hate waiting for the next chapter!!! LOL.

You are a great story teller and excellent writer.

I just love this story. I will check nightly for the next chapter.

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