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The Collection Ceremony

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The collection ceremony of the Moonwood sisterhood.
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The Grand Moonwood Temple stood among the skyline of the capital like an ancient oak standing out from the canopy of a young forest. The main building of the Grand Temple was a massive structure, the entire edifice rising hundreds of feet into the air, forming a perimeter around the granite butte from which the Great Moon Tree grew. Its foundations were made of massive interlocking stone blocks resting on solid bedrock. They were fitted together so perfectly that the finest blade could not be inserted between them.

The main building was divided into an inner and outer section, separated by a ring shaped cloister. The outer ring of the structure contained such things as the Temple Library, chambers dedicated towards the study of the schools of magic, as well as the various offices of the Temple administration. It also contained facilities for the daily lives of the priestesses of the Moonwood Sisterhood; such as the kitchens, dining hall, and sleeping quarters.

The outer building then gave way to the gardens of the ring-cloister, carefully landscaped for the leisure of the priestesses. It contained a number of pools and fountains, a wide variety of trees, flowers, and herbs, whose colors and scents changed throughout the year.

Then there was the inner structure, built around and into the butte itself. In this sacred space, in which only the God Emperor and his priestesses were permitted to enter, was the heart of the Great Moon Tree. In the holy texts it was recorded that the God Emperor had jumped to the distant third moon and retrieved from there a seed and then planted it within the rock of the butte, carving out a safe place for it to grow. Now the inner sanctum was an extensive series of interconnected rooms, halls, and galleries. It was here that the most sacred rituals were conducted.


As Luna's sacred light fell upon the Grand Moonwood Temple a structured cacophony began to call out from the arched arcades of the outer temple. A deep reverberating call of ceremonial long horns and rhythmic drums joined the sounds of musical singing bowls, their distinct sounds converging and filling the air, signaling the beginning of the ritual. A hush fell over the ranks of women gathered outside the temple. It was time.

Every month the Moonwood Sisterhood, as the sacred third moon approached fullness, assembled in

the woman of the Moonwood Sisterhood gathered together outside the inner sanctums of the Grand Moonwood Temple. Once more the. The Grand Moonwood Temple was a massive structure, carved into the side of the Great Tree, the holiest site in all the world. The temple was constructed of massive stone, wood, and metal, the entire edifice rising hundreds of feet into the air.

They were both honored and expected to drink deeply of the God Emperor's essence. Not only would their actions be required to maintain the ritual throughout the night, but maximally filling themselves with the God Emperor's seed would bestow upon them the greatest amount of thaumaturgical energy. The energy which the high priestesses needed to perform the spellcraft they themselves were capable of. While the highest ranking members enjoyed the ultimate reward of direct sexual congress with the God Emperor, the remaining tiers of priestesses were still delivered into a state of bliss through consuming his essence orally. Though the lower ranked priestesses lacked the talent or training to conduct their own magic, by taking in the divine essence of their God Emperor, they would become the sacred vessels of the God Emperor's mana.

The massive oaken doors of the Collection Chamber swung slowly open, and the procession of priestesses began their slow march inward. Their fingers traced along the rows of small chimes lining the atrium, announcing their entrance. Several lines trailed in simultaneously across all of the chamber's levels. The four floors of the collecting chamber were segregated, each subsequent floor housing priestesses of descending rank.

The collecting throne room itself was reserved for the high priestesses and saints, those who had recently esteemed themselves, and those of lower rank who had been selected via special lottery drawing. After the leaving collecting throne the godcum would then flow to the first floor, where the ranked priestesses were now gathering.

The second floor would then receive the godcum, as the first floors reservoirs spilled over, serving the Priestess Adepts.

The third floor served the novice priestesses. On this floor, the godcum began to be mixed with the waters of the Great Tree.

On the final fourth level the inexperienced initiates gathered. The godcum here was even more diluted with the sacred waters and of lesser potency; a necessity for the young initiates, for even diluted the godcum sent them into a rapturous state of ecstasy.


The God Emperor stirred on the ceremonial Collection Chamber Throne. The room was dark save for the red and gold glows from his holy altar behind him. His face was youthful and chiseled though he had been ruling the kingdom for centuries. He had broad shoulders with thick biceps and thighs like tree trunks, his torso rippled with defined muscle.

At the moment he stood at over eight feet tall; his body had grown in preparation for the night of the collection ritual. He had focused his will and channeled his magical energy from the aetherical realm into his body, a requirement to funnel his prodigious magical energy into a form transferable with typical sex magic. His eyes were closed and he was breathing deeply. His powerful body belied a vulnerable, half-conscious, state.

He was reclining, knees bent and spread wide, comfortably on couch specially designed for collection rituals. There was a gap between his legs, with a depression and a trough cut into the floor of polished marble, made to funnel away the God Emperor's cum as it was collected. The trough led away from the couch before falling and spreading out like a cascading fountain across four floors. In this manner, many priestesses could gather at the same time to drink his magical cum. He was surrounded by high priestesses, who draped themselves over him and caressed his body. Throughout the day, they had been feeding him ritual aphrodisiacs and sacred Great Tree water. Ribbons of drug smoke curled through the air as lounging priestesses smoked sacred herbs in ceremonial water pipes, occasionally bringing one to his lips to help ease the ache in his magically engorged genitals.

The God Emperor stretched back against the cushions of the throne-like sofa, his high priestesses pressing back against him as he moaned softly under his breath. He reached down below himself where two women gently massaged his massive heavy balls, pulling and squeezing them. They were the designated masseuses for the night's collecting ritual, each masseuse needing both hands to hold and lift just one of his monstrous orbs. They were already euphoric from their prolonged handling of his royal member, but they knew they would have to wait until the end of the ritual before they could feel the full extent of his power. Their eyes were heavy lidded and droopy, their mouths open and breathing heavily as they continued their work.

Another euphoric woman knelt waiting between his legs, her hands grasping around his heavy shaft. She wore nothing but a rigid neck corset of white gold filigree and black silk, muzzling her mouth and covering her shoulders and neck. Delicate white gold chain loops hung down from her neck corset to her perfect breasts, locking to a pair of white golden nipple rings. Her hair fell long behind her like a waterfall cascading past hips that were wide and shapely. A small tufted tail hung dangling down from the base of her spine swaying slightly. She was a nymph.

She had been hand selected by the temple high priestesses after much deliberation to serve as tonight's cupbearer for his divine seed. They had taken great care choosing which female should be chosen for such a task. She was tasked with holding onto his penis as he came in order to ensure no drop escaped the collecting basin, in which she sat, or missed its way into any waiting mouth. As always, all attempts were being made not to waste a single precious drop of his most sacred nectar. She would spend the entire night kneeling beside him keeping watchful eye for each new offering coming along to drink of him. She was required to remain silent throughout the whole affair and allow everyone else who wished to take his potent gift before her. The white gold muzzle prevented her from both speaking and swallowing until the very end of the ceremony, when the neck corset was removed and she was allowed the final drink of his cum.

It was a coveted position. She would inevitably become completely coated with his semen almost immediately. Priestesses worthy of receiving such a blessing were carefully considered, even without drinking any of the godcum, the cupbearer would quickly become delirious with ecstatic pleasure but would need to retain the presence of mind to continue their duties.


The drone of the horns and singing bowls and the beating of the drums roused the God Emperor, as the closest high priestesses increased the tempo of the caressing and whispered into his ears. Even semiconscious, he understood that the ceremony had begun. Great waves of aetheric energy pulsed into his body, flowing up from every part of his mighty frame and pooling in his groin. His cupbearer felt the heat building within him as well and she began to stroke his massive cock. Both her hands together could not encircle his girth.

The high priestesses kept whispering sweet words to him, calling forth his lust, while stroking his arms and chest. Others leaned forward to touch his naked body reverently, feeling the hard muscles of his shoulders and biceps as if touching some ancient stone statue. Their fingers trailed delicately across his smooth skin.

"You must focus," one of them murmured. "Focus your energies, so that we may become the vessels of your divine essence, holy one."

The horn music became faster and more intense, echoing off the vaulted ceilings and walls as it drove toward a crescendo. The high priestesses held him tight, rocking back and forth along with his motions as he grunted and strained under the machinations of his cupbearer's intensifying pace.

Two lines of priestesses entered the collecting throne room from either side. Each line of priestesses was lead by standard bearers, those carrying smoking censers, and those hefting wide ceremonial bowls of differing oils. Each group moved along either side of the throne, fanning out to allow for more room. The standards were raised on their pedestals flanking the throne-couch, and the oil bowls below them.

The first pair of high priestesses stepped forward and knelt down between the God Emperor's legs, alongside the cupbearer. The two began to worship his huge cock with their lips and tongues. The next pair positioned themselves behind the first, kissing his thighs and rubbing their faces and chests against his legs.

Oil was collected and poured onto the God Emperor's cock and the cupbearer jacked him harder, pulling back his thick foreskin she stroked his full length vigorously, pumping both her fists from his glistening head to the base of his heavy sack.

"You're ready," a soft voice breathed to the God Emperor's ear. She kissed his cheek, her tongue lapping hungrily at his skin.

With a groan from deep within his chest, the God Emperor came. His cum erupted forth like a geyser, slapping into the face of the cupbearer and pushing her head back. His wide stream of cum bounced off her face, splashing the two priestesses to her sides. The powerful flow of godcum continued for few seconds before slowing, but it never stopped.

The cupbearer shifted the God Emperor's cockhead to the waiting mouth of the high priestess to her left. Again, his balls lurched audibly, lifting some of their weight out of the hands of the two masseuses, as his flow rate shot back up. The high priestess opened her mouth as wide as she could and planted it over the opening of his crown, taking only the front portion of his thick head into her warm mouth. The geyser erupted again and the practiced high priestess began to swallow as her mouth immediately filled. She chugged his never ending torrent of cream, excess spurting out the corners of her lips.

The priestess felt the godcum running down her throat and filling her stomach. Her eyes dilated and she came, a throat and stomach orgasm wracking her body, as she drank down his divine offering. An electric dance of pleasure coursed through her nervous system and her body shivered in ecstasy. She drank like one dying of thirst, until her belly distended outward and the taste of him permeated her senses. Her cheeks puffed out and she pulled back, her lips clenched shut, then swallowed one last time.

Filled with the God Emperor's cum, the priestess rose unsteadily to her feet. She was half-carried, half-guided away. Godcum dripped down her soaked body to the floor. The next high priestess took her place and the line shifted forward.

The process repeated again for the woman to the right of the cupbearer and yet again for each priestess that came forward. Each time his giant shaft exploded with hot gooey fluid. Each time his massive balls emptied another enormous load into a willing mouth. If the priestesses staggered and held up the line, the masseuses would place their hands atop the God Emperor's balls and pull their weight down on them, eliciting a groan and slowing the flow for the moment needed to drag the fallen priestesses out of the way.

And so the Collection Ritual began and continued.


The God Emperor's cum, rich in aetheric energy, had the appearance of pearls made liquid. It cast its' own aethereal light. The godcum, flowing off the bodies of the drinking high priestesses and cupbearer, quickly filled the collecting basin beneath them. It overflowed into the collecting trough and began to pour through the channel carved into the marble flooring. The channel led to an ornately carved circular grate depicting prostrate maidens in chains, representing the bondage of the faithful. The grate divided the constant stream of the God Emperor's divine ejaculate, separating it into several gold pipes that sent the godcum through the floor into the level below.

Ranked priestesses waited around large elaborate bowls made of gold and silver, set on elevated daises. The priestesses knelt upon large cushions, waiting patiently. They chanted quietly as the first of the divine essence fountained down from the ceiling and poured into the waiting receptacles. A series of gasps and whispers fluttered through the room as the cum landed simultaneously. The empty bowls let out a ringing tone that decreased in pitch as they filled.

The priestesses began to rise and approach their dais. Each priestess held large stemless goblets, decorated according to the priestesses' position within the temple's various subdivisions. They each dipped their cups into the receptacles and filled them, before returning to their cushion. Then the priestesses sipped from their respective goblets, letting the precious elixir roll down their throats. Their eyes closed as the warmth spread through them, filling their insides with a euphoric sense of well-being. They moaned softly as the godcum's effects flowed through them. When a priestess reached the bottom of her goblet, it was refilled. They repeated this as often as they were able. Eventually the ecstasy of the ritual washed away any concerns of propriety, allowing the priestesses to revel in the sensations and lose themselves entirely in the experience. The neatly organized seating arrangement gave way to piles of cushions and groping, caressing, and licking as the priestesses writhed together in the throes of shared pleasure.

This same scene repeated on each subsequent level. Overflowing catchments leading to the next floor's waiting priestesses. The adepts drank next, consuming still-pure godcum. They were followed by the level of the novices, where the God Emperor's aethereal seed began to be mixed sacred water. As their basins filled and overflowed, the diluted godcum was diluted further and then served the waiting initiates.


Several high priestesses moved throughout the floors of the collection chamber. They wore the uniform of the Collection Ritual: tight and revealing black and white silk robe and veil, with elaborate embroidery with imagery representing the God Emperor's essence flowing into tiered basins. Priestesses of the Collection Ritual, Ritual Priestesses simply enough, were duty bound to refrain from receiving the God Emperor until later. They ensured that the ritual was conducted efficiently, guiding the processions forward, maintaining lines and order, and they ensured that no priestess missed their turn to receive the God Emperor.

They moved with a cadre of lower ranked priestesses; uniformed in small skirt and bodice, stockings and long gloves, in frilled black and white lace. A small white apron represented their designated task, and frilled lace collars, representing their subservience to the high priestesses of the Collecting Ritual. The High Priestesses directed them to lick clean any spilled seed from the marble floors or naked skin of their fellow priestesses who was not already being cleaned.

They held the authority to discipline any errant acolyte who did not follow the proper protocol. A Ritual Priestess could even deny any lower ranked priestess the right of sacred communion, sending them out of the Collection Chamber. Only a saintess could do the same to a high priestess...

As the Ritual continued late into the night a Ritual Priestess stepped over four entwined priestesses on the ground. The center two women lay curled in a ball, their lips and tongues lazily played with one another while the other two spooned them in a dazed bliss. The High Priestess stopped, bending over to pick a fallen goblet from the ground, it had tipped over and spilled some of the pearly godcum. In the dimness of the collection chamber, the faintly glowing cum was easy to spot. The cup held a portion of cum and the High Priestess passed it wordlessly to one of her junior priestesses, who took the goblet in both hands and eagerly downed the remaining godcum.

"Receive the spilled essence." She said to another of her junior, but the girl did not respond. Instead, she looked at the Ritual Priestess with a confused expression through shivering dilated eyes. She was too lost in the sacred glow, unable to concentrate on what she was told to do.

The Ritual Priestess sighed and took the girl gently by the collar, pulling her close and guiding her gaze to the spilled godcum. After a moment to focus her shivering eyes; the girl reacted immediately, falling to her hands and knees. She sucked the cum from the floor, then licked repeatedly with long slow tongue strokes, leaving nothing behind. With her tongue still on the floor, she shook as the small amount of godcum sparked and joined the cascading turbulence of pleasure that filled her mind and body.

"Good girl." The High Priestess whispered to the trembling acolyte, as she tilted her veiled head to catch a better glimpse of the kneeling girl's rear. The acolytes short skirt only framed the curves of her shapely ass, which was exposed further as she absentmindedly lowered her chest to the floor, lost in the aftershocks of climax. The Ritual Priestess moaned appreciatively, the acolyte girl was beautiful of course, all priestesses were, but the High Priestess was a high priestess for a reason. So she sighed again and restrained her lustful thoughts, turning them back to her duties.

The young girl finished licking the floor, then rose onto her knees. She stood there swaying, panting heavily, her entire body twitching and quivering from the aftershocks of the godcum's influence. Her eyes were unfocused and glazed as though drunk on an endless supply of wine. By this time, she had consumed nearly as much godcum as the others had.


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