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All Comments on 'The Cuckold Diet Challenge Ch. 05'

by FinishTheDamnStory

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
No, no, no

Please do not get them back together.

soulspicesoulspiceover 10 years ago
Simple bull

You don't treat someone you love and respect the way she did. Period. All her apologies, insistences, and denials aside. Same with Shelly. There are LW stories where I can see getting back with a cheating spouse, even though I probably wouldn't. But never with a spouse who humiliates you, shows you no respect or love. That does not just go away and come back. When you treat someone like that, it shows it was never there, and never will be. He is in for heartbreak.

RpierzRpierzover 10 years ago
In minority I guess

I'd be OK with them getting back together. Dani made him a monster & that monster is quite obviously very happy to say such. Anyone else he'd get with he'd only transfer his anger & resentment to.

1Thinkingman1Thinkingmanover 10 years ago
Apology accepted Captain Neda

As good a story as this is, there is one issue that does not ring true. That is the issue of the wife's apology. It is hollow, it has conditions and thus is no apology at all. She could have gone to Rick with a nuclear apology. She could have presented video of how she hunted down the men she whored with and cut off the sex organs and stuffed them in their mouths. Or she could have gone the personal nuclear apology. Went to Rick and without saying anything taken a knife and opened her abdomen like a samurai committing seppuku. She did neither of these. Or she could have given him a true apology. A simple I am sorry aliquot what she did wrong and throw herself on the mercy of the court. She did not do that either. No she blamed her own actions on her husband. Now Rick is not blameless in all this. She should have had the courage to just divorce him but she didn't. She wanted to be a whore and she is unrepentant on that fact. This one aspect of the story turns a great story into merely a good story if they reconcile. He will have accepted her bullshit that somehow something he did is justification for her turning into a whore. Sorry that doesn't fly for me. We are all responsible one hundred per sent for our own actions. I gave this ****.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This ch was JUST BS................the story was going -ok-, but this is poor poor writing . Done just to end and move on to the next story.

TXanyTXanyover 10 years ago
5 *s, but with explanation...

You took this one down a different rabbit hole - one I didn't expect. Thank you for that. I enjoy having the author stretch my expectations, and this chapter certainly threw in a curve about the girls perceptions of his behavior. Ususally local authors telegraph...her explanation that they thought he wanted it was surprising but when explained (and thinking back to the earlier parts of the story) it sure sounded plausible, at least from the girls perspective. However, as well done as that "curve ball" is, the current story line is getting shaky...either he loves her enough to take her back, or he doesn't and you sure are dragging that out. Is he going to BTB or is he going to take her back? We want to be "trusted readers" and know what he is really thinking, and you aren't sharing! Oh well, on to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Teenagers? Did I miss something?

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 10 years ago
Excellent Writing

Best writing yet from FTDS. Dialogue is realistic. This is almost a Rhenquist of DQS story (which is a compliment). Will be interesting to see how FTDS finishes this one up.

dylan954dylan954over 10 years ago

I echo the words, 'That's it?'

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 10 years ago
Meandering Plot Muted Up by Frothy Improv by Skilled Author

This story is indeed starting but bloat up on calorie err word laden carnal interludes with nearly every character that squats to pee. These trysts are diverting and well written but it's borderline tap dancing in place with genitals by now. The wife's extended night(s) out doesn't auger well for those in RAAC camp.

I must compliment FTTDS on the diverse and articulate dialogue stemming from the majority of the diverse characters in the story. I don't always believe or agree in the truth of the soliloquies but in terms of the personas that hold the literary spotlight, the POVs ring valid.

I'm rating this at full marks because high quality of aforementioned improv. One last quibble, however, is that the narrator ostensibly doesn't want Tina to blab blabbering about his time in cuck box. Yet now she has no reason now to shut up and considerable motivation to spill said secret to society at large.

There are multiple dicey tipping points yet to be determined. I look forward to the end of the dithering and innocence of Rick and Danielle's marriage. By the way am I the only one who wonders if FTTDS is an alternate identity for TexasTallTales? There are some similarities in the prose of both.

Usually TTT comments on stories in LW that make a splash. If he's done so in these installments, however, I've missed it. No new stories by senior Lone State scribe either. Hmmm

Charley49erCharley49erover 10 years ago
They spend pages listing

everything wrong with their relationship over all those chapters, they behave like selfish idiots, he rationalizes his behavior as different from hers, but in fact it was just echoing hers with an escalation beyond her too often - he even smirked over how smart he was to have out-smarted her when in fact he was just the same. For the BTB crowd he must be a hero. And even at this point there almost no mention of the children who had to be watching this wondering what asses were their parents. He crossed the line when he had sex with Shelley. She did not sleep with his friends. She picked a big pricked man but he was no friend of theirs. Using Shelley that way was far too far. In the end his nuclear response was far worse than hers. She does not see it, but he will divorce her down the line the first time she does something that makes him unhappy: they are not equal in the end, He is now using her love to manipulate her. They are not partners. He has the power and he will used it to get whatever he wants. They are living a lie. His list was correct. They both lost everything with each other but she does not see it, he does. She might someday see and get smart and confront him about it, but too late. He has the power and at least now she has a real job and can leave to be on her own. I think you started out to equalize the original story and enjoyed getting back at the wife and wrote yourself into a corner by making her sympathetic. You made him into a monster. Blame the wife? Nope. He had moments when he could have stopped and didn't. They were legitimate moments to stop, but he didn't. As I said, he lied by not being as honest as he demanded of her. If this is the end, and I am not sure it should be, then you have succeeded in making me lose my sympathy for him and feel he ultimately treated her badly. And he will never admit that to her. Why? Because he would lose the power he now has. In fact, I bet he can cheat with his new PA and she would just wink at it in her desperation to keep him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
if possible at all : trust but verify

... teenagers? ... and Shelly is cut off... should make him think. Her working late seems normal as the newest member of the firm, but confirmation it's only working wouldn't harm. Strange also that Shelly seems convinced that the 3 of them will be OK together. Is this part of a plan to excuse the wife just in case ... ?? And he didn't use a condom with Shelly ...

**** this story can go in different directions. Hope it remains as good as it is now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Will it ever be finished?

Tina. Just how does that work out? Tina's hubby gets a night with Shelly and Danielle to square the score? The couples become a swinging foursome? Shelly moves in for a menage a trois? How does he face Tom and Angelia? Jenny and Gina? Danielle is working late? Oh really? Who is she working on or under? Hmmm. Is she screwing someone at her new job? Does she get caught lying and cheating again? Are the girls planning some revenge? Tina certainly has motive. Are they all breaking bad? Do they all become one big happy polyamory family?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Sorry, but this one sucked

normally I like your versions

but this one, no

you took what could have been the ultimate BTB nukefest, and turned it into garbage

I hope your next try is back up to standard

john1946john1946over 10 years ago

What was that?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

wrap it up .

tazz317tazz317over 10 years ago

live and let live as before, but it is blurry, TK U MLJ LV NV

IronDragonIronDragonover 10 years ago

I think I know what Tina, Shelly, and Wifey are really doing. However, I may be wrong.

Either way, I REALLY hope you aren't going to RAAC out, here. What Wifey and her friends did to him was unconscionable and unacceptable. He deserved to be punished, yes, but not to that degree. Divorce him and move on. But to tell him that her cheating on him, her and her friends humiliating him ad nauseum and to the extremes they did was all his fault?? When presented with the contract, he reacted as any man who'd cheated would, if it was a one-time mistake and didn't want to lose his wife. He reacted as any man who loved his children would, when faced with the ultimatum that he would lose them. The way she presented the contract was negotiation-proof. She said as much in the original tale. The whole "negotiation" thing in this chapter seemed to be an act of desperation on Wifey's and Shelly's parts.

It was all a "misunderstanding"? No, I don't think so. If blame was to be assigned, I'd say he would be 20% to blame, while she would have to take responsibility for the other 80%. She pushed him way too far.

5 Stars.

richard2675richard2675over 10 years ago

This is the best conclusion you have ever written. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
This story got all fucked up ,To much screwing to be real on both parties.

Boy did you lose this story, it's all about who fucks who. Not about making a marriage work or fixing this broken relationship. Way over the top. Is it over yet?

FullCircle56FullCircle56over 10 years ago
More Friends?

In the last chapter you mentioned Denise. Now Danielle included "..... and I didn't tell the whole world. Just Tina, Jenny and Anna." Please don't bring any more in!! So either Denise was a typo or Danielle is still LYING.

I feel you're at another crossroad. Which way will it go? The way it's clue. If Danielle and Shelly in their drunken stupor fucked another guy It's all over. If they fucked each other? This could go on for as many chapters as you care to write.

Looking forward to the next installment. But getting tired of waiting for the final determination. Think it's time to FTDS. Thanks for writing this. Oh yeah, the original was still a fucked up story and this is definitely more interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
great story

each chapter is better and well thought out thank you for putting so much time and effort into writing it

cpetecpeteover 10 years ago
5 *****

for the writing and conversation among characters.

The rationalization judo Sheri used to justify the contract and how hubby did not react as expected was masterful bit of writing-streching the bounds of reality-but still enough to be credible. (the only hole being Sheri had no decent explanation for the wifes 3rd time tryst).

Well done looking forward to the rest

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Sure it is not over

As mentioned before, Shelly "accidentally" slurred,'teenagers'. It is painfully obvious that all that has happened is a ploy by Dani and Shelly.

I am sure Rick heard that, because he said, 'you sure have a funny way of showing it.'

This has been fun, but now it is dragging. It is time for Rick and Gina to hook up for good. After all he mentioned that he would have to find her another job...

Well done FTDS, however it is time to



AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
WHat about ?

Has everyone forgot about the PI Rick has following Dani ? If she is still fucking around he will know . As far as the slip by Shelly about the teenagers who's to say that the 2 she has fucked was not teenagers unless this all took place before the shit started happening then fry the cheating slut .......

Michael R.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Sick Fuck

Don't even have to read your story to know you're a shrimp dick angry boy and you need serious help96

looking4itlooking4itover 10 years ago
It simply doesn't make sense

Getting fucked by the bestie while it was confession time and not really losing the erection? None of that sequence makes any sense with the character you've created unless he has a plan to use it against them. While the rationale given was intriguing and the argument plausible the manner which it was delivered and accepted was totally bogus. I really don't mind extending reality to a point but when unbelievable situations are used artificially move the plot in the direction the author wants to end up is annoying to me. Sorry but it wasn't hot, believable or in agreement with character development. I wish you had him aquiesse earlier or end the travesty that this marriage and set of relationships have become. It has officially gone one chapter too far in my opinion and I'm hoping that you are honest in ending it with the next submission.

bruce22bruce22over 10 years ago
Interesting as ever

You have to admit that he should have started working on a solution for the kids several weeks back. The lies can not be forgotten. "No more teenagers???" and no explanation of the third tryst prove to me that he would be a fool to take her back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Doesn't anyone else see the irony here?

Chapter 5 from "Finish The Damn Story"? Are we there yet?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
My 2 Cents

So at the end of chapter 5 we have issues of: 1. Dani with teenagers 2. Dani doing naughty things at Shelly's house 3. Dani doing it at work or instead of work. At the same time Shelly fucks hubby - tries to make a deal for dani. It seems to me its not about getting even for Dani she has to come out ahead which is why items 1-3 have to be verified or eliminated. Her getting a job was a step towards dissolving the marriage. It also puts a crimp in her claim for custody as she is now full time just like hubby would be. The business about assigning fault is bull. Yes he cheated and did it first But she caused that and no one has accepted that. I would think a last chapter is required but its time now to FTDS please

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

really enjoyed it up until that end of Ch 5. Absolutely no F'ing way they could reconcile - or him with Shelly. Just too much crap and evil actions on both sides.

Sorry - hated the final episode!

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 10 years ago
This was better than the last chapter

But still seems to dragging out the entire scenario. And don't these "smart" lawyers need some marital counseling? Surely they would have thought of something obvious like this. Shelley is hardly qualified to do this . . . Four stars, and hoping the next chapter finishes it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This COULD be fixed with a final episode (as in "finish the damned story") in which they break up and both move on with him relocating to a place where no one knows what she put him through

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Auto 1*

Most commented story, and somehow you're proud of this, despite the fact that 90% of the comments are negative?

You're not in it for the red H's, you're definitely not in it for the score, I guess you are just in it for the negative comments.

Well here's one more: You take other peoples pieces of shit and make their story worse.

No need to get upset, what other kind of comment do you expect from pond scum anons?

Auto 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

this has to be the worst story i ever read, put all the main characters and the author in a boat and sink it. As for the people who favorite either you did not read it or your just plain stupid.

dhunter270dhunter270over 10 years ago
Great Finish - Excellent tale

Well done - you had me on edge and anxious for each new chapter. Looking so forward to another "finish the damn story"!!!!

bruce22bruce22over 10 years ago
After Thought

I did my afternoon constitutional and remembered to ask what the PI has been doing?

I can not understand how he let Shelly into the house, except to gather more information, but he could never fuck that registered slut without someone inventing first an instant STD test! Hell she probably just came from someone else. Next time that his wife suggests getting together he should also request the STD certification be renewed as a prerequisite. Any protest on her part is easily met with a reminder of how many times she has been a liar.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Is that it?

If this is the end then this story sucks. I sure hope you don't ruin a excellent premise with him wimping out over two worn out sluts. What waste!!

extemporeextemporeover 10 years ago
Strangely fascinating . . .

Let's face it, the whole story is so over that top that, if it happened in real life, someone would have been murdered in your first chapter.

However, you did keep things moving at breakneck speed, you write well, and the story

was fascinating in the same way a massive multi-vehicle pile-up on the freeway might be!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
OK, now I'm getting grossed out...

I have enjoyed this series very much until he started fucking with Shelley. Now I'm just started to get ill reading it. After all the things he had to do and see and hear, if he gets back with this cunt I'm done. I'll go one more chapter but I want to see those evil cunts going down one after another just like Tina.

And then him living happily ever after with one of the young 20 something year olds.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Wow, if that is the ending......

It sucks. Really no resolution, not satisfying, little emotional connection with the characters and reader. Started strong but this is just dragging on and has been the last two installments. I thought this was supposed to be done in three installments?

nastystoryguynastystoryguyover 10 years ago
I like it

Extremely well written. Not very believable but it is fiction. Look forward to more. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Huh ? Is it over ?? What about the other friends?? The cousins ?

FTDS you are in the triangle. Compass spinning. Instruments don't make any sense.

First you take us with Alice, now Flight to the Bermuda triangle.

A good learning experience you lost us.

Try again with something else. This is done.


sugnasugnaover 10 years ago
More of the same - FTDS!

Holy shit! I just read that whole thing thinking there would be a resolution! It was just more of the same perversion! Nothing resolved, the wife is out someplace drunk, the husband is home with the kids, WTF FTDS! Fuck her, fuck her friends. The first thing that happens is that she severs her ties to those cunts. The second thing that happens is that she becomes a fucking slave herself for the duration of the marriage! Otherwise fuck off!

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 10 years ago
Wow! 5* action all the way!

You are doing such a good job with this one! Can't wait to read more of it and more of your other rescue jobs of little lost stories!

njlaurennjlaurenover 10 years ago
Pretty decent

No this,isn't the end,ftdd made clear he was gooing to finish this,so this is not the end,more like the beginning of the end.Yes,danni and sherry are rationalizing what they did,and there is the question of the third guy,neither shelly nor danni can explain could be danni desired it or thought it was part of the cuck thing,but that doesnt make sense.One criticism I share with others (with respect) is that danni is staying out late,getting drunk ,etc and the author doesnt mention the pi....given the lack of trust it would be out of character for him not to wonder,especially with the third encounter not explained.

My biggest bone to pick is shelly telling him it is 90% his fault.That is like blaming a woman who is raped at gunpoint,then telling her that it was her fault cause the gun was a fake.Rick was feeling guilty,he was vulnerable,and danni threatened to leave him and make his kids disappear from his life,how the hell was he expected to know it was a bluff or was expected to negotiate? Saying he,was 90% to blame is basically trying to duck the truth,that dani had no intention of negitiating,any more than the rapist did because the gun was a fake. If they really didn't want it to happen,she could of signed the contract and held it over him,to motivate him,and do nothing.The way this came out it sounds more like danni intended to cheat,then saw the fallout and got scared,she thought she had him cowed and was going to be active no matter what.If shelly told me it was 90% my fault because I didnt stop them,I would have thrown her out and initiated divorce proceedings,because it would tell me danni had lied and was trying to push the blame on me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Thought it was pretty disorganized & rambling up til this episode but this one pissed off so many commenters that I had to give it a 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Enjoyed It But...

It fell off a lot at the end. Fucking Shelley was so stupid and the whole drunk scene was enough to make reconciliation seem very unlikely for a rational guy. Are you going to 'finish the damn thing'?

BTW I didn't know Jenny was fired(last page). When did that happen? Please don't rely on spelling checkers-'discrete' doesn't mean what you think it does.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
shelley said no more teenagers and Dani grabbed the phone

wake up ending call

they are having a party

JounarJounarover 10 years ago
1 * story took a major turn for the worse

Apart from Rick getting revenge on Tine this rest of this chapter pretty much sucked balls and added nothing to the overall story. The excuse by Shelly for her and Danielle's actions is just utter bullshit, just like how every cheating fuck always blames their spouse for their own selfish actions. How the hell could anyone as smart as Danielle who after being married to the guy for 20 years, think by blackmailing him with divorce and losing his kids if he didn't accept her contact = him wanted to be a cuck. Like how fucking braindead do you need to be to think that someone going along with what you want when you give then no choice aka blackmail, really means some fucked up fetish that's never been discussed before is what the victim want's.

Even If on the off chance the two dumb fucks originally felt that was the case, hubby's outright anger and utter contempt towards both of them the following the first fuck fest with Meat and how quickly the marriage turned to shit before the second fuck session nevermind the third which they tried to hide (why if it's what he wants), had to prove he was not into being her cuck and this is not even taking in account him quitting his job and putting Danielle's lifestyle on a downward spiral. If their plan really was onlyment to just motivate Rick via the threat of Danielle fucking other guys, she fell onto Meat dick very fast (next day) and why did she suddenly (again for the next day) shave her pussy? Shelly fucking Rick to help fix his marriage to Danielle also seem's weird along with him not using a condom with someone who he considered a total whore on a good day

The drunken mention of teenagers, the PI and Danielle even asking to help out Tina needs to be addressed. At the moment this story has gone from amazing to the utter tripe that Matt Mareau writes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
90% is bullshit and so is her story

1) knew he was upset after 1st and 2nd and kept on 2) wife is confrontational, if true would have mentioned this assumption earlier to help heal rift 3) dont tell her until i talk to her is highly suspect as is overnight, likely last second desperate plan of shelly with overnight getting story straight 4) lawyers often have counsel when in court themselves due to emotions being out of control(especially concerning children) wifey knows this but claims ignorant of its effects according to shelly is bull 5) used kids as ammo, limited time, saw he was semi drunk and feeling guilty and scared of losing everything after 20 years of work so clearly wasnt looking for compromise as line in sand over credits show 6) wife is used to getting everything, only cared and tried to fix things after job loss of both friend and husband in additon to his loathing and still lied 7) lied about 3rd after promise and did it anyways knowing his feelings 8) phone call between wife and bf wife goes on about being in control 9) caught blowjob was quick to return to cruelty despite saying earlier about making things better and her own lies and rule breaking 10) if story is true why didnt she ever check to be sure especially after 2nd 11) 90% seems attempt to put it all on him to avoid blame(women do this often when cheating) 12) if true why not give on only demand about credits 13) no new chips from wife seems to suggest expecting coming to change status of situation 14) no evidence of prior cuckold desire so huge leap but still blame him 15) told friends everything and to torment him further and never fixed it due to belief of control even after his change / I actually wanted them to make it but not after this victim blaming bull, burn the bitch in court!!!!!!

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 10 years ago
indecisive cuck

I smell a full blown wimp being cooked up here. The weak willed husband is constantly being manipulated and he is too dumb to see it.

PearDrop3PearDrop3over 10 years ago
Five Stars

I gave this chapter five stars but to be honest it was too repetitive. Keep them coming.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loving it

Five stars! You are a genius. I suspect there is a twist coming that will ensure that reconciliation is not an option. However, I doubt most people appreciate how difficult it is to turn a shit original story into one this brilliant. This was a deep hole dug by the original author - one which you dug even deeper as this wife whored herself out and continued to disrespect her husband. I was certain this would not be a reconciliation story. This could only be a BTB story. And yet . . . Through brilliant character development and attention to detail, you have these two on the verge of salvaging the marriage. At least, I think it is a believable option. The emotions expressed have been authentic and heartfelt. I understand how he feels, but I understand how she felt and why she did what she did. Of course, this all hinges on whether her and her friend are telling the truth. You have written them as VERY believable. I can't wait for the rest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
End the damn story

Put this story down for good.

x_witless_xx_witless_xover 10 years ago

You go away for a week.. your wife fucks your boss and the basketball team and you missed the damn story but. Damn.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
This is getting ridiculous

According to these immature babe's BS, EVERYTHING they do that goes bad on them is somehow hubbies fault. If hubbie WASN'T supposed to accept the contract in the first place, I cannot see how it follows that wifie HAPPILY swallowing, taking it up the rear and also bringing home a cream pie, and the two girls mocking him as “little,” therefore would even occur, much less become hubbie's fault. If you buy that I've got some swamp land for you to take a look at. Seems more likely that because hubbie's NO LONGER accepts the contract, and their peccadillo have now blown up in their faces, they are scrambling for some sort of story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Interesting spin...but unlikely.

All a man has is his self respect and he will gladly take a hundred beat downs to salvage his pride. What she did was worse than cutting off his dick, she emotionally and physically emasculated him and SAYING sorry wont cut it, saying SORRY wont undo the harm to his self worth. And to blame Rick for signing the contract???? That's fucking low. That's like saying its her fault if he gives her a black eye, or it's her fault when he breaks her arm. Maybe she can take 90% of the blame when he back hands her hard enough to smash her nose?? No? So why blame the victim?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Lovin it!!!

I like the progression. keep it coming. Do they put it back together? I want to know!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Keep It Coming

I like it! Can't wait until the next chapter comes out.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 10 years ago

The only question now, it appears, is how much longer is he going to prolong the inevitable. It's getting close. Bring it to the rightful end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
What is a synonym for "cucked?"

"betrayedbylove" works well

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Why should he "go back "

It seems to me he should make it all last until his time off ends. Why give up all the girls /women? The only tough part for me is the money these two seem to have. This story wwould be a great lesson on HOW NOT TO CUCKOLD YOUR HUSBAND. Any woman considering cuvkolding there husband should learn how this all went wrong. AND..... may I suggest, never put stuff on writing or video. Keep the stories cum-in. Jim

maninconnmaninconnover 10 years ago

Keep em coming! This is your best tale yet.

Danger09Danger09over 10 years ago
If your goal in taking over other authors stories to make them better/more stomach-able .... You have FAILED ROYALLY.

I've read some of your stories & I don't hate them but I wouldn't exactly call what I feel for your stories love, I think it's tolerable, your style of writing reminds me a little bit like JPB & MAT M. Style of writing. You've consistently contradicted yourself in most of your stories-- granted I haven't read all of them, since I've learned a long time ago here on LITEROTICA if an authors story has a low score chances are it sucks, but sometimes a story surprises me. You say the whole purpose of taking over other people's work is because some stories left you piss'd ( been there) and you wanted to give some of these pathetic excuse for a ma-- such as "lil Ricky " some BALLS -- when it comes to this chapter you have FAILED! I don't understand-- he's not willing to sleep with his cum slut wife but he's WILLING to bang the slut bucket wife best friend --who is even a BIGGER SLUT than the wife--?!--- WTF?! That's so confusing. I still can't wrap my mind around him eating that nasty bitch out after she just goes out for fuck'd & made him clean her, this is classic JPB & MATT MOREAU. I think you should've left this disastrous story to its sick rightful owner. There's noway in hell you're going to be able to give "Lil Ricky balls" if he stays with her. I think Ricky IS A BORN WIMP! Who the fuck in their right mind is going to help the treacherous slut-----who was suppose to be a friend--- help their wife get fuck'd and actually pick'd the guy for her slut puppet?!?!?!?! Your revenge was so childish/stupid, it reminded me of MATT M. Stories. he too had retarded ass "revenge"-- boohoo she's going to feel guilty because he helped her get her job back. I say that FUCKING BITCH DESERVES some gasoline poured on her dirty ass right along with her slut trainee and scorch the SKANKS! I find the calm/collected conversation between Ricky & Shelly comical, this whore pretends to be a friend and she willingly/EAGERLY joined, plotted, planned, participated, and even worst SHE choosed the 12inch dick for the wife! Bitch a snake! Burn both the whores and show no fucking mercy. I think Ricky needs to keep his dick out of BOTH gutter sluts. If one slut have AIDS BOTH SLUTS HAVE AIDS! I hate this chapter--not women-- as a wife I couldn't imagine reacting that way towards my husband after learning of such a betrayal-- my husband being the type of man he is, wouldn't put up with such bullshit anyway--REGARDLESS of what he had done! Granted I'd be red hot I might cut him but I would NEVER go out & fuck some guy then come home & make my hubby clean me... That's just so disrespectful, unsafe & not to mention GROSS! Ricky shouldn't want a fucking thing to do with either slut but yet he does and for the life of me I can't understand -- WHY?! Fuck 12 years, she didn't give 2 fucks about 12 years so why should you? He might've betrayed her but her revenge/motivation is over the top & hateful. Please do better next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Actually, this reminds me of Tx Tall Tales stories

not JPB or MM. Just responding to the previous commenter.

RePhilRePhilover 10 years ago
We had such high expectations for you as a writer in this section

But seems by this story just another WACC writer. Enjoyed laughing at the antics of this Wimp Ass Castrated Cuckold of a husband LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

So after all his bullshit tear-jerking whining about his wife getting the big marriage-wrecking Revenge on him, he admits he has been and is still going to get marriage-wrecking revenge on everyone else? How is this stupid asshole any better than her?

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 10 years ago

Five stars? More like 2. This story just fucking died and it was the argument that 90% what happened was Rick's fault that ruined it. That argument is as offensive as it is irrational. And it also makes no sense even within the confines of the story.

I have to give the Author some credit and appreciation for the way that he has expanded the story and develop some really strong dialogue with various characters. And the character development is also really quite good

Recall back in chapter 2 when this author took over over the story that Rick after talking with his lawyer colleague / friend.. suddenly he had a epiphany . Rick realized how extreme and over the top the demands from his cunt whore wife were. It was that realization that started him on his path of retaliation and reaction.

But now because Rock is being teased and fucked by Shelly once again Rick entire thought process simply shuts down. He is repeating the mistake he made in chapter one ( the Original story before FTDS author took over). And that makes no sense especially given the fact that Rick is now fucking 2 super hot much younger women . If Rick was some sort of sex starved or deprived man THEN perhaps the idea of his thinking process shutting down because he is now finally getting some relief / pussy from Shelly would make sense. But that is not what has happened in the story.

But let's assume for second that the 90% argument has some merit: that cunt whore wife and Shelly REALLY thought Rick was going to argue and they were willing to negotiate on several points because their goals was to 1) save the Marriage 2) get Rick to drop the weight . And the misunderstanding occurs because Rick docile acceptance of the conditions convinced Shelly and the wife that he wanted to be cuckold.

Assume all of that is True.

FIRST IF they REALLY you thought that then why WAS Rick going to a prostitute for sex?

SECOND. shelley's pathetic explanation cannot explain is why the wife went to fuck that MEAT guy at the hotel room with a shaved pussy.!! he could of done that without shaving.

THIRD once they saw the reaction and rage from Rick... Neither the wife nor Shelly could still hold the opinion that Rick WANTED to be cuckold.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 10 years ago
Danielle will fuck around on him again, wait and see.

And I have not read this before that I remember. I might be wrong, been wrong before, lots of times.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Pharmaceutical intervention?

Did Rick take a stupid cuck pill or what?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Planning something ? ?


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
this is really really stupid

Rick is king size hypocrite. 1 star

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago
Typical "Loving Wives" BS

Oh, it's Rick's fault because he didn't follow THEIR script, that he knew nothing about?

And then when he DOES get tough, he's STILL wrong!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Does anyone really think

That the 3 biggest sluts in town are just having a 'quiet night in'? Unless he is dense, he should have the P.I. following her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Shelly Bareback . . ? ?

How could He even think about stumping Shelly, BAREBACK - O M G

What a Dunce

Now all three SLUTS are drunk together, who's the NEW MEAT for them

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Unprotected ride!

It surprised me that Ricky was so phobic about his wife Dani contracting STD from her recent unsafe fuck sessions that he wanted her medically checked out. But he willingly allowed her best friend Shelly who is a well-known serial whore to ride him without any protection.... did I miss something?

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 9 years ago
Geezum this is a rollercoaster d00d

Nice job though I am unsure how i would like it to end now - the next surprise could do it though LOL

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 9 years ago

“I was drunk and made some really bad decisions and said some horrible things.”

And then when she sobered up, did she try to get Danielle to knock it off? NO!

As others have said, how could she so easily handle a 12” cock if all she has had for 20 years is his “puny” dick?

I’m with him, I think it’s a little WORSE if it truly wasn’t planned, that she could fall into it so easily.

Okay, the over-estimated his willingness to negotiate, from THAT they decide he WANTS to be a cuckold? It never occurred to them that Danielle’s threats scared him into signing? Even if they didn’t want to weaken her position by softening the terms, they didn’t have to exercise her “rights” to the extreme!

“How could you even think I'd go along with that!"

Okay, he DID, ONCE, when he refused the second time, that didn’t give them a clue?

“You never tried to stop her. Not until she'd done it twice."

And then he DID try to stop her, and she just did it ANYWAY, behind his back!

Why hasn’t Danielle started to gain weight from the special meals Francine has been preparing for her?

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 9 years ago

That line puzzled me, too, that maybe they're having a party with some young studs. but maybe that's just a red herring, and the previous guys were teenagers?

And I was also wondering about the PI's, if they were still on the job.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

Danielle gets Tina involved, and it's RICK'S fault that she's in trouble now?

sinstalkersinstalkerabout 8 years ago
Wild ride....

I don't feel the author has justified their thinking he wanted to be a cuck excuse it kinda can be jammed in there but not to a believable standpoint. Tina should have been asked if that was what was said during their lil girl talks. Then her 3rd episode with the last guy doesn't fit, she didn't treat him like a cuck then but still had the sex secretly. Yes he agreed to three times but if she knew she was threatening her marriage as she claims why did she do it, let alone Shelly let her and hook her up again. Just doesn't fit right to me. The author has done a great job writing the repentant wife damned if I'm not rooting for her lol. The last comment you wanted to puck?? Huh? You wanted to play hockey! Go Penguins!!

ErotFanErotFanover 7 years ago
The Shelly episode was a masterpiece.

Not only was it a major plot advancement re Rick it was also a hoyt secuction. This whole chapter was hot, hot, hot!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 7 years ago
Second time through...

Still five stars. Still love it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
No more teenagers???

I think his wife has been messing around and not been caught yet. Maybe BEFORE all this started?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Why the fuck

Does he ever put up with any of this shit.

Just kick the cunt into the curb then fucking destroy her and all her slut friends, boyfriends and any other fucker that threatened him.

Let the bastards "sleep with the fishes"

I would have gone scorched earth on the lot of them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

If you RAAC these idiots I'm gonna puke. She and Shelly are the worst kind of bitches. Lose the weight and move on. He'll be able to afford Francine and even a new trainer if necessary. His life will be much better without his wife. There's simply no way to forgive or forget what she did. And now she's out getting drunk. Yeah that makes sense. What does she have to do - kill him? Why are they still together? This has gotten bad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
WTF ?????

I have a very bad feeling here. It almost seems like he is pissing out. Why would he fuck the girlfriend,? How do you get past the shit they said and did. Hope I'm not disappointed here.

Cookie7991Cookie7991over 6 years ago
I sure hope

The house is still wired and the PI has video of Sherri and you. I'm sure the frau would love to see it. Also You Better Divorce That Slut.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
She Hasn't Done Anything To Deserve His Trust

I think you got Shelley and Jenny mixed up in this chapter. But his wife has done nothing to earn his trust yet. Keep the PI handy and surveillance in place.

andyinozandyinozalmost 6 years ago
Shelly ... really ??

What is he doing screwing Shelly .. with her sexual history ... without insisting on an STD check first ? This story is just getting rather silly and dragging out too long.

tazz317tazz317almost 6 years ago

when the clock runs down,and there is no Hail Mary, TK U MLJ LV NV

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago

Was one of the best ever. Made chicken salad out of a lot of chicken shit. I'm not sure he finished this completely. Shelley and Danielle should have burned completely. I hear a new team may bring back FTDS. I can't wait, we have a lot of chicken salad that needs making.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

What happened to his balls? So she gets a free pass on the humiliation? Sometimes I wonder I think maybe he's deserving what he gets. I agree with Andyinoz.

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Huh fucked even Shelley without medical check?

Swing getting higher at each end

rodryder44rodryder44over 4 years ago
Intense chapter

I gave you a 5 for this chapter. I was going to hold off with commenting until I read the entire story. Chapter five was so great I needed to tell,you. Rick's dialogue with Shelly and Dani was superb! Thank you.

MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago

Not sure where you're going with Rick? Cuck or MAN??? He is leaning toward reconciliation? Hope not!!!

vickitvohiovickitvohioalmost 4 years ago
let down

the worst chapter in an otherwise good story.

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