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The Cuckold Diet Challenge Ch. 08


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"No. Didn't touch them. They screwed up. And call me Rick."

The guy smiled. "Alright Rick. Why don't you grab your wallet and we can get this sorted out."

~ * ~ * ~

It didn't take long at all. Tom made the call to D&G. He had the video with him when he showed up a half-hour later. I'd spent the time in the interrogation room, chatting with Officer Shea, and enjoying a surprisingly good cup of coffee.

While we'd been at dinner, I'd had the P.I.s reinstall the video cameras at home. It was all there in full HD color. Their discussion, where once again I'll have to admit, Shelly did try to talk some sense into my wife. She wasn't listening. Shelly was reluctant, but she took the sock with a bunch of coins in the end, and gave me wife a good solid beating. By the end of it Danielle was crying, writhing on the floor, and Shelly gave her a couple of more good ones. "It's gotta look good, Dani."

Danielle wasn't gentle when she gave Shelly a couple of shots. Those supposedly came when Shelly tried to intervene, to stop me from killing my wife.

The assistant D.A. was called in for what would normally be a very high profile case. We had a discussion, and he was willing to go along with what I wanted. I was released, of course, and my wife and Shelly were picked up.

I wasn't surprised when I got the phone call.

"Honey?" Danielle said softly. "I was stupid again. You've gotta help me."

I worked out the details, and at 9:12 am the following morning, I had two beautiful, haggard, lingerie clad, repentant women in my car, and I was $10,000 poorer, after paying their bond.

~ * ~ * ~

"No chance at all for us? I know I screwed up, but you have to know I love you," Danielle whined.

"No baby. It's over. Go along, sign the papers, don't make a fuss, and the charges will be dropped. That was really stupid, you know."

She nodded, took the pen and signed. "I wish it didn't have to be like this."

"Me too. You went too far, too many times."

"You're not going to get Shelly in trouble are you? She didn't want to go along."

I laughed. "Actually, I think I'm going to thank her. There's been a few times in the last few months, when I wish I could have given you the beating she gave you. It looks like it really hurts."

She pouted. "No shit. She beat the hell out of me. I think she cracked one of my teeth."

"She's gonna be sporting that black eye you gave her for a while."

"She deserved it. She didn't have to be so rough." She looked up at me, neatening the papers. "You're not going to leave me high and dry, are you?"

"You're the mother of my children. We'll get you setup somewhere nice. You might think about moving in with Shelly. It'll give the two of you a lot more disposable income, and the kids like her."

"How much am I gonna get to start with?"

"Your car of course, I'll buy you out of the house, half of our savings and investments. None of the 401K. I put $200K in educational trusts for each of the kids, so that will put a dent in things, but at least you won't have to worry about contributing to their college education, it's taken care of."

"So how much, do you think?"

"Probably a little more than $300K," I told her.

She pouted. "Is that all we have? I know the last few months were expensive, when you weren't working, but I thought for sure we had more than that."

"We'll see what the house comes in at. I probably should pay you for half of the furnishings. You'll get to keep your jewelry and clothing. I don't think there's any way it's going to amount to more than $400K. We'll work out the details on splitting up things from the house when you're settled in. Let's try to keep things as friendly as possible, for the kids sake."

"Don't you still love me, even a little? I love you."

"I'll always love you, Danielle. You were my first true love, and gave me a dozen good years. You blessed me with two wonderful children. Right now, the hate and disgust seriously outweigh the love, but I imagine in time, those will fade."

"I am sorry. I never meant for it to get carried away like that. God, I could kill Shelly for getting me hooked on those big dicks. She fucked up everything!"

I chuckled. She still wouldn't take responsibility for anything. "She screwed up. She knows it. She's paid a pretty steep price."

She reached out and grabbed my hand. It made my skin crawl. "You want to go back in the bedroom? One last hurrah for old time's sake?"

"That wouldn't be a good idea. I don't want you to get the wrong idea. We won't be having sex again. We may be able to be friends again, in time, but that part of our relationship ended as soon as you turned to Meat for your needs."

"And now the bastard up and disappeared again. Well fuck him. I can do better."

I pulled my hand away from hers. "I know you can. You were a beautiful woman. You let yourself go, but you could be gorgeous again. Drop 30 or 40 pounds, and you'll clean up nice."

She glared at me. "I don't need to lose 40 pounds!"

I looked her up and down, without replying. Between losing the club membership, eating Francine's full-octane cooking, and business meals, she needed to go shopping again. The last week hadn't helped. She'd sought solace in food, before finally submitting to the inevitable.

"How much longer can I stay in the guestroom?"

"Until the end of the month. That'll give you three more weeks."

"Can't you wait until I leave, before moving that hussy in my place?"

That 'hussy' was glaring at her from the couch. "Don't push it, Grandma."

Danielle turned red, and I knew she was about to blow up. I put my hand on hers. "Tell you what. If you can find a place to move to within a week, I'll talk to Jenny and see what we can do."

"Damn it, Ricky!" Jenny snapped. "You promised! If you don't straighten up, I'm going to make sure you regret it!"

Danielle was consoled, and Jenny gave me a wink. She wasn't moving in until her lease was up at the end of the month anyway. Let Danielle think she'd won one.

"We had a good run, didn't we?" Danielle said, looking at me wistfully.

"We did. I'm sorry I picked up that escort."

"I guess we're both sorry about a lot of things. I never meant for it to happen. I hope everything works out for you."

I heard the door open, and the kids came rushing in. Teri waved from the door.

"I owe you one, Teri," I called out.

"You owe me more than that, trouble maker." She closed the door behind her as she left.

The kids got their hugs from everyone, then disappeared into the kitchen. Francine had promised she'd teach them how to make homemade pizza.

Jenny stood, stretching, her amazing body on display. "Let's go, stud. Time for me to work you out." She gave me a wink, and Danielle sighed.

"Fuck. All that effort to get you buff, and none of it for me," she whined.

I laughed and followed my soon-to-be live-in trainer down to the dungeon. I knew what kind of workout she had in mind, and I was eager to get it started.

~ * ~ * ~

Tom sat across from me, in my office. "You're the luckiest bastard I know. Seriously. You install cameras to find out their plans, and they get caught in a felony on video."

I laughed. "I'm not going to argue. What's the word on Meat?"

"Two weeks of surveillance, with the evidence delivered to the appropriate people, did the job. When he got out of the hospital, he disappeared. Rumor has it one of his testicles is missing, and the other isn't working all that well."

"Do we know who did it? Should I be sending someone a thank you note?"

"No need. It's a small world, you know. He was very happy to get the evidence he needed. An old client, he's back in the fold. Apparently he had allowed his slut-wife's brother to handle his legal work. Now that she's out of the picture, he claims he needs a real law firm. He says you know him."

"That wouldn't be Danvers, would it?"

"Right the first time. His hands are clean, but apparently a few of the guys that work for him took matters into their own hands, when they found Meat raping the bosses wife. He was happy to pay us to represent the guys in court. Once Meat disappeared, there wasn't enough evidence to convict any of them. Too bad, huh?"

"Yeah. My heart bleeds for the bastard."

"You gonna keep your nose clean for a while? The D&G guys are getting rich off of us."

"I hope to God, I never have to use their services again. At least not personally."

"Good. Are you really going to run the Boston Marathon?"

"Jenny insists. I don't know why. It's not like I'm ever going to be competitive. She says I'm her ultimate testimonial. Turning a fat old man into a marathon runner."

"Nobody's gonna deny she did a hell of a job on you. I may have to hire me my own Jennifer."

I laughed. "Angela would string you up by the balls."

He grinned. "Yeah, there is that. A guy can dream, can't he?"

"As long as it's only a dream."

~ * ~ * ~


I stood clapping as Eric accepted his diploma, Erin stepping onto the stage behind him. I heard a less than ladylike whistle from beside me, and Jenny sounded her approval. Little Ricky was standing on his seat beside her, waving his arms in the air. "Go Eric!" he screamed. I grinned as he turned to the people seated beside us. "That's my brother!" As Erin walked forward, his tune changed. "Way to go, Erin!"

Not to be left out, I waved my arm in the air, whooping it up. I'm sure I was embarrassing them to death. Hey, that's all part of being a Dad, right?

I looked to my left, and saw the tears running down her face.

I put my arm around her and gave her a hug. "We did good, beautiful."

The smile she gave me ended at her lips. Her eyes betrayed her sadness. "What do I do now?" she said softly. "My babies are all grown up."

"You move on, and if you don't mind my saying so, it's about time. You're only 45, Danielle. Take Jenny up on her offer, she'll whip you into shape. And don't tell me you can't afford it, she'll do it free of charge. If you were to lose 60 pounds, you'd have the men lining up to chase you again."

She snorted. "That's easy for you to say, Mr. Lean Mean Running Machine. You have no idea how hard it is to lose weight."

I stared at her, and watched her blush. "Alright, maybe you do."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I loved it, and gave this part 5 stars. I feel the whole story deserved 5 stars too. It's one of my favorites, and at the top of my list. I think it was the first story that I favorited, and made you and your partner (RIP) my favorite author on this site. I've read quite a few of your other stories too, some that were your own, and those that you made a correct ending for. Thanks for sharing this one and the others with us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Superb, turning a run of the mill, not very pleasant, cuck story around is no mean feat. OK, the first chapters weren't all that believable, but once past that it flowed very nicely, and the bitch got burned, maybe not as much as many would have liked but hey, you can't have everything.

justified15justified15about 1 month ago

Fantastic! I wish I could finish my own stories this well.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I must have started this story five or six times and just bailed because of how it began but I finally managed to have loads of time while in the hospital and figured “What the hell”, so I read it. That was a lot of reading and for you a lot of typing I am sure but it was worth it. I think between the title and the contract, that’s why I could t read it since I am not into any of the “cuck” stuff so those two points totally threw me and turned me off completely but honestly, this is nothing like I thought it would be and is a fun read and a wild ride. Your characters are wonderful and surprisingly realistic. There were points in this that made me laugh which I always appreciate and the entire storyline kept me guessing if and when the marriage would blow up. I did get tired of Ricki and his whining because it was the same thing over and over which shouldn’t be surprising considering hat happened to him but as a reader it became so tiresome. I found it overall to be either a four or five star tale but settled on four and a half and logically rounded up.🤭

consulting91consulting913 months ago

That was a lot of reading for what felt like a rushed ending. I’m still not sure what the wife expected when she went out with meat again. Did she actually think that the husband would roll over?

Plus it calls into question all the sadness and apologies from earlier. Maybe she wasn’t as remorseful as she let on.

walt555walt5554 months ago

mainly I liked it. If you take requests for finishing stories then pls finish neighbor chronicles chapter 11 is in need of a chapter 12 lol

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

What dumbass his wife cheater always cheater you reap what you sow, rick is cruel n asshole but him have common sense, this really hurt fact his wife always denied. Great work... Damn ass big dick ruins everythig hahhahh

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I disagree with TrainerOfBimbos; the author spent the previous chapters planting the seeds that showed that the anger was always there, and that any slippage in the wrong direction was going to end the marriage. Putting the cameras back in was a smart move by a guy who had showed himself to be well-prepared. The rest was just straight-forward reaction to what the wife did. I could see the situation with Shelly going either way; he showed restraint with her. 5**

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I loved this part, and was surprised that Shelly didn't use a cast iron frying pan on Dani when they were beating each other up to make it look like Rick did it to them. I thought it was funny as hell, and all of it caught on camera. Of course she got hooked on big cocks, and being treated like a complete slut. She was tired of being a good upstanding wife who really didn't have to work for a living being a volunteer. She quickly learned the difference from working part time to working 12 hour days. I thought the end was a little rushed, but for the most part everything that needed to be said was already said. Plus it was more of a quick wrap up of the story after the divorce happened. Thanks for fixing a really lame story with a much better version of it, even if it took you quite a few chapters to do it. I personally liked the wife getting the "high octane" food while him and the twins got the low cal stuff. Add in all of the "chips" that he earned being used on other women really had to get the wife's goat. Thanks for sharing it with us, I really enjoyed your part of the story, and give it a 10 for both the writing and the imagination to make it all work out like it did. Great work.

Norseman123Norseman1238 months ago

Good ending but predictable 5*****

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos9 months ago

That ending... wow. Honestly, it reads like satire. I mean, I don't mind it going in the BTB direction at all, but it was so abrupt considering the 2-3 chapters that preceded it and unlike the previous chapters, it was just chocked wall to wall with LW tropes and cliches. Honestly, I'm just going to try and forget about the ending because it was so unsatisfactory.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Relationship & behaviors are just too wobbly in this story.

drbenchpress66drbenchpress6610 months ago

Hahaha god damnit I knew how this was going to end but I convinced myself I would be in for a surprise

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I liked this story until the "she is mistreated used as a piece of meat and loves it, is instantly changed and can't get enough of being treated that way" As soon as I see this I know it's just some dudes kink wish.

This story took 7 chapters to put this silly sinario out! As soon as they never went to counseling I should have known it was the simple "kink" story.

Darkshooter213Darkshooter21312 months ago

For those who do not know, the author "FinisTheDamStory" has been past away for some time now. I l9ve reading his stories. You may not like the characters and their actions, but the story flow and character insight are bar none. Their are a lot of good writers on this sight, but very few deliver such fascinating stories that other writers fail to realize from their own works. I encourage you the review his works, and then go back to the original stories and enjoy the magic that this wonderful soul brought to this platform.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Lame. Although you've got talent, your MCs typically are passive-aggressive hypocrites. It's a shame most of your hijacked stories follow the same path.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It is clear that you can write. What is baffling is why do you choose to write such garbage and why must you make all your characters deplorable with no redeeming qualities what so ever.

"Why did you have to ruin me? I did not deserve it" said the whore that humiliated, belittled and sexually abused him, not to mention cheated on her husband. If a man were to squeeze some precum and wipe it on the upper lip of a woman or a man that would be sexual harassment, but when she does it and sufferes the consequences "she didn't do anything to deserve being ruined".

This all points to one simple conclusion, the author has subscribbed to the philosophy of the famous cum sucker Wimpy Cuckistan, the original cuck, and is doing his very best to proove that he is the biggest cuck in history. That or the biggest feminazi in history.

Either way, it is clear the author is devoid of common sense and even the faintest notions of morality, equality and justice.

All of this is reflected in almost every aspect of the story. Even the parts where the mc seemingly grows a backbone read more like "ha, i'll prove her i'm strong! I know the perfect revenge on both of them! I'll get on my knees, unbuckle his pants, suck the bulls cock and after he cums in my mouth i'll look them straight in the eye and spit the cum in a napkin! I won't swallow! That will absolutelly ruin them! I am the wisest strongest man imaginable!".

EvelZombieEvelZombieover 1 year ago

This is my second read through. Still a 1 star for me, especially this last chapter. Yes the wife did something despicable and yes the husband deserved some bit of revenge yada yada. I just never enjoy a story where the MC ends up being just as big a piece of shit, or in this case a way bigger piece of shit than anyone else. Also this last chapter I feel like the writer just ran out of ideas or was bored with this story. Such a shit ending for what was presented in previous chapters. The ending made absolutely no sense for what everyone went through, to just toss it all away on some way out there turn of events. After reading this a second time I went back to all the previous chapters I had given better marks to and changed them to 1 star.

MasterKoteMasterKoteover 1 year ago

Scorched earth is not my typical response, but the cheating slut didn't get her due

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