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The Daddy Swap


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"Hey, we're trying to play a game here," her father objected.

"That's nice," Chloe laughed, breaking the kiss apart. "But I thought you'd be happy. If I distract Travis enough you might get away without paying any rent."

"Not bloody likely, he's a tight-assed shark," Alissa stated.

"Sharks have to be tight-assed so they don't fill up with water," Alissa's father joked in return. "And maybe you just need a spanking to remind you to respect your elders."

"Yeah, well that's not going to happen," Alissa replied vehemently.

"Maybe I'm just not being distracting enough," Chloe suggested and dropped to her knees. She wormed her way under the table and started sucking on Travis' cock.

"Okay, that's no fair," she heard Max say.

"Hang on, how is it not fair? I'm the one she's trying to distract and I'm winning. If anyone should complain, it's me," Travis replied.

"Yeah, but you're getting head. So it's not like you'd actually complain, is it? I mean what guy ever complained about getting a head job? Especially from anyone as hot as Chloe!"

"Aww Daddy, you just called me hot; you've redeemed yourself!" Chloe cooed from under the table.

"Well this game clearly isn't going to finish in my favour, so I'm out," Alissa declared.

"What about you Max, you concede?" Travis asked, flinching slightly as Chloe sucked harder on his cock.

"Yeah, Alissa was the only one with a chance to knock you off your perch in this game. You win, mate."

"Yes, I do," Travis crowed. "So why don't you come out from there Chloe, and we can continue this somewhere more comfortable?"

"Sure thing," Chloe replied, happy to have disrupted the game for her own pleasurable devices.

She clambered out from under the table and enjoyed the sight of Travis standing up with his erect cock reaching for the sky.

"Now about that anything," Travis said as they walked from the room.

"Nothing too kinky, Trav!" Max called after him, leaving both Alissa and Chloe wondering what Travis could ask for that his mate might consider too kinky.

Once the door was closed behind them, Chloe decided to ask.

"So, should I be worried?" she asked as Travis closed the door behind them. "Why would Dad feel the need to say that?"

"I have no idea," Travis replied innocently, although he was clearly lying. "Anyway, did you have a good time on the beach?"

"Oh yes, of course I did," Chloe replied, grinning.

"And did you bring me back what I asked for?"

"Uh huh."

"Well come on then, I want to see," Travis said.

"I have to get comfortable first," Chloe advised him. She had him sit on the bed and then arranged herself so she was sitting on his lap, both legs together on one side of his, but with his cock buried in her pussy. She wiggled around, settled in, then reached over for her phone. She pulled up the photos and started slowly scrolling through them.

"Not too bad," Travis commented as she showed him all the photos of her fucking Dar. "You do look good with a big black cock in you."

"I'm surprised you even want to see them," Chloe said. "I mean, I can't remember anyone else I've ever slept with wanting to see me fuck someone else."

"Well, I'm not like anyone else, Chloe," Travis replied.

"That's for sure," she agreed.

"Now, I believe you've just gotten my cock all wet and slimy. Why don't you suck it clean again for me?"

Chloe grinned at him and hopped off his lap. She knelt down, took his cock in one hand and sucked it clean, being sure to take all of him into her mouth and hold him there until she gagged a little. Then she slurped up the excess saliva she'd left on his cock.

"Good girl. But now I must confess I'm torn." Chloe looked up from her knees, wondering what he was about to say. "You see, it was really nice of you to check with me before you went and fucked that boy, and you did exactly as I asked and took photos for me, too. I do appreciate that. However, you were wasting your time fucking him when you could have been fucking me. So I think the first part of our anything will need to be a spanking."

"But that doesn't make sense, you told me I could do it."

"I know it doesn't make sense, but it's the best excuse I can come up with for spanking your cute shapely ass," Travis laughed. "Now kindly lay down across my lap."

"God, I haven't been spanked since I was about five," Chloe laughed. She obeyed though, laying herself down over Travis' lap so her tanned bottom was presented and ready.


"Ow!" Chloe cried out in surprise. She'd expected some sort of warning that he was about to start, but none had been given, and that first one had hurt! *Slap!* Chloe cried out a second time as her other buttock was spanked as well.

"You might at least say 'thank you' for my kind attentions," Travis commented, after he'd spanked her with considerable force for a third time.

"Why the hell would I say thank you?" Chloe demanded.

"Because it will turn me on," Travis laughed. "In fact, I believe 'Thank you Sir, please may I have another?' would be perfect." He hit her again.

She gasped in pain, then forced out, "Thank you Sir, please may I have another?"

"Certainly, you may," he replied graciously, vigorously hitting her other cheek. It continued for another five spanks on each buttock until Chloe almost couldn't take any more. Her bottom felt so red hot she thought it was probably glowing! Then she felt Travis' fingers trailing over her pussy lips, which were wet with desire. When she'd laid down on his lap she'd trapped his cock out from his body and it had been jutting up against her tummy. When she stood up, there was a trail of pre-cum from his cock across her stomach.

"That really excited you didn't it?" she asked, looking in the room's mirror to survey her butt. She was surprised at how red it was, but the lingering pain seemed to be sending stimulation straight to her pussy.

"It did excite me, but it obviously excited you as well. If we had a school uniform here I would have made you wear that as well. No panties under the short skirt, of course."

"Ooh, so Uncle Trav is a perve who likes little girls, is he?"

"No, not little girls per se, but older girls pretending to be schoolgirls," he clarified.

"You're still a perve," Chloe teased him.

"Guilty as charged, but you still have no idea!" he replied with a laugh.

"Oh? So what's the kinkiest thing you've done Uncle Trav?"

"I'm not about to tell you that, Chloe. Certainly not yet."

"You suck," she pouted.

"Probably not as well as you do," he replied with another laugh. "Now why don't you be a good girl and fetch us some lube?"

"Who says I have lube?" Chloe asked innocently.

"Don't play coy. Unless you'd care for another spanking?"

Chloe hesitated. It wasn't that she doubted he'd do it, it was that she wondered whether he (and she!) would like it more if she gave him the excuse. Her butt was still stinging though, so she decided she'd get the lube and give her butt a break, perhaps until later. She strolled over to her bag and pulled out the tube she'd brought.

"While you're there, why don't you bring me any toys you brought with you," Travis added. Again, she considered claiming she hadn't brought any, but decided that would probably deprive her of some pleasure rather than add to it, so she pulled out the small vibrator she'd brought along just in case she needed the relief.

Chloe returned and presented Travis with what he had requested, lube in one hand, vibrator in the other. He accepted them from her and inspected the little toy.

"Not as big as I was expecting," he noted, holding the thin three-inch, missile-like toy up for inspection.

"Now if I said that to a boy, he'd be positively devastated," Chloe laughed.

"Well, that's true," Travis agreed.

"Anyway, it may be small, but it does the job. And it was only for backup in case I wasn't getting any sex and felt horny."

"It will suffice for now," Travis replied. "Stand over there, bend over, touch your toes and hold."

Chloe looked at him for a moment, then stood where he'd indicated and bent over, hands wrapping around her calves as she basically folded herself in half. Travis stood up and moved behind her, his fingers travelling lightly over her skin, touching her ass cheeks, her hips, slipping quickly down along her pussy lips. Chloe felt his finger push between her lips and slip inside her pussy, and she moaned in pleasure. Then the finger was withdrawn and she felt lube drizzled over her ass and pussy. Travis' fingers smeared it over what was probably going to become his target area, then drove two fingers inside her pussy. They wiggled around, teasing and probing as the tip of the vibrator was then nestled against her puckered little starfish.

"Have you ever had anything in your bum, Chloe?" Travis asked

"I have," she replied with her head almost between her legs.

She gasped as the vibrator slipped quickly inside her butt.

"Then there's no need for me to be particularly leisurely about this," Travis observed happily. He started sliding the toy in and out of her butthole and then switched it on as he buried the small toy entirely in her ass. Chloe gave a little squeal of pleasure. She glanced up past her legs and saw Travis standing behind her with a contented expression on his face and his rigid cock at the ready. As the toy buzzed away in her asshole, Travis slid his cock smoothly into her pussy. He took her hips in his hand and started fucking her, but that threw her off balance and she had to throw her hands out to the bed to brace herself. As he continued, Travis would pull his cock back and the vibrator would start to slip out of her anus. But before it could fall free he would thrust back into her pussy and his body would drive the toy back into her ass.

"Fuck, that's so good," Chloe gasped.

"I imagine so, but not as good as my fucking you in the ass is going to be," Travis promised, pulling the vibrator from her anus.

"Do it Uncle Trav, I want your cock in my ass!"

"Not in here, Chloe. Let's take this someplace with a view." He pulled his cock from her pussy and slapped her ass-cheek playfully. When she stood up, he took her by the hand and led her through the living room to the balcony. Chloe expected Travis to lay her down on one of the two lounges or have her kneel on one, but instead, he led her to the low wall bordering the balcony. He turned her so she was looking over the mostly dark resort and pushed her up against the wall, his hard cock nestled between her butt cheeks.

"Hands on the wall, Chloe; views work both ways, and I want to do this so anyone that happens to look up here can see those amazing tits bouncing around as I pump my cock in your ass." Feeling a little trepidation at the thought of being seen, Chloe placed her hands on the rendered brick that still held some of the warmth it had absorbed during the day. She leaned forward and presented her ass to Travis (and her tits to anyone that might pass and happen to look up) feeling his hands run over her hips, buttocks and thighs again. Then he was pushing his cock back into her pussy. He fucked her hard and fast for a few minutes, his desire clearly well and truly stoked. Then just as she was thinking he might have changed his mind and was going to cum in her pussy, he pulled out and she sighed.

Travis spread her ass cheeks and his cock pushed against her ass before slipping up between her cheeks, his lubricated shaft brushing slickly over her anus. One hand released a butt cheek and then the head of his cock was again pushing against her butt. He was clearly holding himself steady as she felt her anus open and he slid inside. He pushed with firm, constant pressure and she felt him slide inch by inch into her rectum.

"God, that's good Uncle Travis," she moaned not particularly quietly, not caring if someone heard and looked up. "I love your cock in my bum."

"So tight, Chloe, you feel amazing," Travis replied as he bottomed out. He pulled back slowly and then pushed himself in again. He did so slowly for several strokes, then started moving a little faster.

"Yes please, faster, Uncle Trav, fuck my tight ass," Chloe groaned.

"Such a dirty little thing, aren't you?" Travis moaned as he watched his cock appear and disappear in her butt. He started fucking her harder, his cock driving in and out, electric sensations spiking from her ass with each penetration. She pushed back, the wall giving her solid anchorage, her tits swaying with each impact of their bodies.

"You like me being a dirty little slut for you, don't you? Do you like plunging your cock in my tight little ass Uncle Trav? Why don't you pump it full of your yummy Daddy-cum?"

"So fucking dirty," Travis moaned, slamming his cock hard and deep into her ass before unleashing a hot load of cum right where she'd asked.

"Fuck yes, that's so good!" Chloe cried out loudly as she felt his seed filling her anal cavity.

"Pity it wasn't daylight, really," Travis groaned as he stepped back and allowed his cock to slip from her ass. "But we were nicely backlit from the living room. I wonder whether we had an audience."

Chloe stayed where she was for a moment, her hands resting against the low wall, her tits on display for anyone who happened to look, her ass still presented back to Travis. She felt cum seeping from her ass and running down over her pussy lips. She reached back with one hand, slipped it between her legs and ran her fingers through the cum that was coating her lips.

Travis watched in fascination, seeing her fingers slip between her swollen lips, push deep inside her pussy, then out again, his cum being smeared in and over her.

"Is the anything over now, Uncle Trav?" she asked with a grin as she peeked back over her shoulder."

"I believe it is," he replied. "After all, I don't think I could take any more tonight."

"Well you can just watch me orgasm then," Chloe replied, turning to lean against the wall. Her fingers began to dance between her legs, teasing and delighting her clit. Her other hand grasped at her large breast, pulling and twisting on the nipple. He was torn between a desire to assist and simply to enjoy the spectacular sight before him. He opted for enjoying the sight.

Chloe played for a few minutes, using Travis' cum mingled with her own juices to lubricate her clit. As she neared orgasm she thrust her pelvis forward, leaning back on the balcony wall. When she came, her body gave a great heave of release and she gasped aloud.

Travis closed the couple of metres between them and pulled her to him, kissing her hard, his cock trapped between her body and his, her breasts mashed against his chest.

"Can I sleep in your room?" Chloe asked him.

"If you'd like to join me, I'd be more than happy to have you there,"

"Awesome! I might just have a quick shower first, though."

As they passed through the living room again, the sounds from Max's room made it clear that Max and Alissa were having fun together.


Chloe left Travis sleeping and went out to the suite's kitchen to get some breakfast. She was surprised to see her father already there, his large cock swinging freely as he moved about.

"Morning Daddy, where's Ali?" she greeted him, moving towards him and holding out her arms to hug him. She saw him hesitate, so she just stepped in and wrapped her hands around his waist, crushing her naked breasts against chest, delighting in the feel of his semi-hard cock trapped between their bellies.

"Still sleeping," he replied.

She felt his arms close around her and squeeze her gently and lovingly. Then she felt his cock twitch and harden a little.

"Daddy," she giggled, not accusing him, her mind going places she thought it probably shouldn't.

"Sorry!' he cried out, stepping back quickly in shock. "It's a morning thing, honest!'

"It's okay, I don't mind at all," Chloe reassured her father, her eyes dipping down to take in the sight of his semi-erect cock.

"Hey, your looking at it isn't going to help!" Max protested, turning so his body blocked her view.

"Oh, come on Daddy, I'm only looking. You've got the biggest cock I've ever seen. It doesn't seem right that I don't ever get to see it hard." She teased her left nipple, finger circling it. She could feel it stiffen under the attention and liked the fact that her father's eyes dipped down from her face to watch.

"Chloe..." he started.

"What?" she asked and dribbled saliva from her mouth down over her right breast. Her fingers spread it over the nipple, stiffening it before pulling and tugging and letting it slip moistly between her fingers.

"Damn it Chloe, that's just not fair," he moaned, but his gaze didn't leave her chest.

"It feels good though," Chloe replied, continuing to play with her nipples. When she thought she had him transfixed, she slipped a hand down over the curve of her almost flat stomach to her bald pussy. Her fingers teased at her lips just as the door to her bedroom opened and Alissa walked out. She released her breast and removed her hand from her pussy as Alissa walked through the living room to the small kitchen. Chloe saw her friend's eyes go to Max's cock, which by then was mostly hard.

"What's going on here then?" Alissa asked by way of greeting as her eyes took in the sight of Max's erection.

"Just some morning wood, apparently," Chloe responded before Max could think of anything to say. "Didn't you two share a bed last night? You could have taken care of this already."

"I was still asleep; I just woke up," Alissa replied.

"Well you should still take care of that for him, he might not get enough blood to his brain to function properly otherwise," Chloe joked.

"Don't mind me, you two just go ahead and talk about me as if I'm not even here," Max invited them in mockingly.

"I suppose you think I should just kneel down and suck him off right here in the kitchen?" Alissa asked as if Max indeed hadn't even spoken.

"It's what I would do,' Chloe replied in challenge.

"You just want to watch your Dad cum on me," Alissa laughed.

"Well yeah, that would be fun," Chloe giggled unabashedly. In response Alissa stepped in close to Max and tilted her head up so he could kiss her. Max obliged and bent his head down to give her a quick kiss good morning.

"Good morning," he said with a smile as Alissa took half a step back. She wrapped a hand around his cock as if she were shaking hands and tugged a couple of times.

"Good morning," she replied. "This hunk of wood really is a bit of a distraction, isn't it?" She squatted down, still holding onto it, hand working up and down, then lifted his impressive manhood up against his stomach, the head reaching well past his belly button. "Do your balls ache, Uncle Max?" She cupped them with her hand and drew them away from him a little, then ran her tongue up along the underside of his cock.

"Well, they certainly will if you keep that up," he moaned.

"Well then, how about I keep it up as long as you do? Then you can release all that tension and start the day nice and unclogged." She pulled the tip of his cock down and sucked the large head into her mouth.

"Isn't she nice, Daddy?" Chloe asked, having moved to stand where she had a good view. Her hand was again between her legs, playing. She saw her father look across and gave him a smile and teased her breast as well, watching as Alissa sucked his cock further into her mouth. She found the sight intoxicating, seeing Alissa's thin lips slipping over the smooth, swollen skin of her dad's cock head. She licked her own lips, desire building in her body, her juices seeping out to coat her fingers as she openly played with herself.

Chloe stepped closer, squatting down beside her friend. She reached out and pulled Alissa's long red hair back away from her face, tucking it behind her ears so it wouldn't block her view. She reached out and ran a hand over her friend's pale breast, tweaking the nipple. She enjoyed the moan that Alissa gave around her father's cock.


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