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The Daddy Swap


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"You look so hot sucking my daddy's cock, Ali," Chloe purred in her friend's ear. "Looks so tasty, too. Makes me want to join in."

"Well such a pity he's your Dad, then" Alissa moaned. Chloe sighed. She moved and knelt beside Alissa.

"Look how sexy these little tits are, Daddy," Chloe invited her father, reaching around to cup and present them to him beneath where her friend was sucking him. "I guess you probably know how much she likes have them sucked and pulled on by now. Maybe one day you'll get to watch me do it to her, but I can't just now because I like watching her suck you too much."

"God, are you a dirty tease," Max replied, "Just like your mother was." Chloe felt a thrill of pleasure shoot through her body upon hearing that, and encouraged, slid her hand down over Alissa's belly and between her legs. Alissa moaned around Max's cock as Chloe's fingers slid between her lips and found her clit. Chloe just teased her lightly, not wanting to distract her friend too much from what she was doing. After all, she wanted to see her father explode! She wanted to see his cum spurt from his massive cock. She particularly wanted to see it splashing over her body! She leaned in close and put her face near Alissa's just to imagine what it might be like to have him pull his cock from her friend's mouth and slide it into her own. She heard her father groaning, gasping, his breath quickening in that way that always meant a guy was about to cum. She held her face close to Alissa's but just far enough away not to be an obstacle.

Her father let out an almost animal howl of pleasure and thrust his cock at Alissa's face as he exploded. She took the first spurt in her mouth and swallowed, but pulled back, taking the second on her face. Chloe, caught up in the excitement of the moment, reached out and grabbed her father's cock by the shaft and pulled it toward her so that the next rope of cum sprayed directly towards her and splattered over her tits.

"Good morning Daddy!" Chloe cried gleefully as she rubbed his cum all over her tits.

Max stood panting, lost for words.

"Time for a shower Ali?" Chloe asked her friend with a grin when they'd both regained their feet.

"Definitely. Sorry if I interrupted your breakfast, though," Alissa laughed. "I seem to have just had mine."

"I can get some after our shower," Chloe replied. "Enjoy your breakfast, Daddy." She pulled Alissa to her and kissed her, plunging her tongue between her lips and tasting her father's cum. She was pleased to note that Alissa didn't protest or even seem too concerned about her doing it.

Alissa allowed herself to be led by the hand back to their room and into the shower.

"I need to eat you, Ali," Chloe moaned into a kiss under the flow of the water.

"And I'm dying to cum, so be my guest," Alissa replied, leaning back against the wall of the shower. Chloe knelt before her and parted her friend's pussy lips so she could gently lick between them. Her friend's clit was swollen with arousal and she set her tongue against it, working it back and forth, rubbing and caressing. Alissa's hands tangled in Chloe's blonde hair and pulled her tight until she was close to cumming. Chloe drove two fingers into Alissa's pussy and curled them, stroking her on the inside as she kept licking.

"You're gonna get an extra shower like that," Alissa gasped.

"I hope so," Chloe gasped in turn. "I need more cum on me."

Alissa clutched at her friend's hair, pleasure coursing through her body, little shocks shooting out in reaction to the attention on her clit.

"Fuck yes, Chloe, just there, just like that!" Alissa encouraged her. Then she came, knees and legs shaking, hips thrusting as she squirted powerfully, her juices soaking Chloe's face, tits and hair.

"God, I love eating your pussy," Chloe crooned, her fingers brushing lightly over Alissa's landing strip before she stood up and kissed her friend. "Maybe one day I'll get you horny enough to try me."

"Maybe," Alissa grinned. "It's funny, letting you lick me is kind of easy 'cause it's not really any different from a guy doing it other than perhaps the skill level."

"Aww shucks," Chloe giggled.

"But the idea of my licking a girl's pussy. is like crossing a line for me. I don't know why, but it feels like just that little bit further than seems right, like I don't think I'll ever consider myself bi or gay, but doing that would seem that I am? I dunno, it's weird."

"No, it's cool, I understand," Chloe replied. "I mean we're not all attracted to the same things, so I get how receiving pleasure can be seen differently from getting your tongue all close and personal with another girl's bits."

"So articulate, Chlo," Alissa laughed as they exited the shower and dressed, planning a trip down to the bar and beach.

"Yeah, how well you know me," Chloe laughed. "Besides, you have my Dad's cock to ride so I can like totally see how eating someone's pussy might not compare."

"It is a nice cock," Alissa grinned. "I totally couldn't believe it when you grabbed him and had him spray cum all over your tits! It was hot, though."

"You have no idea how close I was to actually sucking him," Chloe moaned.


"God yes, watching you suck it was so freakin' hot. I so wanted to join in. If you'd stuck it in my mouth, I totally would have! I mean it just looked so shiny and tasty with your saliva all over it. If it weren't for the fact that he might have totally freaked, I would have done it for sure."

"Do you think he would have really freaked though?" Alissa asked, surprising Chloe.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, since hearing what our Mums were like, I get the feeling that both our Dads have done stuff that we've barely scratched the surface of. Like, when your Dad kind of warned my Dad about doing anything to you. It was like my Dad was potentially going to do something really kinky that your Dad already knew about. And those stories about nudie runs and skinny-dipping with our Mums were cool, but didn't sound like anywhere near the whole story. I totally wonder if they didn't like have orgies or something. Or did things you and I haven't even thought of."

"God, you reckon? How hot would that have been?" Chloe purred.

"Look at you!" Alissa exclaimed. "I suggest our parents might have had an orgy and the first thing you think of is how hot it could be, not that it would be totally freaking weird."

"Because it totally would be," Chloe laughed. "God, I'm wet just thinking about it, look!" Chloe slid her hand into her bikini bottoms, wetting her fingers between her lips and pulling them out to show her friend.

"Disgusting," Alissa teased, laughing. Chloe responded by sucking her fingers clean and making a show of how much she enjoyed the taste of her own pussy.

"Pity I can't lick myself," Chloe sighed.

"Perve," Alissa said, punctuating the comment with a friendly slap on her friend's ass. "Let's go swimming."

The girls let their dads know where they were headed and left the room, encouraging them to come with them.

"Well, given the alternative seems to be sitting here drinking and looking at Trav's dick, I'd love a swim," Max stated.

"That goes just as strongly for me," Travis agreed.

"Well you wouldn't have to just look, you could always suck each other," Chloe suggested.

"Like I said, I'd love a swim!" Max replied.

"Oh my God, look at their faces!" Alissa cried, pointing at them. Chloe joined in with her laughter.

"You'll keep," Travis promised his daughter


They traipsed down to the beach and mucked around in the surf for a while, before returning back to the bar and enjoying some quiet afternoon cocktails.

"I need a shower before dinner," Chloe complained, the salt having dried on her skin.

"I think we could all use a clean-up," Max agreed with her.

They made their way back up to the suite and showered, each heading for their own bathrooms.

Alissa showered first, Chloe hovering in the bathroom naked and chattering and then they switched.

"Pre's?" Chloe suggested as she dried her hair.

"I don't know that it really counts when everything is already paid for, but sure, a pre-dinner drink would be fine. Here or at the bar?"

"Yeah, naked or dressed?" Chloe mused aloud.

"Let's be kinky weird and do it wearing clothes at the bar," Alissa laughed.

"Why not?" Chloe agreed. "Might spare our dads some swelling in the crotch area."

"Not if we do it right," Alissa suggested.

"Like how?"

"Like this," Alissa replied, pulling on a top that was sheer enough to see through when the light shone in the right way.

"Oh, that's so hot," Chloe said, reaching out to caress Alissa's small tit through the top.

"Got anything like it?" Alissa asked her friend.

"I'm sure I can find something," Chloe replied. Her something like it turned out to be a tank top with enormous loops for the arms that showed off an entire breast when she lifted her arms in the right way. Needless to say, she didn't bother with a bra, which left her breasts visibly swaying and jiggling beneath the thin layer of cotton.

"That will cause all sorts of swelling, that's for sure," Alissa grinned, "And not just with our dads," slipping her hand in under her friend's arm to caress her naked breast.

"Mmm, I'm glad that even if you're not up for eating my pussy, you don't mind playing with my tits," Chloe cooed, thrusting her stiff nipple into Alissa's grasping palm.

The girls were pleased to note the looks on their father's faces when they met them in the living area of the suite.

"You're not wearing that to dinner are you?" Max groaned when he caught sight of his daughter's all but exposed breast.

"Of course I am, Daddy. Don't you like it?"

"Liking it and approving of it in public are two very different things, Chloe," he replied.

"Lucky you don't get a say in it then, isn't it? You like it don't you, Uncle Trav?"

"What your Dad said," Travis replied, glancing from one girl's breasts to the other and back again. "Kind of weird isn't it, how a glimpse and tease like that is so fucking naughty and erotic, even though they've been prancing around here naked?"

"You got that right," Max agreed, making no bones about adjusting himself. He took a deep breath and sighed, knowing he had no chance of changing the girls' minds. He held the door for them and they all went down for a drink at the bar.

The girls were a hit with all the guys and Travis was left bemused at watching who made how much of a beeline to order drinks near them and how frequently. He found it interesting to compare those that were full of confidence and would chat up the girls and try to pick them up, versus some of the quieter (and usually married) guys who just took advantage of an opportunity to catch an eyeful of what was on display and move on. He grinned at the thought that when it was all over, even with all those young studs hitting on her he and Max were the ones most likely to end up seeing Chloe and Alissa without their tops.

They were as much a hit with the waiter at dinner as they had been with the various guys around the bar.

"I think you've scared off all the cute waitresses," Max half-complained at one point during dinner. Chloe just looked around, making sure no one was paying much attention, before pulling the sides of her top together so both breasts were briefly exposed.

"Chloe!" Max hissed.

"Aww what's wrong Daddy? I thought you might like a nice view, given that we've apparently been depriving you."

"Well as nice as the view was, I don't think we need to resort to flashing the entire restaurant."

"So teasing close up is okay though?" Alissa grinned, moistening a finger in her mouth and circling it around and around her nipple so that it hardened and pressed out against the top.

"You two are so mean," Travis sighed as he adjusted his cock in his pants. Chloe grinned at him and copied Alissa, teasing her nipple, circling it with her own moistened fingers and pinching it. Within moments it was stiff against the fabric and she moved to do the same with the other one.

"So tell me Uncle Travis, did you ever fuck my Mum?" Chloe asked, trying to sound casual. Travis nearly spat beer all over the table in shock.

"What?" he gasped.

"Alissa and I were talking earlier about all the things you've told us the four of you got up to and Alissa seemed to think that you'd probably all had at least one orgy together." Both dads were just staring at each other in shock, speechless.

After a pregnant silence, Alissa blurted out, "Told you they had!"

"We never said any such thing!" her father protested.

"Yeah, but you both looked at each other for the longest time as if wondering whether to admit it or not, so you totally did," Chloe beamed.

"Or did you just swap wives or something like you've swapped daughters?" Alissa asked, enjoying their discomfort.

"I don't think this is appropriate dinner conversation," Travis responded in an attempt to shut it down. He and Max started talking about the test cricket they'd been watching at the bar, while the incorrigible girls enjoyed discussing far-fetched things they thought their dads might have done to their mums.

"I bet our Mums got spit-roasted," Chloe said.

"And double-penetrated," Alissa suggested. "God, could you imagine how full it would feel to ride your dad and have another cock in your ass?"

"I can't help imagining what it would feel like to have my Dad's cock in me anywhere," Chloe moaned, bringing silence to the table. "Well, you know what I mean, any cock as big as Dad's," she added in an attempt to cover her admission.

"Sure, that's what you meant," Alissa giggled and sipped her cocktail.

The girls kept teasing and the guys kept pretending not to hear the scandalous things their daughters were saying, but their bland expressions became obviously forced. As they neared the end of the meal the girls stepped up the teasing just a little bit more, wanting both their dads to be rock hard when they had to stand up.

"Comfy Daddy?" Chloe purred in his ear, looping her arm through his and squashing her tit against him as they walked away. "I hope your Mr. Johnson isn't getting bent or anything." She brushed her hand down the front of his shorts as if she were dusting something off them. She contacted his cock and felt a thrill shoot through her body at the brief, forbidden contact even though there were clothes in the way. A second brush allowed her a chance to linger her hand just long enough for a quick squeeze. Max half slapped her hand away but didn't want to draw too much further attention to them. After all, there were plenty of eyes following the girls on their way out of the restaurant.

"I think I need another drink before we go upstairs," Travis suggested, struggling to tear his eyes away from Chloe's almost exposed tits.

"But I want to get naked," Chloe pouted.

"You're pretty much halfway there already," her dad complained. "You can always go on ahead, but I'm stopping for a drink with Travis."

"Fine, we'll wait too then, won't we Ali?"

"Um, sure," Alissa agreed, not particularly fussed either way. Alissa took a seat facing the bar with Max and Travis sitting on either side of her. Chloe stood next to Alissa, with her father on the other side. She teased and played with her tank top, making sure both Max and Travis each got a generous side view of a tit. At one point she knew she had a nipple exposed where anyone could see it but didn't do anything about it until Travis quietly pointed out that she'd slipped it out. While she wasn't exposing herself, she was playing with Alissa through her top, teasing her friend's nipples in ways that she knew would have her pussy all but weeping in pleasure.

"Oops," she giggled at various times, unconvincingly.

By the time they'd finished their drinks, Travis announced that he couldn't take any more teasing and was headed for the suite. Everyone followed him up. Chloe didn't even wait to get inside to start stripping off. As soon as they reached the top floor where their room was, she pulled her tank top completely off and strolled down the corridor topless.

"I think someone is horny," Alissa laughed as Max shook his head at the display.

"I think someone has become her own mother," Travis laughed.

They slipped into the room and clothes were quickly removed, the guys both visibly aroused.

"I do love the sight of an excited cock," Chloe purred, approaching Travis to tug on him. She squatted in front of him and started devouring his cock, sucking and slurping loudly as he rose to full attention.

"And I love a girl that's so eager to suck one," Travis moaned, taking her head in his hands. He started sliding his cock purposefully in and out of her mouth as his hands tangled in her blonde hair.

Alissa had a suspicion about her friend that she thought she'd help out with. She went and squatted next to her and after playing with her tit for a moment, she motioned for Max to come over to her. She wrapped a fist around the base of his cock, grasped it halfway along with the other hand and sucked the swollen purple head into her mouth. Chloe moaned beside her. Alissa glanced over at her friend and saw that she was watching Alissa's lips on her Dad's cock even as she continued sucking Travis'.

Alissa had expected Chloe to be the one to make the move she had in mind, but she'd been thinking about it for some time and had become aroused by the idea herself. She sucked her mouth off Max's cock with an audible pop and then turned to her friend.

"Swap!" she whispered. It wasn't a question or even a suggestion: it was an instruction. She pointed Chloe's Dad's cock at her mouth. "Suck your Dad, Chloe."

Chloe's eyes lit up and she hoovered Travis until her face was smooshed against his belly and his cock was in her throat. Then she pulled back and gasped a lungful of air.

Then she turned to where her father's cock was still being offered to her. She glanced up at her Dad, expecting a protest, but didn't give him any time. She sucked the head of his cock into her mouth, stretching her lips wide to do so.

"Holy fuck!" Travis said.

"Does that turn you on Daddy? Watching Chloe suck her own Daddy's cock? The cum that made her in the first place came out of that same cock, and now it's in her mouth! Isn't that something?" Alissa asked her father as she quickly scrambled around to Chloe's other side. She noted that her father was watching her every move, knowing what she was up to, his eyes alight with anticipation and making no objection. She grabbed hold of his erection, touching her father's cock for the very first time. "You want it too, don't you Daddy? You want your dirty little slut of a teenage daughter to suck your cock into her mouth?" She didn't wait for a reply or add anything further, she just sucked him in and moaned around his cock. The smooth skin felt delightful sliding over her tongue and his size was just perfect. As much as she enjoyed Max's torpedo, not having to stretch her mouth to the max enabled her to enjoy sucking her own dad even more.

"You're so fucking hot, Ali," Chloe gasped between mouthfuls of her own father's monster cock. "Are you going to fuck your Daddy like I'm going to do mine?"

"Chloe..." Max began to protest.

"Shut up, Daddy! Don't even pretend like you don't want to feel my yummy little cunt on your cock! I know you want it as much as I do! I want to feel you stretch me Daddy, I want it so bad!" She took him back in her mouth and sucked him deep, pushing her mouth down as far as she could, both of her hands stroking his shaft. She held herself until she couldn't take it any longer, then pulled back for a huge gasp of air, chest heaving as she recovered her breath, a long string of saliva stretching from his cock to her mouth.


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