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The Dark Room


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"I know, I'm so happy to think that I'll be the first person to lick your pussy Sylv," Sarah said, smiling and then moving down until she was between her friend's legs.

"Do it for me Sarah, I want to feel your tongue down there, I want you to make me cum," Sylvia said as she watched Sarah's red hair cascade over her stomach and slide downward until she knew that Sarah was poised mere centimeters from her pussy.

Sarah took her time studying Sylvia's pussy, her darker lips a contrast to the light pink ones she was used to seeing in the mirror. They already appeared to be somewhat swollen from the foreplay that the two of them had engaged in and as Sarah drew a finger down each side of her pussy, Sylvia moaned in pleasure.

She slid a finger between her friend's lips, slipping it in until she had the entire finger inside, then she pulled it out again and looked up at Sylvia, sucking on it seductively. She didn't think that she could tease her for very long though; she wanted to taste her first pussy too much, so she spread Sylvia's lips with her fingers, opening her wide to reveal the lighter pink within. Then she leaned in close and dipped her tongue into her friend's pussy for the first time.

Sarah felt Sylvia give a little shudder at that first contact and then she started licking all over her, up and down, in and out, round and around, making contact with every part of her that she could. Sylvia gasped and moaned as Sarah continued to explore her pussy and when she finally moved up and started to lick at her clit, gave a little squeal of approval.

Sarah allowed her tongue to find its way all over and around Sylvia's clit, experimenting with which actions would draw the best reaction from her. She loved the feeling of Sylvia's hips bucking uncontrollably when she would suck it in between her lips and try and hold it there. After a couple of minutes of driving her friend wild, she settled into a steady licking motion, her tongue flattened and thrust against the little nub of pleasure, rubbing back and forth, never losing contact.

Sylvia was thrusting her pussy toward Sarah's tongue as she approached nearer and nearer to her orgasm and the point of no return. She tangled her fingers in her friend's lustrous red hair, pulling her tight to her pussy. Sandra slipped two fingers into Sylvia's sopping wet pussy as she continued to assault her clit and was rewarded by a cry of ecstasy as Sylvia finally tipped over the edge, her body shaking and shuddering with the power of her orgasm, her hands now pushing Sarah's face away from her pussy.

Sarah crawled up alongside her friend, her fingers gently teasing at Sylvia's breasts, watching them rise and fall with each intake and exhalation of breath. She slipped a hand between her own legs, feeling how incredibly wet she was from having licked her first pussy.

Moments later, Sylvia turned to Sarah and pulled their heads together so that they could kiss, slipping her tongue into her friend's mouth, tasting the residue of her pussy juices on her lips as she slid her tongue over them.

She bent her head to Sarah's pale pink nipple, taking it in her mouth, sucking it, biting it gently, flicking it with her tongue. As she swapped nipples, she reached down between Sarah's legs and allowed her fingers to dally on her lips, gently teasing and playing, sliding over them, slick with the moisture that had built with Sarah's anticipation.

She took a finger, slick with Sarah's juices and trailed it around and around her nipple in small circles, watching as it awoke to the pleasure, stiffening, lifting neatly out from the surrounding areola. Her tongue flicked down and around, repeating the path that her fingers had taken, getting her first hint of the taste of her friend's (or anyone else's for that matter) pussy. She could feel Sarah thrusting her pussy at Sylvia's leg, trapped as it was between those of the girl on the bottom.

Sylvia took the hint and moved down as Sarah had, to adopt a position where she could explore and enjoy her friend's pussy with her tongue. As Sarah had, she took some time to study her pussy, using her fingers to shift her labia this way and that, to pull gently at the thin inner lips, to spread them and reveal her little clit as it stood, desperately awaiting attention. She slid her finger into Sarah's hole and then finally, when she was ready, ran her tongue all over her pussy.

Sarah sighed appreciatively at the first tentative, gentle contact that was made with her pussy and Sylvia set to giving her friend the same incredible experience that she'd just been through.

Sarah squirmed and writhed on the bed, enjoying the pleasure in a way far beyond any that she'd received from the very limited number of boys who had attempted the same thing. There was something about the fact that Sylvia was dedicated to doing this and this alone and not using it as a prelude to trying something else that seemed to make the pleasure more sustained and intense.

With Sylvia enjoying her exploration, Sarah found that she was taken close to the brink of orgasm a couple of times before she got there. And it seemed that it was all the more intense for having gone close and backed off, because when she came, she cried out aloud, leaving both of them quietly wondering if it had not perhaps been too loud, half expecting one of Sarah's parents to come running to see what the matter was.

Fortunately they were left alone.


Dave took the film that had been left behind and entered the darkroom, his cock hardening at the thought of what it might possibly contain this time. He moved to the bench by the first set of equipment and was about to get started when the light went out on him. It was quickly followed by the sound of the door closing.

"Who's there?" he asked, knowing that the door wouldn't close on its own.

"Shhh," came the response. A girl's voice; indistinguishable, but a girl's voice all the same. A hand pressed against his chest, slid down to the front of his pants, squeezed his cock and started to undo the belt that held up his pants.

Released, they were unceremoniously ripped down his legs, his rapidly hardening cock springing free. A hand wrapped around the shaft and then a mouth sucked hungrily over the head.

For several minutes his cock was expertly sucked and his desire steadily built. When she stopped, she stood up, her hands sliding up under his shirt and sweater, feeling his chest, tangling in the sparse hair. He ripped off his sweater and undid his shirt. As soon as it was free he felt fingers pinching at one of his nipples as the girl kissed and sucked at the other. His hands sought her out, feeling her, undressing her until he knew that if should the lights come on, he would be greeted by the sight of one of his harem wearing nothing other than the skin that God had graced her with. How he wished he could see it.

She pressed her body against his, her pert breasts rubbing against his lower chest, his cock trapped against her stomach. She ran her fingers down his back, her nails dragging over his skin, the pressure intensifying as they reached his butt.

His strong hands travelled over her back and down to squeeze her tight little arse cheeks, then nestling them beneath her, picked her up off the ground, lifting her. She wrapped her arms over his shoulders and around his neck as she felt herself borne off the ground. His hands moved, one then the other, to support her under her thighs as she felt his cock drag down her stomach and then over her mons before springing free between her legs. She knew that she had been lifted above it, but it wasn't for long. Almost as soon as she was clear of his cock, he lowered her down again, his cock pressing against her waiting, aching cunt.

With some deft maneuvering, his cock was between her lips and he lowered her down the length of his shaft. The girl moaned as she was entered, his large cock completely filling her pussy, which clung greedily to the shaft. He held her there, completely buried in her pussy and they kissed, their tongues swirling and exploring in each other's mouths. Then he rocked her up and down and she looped her legs over his hips, using them for leverage as she helped move her pussy up and down his shaft.

Dave moved, taking the two strides to the bench, resting the horny girl's butt on it, spreading her legs, pushing her back, his hands raking over her breasts and abdomen as he rocked his cock in and out of her pussy. He thumbed her clit briefly, enjoying the stifled moans and gasps. It was intense beyond belief.

And then suddenly, he was cumming, his cock erupting its seed, shooting with all the vigour of a virgin mercilessly teased before that first big event. He gasped as he came, his legs shaking, barely supporting his weight. He didn't even register the girl's small cry of shock, just held his cock in her as his orgasm subsided, his cock twitching in her pussy.

As he stepped back, the girl climbed from the bench and scrabbled around on the floor. He realized she was grabbing her school clothes. He went to reach for her, to hold her, wanting to offer her something more than such a quick fuck in the dark, but she was gone to the door.

"Close your eyes," he heard her say in a put on voice, a disguise. He did, not wanting to break her trust anymore than he probably just had.

Allison slipped from the room, shutting the door behind her. She scrambled back into her school dress, not bothering with underwear, throwing it in her back pack and then running for her car. She didn't look back. She couldn't. She was suddenly shocked with what she'd done. She could feel cum running down her leg as she raced through the school grounds, the warm seed that had felt so good as he'd exploded in her, filled her, but hopefully not, she thought, tears starting to well in her eyes, impregnated her.


"What's wrong Allison, you're not yourself," Sylvia asked as the two girls sat eating their lunch together a few days later.

"I've just got stuff on my mind," Allison said distractedly, fending off her friend's probing question.

"Are you sure, I'm a bit worried about you, I've never seen you so down," Sylvia asked, probing a little further.

"Really, its nothing, I'll be ok. But thanks for caring Sylv," Allison said, smiling at her.

"No problem, you know I'm here for you."


Dave felt the hand stop him, groping for his cock and he smiled to himself in the dark room. This class was really the most amazing thing that he'd ever had happen to him in his life.

Hands groped at his pants and released his hard cock and it was quickly enveloped in a warm, welcoming mouth. He bit his lip to keep from sighing too loud as he felt her tongue swirl around the head of his cock before he was taken completely inside her again.

A hand wrapped around his shaft, pumping it as the recipient continued to suck, bobbing her head up and down the top half of his cock. He stood there in the dark, reveling in the pleasure that was being applied to his manhood.

When the mouth stopped, he did release a small sigh, both of pleasure at the experience and regret that it had finished. But the hand that had accompanied that pleasant oral experience didn't release his cock. It pulled him over toward a bench and he found that his cock was now pushing up against a girl's bum. He was released and wrapped his own hand around his cock, guiding it, pushing it down so that he might slide between her legs, hoping to feel her wetness on her panties as he did so.

But his progress was hampered by the fact that the panties that he was trying to rub against were in the process of being removed. That didn't of course provide much of a barrier as as soon as they were out of the way, he was running his cock between the girl's legs again, this time feeling her pussy lips as they ran over the top of his cock, their moisture trailing along his shaft. He felt a hand snake between the girl's leg's, grabbing at his cock, guiding him and was surprised to find that she was in fact guiding him straight into her wet little hole. He nearly groaned aloud when he felt her smooth tight lips glide down either side of his engorged penis. He pulled back a little and then slid inside again, penetrating further. Additional repetitions of the same movement drove him slowly deeper into her pussy until there was no further to go, despite the fact that he wasn't completely within her.

Slowly he moved his cock back and forth in the young girl's pussy, each movement taking him closer and closer to the point of no return. Too conscious though of the fact that it was the middle of a class in the middle of the day, he pulled out before he exploded, hearing a sigh from the girl that he'd been fucking as it ended. He wished that he knew who it was for sure. He suspected Allison from what had happened previously, but of course, in the dark, couldn't be 100% sure. He just knew that he wanted some more attention on his cock.

He moved on, his hard prick leading the way and his hands came across a pair of hips. He was shocked when his touch on them brought a flinch from the girl. He quickly moved on. That was a reaction that he'd never had before. It must have been Jo he realized. Shit, he'd been about to ram his cock between his daughter's legs! He stood still, contemplating it for a while. Part of him was horrified, but then there was the part of him that started to remember her in her panties as she cleaned up the fish and chips, the way they clung to her pussy, the way her breast had felt when he'd groped her later that night.

Part of him wondered if it was the first time that he'd actually touched her at all ...

Allison, stood shaking at the bench. She'd not known how she was going to react if she was touched, but now she knew. It freaked her out. Ever since she'd fled the darkroom with cum dripping down her legs, she'd been reluctant to come to class. What if she was pregnant? How could she even explain it? It wasn't even like she could claim it was an affair and they'd fallen in love! It was just lust in a dark room. She didn't know if she could come to another class.

"One more week," she thought to herself. "One more week and I'll know.


Dave couldn't help but notice that Allison was out of sorts. She had been withdrawn for several days. He was surprised, because after their encounter, he'd expected something more. It had seemed that she had finally been about to break the bond of secrecy that was surrounding what they were all doing. The hints had all pointed to her being the one that met him after school that day, but of course, by respecting her wishes, he'd not actually verified it with a sighting. He hoped that she was alright. Despite the eagerness that had been displayed in the room to date, there was always a fear in the back of his mind that one of them would change her mind and that he'd find himself in more trouble than he ever really wanted to contemplate.

As he taught the class, Allison wouldn't meet his gaze and didn't answer a single question. He tried to get her to stay so that he could speak to her after class, but she mumbled an excuse and hurried out of the room.

That night, he barely slept, his stomach in knots for worry about what Allison's state of mind might mean for him.


Allison was sick the next lesson. The girls all commented on the fact. After all, Allison was never sick. Dave noticed too. It did nothing to relieve the discomfort that he was experiencing. He couldn't eat, couldn't concentrate and he worried about how Allison was. If he was going through this, he knew that she was probably going through something worse. He wished that he could counsel her, provide some support, but clearly he wasn't the right person. He hoped that she had a good support network and tried to probe the other girls in the class as to whether they had seen her or knew what was happening.

They didn't even use the darkroom. No one seemed to have an appetite for it without Allison there. Dave was finding himself withdrawing from the energetic and engaging teaching style that had gained him his reputation amongst the students and it rubbed off on them. They backed away too and he worried that somehow it was all going to come out and go horribly wrong.


"Fuck! Really?" Sylvia said to Allison, her mouth gaping with disbelief. Allison just nodded. She had lost weight since she had fucked her teacher, unable to face food regularly, her mind a total mess as she considered what she would face if her fears were founded.

"So now you know why I need you here," She stated quietly after.

"Of course Al, shit no wonder you've been so quiet. Fuck I don't know what I'd do."

"I'm doing the only thing I can, hoping that I'm not," Allison told her friend. She'd sat with the pregnancy test in her hand. She'd not intended to tell anyone about it, but when it had come down to the crunch, she'd not been able to face the moment alone and had called in her friend.

She sat on the toilet, ready to pee, Sylvia standing in the doorway providing moral support.

And then came the nervous wait, Allison holding the testing stick, Sylvia the instructions that showed them exactly what it would read if she was or wasn't. Both of them stared intently at the indicator spot, waiting, holding their breath, hoping.

"Fuck!" Sylvia said. Allison just sighed.

It was negative. It took Allison a few moments to digest and accept the information and then she was jumping up and down on her bed in joy, Sylvia joining her and holding her hands as they sprang up and down together.

"Oh my god," Allison said sitting pulling Sylvia into a hug. "I don't ever want to go through that again unless I'm trying for a kid!

"I'm so happy for you Allie!" Sylvia said, pulling her friend into another hug.

"Thanks for being here for me Sylv, I don't know if I could have managed it alone," Allison said and she planted a kiss on Sylvia's lips.

"Oh you know any one of us would have done it for you," Sylvia said, continuing to hold her friend, conscious of how good her soft lips had felt pressed up against her own, thinking back to her experiences with Sarah, wondering if she might be so lucky as to get to do something similar with Allison. But she decided not to press. Allison had just been through an incredible ordeal.

"I need to celebrate!" Allison said, "I haven't eaten properly for weeks, let go get a big fat juicy steak somewhere.

"Sounds good to me," Sylvia said. They quickly rang their other friends who were all thrilled to hear that Allison wanted to go out and agreed to meet up at the local steak house.

"I'll drive you Allie," then you don't have to worry about drinking or not," Sylvia offered.


The girls had a fabulous night out and it was quite late when Sylvia ended up dropping Allison home again. Allison had certainly enjoyed herself and especially after having not been eating properly, was feeling the effects of the alcohol that she'd consumed as they'd celebrated.

"Come in for a drink," Allison said to Sylvia as her friend helped her up the path to the house.

"Oh I don't think you need anymore," Sylvia laughed.

"Awww," Allison said, pouting at her friend. "I don't want you to leave me yet, I'm not ready for bed," she continued, protesting.

"Well I'll come in and chat for a bit," Sylvia offered.

"Yay!" Allison said, fumbling her key until she managed to get the front door open. "We have to be quiet though so we don't wake the 'rents!"

The girls made their way as quietly as they could through the house, suppressing giggles as they went until they were safely ensconced in Allison's bedroom. She dropped her shoes on the floor, having removed them in Sylvia's car and then went to pull her slinky red dress off.


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