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The Dominatrix Order Pt. 01 Ch. 08 - Cuckold

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Femdom Cuckolding and whipping for slaves.
3.9k words

Part 5 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/05/2018
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Over two months had passed since Isabella last got a visit from General Callisto. General Callisto had spent every morning since searching the other homes of Femininus, just as she said she would. Isabella deliberated with the Supreme Goddess of Imperium in an attempt to halt General Callisto's aggressive searches, but to no avail. And so on that blistering morning in Femininus, Isabella opened her front door and was once again confronted by General Callisto's beady, bloodshot eyes.

"Well, Isabella, we've once again just finished searching your citizen's homes," General Callisto said.

"I suppose you will be headed back to Imperium, then," Isabella said.

"I have some information that may change your mind," General Callisto said as she breathed rapidly.

"I'm listening," Isabella said.

"The Supreme Goddess of Imperium is ready to sign the court order. I will be searching your home," General Callisto said, her rapid breaths like the wind gusts of an oncoming storm.

"She will do no such thing," Isabella said.

"I have convinced her that Femininus is a growing threat, and that harboring our missing slaves will not be tolerated," General Callisto said. She began to cough uncontrollably. She bent over and wheezed and hacked.

"You need to give up this obsession you have, General. It looks like it is taking its toll on you," Isabella said.

General Callisto let out a series of growling coughs. She soon collected herself.

"I have even drafted a war proposal for our Supreme Goddess if it comes to it," General Callisto said.

"Go to war over such a small matter as this?" Isabella asked.

"I'll tell you what, Isabella. You step aside right now and allow me to search your premises, and if I don't find anything, then I will rescind the war proposal," General Callisto said.

"You continue to harass my citizens and invade their privacy on a daily basis, now you threaten their safety and wellbeing, and you expect me to comply? If I cave into you, it sends the message that aggressive behavior such as yours will always trump the basic rights of Woman," Isabella said.

General Callisto grew red in the face as she panted and huffed.

"I will push for a war if I have to. And Femininus will be met with fire and fury the likes of which this world has never seen before," General Callisto said.

"I am finished deliberating with you. The Supreme Goddess of Imperium will never risk going to war. I will settle this issue with her. And I will comply with a search if she proceeds with the court order. But I will not comply with your threats," Isabella said.

"You're obviously hiding something," General Callisto said.

"I don't have to respond to your allegations," Isabella said. Isabella pushed her front door to close it. General Callisto stopped the door with her hand. She shook her head, fuming.

"She's going to sign that court order tomorrow. And if I find that you've stolen our slave, there will be war," General Callisto said.

"You will have our two cities go to war over your inflated ego?" Isabella asked.

"Imperium has great strength and patience, but if we are forced to, we will have no choice but to totally destroy Femininus," General Callisto said.

"You've gone mad," Isabella said and she put more of her weight into the door. General Callisto struggled against her.

"No one shuts their door on me. I am a General of the Imperium army," General Callisto said.

"And we're in Femininus," Isabella said.

General Callisto removed her hand from the door. Just as Isabella closed her front door, she could hear General Callisto hacking and shouting, "I'll be back here tomorrow, Isabella. I'll be back."

In the late morning of the following day, Nadia sat on her porch as she enjoyed her morning tea and foot massage from Slave boy. Slaveboy's hands had grace and experience to them unique for his twenty years of age. She glanced up and noticed Slave 150's golden head of hair coming up the road. Slave 150 was accompanied by Worm. Worm had his arms cuffed behind his back and his ankles cuffed together. He slinked along on his stomach on the ground just like a worm. Slave 150 and Worm surprised Nadia by stopping at her front door.

Nadia and Slave boy answered the front door. Slave 150 stood on his feet, naked with his collar around his neck. His beautiful cock was free from any chastity device, exposed to Nadia. Worm stood upon his knees, with the ball gag in his mouth and the chastity cage on his cock.

"Hello, Mistress Nadia," Slave 150 said as he bowed his head.

"Yes, what brings you here?" Nadia asked.

Worm turned around. He held a papyrus in his hands. Nadia took it from him and looked it over.

"It is a letter from Isabella," Nadia said. She read the letter aloud.

"Dear Nadia, I have sent Blondie to you today as part of your Mistress training. Please keep him throughout the remainder of the day. You may return him to me tonight at my party. Today you will have practice at punishing more than one slave under your care, as well as gain experience being served by more than one slave. Use your best judgment and use this slave as you so desire. Worm is required to stay outside. You may leave a bowl of water with him if the heat is too extreme. This will be left to your discretion. Do not feed Worm per my orders. He is not allowed any food today until sundown. I am putting my trust in you Nadia, to please look after Blondie. He is my new favorite slave. Sincerely, Isabella."

Nadia finished reading the letter and Worm hung his head in shame. Nadia invited Blondie inside. She instructed Slave boy to fill a bowl of water and leave it outside with Worm. She also had Slave boy remove Worm's ball gag so that Worm could drink. Nadia thought it was so cruel of Isabella to make Worm crawl on his stomach all the way down the road like that, merely for the purpose of delivering a letter that Blondie himself could have just as easily delivered.

"Well since we have the entire day, I believe I will first put you both to work. Blondie, you clean the inside living quarters. And Slave boy, you go outside and pull the weeds," Nadia said.

Nadia felt nervous, as this was her first time having more than one slave under her care. She put them both to work, giving her time to decide what to do with them next. Nadia sat on her porch and drank from her tea cup as the two slaves labored for her. She watched Slave boy as he used his bare hands to pull the weeds from her rose garden. She could not take her eyes off of his tight, lean physique. She studied the muscles of his arms and his legs and his chest as he sweated and toiled for her. She studied the manner in which his muscles worked, the way they tensed and tightened. And she watched Worm as he boiled in the heat and lapped at the water in his bowl. Nadia felt a great deal of sympathy towards Worm in that moment and she decided she would feed him after all.

Nadia went into the kitchen and gathered up the extra fruits and greens. She prepared a plate of food and then exited the house. Slave boy watched from the garden as Nadia fed Worm. Slave boy was moved by this display of kindness from his lovely Mistress. Nadia passed by the garden on her way back to the porch.

"That was so very kind of you, Mistress," Slave boy said. Nadia stopped in her tracks as he continued to speak. "During the long months of my slave training, I never witnessed anything but cruelty towards Worm from all of the other Mistresses," Slave boy said.

"You were watching me, instead of completing your task?" Nadia asked.

"Yes Mistress. Sorry Mistress," Slave boy said.

"You realize I defied the Supreme Goddess' orders pertaining to one of her slaves. I was not supposed to feed him," Nadia said.

"Yes Mistress, I know," Slave boy said.

"And it is your duty as a slave of Femininus to report any infraction committed by any Mistress, even your own. And you know I may face serious consequences for this infraction, possibly even banishment?" Nadia asked.

"Yes Mistress," Slave boy said.

Nadia wondered if Slave boy might possibly betray her. She knew how much he adored her. He had shown the utmost loyalty to her for being such a kind Mistress to him. But would he show her the same loyalty during trying times, during times when she treated him cruelly? Nadia decided to spend the rest of the day testing him.

Nadia waited until Slave 138 and Slave 150 had both finished with their cleaning duties. She then called to them to join her in her bedroom. Nadia lay on her bed as the slaves entered. Nadia wore a bright red pushup bra and matching bright red bikini panties. She reveled in the fact that Slave boy was locked in chastity while Blondie's cock hung free.

"On your knees, both of you," Nadia said.

Slave boy and Blondie immediately fell to their knees. Nadia carefully studied Blondie's body. She crawled out of her bed and stood beside him. She ran her fingers through his golden hair. She then teased her fingers along his broad, robust shoulders, down his sturdy pectoral muscles and abs, and all the way down to his cock. Her fingers brushed over his manhood for a few moments. Blondie's long, thick cock began to grow. Nadia smiled devilishly at Blondie as she lightly stroked him. Slave boy's heart raced and his blood boiled as he watched his Mistress tease another slave. Nadia withdrew her hand from Blondie's cock and she climbed into her bed. Both slaves lusted after her toned ass as she crawled up into the bed.

"Blondie, lie down on the bed. Slave boy, go stand in the corner," Nadia said.

Slave boy hesitated a moment then he went over to the corner of the room and stood with his face to the wall. Blondie lay down in the bed next to Nadia. Nadia grabbed his hard dick and started stroking up and down his long, curved shaft. She then rubbed the head of his dick and it became engorged. He let out a deep, masculine groan. Nadia teased and tugged on his balls. She watched Blondie wince and sigh as she roughly grabbed and pulled his big, tight balls. Nadia then moved back to teasing his cock. She teased him with one hand and slid her other hand down inside the front of her panties. She fingered her warm, wet pussy as she stroked his raging hard on.

Slave boy obediently stood in the corner. He could hear nothing but his own shallow breaths and the sounds of Nadia and Blondie moaning. Waves of panic inundated his mind and body. He feared that Mistress Nadia would choose this other slave over him. He feared that she would discard him. Slave boy turned slightly. He slowly moved his head in an attempt to catch a glimpse of Nadia and Blondie. Nadia caught Slave boy peeking out of the corner of her eye.

"Slave boy, face the wall," Nadia said. She didn't even look directly at Slave boy as she spoke; her eyes remained fixed upon Blondie's cock as she continued stroking it. Slave boy obediently faced the corner and bowed his head in defeat. Nadia enjoyed teasing Blondie for a good long while. Her attention turned towards Slave boy. He appeared very innocent as he stood in the corner with his bare ass exposed to her. Nadia decided to torment him in a different manner. She stopped stroking Blondie and he sighed in frustration.

"Alright slaves, it is time we see how well you did with your cleaning tasks," Nadia said. Nadia walked toward the living room.

"Follow me," Nadia said as she grabbed her riding crop and briskly left the bedroom. Slave boy and Blondie followed her into the living room. Nadia quickly glanced over the room.

"Very good job, Blondie," Nadia said.

"Thank you, Mistress. I aim to please," Blondie said.

"Now, let's see how Slave boy compares to you," Nadia said as she walked outside. The slaves followed her out into the hot Femininus sun.

"Stand with your arms behind your backs," Nadia said.

Slave boy and Blondie obeyed. Nadia slowly walked around the garden. She parted the rosebushes with her riding crop, inspecting the soil beneath them. Nadia walked all around, meticulously looking everything over. Slave boy fidgeted about nervously.

"Well, it looks as though you've done a sufficient job," Nadia said. She continued walking around the garden and looking things over.

"I must say, I was hoping you had missed something. I was so much looking forward to whipping you for it," she said. "But did you remove the weeds all along the side of the house?" she asked.

Nadia walked over to the side of the house with her riding crop resting on her shoulder. The slaves followed her. She walked by the decorative ceramic pedestals that aligned the house. Each pedestal held a vase containing roses.

"Move these pedestals, Slave boy," Nadia said.

"All for you, my Mistress," Slave boy said.

He approached the first pedestal and reached for the vase so as to remove it.

"No, Slave boy, you must leave the vases on top of the pedestals when you move them. It isn't that difficult. If you spill any water you will be whipped. If you break a vase you will be whipped. And if I see any weeds behind these pedestals you will be whipped," Nadia said.

Slave boy approached the first pedestal and bent down with his knees. He wrapped his arms around the base of it. The ceramic pedestal was hollow on the inside and therefore not particularly heavy. But Slave boy found it awkward to pick up due to the width of it. He lifted up the pedestal and the vase wobbled about. Blondie could not help but chuckle. Nadia flicked her riding crop in the palm of her hand as she watched. Slave boy steadied the pedestal and the vase remained on top of it. He turned deliberately and stepped several paces then he placed the pedestal on the ground.

"Now move the rest," Nadia said.

Slave boy proceeded to move the remaining ceramic pedestals away from the house. By the time he got to the second to last pedestal he found it easier to maneuver. Slave boy bent down and wrapped his arms around the wide base of the final pedestal and lifted it up. Nadia stood behind him and she bent over. He had his legs spread apart and she tapped her riding crop against his vulnerable balls. This caused Slave boy to lose his composure. The vase wavered atop the pedestal.

"Don't break my vase," Nadia warned.

Slave boy steadied his grip. Nadia then whacked his balls sharply with the crop. Slave boy gasped and he nearly dropped the pedestal. He once again regained his composure. He turned slightly as he held onto the pedestal tight. Nadia followed behind him and repeatedly slapped his balls with her riding crop as he turned around. His legs trembled and the vase wobbled as she tested him. Slave boy successfully kept the vase from falling and he placed the pedestal on the ground away from the house. He grabbed his sore balls and comforted them. Nadia walked along the side of the house.

"Looks like you even took care of the weeds along the side of the house," Nadia said. She paced around again. She bit her lip in deep concentration. Slave boy's breathing quickened. A wicked smile grew on Nadia's face and she went over to the crawlspace entrance on the side of the house. She knelt down.

"But did you get all of the weeds underneath the house?" Nadia asked. Nadia paused and let the anticipation draw out. She poked her head in the crawlspace entrance. Then she looked back at Slave boy.

"Slave boy, why are there weeds in my crawlspace?" Nadia asked.

"I'm sorry Mistress. I will pull them right away for you," Slave boy said.

Nadia stood up. She stared Slave boy down.

"Blondie, retrieve my whip," Nadia said. "The large dragon tail," she added, raising her eyebrows as she looked at Slave boy.

Blondie quickly ran inside. He returned with Nadia's whip. It was made of one continuous piece of heavy leather that rolled into a braided handle at the end. Blondie bent down on one knee and presented her with the whip.

"Well Slave boy, you have work to do," Nadia said.

"Yes, Mistress," Slave boy said.

Slave boy quickly knelt down at the crawlspace entrance. He reached just inside the entrance and began pulling the weeds from the ground. Nadia slowly paced back and forth behind him. She lightly flicked the whip across his muscular, naked back. Slave boy nervously grabbed the weeds and pulled them out of the ground. Nadia stepped back several paces and drew back her whip. Blondie looked on. Nadia looked so sexy and domineering as she stood erect in her bright red bra and panties. Blondie watched her supple breasts move up and down and her tight, toned stomach move in and out with every breath. She stood poised with the whip drawn back.

Slave boy concentrated on his work as much as he could. He braced himself for the first lash of the whip. Nadia tormented him by prolonging the anticipation of it. She observed how tensed up his body was. She waited until his shoulders and back appeared more relaxed. She waited until after he had let his guard down. Then she struck him. His body lunged forward. He felt an immediate, deep sting that swelled into a throbbing pain. Nadia whipped him again. He placed his hand against the side of the house, bracing himself.

"Get back to work," Nadia said.

Slave boy pulled more of the weeds. Nadia's whip soared through the air as she struck him several more times in quick succession. Slave boy arched his back and threw his head backwards as he cried out. His reaction made Nadia wet. So she whipped him again on the very same tender spot on his back. Slave boy threw his head back and cried out again. She could already see bright red lash marks beginning to form on his back. She whipped his back again and again as he worked hard for her. She derived great pleasure from making him complete this grueling task for her. Slave boy stopped pulling the weeds and he turned around.

"Why have you stopped working, Slave boy?" Nadia asked.

"Mistress, I have pulled all of the weeds," Slave boy said.

Nadia knelt down and looked into the crawlspace.

"And what about those weeds back there underneath the house?" Nadia asked.

"But Mistress, I can't fit back there" Slave boy said.

"Well, you will have to try," Nadia said.

Slave boy hesitated. Nadia stood up. She drew back her whip and flung it hard across his chest. Slave boy recoiled and then turned around. Nadia continued whipping Slave boy all over the sides of his torso and upon his back as he lay down on his stomach. Slave boy put his head into the crawlspace entrance and reached in with his arm. He tried to push himself in further, but he could not fit. Nadia whipped his buttocks repeatedly. Slave boy kicked his legs and curled his toes as she continued beating him.

"Work harder for me, slave," Nadia said as she struck his ass.

Nadia could hear Slave boy's screams echo from the crawlspace as she whipped him. Slave boy stretched and strained as he reached out for the weeds. He grabbed a few of the weeds and pulled them out. The fiery sting from Nadia's whip seared his flesh as she beat his ass and the backs of his legs. Slave boy pulled his arm back and dropped the weeds on the ground outside of the entrance.

"Get all of those weeds pulled up. I want to see more of them," Nadia said.

Slave boy stretched his arm as far as he could but the weeds remained just out of reach. Nadia swung the whip in a crisscross pattern, striking his ass and back and thighs. Slave boy pleaded and grunted and screamed out. Nadia's pussy became achingly wet. Slave boy had his head and shoulder trapped in the small entrance. He could hardly move. She watched him as he squirmed. She had him trapped, unable to move away or protect himself from the vicious sting of her whip. Her whip rained down upon him in a storm of vicious stings. It was the most vicious beating she had ever administered. Nadia's whip stung with one final, vicious blow to his back.


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