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The Game of Change


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"Oh. Oh wow."

It did not escape my notice, in any way, that Clara's dick had suddenly raised.

"Uhh, clara, uh, what, what's going on here?"

"You're so beautiful Eddie. I'm just feeling, this burning feeling inside me right. I just wanna, grab you so bad."

Clara began to take steps closer to and I'll admit, a large helping of fear had started coursing through me. I tried to back away but Clara was there holding me.

"Whoa, whoa, just calm down eddie. It's going to be okay, I just really wanna..."

She was touching me now, holding me to her, pressing her dick up against me. I could feel the heat rolling off her and especially her dick. As she pressed up against me more, she kissed me and I felt myself melting a little. Body or no body, this was still my wife and I loved her. She kissed me deeply and I felt her hands grab around my waist. I felt her as she lifted me up a little and squeezed my ass with both her hands. Her warm dick pressing against me, practically radiating heat, her lips against mine, her handsome male body pressing up against my bare breasts. Then she practically slammed me onto the wooden ground which kinda hurt a little.

"Ow, C-Clara?"

She was leaning over me, looking at me directly in the eyes, with a wild gaze about her. Then I realized I was crying and my emotions were scattered all over the place. Fear, so much fear and love and lust and I was crying again so much more and what is going on? Then I realized what was going on, what was happening right now. Testosterone and estrogen. It may be "normal" to have long hair, but even now, I was still adjusting to that, let alone everything else. The normal levels of those hormones, to the current us, may not be so easy to deal with. My emotions are absolutely shattered and if Clara is high on a shit tons of testerone....

"I am going to fuck you so hard right now."

"W-Wait Clara, no!"

But it didn't matter, I felt as Clara pinned me down and then with a great thrust, forced herself inside of me.

It hurt.

"Don't don't worry, it hurts at first but it gets better, it gets better."

And she was right. It seemed she at least knew how to pleasure a woman's body with a males body, probably from pure experience, because the pain lessened, oh so slowly, and then it started to feel good. I could feel her, deep inside of me, like a warm rod filling me up. Like I had eaten a really warm meal but that it went deeper than my stomach. And it felt good. It started to feel, really, really good. Her dick pressing against my insides, my vagina squeezing her as tight as possible by instinct and before long I-


I could feel myself soaking wet, and that was so odd to a part of me. I was producing so much liquid and I was so warm down there. I could feel Clara's heat penetrating me and my heat building and it just felt good. Like there's no right words to describe it, it just felt good the way having sex as a man felt good but slightly different. Well, maybe not so slightly different as the pleasure was getting creamed into me by my now male wife. I could feel it all building, moaning as my wife was panting and grunt as we all sped up and I could feel it as she went faster and faster and faster my and my mind started to blank as suddenly I-

"Ah ah ahh"

I could feel myself orgasming, like rolling waves of feelings and tides washing over and through me. Like I was on the jet setting of a jacuzzi and was being swept away while also being piledrived repeatedly. I could feel myself blanking as if i was suffering a heat stroke when I felt myself be pulled deeply and into and having myself be coated with something thick and liquid. It was, amazing. Perfect and exhausting. My emotions had exploded all over the place from start to finish and I was crying again but I didn't know why and I felt happy and I was blubbering all around and panting and moaning as my wife just rested exhausted on top of me.

It was great.

It was a while later, but eventually, I could feel a weird little pop as my wife pulled out of me. I hadn't even realized she was still inside of me until I felt weirdly empty now. Like I was not slightly...incomplete. Maybe that's just me though.



"So that's what a guys orgasm feels like. No wonder you all are sick fucking crazy people haha. That feels like you're carrying a small explosion of joy and you need to have it and get it there."

"Really? Wow, for me it felt like, it felt like I was in two places at once, getting absolutely wrecked and pummeled inside and also relaxing on like, ocean waves."

"Huh? Really, that's how that felt to you? Weird."

This was a great fucking day so far, I gotta be honest. I wasn't expecting and I'm pretty sure somewhere along the way I've lost most of my brain cells and everything thats happening is causing me to become a dullard but so far, so good really. Magic gender changing board game, pretty great.

"Hey, eddie?"

"Yeah Clara?"

"You've always wanted to be a woman right?"

The question caught me off guard because it was more in the realm of "thinking" and less in the realm of reacting to shit that was happening. Quite a sudden departure from what's been our life since we've entered the damn storm and made it here.

"I mean, yeah, you know? I've always admired your body but, I don't think I'd ever want to be a woman but maybe, maybe I just didn't want to go through the process. Our non magic way is just, its not perfect and it would have never been enough for me. Better to shove those thoughts away and into a box but, but this isn't the same you know?"

It's all true, I hadn't really thought about the why of it all but, but I just don't think I could have gone through with it the "real" way. It wouldn't have been enough for me and far, far too much work for too little gain.

"I feel the same way. About being a man."

"Huh? Wow, I mean, Clara, I never knew. You never said anything."

"Ha, unlike you, I pay attention to people's roaming eyes, you neanderthal haha. You know I've always been more of a tomboy at heart anyway. It wasn't like it kept me awake at night but, it was something I wanted you know? And then, then we arrive in this cabin, naked, after a random storm and a magic box grants both our exact wishes?"

"What are you saying?"

"Whoever or whatever caused this, did this for us. It says it in the rules. The first rule. "A game for those who seek to find, a way to leave their bodies behind." We seeked and we found."

I didn't have anything to say to that. We hadn't mentioned the last part of the rules. About how this was permanent. But...I don't think either of us was going to have a problem with that part.

"You know, the game isn't done right? I wonder what else it has in store for us. Think I could get a bigger dick?"

"Ha, as if you need one. What about my poor breasts? These things are practically non-existent."

"I don't know, I always thought it was cute ya know? Flat chested women."

"Well I'd like some boobs personally."

With that, we raised our sex smelling bodies up and made our way back over to the boardgame. It was time to roll again. Actually, it was my turn this time right?

"Come on bigger boobs."

Ass expansion.

"Excuse me?"

But suddenly, I could feel it, as my ass grew from decent to bubble butt in an instant. It felt like swelling until it settled. My wife wasted not a single moment in slapping my ass.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

"Man, I am going to enjoy wrecking that ass."

"No anal! NO!"

"Mmm, we'll see."

"Just, just roll your damn dice."

And she did. It spun and eventually landed on a 3. I was surprised because the space this time was different. It was blue instead of the regular ones, but we hadn't actually landed on any of them yet.

Action: Fingering

Suddenly, Clara and I found ourselves in a different location. The action had said fingering and we were in what looked like a basic cube with a bed.

"Hmm...I guess the blue squares are action squares. I guess it wants me to finger you?"

"How is that a roll for you?! That's just doing something to me."

"I'm sure you'll get to do stuff to me, now lay down on the bed."

I begrudgingly did so. She's getting really bossy ever since she became male.

Soon enough though, there was no thought of that as I could feel her fingers reach deep inside me.


"Aww, cute."

I could feel her run fingers down my insides and reach for certain points, as her thumb rubbed my clit. It felt very different from before hand, and I couldn't help making weird little sounds.

"Don't worry Eddie, I'm very experienced with this sort of thing" Clara laughed.

And she was, it wasn't long before I felt myself squeezing and moaning a little harder than normal.

Then we were back in the cabin.

"How annoying."

Was the first thing Clara said and judging her hard on, it wasn't surprising. She clearly didn't get to get off quite yet but I wasn't exactly quite ready for round 2 yet.

"My turn."

I rolled and watched and waited and Yes!

Breast expansion.

I felt myself going from AA cup to a C cup nearly immediately. Now this is what I'm talking about!

Clara wasted no time in coming behind and feeling me up.

"H-Hey! What are you doing?"

"I'm just playing with your breasts."


"No way."

I could feel her erect dick pushing against my now larger ass.

"J-Just take your turn already!"

"In a minute."

And it was. Clara gripped and massaged and squeezed my breasts until I was making little sounds and then, then she finally stopped and rolled the dice.

As I was taking a breather I suddenly heard Clara shout "YES!" at the top of her lungs. As I looked over to see what she could have possibly gotten to make so excited, I saw

Dick size increase

Her dick suddenly went from a respectable, normal, 6 inch dick, to a 9 inch fucking erect monster in a second.

"T-There's no way thats going inside me!"

Clara just make a really lewd look and said

"Somehow, I feel like you won't complain too much."


Grumbling, I threw my dice forward and got

Breast expansion


My breasts, previously a good, solid and nice C cup, suddenly launched up to a DD cup at least.

"What the hell game! Isn't this too much?!"

"Oh ho ho, I quite like it."

Clara came over and began fondling me again, now with even larger breasts this time. I didn't even bother to stop her this time as it wouldn't have helped and decided to just lean into the feeling. It was pretty good after all. It wasn't long before I noticed she had stopped and walked over to the dice.

"Alright, come on dice. Let's see if we can get an even bigger dick size."


The dice spun and landed on 4. Which put Clara right on another action square.

"Alright, what's it going to be this time? I hope it's not fondling my breasts for a 3rd time today."

"You weren't complaining."


It spun and landed and my heart and breathe stopped when I read what it said. We were transported into the cubic bedroom again and suddenly, it felt a lot more claustrophobic.

"S-Surely there's a way to get out of here right? There's gotta be a way to, to forfeit or to, to get a different role or something right? Right? It can't really just, just force us to do this. Yeah, no, that would be unethical. That would be wrong."

I was starting to freak out. Clara was just standing there, looking out into distance, dead eyed as her thoughts ran through her. She looked down at her body and just seemed to be thinking.

"No. No no no no. No. There is no way. I'm not doing that. We aren't doing that. There's no way. No."

Clara was silent.

"Come on Clara, let's, let's figure this out, together. Let's think of something."

Clara took a deep breathe and said

"I'm ready."

"Well I'm not! NO!"

"We can't stop it Eddie. Just calm down, relax. It'll be okay. I promise to stay there by your side the entire time."

"No! I'm not ready to- to- do that!"

The words on that action square had been terrifying. Sure, sure, I was slowly coming around to being a woman, that's something I wanted after all. Sure, bigger ass and breasts as a woman was something else, but that's not so bad. They may be permanent but I wasn't unhappy with them in any way. It had led me to a false belief. That the game was only giving me what I wanted.

That hope and belief had died hardcore with the last forced action square that Clara got.

Impregnate the other player.

The other player being me. I was going to get pregnant. No, no no no no, I wasn't ready to be a parent while I was male, you think I'm ready for that as a female?! Let's skip the whole part where I am a parent, that absolutely massive part, let's focus on me actually getting pregnant and giving birth. I may have wanted to be a woman but I hadn't exactly thought that far ahead!

"It'll be okay."

"It will absolutely not be okay! Because, because it isn't happening, no!"

"I promise to take care of you and our child, forever. I'll be there the entire time."

"Get it through your skull, No!"

Clara pulled me to the bed.

"Hmm, now which position was best for this?"

"Clara? Clara I'm not playing! Stop!"

"I think it was doggy."

Suddenly, Clara flipped me onto my stomach. My naked stomach. I had forgotten how much stronger she was than me. I felt her as she lifted me up a little with one hand put both her legs on the back of my legs, preventing me from bending them very much. She then grabbed both of my wrists from behind and pulled, putting me in somewhat of a doggy style. One I couldn't exactly move out of. It all happened so fast.

"Clara, come on honey, let's talk about this!"

"We're stuck here anyway Eddie, it's gotta be like this."

With that, she rammed herself into me from behind. It didn't hurt nearly as much this time, I at first thought, then realized that she was actually just warming up and then felt all 9 inches of her ram into my uterus. That did hurt and feel good in a weird way. I tried to resist or pull away or something but she was like a piston, ramming into me again and again and again. I realized I was panting and moaning and that everything was in that weird state where things just felt good to me. Was this part of being a woman or just a me thing? Was sex just so different that it caused me to blank out or was Clara just really really good in bed? Either way, I hated to admit it, but I was loving it. I knew there was a good and logical response about why not to do this in my head but fuck it, those thoughts are for future me to have.

I started to thrust my ass back into clara's dick as she pushed inside of me and it was one of the best feelings to date. I could my bigger ass being pressed up against me, her hands tight arounds my arms, pulling me in, my own vagina squeezing the life out of her dick and her going deeper than ever before.

"MMMM ahhhh ah ahh"

I was moaning and panting like a dog and now realizing that doggy style was more than a little properly named. I eventually felt her build as she came deep inside of me.

We layed there, letting out hot deep breaths, before Clara suddenly called out

"Damn it. It was missionary that was the best for having a baby. Hey, roll over and spread your legs."

I was tired, panting, exhausted, possibly pregnant, had a gender change, sex multiple times and am now being asked to literally roll over and spread my legs for a dick. I did it anyways.

Eventually, we arrived back in the cabin.

"Fuck you and not in a good way Clara."

"You enjoyed it."

"Shut up, now I'm pregnant. Are you kidding me? This really isn't a joke clara."

"It's not like we had a choice Eddie or did you really think the game was gonna let us out if we didn't do that?"

I just grumbled around it. No need to be so bossy about it though. Just rude.

"Let's just play the rest of the game."

I rolled and noticed I was getting pretty close to the end. My attention was on that for a split second so I felt the change before I saw it. My stomach seemed a bit more...firm?

"Uh oh" I heard Clara say.

I saw the message and felt, honestly, really extremely mixed.

Pregnancy time -3 months.

"Well...that's....not...bad? I mean, it's 3 months less I have to be pregnant but it makes the baby, oh god, the baby."

It really, really was just hitting me now, that I was pregnant. This was way too much, way too fast. It was seeping into my mind and about to cause a panic attack but it was, it was fine, this was all okay.

"Y-Yeah, that's a good thing. Uh, my turn."

Height increase

Clara suddenly went from 5'10 male to 6'3 in a split second.


"Holy shit, I'm so tall now. This is pretty amazing."

It was amazing but my absolute maximum for regular thought had flown out the door and my awe had been replaced by the pure feeling of being overwhelmed. We needed months, at least, to really let our brains work through this entire thing that has happened. Maybe years, really.

I rolled again and read and noticed the effect at the same time as my stomach noticeably grew.

Pregnancy time -3 months

That panic attack was making a come back for a vengeance.

"T-This...this isn't a good thing anymore Eddie."

"No Clara, no it is not."

One more roll that caused that...uhhh..uhhh, oh god.

"L-Look, I'm 6 spaces away, I just got to get a six and the games over and we can leave. Now, now roll your turn."

Clara did and got something that I was immediately profoundly annoyed by.

Dick increases

I looked down and well, now that it was floppy, it was harder to know by how much it had grown.

"I think it grew by another 3 inches." Clara said.

"It was already too large! A 12 inch dick is fucking ridicoulous, that'll kill me!"

"It'll be fine." Clara waved away casually.

She's not the one that had to take it! Ahhh!

I rolled and we both watched the dice closely. If I got a 6, the game would be over, if it was anything else, well, judging by how the game was going.....that would be really bad.

The dice turned and....2. Snake eyes.

Pregnancy -3 months.















The next day, a couple walked out of a cabin after a storm had passed. The woman was carrying a newborn baby in her arms and the rather tall husband was smiling widely.

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satinlvr_mwfsatinlvr_mwfalmost 2 years ago

Interesting story. I di wish the sex scenes had some more detailed development, along with more about the emotional changes each was going through. What about their future? Clothing and such just to get home? Family and friends? Even just basic things like their names? Inquiring minds want to know!

This was a very unique effort, and worthy of more exploration!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

brilliant concept for a story justvwish it was longer when ever they landed on an action/task square it could have been the start of a new chapter for both characters or individally for example date night for both of them to get to know each other as the gender they chose or girls night where eddie goes out with her girlfriends just a thought Sadiex

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