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The Girl from the Ouachita Ch. 02

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I'll never forget the night I met the girl from the Ouachita.
13.2k words

Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/09/2022
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The Girl from the Ouachita, Ch.2

No sex between persons under 18; you should read chapter 1 first. It ends like this:

He wanted to tell her the truth, but there was a good chance she would react badly and he didn't want her to leave. He gave her a big smile and sung, "you ain't bad for a country girl, all tight in your faded jeans."

"Are you flirting with me, Mr. Alexander?" she asked with faux disbelief, hand over her heart like the southern belle whose persona she assumed at will.

He chuckled, "No, Miss Kennedy, merely rendering an informed opinion."


They went to bed soon after Jo called him out on his weak attempt to flirt, and they both fell into the kind of deep sleep that engenders dreams. His dreams were confused, and confusing and contradictory when he examined them early the next morning.

He lay there, considering the conflicting feelings he had for the young blonde who suddenly haunted his dreams. The desire to protect and nurture her was still the powerful force it had become that fateful night, but his attraction to her had grown much more powerful.

Lying in bed thinking about her wasn't productive, so he was up at 6:30, making coffee and rattling around, opening and shutting cabinets, trying to find things they put up last night so he could cook breakfast.

She stumbled into the kitchen rubbing her eyes; her hair was tousled, she wore an oversized white Hot Springs Trojans football jersey with black and gold numerals and trim, and white socks. Somehow, she managed to look particularly adorable.

"Why are you up so early making so much noise? I thought you didn't have to work today?" she asked sleepily.

"It's not early -- it's nearly seven! And I didn't say I don't have to work: I do, but I'm working here, setting up my office.

"Sorry about the noise; I didn't think you'd hear me through the closed door, and I had to dig around to find the skillets and pot I wanted."

"Stop being so cheerful and energetic and give me some coffee" she murmured through pouty lips.

"Not a morning person, I see." She made a guttural sound of agreement mixed with exasperation.

He handed her the cup of coffee, a pack of Sugar Twin, and the bottle of Skinny French Vanilla Cinnamon coffee flavoring she bought last night. "Need anything else for your coffee, Princess?"

"You tease me at your own risk before I have a cup of coffee," she muttered, and took a sip.

Chris turned back to his breakfast prep; paused, and asked, "I'm fixing myself scrambled eggs, sausage patties, grits, and biscuits; would you like some?" She would: two of each. He shook his head at her hunger and metabolism; how she could eat so much and stay so tiny was yet another Jo conundrum.

Between bites, she complimented him on the delicious breakfast, her words verified by the little sounds of delight she made when she first tasted each item. He enjoyed watching and hearing her more than eating his food, and the food was good.

She helped him clean up the kitchen, chattering happily about the meal, how good the new tableware looked, and what a good job they did of organizing things. He filed that for future reference: give her coffee and food before starting conversations.

He could have sat in the kitchen drinking coffee and listening to her happy voice all morning, but she was ready to tackle his new office, which was actually the smallest of the bedrooms. A chest of drawers and a double bed took up most of the room, so Chris moved the chest of drawers into the closet and the bed into the northwest corner along the wall. That freed two-thirds of the room for other use.

He retrieved his office chair and glass top computer desk with matching table from storage, and they reassembled them in the open space he'd created. She ragged on him about the conglomeration of cords and chargers he needed for his personal laptop, the company laptop, the printer/scanner/fax, his iPad, his iPhone, and the company Android phone.

He added a wireless keypad and mouse, set up the WiFi, and enabled the Bluetooth speakers. The surfaces of the computer desk and table were cluttered, but neatly cluttered.

She shook her head at him, "Do you have to have ALL the latest toys?"

"Hey! I'll have you know my phone is so old it's eligible for upgrade, and my iPad is a full generation behind. I admit my laptop is brand new, but I got it for a great price on a Cyber Monday sale!"

She pulled an old iPhone out of the back pocket of her jeans, held it up, and said, "Yours is a XS; mine is a 6S, but it works just fine!"

He laughed, but then grew serious and asked, "Do you have a laptop for school?"

She looked away. "No, but I understand the school has some."

"My other Dell is in its box in the closet. It was top-of-the-line when I bought it last year. I've already moved everything off it and backed it up to a hard drive. If you think it would fit your needs, we could update it, increase the memory, and install whatever you need for school. Wanna do that?"

"Chris... you're... I can't keep taking your charity! I'm not some helpless little girl you have to take care of all the time!"

"Jo, I have a perfectly good laptop computer stored in the closet; I have no use for it. I guess I can recycle it, but I'd rather give it to someone who can use it. No strings attached!"

She sighed loudly, forced a smile, and said, "Thank you, Kind Sir; I can take that off your hands and use it. I suppose that's kind of like recycling it."

He pulled it out, charged it, tested it, looked up the specs, and ordered a bigger memory card. Without fuss or discussion, he added another computer to his Office 365 subscription, and then made space for "her laptop" on the table. "Looks like we need another computer chair," he announced.

She chuckled at him, picked up the laptop, sat cross-legged on the bed, set it on her thighs, and started downloading programs and apps she would need or wanted. He opened his work laptop and began reviewing the specs for his next assignments.

They drank water and worked on their computers for hours. "Oh! Excuse me!" Jo said with a giggle after her stomach growled.

"Heck, it's after 2pm!" Chris exclaimed. "Time flies when you're having fun! Wanna cook something or go out?"

"It's a sunny day; what would you say about grilling one of the sirloins we bought and some veges? I'll make a salad and tea, and we can eat here!" Jo replied.

He liked her idea, so he went out to start a fire in the charcoal grill the apartment provided just outside his deck. He seasoned the meat while Jo prepared the squash and corn, and fixed the salad. They worked efficiently and well together while she, at his request, told him what she had been downloading and doing on her computer.

He cut the sirloin in half because she wanted hers 'well done'. He fixed his medium rare, hers medium, and she ate it without comment, other than moaning about how good it was. He was starting to really enjoy the little sounds she made when pleased, and couldn't help but wonder...

'Nope, can't go there', he reminded himself. 'This is not some hot sorority girl whose panties you want to get into!' Then it struck him that she soon would be a hot sorority girl, and there would be bunches of frat boys and jocks trying to get into her panties. That realization made him frown.

They cleaned up after the meal and decided it was time for a workout, so they changed into shorts and tee shirts. Chris almost had to go put on a jock when he saw her in thin workout shorts and a tank top. The ass was as magnificent as always, but her legs! Wow! They looked shapely in jeans, but bare -- just wow!

The hint of boobs offered by the hoodies was wildly inaccurate; he didn't know how big they were, but in the tank he could tell they were plenty big enough! In fact, perfect fits for her slender body.

He knew he was too obviously gawking at her, but she didn't seem to mind. If anything, she seemed to be showing off a little, preening and posing subtly, and judging his reaction. She might be young, but she certainly knew how to present herself enticingly. He looked away, to prevent embarrassing himself in his mesh-lined shorts.

They went for a jog around the complex to warm up, stretched in the workout room, lifted, stretched again, and then went for longer run on the nearby trail alongside the Clear Fork of the Trinity River that gave the apartments their name.

When they neared runners or walkers, he was quick to fall behind, ostensibly to make room on the path for them to pass, but actually so he could marvel at her trim, taut, yet curvy form, and her delightful butt and legs!

They decided to jog slowly around the complex to cool down, and also to get a better look at the amenities and decide which they would like to visit. It was after five, so people were arriving home from their jobs, and they attracted attention as they jogged by. Invariably, Jo waved and smiled at the people they saw, which drew return waves and smiles. 'Small town girl', he reminded himself.

The clubhouse had a poster inviting everyone to a "Hump-Day Mixer" from 6-8 tonight. Chris asked, "Interested?" She smiled and said it might be fun; let's go home and clean up!

He caught her 'home' reference and smiled to himself.


She came out of her bedroom at 6:18 wearing a jungle print sweater dress that almost caused him to drop his bottle of beer. He was wearing boots, jeans, and a polo shirt, and he expected young Jo in jeans. Instead, he got a sophisticated young woman.

She smiled brightly at his startled response and asked, "So I look alright?"

"Ummm, yes, you look... ummm, quite a bit better than alright. Shall we?"

He wondered if he should get his pistol, but decided to chance it with his fists when the inevitable gawping morphed into aggressive pursuit. In her faded jeans and hoodie she looked a lot younger than in this dress and short black suede boots; she was going to get a lot of attention.

Their entry didn't exactly cause the entire clubhouse to go silent, but the din diminished considerably while they were getting their name; at least three-quarters of the eyes had turned to watch them.

They wandered over to the open bar; Chris ordered a bourdon rocks for himself and, as they had discussed, a Rob Roy mocktail for Jo.

They wandered toward the fireplace, but the first group they encountered stopped them and introductions were made. The group continued to grow, more introductions were made, and the distance between Chris and Jo grew as more people inserted themselves for introductions. It made him a bit nervous, but Jo was still sipping the same drink and she certainly seemed to be holding her own in the conversations, so he relaxed and conversed with the many potential new friends.

He felt his arm taken by a small hand and a soft boob pressed against his elbow. With a slight tug on his arm, she asked, "Honey, would you come get me another drink? That one was delicious!"

He cataloged the 'honey', looked down into her exquisite smiling face, smiled back, and replied that he would also like another.

He steered her toward the bar and noted how many eyes followed them. "Are you getting hustled as hard as I am?" she asked quietly, while giving him a bright smile.

Chris chuckled and smiled back at her. "I doubt it; you're particularly captivating tonight. I doubt there is a man in the place hasn't given you a long look, and there is no doubt some keep trying to cut you out of the herd. Every time I looked up, there were more people between us and you were further away."

"These twenty- and thirty-somethings are really aggressive compared to the teenagers I'm used to," she whispered with a grin. "Except you, of course. You continue to be a perfect gentleman!"

He sighed internally, knowing his thoughts were far from gentlemanly. "You seem to be holding your own quite well. Is there someone in particular or just the men in general?"

She snickered, "The tall blonde man in the expensive jacket, the drugstore cowboy, the bodybuilder stuffed into his shirt, and the tall woman with dark hair are probably the worst!

"Do you mind if I stay attached to you the rest of the night, because I don't trust any of them! I've been taught about date-rape drugs and stuff, and they kept wanting to buy me drinks!"

Chris was more alarmed by her comment than he let on. "I doubt it would happen when you're here with me, but you're right to be cautious. You know the rules: don't leave your drink alone and don't accept a drink from someone you don't know. If someone asks you to dance, have someone you trust watch your drink while you're gone."

"Oh, I know all the rules; they drummed them into us at school. This is just the first time I understood why! School dances aren't exactly the place to drug someone."

For the rest of the evening they were, for all intents, purposes, and appearances, a couple. As they mingled, Chris grew more appreciative of her gregarious nature and her ability to blend in seamlessly with people ten to thirty years older. Her natural intelligence and wit disguised her youth quite well.

They engaged in wide-ranging conversations with as great a variety of people as one can find at an expensive apartment complex in Fort Worth, Texas. He learned that Jo is unintimidated by people or topics, is charming, witty, and has impeccable timing with her laughter, responses, and comments.

In fact, she was the best "date" he ever had to something like this, including Becky and the sorority president he dated his sophomore year! That thought kept cycling through his mind as they circulated and chatted.

When they left their latest group and went to get drinks, an older couple that had been watching them suddenly appeared and introduced themselves. Although the invitation specified "Casual", she -- Carla - wore a designer's version of a casual dress with matching leather boots; he -- Ken - wore a Rolex watch, blue blazer, and grey slacks.

It was obvious that they wanted to impress the hot youngsters, and they didn't waste any time in letting them know that they were wealthy, and that they were living in the apartment complex because they had recently sold their mansion. They downsized to a penthouse apartment here, and intended to travel the world.

"We are curious people," said Carla; "We want to take some time off from the rat race to explore new things with new people."

Carla put her hand on Chris' arm, but gazed at Jo. "Our kids are off in school, and we're not traveling until mid-January. I know we're a bit older, but we're young at heart, in excellent condition, and open to anything! We would love to entertain you two; when would be a good time?"

Chris was trying to come up with a way to politely turn them down when Jo enthusiastically said, "Oh, that sounds like so much FUN! You two are so stylish, elegant, and attractive; I'm sure we could learn a lot from you! We're kind of busy until after the first, though; can we get back with you then?"

Carla looked disappointed, but Ken was devouring Jo with his eyes. He replied, "As my darling wife said, we'd love to entertain you anytime -- we'll be expecting your call after the first!"

Jo batted her eyelashes at him, put her hand on his shoulder, and said, "Oh, you'll hear from us; we can hardly wait!

Turning to Chris, she said, "Honey, I need to go to the restroom. Could you get me a fresh drink and meet me by the bar? Nice to meet you, Carla and Ken!"

Chris was amused and bemused by her handling of what could have been an uncomfortable situation. How did she come up with that so quickly, and handle it so coolly, he wondered. Her presence of mind is truly impressive!

And then it hit him!

Would she be the one to take to the Country Club? To meet his bosses and their wives? Sounded foolish when you considered her age and background, but she was certainly holding her own with tonight's diverse crowd, and she smoothly handled that little problem while he, the older and more experienced one, stood befuddled.

With that possibility in mind, he 'tested' her a bit by pressing her engagement in groups discussing topics ranging from world events, about which she was surprisingly well informed, to sports, to local politics, of which neither she nor he knew anything. She handled that topic well anyway, by admitting she had just moved here, and asking for opinions about candidates and issues.

In fact, as the two hours passed, he noticed that she had an uncanny knack for getting people to talk, to express opinions, offer information, or elaborate on a topic, and that her perceived interest in their responses encouraged them to continue sharing. She was remarkably poised and intuitive for an 18 year-old...or actually, for any young person.

Back at the apartment, he complimented her on how effectively she handled situations and people, and offered her a "nightcap" of hot cocoa with marshmallows. They sat on the couch, angled sufficiently to face one another.

"Jo, three of my bosses invited me, 'plus one', to join them and their wives at the country club Friday night for dinner and drinks. Would you be interested in being said 'plus one'?"

She didn't look away; in fact, she locked her eyes on his and looked deep within him. "Are you sure? That's a little outside my experience, and I wouldn't want to embarrass you."

"That's the least of my concerns! After seeing you work the crowd tonight, I'm sure you'll captivate them just as you did this much-larger group. You met with people of varied backgrounds and ages tonight without any problems, and you seem quite confident around older people, which they are. I'm 100% sure you will do well, and enjoy yourself.

"So, since I'm not concerned, that means you'll do it?"

"Chris, I don't really have anything to wear to something like that, Maybe you should ask Claire, the pretty brunette we met tonight; she's single and rich, and I'm sure the country club is home for her."

"I don't want to take her, Jo; I want to take you. We passed a mall with a Dillard's and a Macy's when we went food shopping; I'm confident we can find something appropriate for you. I'll buy your dress, and spring for a beauty shop visit too, if you will go with me.

"After all, you'd be doing me a huge favor!"

He was dazzled by her return smile, and thrilled by her nod of acceptance. It was a small step, but it was a nice step away from the resentment and mistrust that limited her vision and options.


They left for the mall at 10 so they would be there when the stores opened. The sales lady in Dillard's was pleased to have a customer like Jo. "You're a perfect size four in ladies, size five in juniors, and looked good in everything you try on! We serve so many girls and young women who are size 16 but want to be a 10! Helping you is a refreshing change!"

They had plenty of choices in those sizes -- far too many, in fact. After trying on a dozen "party dresses" and "cocktail dresses," all of which stirred Chris' loins, she strutted out on four-inch black patent heels wearing a little black dress.

The neckline of the LBD was square cut, sleeveless, with two-inch wide straps; the hemline ended about three inches above her knees. She was carrying the small jacket over her left arm as if it were a prop. Although far from immodest, on her body the dress was quite enticing, but in a sophisticated manner.

Apparently, the look on his face said everything that needed saying. "I told you, Honey," the fortyish saleslady told Jo with a grin. It's perfect for you! See, he's speechless, and the effect on the older men he's trying to impress will be devastating! Their wives will be as impressed by your good taste as by the way your wear it!"

They walked away giggling, pleased by the impact of her choice. After a few minutes, they waved him to the front so he could pay for the LBD and the black sweater dress with red and white trim and red buttons down the front he couldn't seem to let go. She tried it on early, and again later, at his prompting. She modeled it and posed, asking him if he were sure she should get it too. He was.

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