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The Girl from the Ouachita Ch. 06

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What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
11.8k words

Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/09/2022
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The Girl from the Ouachita, Ch. 6

No one under eighteen involved in any sexual stuff. It's always better to read previous chapters first. This chapter is about building characters and detail, and setting the stage. I like to "paint a picture with words", so if TMI isn't your thing, shy away.

From Chapter 5: The hospital security guards are speaking to the Alexanders and Becks; the lives of the girls are in question.

Our son, Chris, is very protective of Jo, his... wife. He's all she's got, and he takes protecting her very seriously. But we've never seen him this angry before, so..."

Trey Beck spoke up. "Chris works for me, and he's probably the most loved man in our employ. Even his workers love him. He's an engineer, and he's usually cool and calculating. I'm in shock."

"He may be a cool, calculating engineer, but I wouldn't fuck with him -- or maybe I should say I wouldn't mess with his wife, or whatever she is! The police officers who came with the girls told us he badly messed up the three who were raping his wife, and I heard the doctor say it will be touch and go with all three. One had a broken jaw and eye socket, one is in surgery to remove nose cartilage from his brain, and the third has a broken neck."

They started to walk away, but one turned and said, "We're gonna pretend this never happened. We have daughters and wives, and we get it. In fact, I'm not saying I wouldn't have done the same thing in the same circumstances. That said, you might need to check into an anger management program for him. He runs awful hot."


It was the longest night of Chris' life, and the Ellisons, as they sat across the room from one another. The Ellison's knew Chris blamed them, and, no matter how many excuses they tried to make in their minds, they blamed themselves. A mother's job is to take care of her family; she failed. A father's job is to keep his family safe; he failed.

The other parents in the room were more understanding, but it was easy to see they also placed at least some of the blame on the Ellisons. She cried, he comforted her, and across the room, everyone eyed a frighteningly stoic Chris. The rage seemed to be gone, but the cold eyes and silence were almost as scary. Everyone prayed for Jo and Kate, and for Chris if the worst happened.

At midnight, a doctor came out and explained the situation. Both girls had ingested dangerous amounts of Rohypnol, in conjunction with MDMA, street name Ecstasy, and alcohol. The combination of Rohypnol and alcohol is known to cause heavy sedation and loss of consciousness, and have deadly effects on heart rate and breathing. The addition of MDMA exacerbates problems with heart rate and breathing, and may cause heart arrhythmia.

When asked directly by Debora, he admitted that combination in such high quantities often causes death. Chris bluntly asked if the girls were going to die; he answered they were doing all they could to stabilize their heart rates and blood pressure, and prevent arrhythmia.

"Is there a point at which we'll know?" Chris asked. The doctor said this is a minute-by-minute situation, so he couldn't begin to guess when they would start to come out of it.

Chris turned and walked back outside. This time no one followed; he clearly needed time to process.

Mrs. Ellison again dissolved in tears, and Mr. Ellison comforted her. When Sandy Beck asked who the medical contact for her nephew is, she said her brother, who was flying out from LA and would be here later.

When Chris came back into the waiting room, he told the Becks, Alexanders, Sal, and Joey they could go home, and he'd call them when they knew more. That got an unanimous no vote, and a scolding from Donna for even thinking such a thing!

And so they waited through the night and into the early morning hours. Naps had been inadvertently taken, but all were exhausted and looked it -- except Chris, who looked ready to do battle.

A little after four am, Mrs. Ellison's brother arrived. He looked like hell; worried, almost panicked, and distraught. "How is my son?" he asked his sister.

"We don't know; they won't tell us because we aren't his parents! The nurse's station is down that hall; go ask them for information."

"Did they catch the bastard who did it?" he demanded angrily.

Mr. Ellison quickly answered, "Don, that's another story. We can talk about that after you find out Donnie's condition." He glanced at Chris, and immediately understood the meaning of "If looks could kill!"

Chris started to get up out of his chair, but his dad and Trey were sitting on either side of him for a reason. They grabbed his arms on either side, and Dad said quietly but firmly. "Just relax, son; he's a worried parent who doesn't know the full story. Let the police tell him,"

Four deep, slow breaths later, Chris settled back in his chair, and the Ellisons collapsed in theirs.

The smiling nurse who entered the waiting room at 6:25 was the first sign of hope since they arrived. "Mr. Beck, Mrs. And Mr. Ellison, Doctor Sykes asked me to inform the families that the girls have stabilized enough to be assigned rooms. They aren't completely out of the woods, but we are hopeful -- and believe -- they have turned the corner."

The Ellisons both began sobbing; Sandy, Donna, and Debora began hugging each other, Sal and Joey high fived, and Trey and Dan clasped Chris on the shoulders and whooped. Chris remained stoic. When Donna ran to hug him and saw the same look he'd had since the rage, she asked why he wasn't happy.

"They aren't completely out of the woods. When they are, I'll celebrate -- not before."

A dejected Don returned to the waiting room with a police officer. He looked around, spotted Chris, and started to him. Chris stood up, coiled and ready.

"Young man, I'm here to sincerely apologize for my earlier mistake. The officer showed me the police report, and it's clear Donnie was at fault. He's always been a bit of a rebel, but recently -- well, for the past year, since he dropped out of college -- he's been in trouble with the law more than once, and has been defiant to me whenever I try to discipline him, or even offer help.

"As I told my sister when he said he was coming up to stay with them, I hoped being with a high-achiever like Kate, and being away from the hoodlums he has been hanging out with, would snap him out of it. When his brothers refused to come with him, they told me they didn't believe a word he was saying about getting away from his troublemaking friends, and they weren't going to take the chance.

"I kind of warned my sister and Ed, but I see now that I should have refused to let him go, or told them the full story before he came up here. Again, I'm very sorry for the way he treated your wife and his cousin, and for their injuries. I apologize from the bottom of my heart, and hope you can forgive me someday."

Chris looked him directly in the eye throughout his apology, and then calmly said, "Hindsight is 20-20. Had I known what would happen, I wouldn't have let her come up here without me.

"I'm sorry for the injuries your son suffered. It wasn't personal. He was a threat; I tried to neutralize him by pulling him out of the van. When he later started to climb back inside, just seconds after one of the other two had pulled a gun on me, I used my foot, the only weapon I could use while kneeling on the floor, to neutralize him again. Had he stayed outside, I would not have taken additional action against him.

"Is he going to be all right?"

"He will live, they assure me, but faces several reconstructive surgeries. The police officer assures me they have an airtight case against him, and he expects the DA to prosecute. My attorney is flying here to try to arrange a plea deal if he comes clean about the events of the night.

"The attorney isn't coming to get him off -- he did what he did, and he's about to learn that the consequences of which I've repeatedly warned him are real. He's coming to ensure he gets the medical and psychiatric treatment he needs before the trial, and after incarceration. Hopefully, someday he will be rehabilitated, be released, and return to society and our family as the young man we raised him to be."

Chris nodded and said, "I'm not sure you owe me an apology. I understand you feel responsible, but he's a grown man. He made the decisions he made, not you. You and Kate's parents can rethink what should have happened, but that's not going to save either girl the agony they've borne already, or save their lives now.

"Perhaps the best thing we can do now is pray, for all three of them."

The Ellisons resumed sobbing, but this time because they were relieved by Chris' acceptance of her brother's apology, and his conciliatory efforts.

The next good news arrived a few minutes later when the nurse returned and announced Jo's husband and Kate's parents could visit the girls in their new rooms. Donna immediately asked if she, Jo's sister-in-law, could also go. The nurse smiled, and said, "Let's limit it to her husband right now. Perhaps a bit later."


Ultimately, no one died, but five of the six perpetrators had significant injuries requiring surgery, and the sixth had nerve damage at the base of his neck that would remain painful and debilitating for a long time, if not forever.

Jo was awake and aware when Chris came in, and, though dazed and confused, she responded to the presence of her 'husband' by calling his name and raising her arms to him, with IV hose dangling. Her excitement caused the heart rate alarm to sound, but the nurse just smiled and turned it off when she saw Jo's state.

Chris leaned over and cautiously hugged her, asking quietly how she was feeling. She replied, "Much better now that I see you! What are you doing here?"

Having been warned by the nurse that she would have very little recollection of events of the previous night due to the Rohypnol, he answered, "That's a longer story. Let's just say that I came to see you. I wasn't stalking you: I came with the Becks, my parents, and Donna, and all of them want to see you as soon as they can -- especially Donna!

"We all spent the night in the ER waiting room, but they moved us to the waiting room for this floor when you were moved. You can decide when you're ready to see others, and who to see first. We don't want to exhaust you."

She asked if he could stay and he replied that he hadn't asked, but he was staying until they kicked him out. She cooed and hugged him even tighter. She allowed him to take a seat on her bed a few minutes later, and she asked for the longer story. He replied that when the doctor said he could, he would, and then changed the topic to the Ellisons, their plane, and skiing.

In her confused condition Jo sometimes had problems finding words, which frustrated her, but she as she described the flight, the Ellison's house, and the feelings she had while learning to ski and then skiing, he noticed she became more fluent and animated. He assumed that was good, and encouraged her to keep talking.

Inevitably, nurses and techs came and took her off for testing, saying she would be back in about an hour, and encouraging him to eat breakfast during that time.

He returned to the waiting room, gathered those waiting, and said he would tell them what he knew if they would go eat breakfast in the hospital cafeteria with him. They enthusiastically did, and he delighted them with Jo's stories over a more-than-decent breakfast.

The Ellisons and her brother, Don Standard, entered. They looked at the larger group, and turned quickly away to take a table across the room. Chris got up and walked over to them; the people at his table held their collective breath until they heard him inquire about Kate in a concerned voice.

They could see the relief on the Ellisons' faces, and they watched as mom and dad took turns offering him the positive news about Kate. He then turned to Don Standard and inquired about his son. He shrugged and explained that he slept all the time, but the doctor said that was expected and a good sign. Chris thanked them for the updates and started to turn away.

"Chris, how is Jo?" asked Mrs. Ellison. He gave them a brief synopsis of what he knew, thanked them for asking, and returned to his group. The Ellisons and Standard talked, looking at Chris frequently while they did.

The nurse finally returned, smiled, and said, "Mrs. Alexander is back in her room and two of you can visit at a time, but don't wear her out. She's still weak." Before Chris could react, his sister and mother hustled past the nurse and toward her room. Donna smiled and winked over her shoulder. "We won't be long!" she promised.

She lied; it was a good thirty minutes before they returned. In the meantime, Chris, his dad, and Trey had walked to the cafeteria for more coffee and talked about Chris' opportunities in Boulder. Dad was 100% in favor, and Trey was excited for him; Chris seemed less enthusiastic.

Donna came directly to Chris and plopped down in his lap. "I'm sorwy Big Brother -- you know how I love to talk to my best friend! We kinda lost track of time... can you forgive me?"

He kissed her cheek, told her to let him up, and waited until she kissed his forehead before rising with her in his arms and setting her on a chair. Mom then hugged him, said she was sorwy too, and laughed as he shook his head, pulled away, and hurried down the hall.

"I must have really been out of it last night! I don't remember anything that happened to me, even getting married! You'd think I'd remember that!" Jo said with a grin.

Chris looked uncomfortable. "They asked for a relative to provide personal and insurance information so they could get you admitted and treated. Since you're on my insurance..."

"Speaking of insurance, when did I get coverage, and why didn't I know about that?" she asked with a wrinkled brow but happy eyes.

"You were added to my health insurance at the same time I put you on my auto insurance," Chris replied. "I didn't tell you then because at that time you were so adamant about not accepting anything else from me. If you look in the wallet you carry in your purse you'll find where I stashed the card."

"Come here, you! I owe you a hug and a kiss!" she demanded.

After a scorching kiss and hug in which she arched off the bed to cling to him, she turned him loose and said, "So, Sir Galahad, tell me more about your latest rescue! Donna and Debora told me what they know, but they don't know what happened in the van."

"Jo... how about I give you a summary? I opened the sliding door to the van, found three men around you, and proceeded to disarm and disable them."

"Nuh uh -- there's more to it than that! Tell me the whole story."

He sighed. "That's pretty much it, except all of you were naked and one of them was in the process of raping you, or starting to. You were basically unconscious, but you were still telling them to stop."

"So you just persuaded them to stop? Come on, Chris -- I've seen you in action before, and I was told the condition of the three men. I want a blow by blow!"

Sigh; refocus on Jo's eyes. "I know Donna told you we went to the dance club because a couple that joined us at the other place knew where you and Kate were. We met two boys about your age who had seen where you were sitting. They warned us that the guys you were with were dangerous. We went to their table, but you were gone and there were four empty chairs with drinks in front of them.

"Kate was crapped out, but two of them were molesting her anyway. I persuaded the third guy to tell us where you were. Joey and Sal said they were belts of some kind in Karate, so I left the molesters to them and ran out looking for the van.

"I found it, threw the door open, and a naked ass was in my face. He was kneeling over you, doing something to you or holding you down. I grabbed his long hair and yanked him out of the open door, then jumped in and slugged the man raping... trying to rape you. I knocked him out, but the big guy in back reached for a gun on the couch. I hit him in the back of the head and knocked him out before he could turn and aim the gun.

"The cops came, I flagged them down, they called the EMTs and you were transported here. Is that enough detail? I hope so, because that's all you're getting!"

She eyed him for several seconds. "You aren't telling me something, but I'll eventually get it out of you, so I'll let it go today.

"You look really tired; how long has it been since you slept?"

Chris shrugged. "I slept Monday night, just like everyone else. We flew up here yesterday, got moved into the Beck's huge vacation home, and went out to eat. You know the rest of the story.

"So how long are they going to keep you here?"

The answer to that question walked in the door while the question was being asked. "I can answer that," said Jo's doctor. "As soon as the blood and urine tests say the drugs are out of her system, and if her blood pressure and heart rate remain stable, we'll release her -- as long as she has someone to watch over her for the next 24 hours.

"We'll give you an oxygen and heart rate sensor to take with you, Jo. If the oxygen saturation drops below 93%, or the heart rate jumps above 130, you have to come directly to the ER.

"I don't want to frighten you again, but the mix you were given can injure or kill you immediately, which it thankfully didn't, but it can also have lasting effects. I'll need the name and contact information for your personal physician so I can send him or her the records. Your doctor will want to see you in the near future to look for potential organ or brain issues resulting from the drugs."


Jo insisted Chris and the others go back to the Beck's and get some rest. She promised to call if the tests came back clean, so they could bring her clothes and take her back with them.

Knowing he was about dead on his feet, still had to give an official statement to the police, and wanted to be ready when Jo was released, Chris agreed to go back to the house with the others. He made it to the house, but collapsed on the bed and fell asleep as soon as he got in his room.

He awoke nearly six hours later, took a quick shower, put on fresh jeans, and hurried downstairs. Jo was sitting at the kitchen table with Donna, his mom, his dad, and Sandy and Trey Beck.

Chris frowned as he strode toward the kitchen. "Why didn't you wake me up when they released her?" he asked abruptly.

"Don't use that tone with me, Young Man! You aren't the only one who cares about Jo, and you aren't the only one who can help her," Debora answered. "Also, you were dead to the world, and we all agreed you needed the sleep.

"Besides, she hasn't been here long. She was just starting to tell us about the fun she had with the Ellisons before Donnie showed up. Find a chair and join us. "

Trey brought a chair from the other side and put it between Jo and Debora, who scooted over. Jo scooted her chair as close as possible, put his arm over her chair, snuggled up to him, and said, "I was hoping to sit in your lap, Sir Galahad, but I guess this will do."

The new nickname drew chuckles and smiles, but Chris just hugged her and said, "So tell us what you've been up to. Hanging out with the tattooed skinheads every night?"

She pinched his leg and said, "Kate and her parents were wonderful! They treated me like another daughter from the moment we arrived. They gave me snow gear to wear, taught me to ski, and wouldn't let me pay for anything, including the amazing meals we had each night at this gourmet restaurant they love."

Sandy Beck interrupted, "That's where we'd be right now, if only! Anyway, we changed our reservations to tomorrow at eight, so you'll find out what she means then.

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