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The Girl with the Sea Colored Eyes


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Danni nodded and smiled. She still looked teary-eyed.

"Oh my God, Danni," Jill stated. "It isn't the end of the world, you know. You have to tell Aaron. You have to move out of your apartment. You have to get out of your boring monotonous comfort zone, girl. Aaron's just going to have to man up and walk it off. You have a right to be happy and Aaron will just have to deal with it, yeah?"

"Okay yeah, but still," Danni said.

"Look, do you want some advice, girl?"

"Yes please, Jill, you usually give me the best help and support."

"Look, this is what I would do if I were you," Jill continued, "don't tell Aaron just yet. Go out on your second date, with your superman, without Aaron's knowledge. Do the second date to be one hundred percent sure you really want to be with, Brad. If you're one hundred percent sure you want to be with Brad then tell, Aaron. If you're not one hundred percent sure you want to be with Brad, after your second date, then give superman the flick and keep your stable long-term thing with, Aaron. That's what I recommend. So what do you think, Danni?"

"I don't know, maybe," Danni replied.

"Oh my God," Jill whispered, rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

"I can't help it," Danni complained, "I'm very indecisive right now!"

Jill sighed and waited. She drummed her fingertips on the floor of her apartment.

"Okay, okay, I'll try it," Danni finally stated, "but I'm still not sure about any of this!"



Aaron sat there at the piano in the tiny cramped apartment he shared with Danni. He was perched on the end of his bench. His fingertips were softly brushing the keys. His eyes were closed tight and he was humming to himself. No inspiration arrived. His talent had momentarily deserted him.

"It isn't working, it just isn't working," Aaron muttered to himself.

Aaron opened his eyes and rubbed them. He yawned and stared into space for a moment. He picked up the sheet music he was working on. He looked down at the paper. The music was just a blur. His mind and his imagination refused to work.

Aaron closed the composition and dropped it down on the bench next to him. Aaron looked across at the clock on the wall. He yawned again.

"9.30pm - that's not too late, why am I so tired," Aaron whispered, running his weary eyes around the small living room. "Why can't I do this?"

Aaron considered his living space for a moment. A recently finished painting was still drying on an easel next to the piano. The whole apartment smelt of oil and mineral turpentine. The laundry tub was full of his palettes, containers and wet brushes. Finished canvases were propped up in rows against the walls.

There were stacks of books, piled on top of shelves and dusty furniture, threatening to topple and tumble to the floor. Aaron's computer was sitting on a small desk in the far corner of the room near the television, the coffee table and the couch. Aaron's desk was covered with piles of paper, empty ice cream containers full of brushes and tubes of paint. The desk was littered with bits and pieces. The living room was a mess. The small bedroom and the tiny bathroom were an obstacle course. The whole apartment was jammed full of things.

"Poor Danni," Aaron muttered, "there's not enough room in this dump for all her stuff, let alone mine. She can barely walk around without knocking something over or tripping and falling on her face."

Aaron looked back down at the piano again. It was a cheap, second hand, upright job, which he managed to get at a good price from an elderly couple who just wanted it gone from their home. The piano sat there silently taunting and laughing at him. Aaron really felt stuck.

Aaron sighed. He was on the verge of completing college after years of work. He had one piece of music to prepare and play as a part of his final assessment and he was stuck in the middle of this one last composition with nowhere to go. He had composer's block. That's what he had decided to call his lack of progress: composer's block. It seemed appropriate.

Danni's 22 year old boyfriend finally stood up. He turned and walked to his desk. He picked up his mobile phone and tapped on the screen. There was no new message from Danni. There was only a record of the brief incoming call from Danni at 7pm that evening. Aaron remembered the substance of their earlier conversation.

Danni had sounded breathless and anxious. She was speaking softly and it sounded like she was ringing Aaron from a toilet or a small bathroom.

"Are you okay, Danni," Aaron had asked his girlfriend, "You're very quiet. I'm having a lot of trouble hearing you."

"I'm fine, I've just had a shit day at work, Aaron," Danni had stated, "I'm going to go over to Jill's for a few wines and some pizza. I need to hug Aleister. Jill wants to do my horoscope again. She said there's a problem with my chakras as well. She's gonna help me sort it out. She's so funny. I love her so."

"Yeah cool, okay," Aaron had said absentmindedly, running his eyes over the sheet music in front of him as they spoke. He yawned.

There was a pause in the conversation. It lasted a few seconds. It felt uncomfortable. Danni usually did most of the talking in their relationship. Aaron was too shy. He was too self-absorbed and wrapped up in his art to be skilled at socializing and conversing with other people.

"Ummm yeah, for sure, Danni," Aaron said, lightly touching the piano keys, before his girlfriend abruptly cut him off from saying anything further.

"Aaron, I might get a bit too drunk and end up spending the night at Jill's place," Danni said, ending her silent pause. "I may end up sleeping in Jill's spare bedroom tonight - is that okay?"

"Don't you have work tomorrow; I thought you were rostered on to do the dayshift tomorrow?"

"No, the roster's been changed," Danni said. "I have tomorrow off thankfully!"

There was another silent pause. Danni waited without saying a word. Again it felt awkward. Aaron sensed that Danni wanted him to say something. Did she want him to say no and that she had to come home rather than go to Jill's place tonight? Aaron wasn't sure. The silence continued. Did he have a right to tell his girlfriend to skip visiting Jill and come home instead? He thought no, he did not. He hence chose that option.

"Yeah, of course, go for it," Aaron stated, scratching his head and then yawning again. "I feel so tired tonight and I can't get anywhere with this composition. I have composer's block. I think I'll just sleep and worry about it all tomorrow. Just hang with Jill, pat the cat and do the horoscope."

Danni sighed. There was another silent pause. Danni waited for Aaron to say something. She gave up.

"Okay thanks, babe," Danni finally stated, "I guess I'll see you sometime tomorrow then. Good luck with the music making!"

Aaron was about to say something, but Danni abruptly hung up on him. He was left sitting there, in front of the piano, looking at his dead phone. That was at 7pm. That was two and half hours ago. Aaron suddenly wondered what his girlfriend was doing now. It was 9.30pm. Aaron assumed the horoscope reading was well under way and the girls were eating slices of pepperoni pizza and guzzling red wine.

Danni's boyfriend tapped on Danni's number. He put his mobile to his ear. The phone began to ring and ring and ring. Aaron went straight through to voicemail. He left a message. He then sent his girlfriend a text. Aaron tried calling her again a few seconds later. Danni's mobile rang out. Aaron left another message. He then sent a second text. He wandered over to the couch and sat down. He waited. He watched his phone. He sat there waiting for five minutes, for ten minutes, and then for fifteen minutes - there was no response from Danni. He sat there in silence. The only sound in the room came from the clock on the wall.

"Ummm, okay," Aaron whispered, before setting the phone down on the coffee table, turning and stretching out on the sofa. "Have fun, Danni..."

Aaron fell asleep thirty seconds later. Aaron didn't move even once. He was exhausted. The clock on the wall ticked and ticked and ticked.


"Who was that," Brad whispered in Danni's ear, with a hot gush of air, as he slowly ran his fingers through Danni's fine dark hair, "You're with me tonight, cutey - I want your whole attention, baby."

Danni softly smiled as she looked down at the first and the second text messages from Aaron. She shook her head sadly and sighed.

"Baby, who was that, should I be worried?"

"No, you shouldn't be worried, Brad, it's nothing," Danni softly replied, switching her phone off and then dropping it into her open handbag. "It's no one, I'm sorry Brad. I've switched it off and put it away. I'm here with you tonight and only you."

"Good baby, I'm glad to hear it, beautiful. I don't want any distractions to spoil our big night."

"Me too," Danni whispered, sighing and grinning as Brad continued to seduce her with his breath and his soothing words in her sensitive ear and the gentle touch of his hands on her body. "Everything has been so perfect tonight."

It was a great second date in Danni's view: the two of them were at Brad's apartment. They had finished Brad's home cooked meal about an hour ago. They were now just drinking alcohol. She had a glass of wine and he was sipping bourbon neat. They were both sitting on a high step on the back patio deck. They were just six or seven feet away from the silent hot tub. The back of Brad's apartment overlooked the ocean.

Brad gently placed his hand on Danni's leg. He stroked her lower thigh. He wriggled in even closer to her. She giggled and then softly bit her bottom lip. She was looking out to sea. She picked up her glass of wine and sipped it. She dropped her eyes and ran her gaze over the large and long looking bulge in Brad's pants. She broke into a grin. She was so tempted to reach out, undo and unzip Brad so she could see what he had hidden in there. She could see it was much larger than Aaron's was. She was sure of that.

"Did you enjoy your meal, beautiful," Brad asked her as he softly kissed the side of Danni's head and ran his hand over her knee.

"Yeah, it was sensational," Danni whispered, placing her own hand on Brad's upper leg, "I didn't realize you could cook so well."

"Of course, Danni-girl," Brad whispered as he reached in and gently smoothed Danni's hair back with his fingers and then brushed his moving lips against her ear, "I did tell you I'm a chef and I'm a part owner in a restaurant downtown, didn't I?"

"I do remember now, I guess it just didn't register with me. I'm sorry."

"That's okay, baby," Brad softly said in her ear. "I know this is only our second date."

Danni gently sighed. Her heart was racing. She was trying to stay calm and keep her erratic breathing under control. Brad had started his game of seduction as soon as she arrived at his place. He came out to greet her and then invite her inside. Danni knew he was itching to get into her pants. Danni had needed a drink or two and Brad had accommodated her. Danni liked Brad and she was attracted to him, but she still needed something to steady her nerves. Danni had sat on a high stool at the end of his kitchen counter and watched him cook. It had been fun. Brad had cracked jokes. He had insisted that Danni peel and cut vegetables for him.

The dinner had been delicious. They had sat at the dining table for a while just talking. Then Brad had invited Danni to wander outside with him and sit down on the high step together, look out at the dark ocean, drink and talk some more.

Danni gulped her wine. Her head was lightly spinning. Brad was making his moves on her. He had been making his moves on her all night. Danni felt his fingers slide along the inside of her thigh. His hand was slowly running over her sheer stocking as he calmly talked to her as if nothing unusual was happening. He was almost inside her short tight skirt. She wasn't wearing any underwear, but she didn't want him to find that out just yet. She didn't want him to know that just yet. Danni grinned. Brad was talking non-stop in her ear as his hand roved. He was being deliberately crude. Danni was so horny and tipsy. She just loved it. She was giggling and red faced. He was apparently talking about cooking.

"And I usually use just a bit of olive oil, salted butter and some paprika when I do that sort of chicken," Brad exhaled in Danni's ear. "I usually tie it up and then fill it with something hard and thick. You need something really salty in there. You have to shove it right in there deep, Danni."

Danni burst into red faced laughter. She gulped more wine. She almost choked as he continued talking.

"Don't you think so, don't you agree, Danni," Brad continued, while Danni drank more wine and coughed. "That's the best way to go about it. Just stick it in there, don't you agree - baby, hey?"

"Oh, really, is that so, Brad," Danni softly said with a grin a moment later, "do you do that often - just shove something hard, thick and salty in there?"

"Uh huh, oh yeah, for sure, Danni-girl, for sure, Danni-baby," Brad continued. "I love forcing it in. And how about you - do you like it when hard things get shoved in snug hot spaces?"

Danni burst into more hysterical laughter. Brad laughed as well. He drank his glass of bourbon. His hand was now inside her skirt. His fingers were almost at Danni's wet pussy.

"Hmmm Danni, what do you think?"

"Of course, Brad, that's what snug spaces are for - aren't they," Danni said, suddenly standing up with a grin on her pretty face and taking a backwards step away from Brad.

"Uh huh, yeah, baby," Brad softly said, standing up as well, sipping his bourbon and then taking a step forward towards Danni. "Just remember, I do like cooking. Remember that. I made tonight's meal from scratch. I've been cooking since I turned 18, even before that. I know how to cook for a beautiful girl like you, baby."

Danni grinned and unconsciously preened herself for him. She briefly turned and looked at the waves crashing into shore as she drank her wine. A gentle breeze played with her hair. Brad was just standing there and sipping his sour mash. He then took a step forward towards Danni.

"Well yeah, again, it was really beautiful, Brad," Danni finally said, grinning, dropping her eyes to stare at Brad's crotch and taking another step back, "I like guys who can cook. I know one guy, no need to mention names, who can't cook to save his life. He strictly toasts white bread and that's it."

"Yeah I see, girl, I see," Brad said, taking another step forward as Danni took yet another step back. "Now can I ask you a question, baby?"

"Of course, Brad-darling!"

Where are you running away to?"

"Ummm, nowhere in particular," Danni said brightly, giggling, before drinking more of her wine. "I'm just, you know..."

"Uh huh, okay, that's nice, cutey, but you better watch out though, baby," Brad said.

"Oh and why is that, Brad," Danni whispered with a soft smile before gasping and softly screaming as the back of her high heeled shoes hit something hard and immovable behind her.

Danni struggled to maintain her balance. She was swaying from side to side. Wine splashed. She almost dropped her glass. Danni got her balance back. She whirled around. She had run into the edge of the hot tub. She looked down. The clear water was tranquil and dark.

Brad finished his glass of bourbon. He set the empty glass down on the ground. He swung out with his foot and flicked a switch. The tub roared into life. The water churned and bubbled. The fluorescent bulbs burst with aquatic light. Danni bit her lip. She had nowhere to go. Brad reached her. She turned back to him. She looked up at him and grinned.

"It looks like I'm all trapped and have nowhere to go now."

"Uh huh, ain't life sweet for a guy like me."

"Just like you planned it, I suppose - isn't that so, you smooth talking, Don Juan, you," Danni said.

"Dan Warne," Brad whispered, "who's he, I don't know that guy - does he cook, does he pull a lot of chicks?"

Danni burst into laughter. She drank more wine.


"You're just very funny, Brad."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fucking hysterical, just ask Dan Warne," Brad continued while Danni burst into more laughter, soon followed by Brad.

Danni and Brad settled a few moments later.

"Tell me how badly you want something hard and thick, Danni," Brad whispered in her ear as he enclosed her petite frame in his large muscular embrace. "Tell me you love hard and thick things. Tell me you love them in your snug hot places."

Danni laughed again. She slapped Brad's chest. She exhaled wine fumes in his handsome face.

"You're so crude, you're not into finessing it at all, are you, Brad!"

"You don't like a working guy like me being all flirty and talking dirty to you?"

"I don't mind, I know you can't help yourself. Also I'm a working girl as well."

"Do you wanna see my cock then, Danni," Brad softly continued, "do you want me to take all my clothes off and show it to you."

"Oh boy," Danni hissed, grinning, placing her hand on his upper arm, "is it as big as I think it is?"

"Of course it is, probably bigger, I'll let you kiss it, if you want."

Danni laughed and shrugged. Her eyes lit up. Danni was about to say something, but she was cut off by Brad. He suddenly leant in. He ran his fingers along her soft jaw-line. Danni gasped. Less than a second later his lips met hers. Danni whined in Brad's mouth. She softly beat his chest with her curled up fists. Wine splashed and drenched his shirt. Then she just sighed and melted in his arms.

Brad felt the tension in Danni dissolve. He felt her slowly run her arms around him. He pulled her close. He rubbed the underside of his hard shaft against her body. He ran his hand around her head as they kissed. Brad broke the hot kiss a moment later.

"Do you wanna see my cock, Danni?"

"Oh my God, yes, yes please, Brad," Danni hissed up at him.

"Do you wanna kiss it, tell me, Danni," Brad insisted on knowing.

"Yeah, yeah, I wanna blow you, Brad," Danni softly said, before Brad leant in and kissed her on the mouth again.

"And wear it on your pretty face," Brad softly asked, after breaking. "Do you wanna bathe in it? Tell me, Danni."

Danni gasped. Her eyes grew wide. Brad took the empty glass of wine from her. The last of it had ended up on him and the patio deck. He tossed the glass on the soft lawn beyond the deck.

"That's so fucking crude, Brad," Danni responded. "You're such a blunt, dirty minded guy. People I know, that I live with, don't normally speak like that around me."

"Uh huh, but you like it, right?"

"Yes, I love it, Brad," Danni softly gushed. "I love it. I wanna wear it around. I wanna wear it while I'm at work, you dirty..."

The two of them kissed passionately at the edge of the hot tub. Danni opened her lips and Brad gently pushed his tongue inside. Danni whined with pleasure. She touched her tongue tip against his and then they were exploring and fighting each other. Danni felt his hands on her body. She stepped out of her high heels and kicked them away. She reached out and unbuttoned Brad's shirt. He was undoing her top.

Danni broke the kiss and gasped. Brad had forced his hand under Danni's skirt, between her legs and against Danni's pussy. Danni had unbuttoned Brad's shirt and had it off. She gasped again as she looked at Brad's hairless, tanned, massive upper body. She groaned as Brad gently stroked her pussy lips with his fingertips. A second later they were kissing again. Danni was unsnapping and unzipping his pants. Her fluttering, racing hands worked overtime stripping him.

"Oh my God," Danni stated a few moments later after the kiss had ended, wriggling and rolling her hips while Brad caressed and played with her.

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