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The Girl with the Sea Colored Eyes


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The two of them held each other tight. Brad was deep inside Danni and was firing hard. Danni had him deep inside her and was coming on his shooting dick. It was an intense exchange that made them forget their own names and where they were. The lovers shuddered along, twisting from side to side, shooting their load. Brad finished with a good hard shudder. He burst into long happy laughter. Danni was still groaning and twitching.

Brad abruptly picked Danni up. He pulled her against him. She gasped. She was facing him and in his lap again. She shivered to an end. Her climax was finished. The two of them were laughing. Their laughter filled the whole apartment. Then they were gazing into each other's eyes and then they started kissing passionately and deeply again. Brad slowly ran his thick strong fingers through Danni's wet hair. He cradled her head in his hand as he gently explored her open mouth with his tongue. A few moments later the kiss was broken.

Danni stared into Brad's dark eyes, while she ran her fingers through his hair. The moonlight played there. There was no point denying it any longer. Danni wanted to be with Brad full-time. She didn't want to be with Aaron anymore. She had to go back to Aaron, be honest with him and tell him what had happened to her. She had to tell Aaron that her relationship with her long term boyfriend was over and she was going to arrange to move out of their tiny claustrophobic apartment and move in with Jill for a while. It was a sad situation. It was hard, but Danni had to do it. She couldn't be with her ephemeral and beautiful Aaron anymore.

"Are you okay, baby," Brad asked, his hot breath caressing her face, "You look like you're a million miles away. You suddenly look so sad."

"Brad, there's something I have to tell you," Danni softly said, a guilty expression playing on her features. "I'm so, so sorry, I should have told you this already, you see I have a..."

"Let me guess, you've got a boyfriend," Brad stated, cutting Danni off.

Danni gasped. She froze. Her eyes grew wide.

"I don't know what to say," Danni whispered after a tense moment.

"Baby, I'm not that smart, but I'm not stupid either," Brad softly said, before dropping his eyes, "I realized you had someone already. I just wanna know if you wanna to be with him or me?"

Danni watched him. Her eyes began to well up with tears. She slowly ran her fingers through his hair. She bit her bottom lip.

"Look at me, Brad."

He looked up at Danni.

"God, can't you figure it out," Danni softly stated, her voice thick with emotion.

"Well, I...," Brad began, before Danni cut him off.

"With you, with you, Brad, I want to be with you," Danni softly and earnestly said, tears running down her cheeks.

Brad gasped. The two of them held each other close. They kissed softly. They explored each other's facial features, in the dark bedroom, with their fingertips.

"Are you okay," Brad whispered in her ear.

"Yeah I'm fine, Brad," Danni whispered back, "do you think you're up for another round or two with me tonight?"

"Oh yeah, definitely," Brad said, "I'm so ready for that."

Danni softly laughed. The two lovers kissed each other again a few intense moments later.



How to describe it: it was like an arctic wind, Aaron thought, as he lay there on his bed, in the dark, curled up in the fetal position, with a photo of Danni clutched to his chest. It was like an icy cold gale had blown through his heart, through his life, and had left him feeling barren and without any meaning or purpose. It was just too much - to lose all your motivation in an instant, to lose all your meaning in a flash, to lose all your hope in one moment.

Aaron could clearly remember that day. He had been endlessly replaying it over and over in his mind as he lay there, hopelessly, in the dark. Danni had arrived back at the apartment, the next afternoon, after her second date with Brad. Aaron heard the key slide into the lock. He looked up from the piano as his girlfriend came in through the front door.

No words were said at first, no words needed to be said. Aaron instantly felt his heart sink. He experienced that icy cold gale burn through him, and obliterate everything, as Danni tentatively approached him.

Aaron could see the love bites on her slim neck. Her lightly tanned skin was bruised by another man's teeth and lips. Her fine shoulder length hair was wild. Her sexy looking clothing looked disheveled and dirty. As bad and as obvious as this was, Aaron experienced even worse. He felt a freezing hand reach inside his chest and with cruel relentless pressure crush his heart. Danni just couldn't keep the joy out of her sea colored eyes, nor could she hide the happy smile which played at the edges of her swollen looking lips.

"Aaron, we need to talk," Danni had softly advised him, "this may be a bit hard to hear and process, but it needs to be said anyway."

"Okay Danni," Aaron had whispered.

And just like that, Danni told him that they were over. And just like that, the girl who was his everything just tore herself apart from him. Aaron felt his soul crack. She was trying to explain. She was apologizing over and over. She grew animated. She tried to make him understand. He felt the blood drain from his face as he watched her lips move. He thought he was going to throw up. He thought he was going to faint. The whole world was turning over and over.

"Okay Danni," he finally said after listening to her or rather watching her speak for some time, "it's okay, Danni, I understand."

That's all Aaron said: okay, Danni, it's okay, Danni, I understand - that's all he said. And she watched him silently, nodded, went into the bedroom with tears in her eyes and began packing her things.

Jill and Renee arrived thirty minutes later. Danni had obviously asked her two friends to come over and help her move. Brad wasn't there. Danni had mentioned the name of a man named Brad to Aaron. Danni was concerned enough for Aaron's feelings not to invite her new boyfriend over to rub Aaron's face in it or get in the way. Aaron just sat there at his piano and stared into space as the three silent girls moved back and forth, going in and out of the front door with Danni's suitcases, her bits and pieces and her things.

It was almost obscene: it didn't take Danni long to move all her shit out of the apartment. The three girls just went backwards and forwards, picking up this and picking up that, and carrying it all out the front door. Just like that, just like that it was all done. Aaron didn't time it, but it felt like it was all completed in just under an hour.

Danni had dropped to her knees before Aaron. She had tears in her eyes as she addressed his vacant disbelieving facial features with her soft words. She reached out and squeezed his hand. He said nothing. He was completely silent and broken. Jill and Renee stood several feet away from Aaron and Danni. They watched Danni's ex with wide eyes and open mouths. Neither of them had seen someone's heart busted so completely by another person before.

"I know I owe you a lot of money for rent and bills," Danni mentioned at one point, while Aaron blinked stupidly and then dropped his eyes. "I promise I'll stay in touch and pay you what I owe you. I won't just leave you in the lurch, Aaron. And please just keep all the furniture. I don't really want any of it."

There was no response. Danni got to her feet. She backed away from Aaron. She was staring at him. There was just no response. Aaron clutched his chest with the palm of his hand. He thought he was having a heart attack for a second.

"C'mon girls, please, let's just get out of here," Danni stated, turning around, and racing out the door as her voice began breaking into sobs.

Aaron finally looked up a few minutes later. The clock on the wall ticked on and on and on. Aaron looked at the open front door. Danni was gone and she probably wouldn't ever come back. It was at that moment that Aaron began scrunching up his fists and thumping his chest. A few moments later he burst into tears and he began to sob. His body was soon wracked by the sort of sorrow and grief he never thought he would ever have to experience. Aaron remembered his neighbor appearing at the open front door a few minutes later. Aaron's sobbing had carried clear across the hall and into the apartment opposite his. The neighbor entered the apartment. Aaron ended up in her open arms.

Danni had left and she was probably never coming back.

And so Aaron lay there on his bed, in the dark, in the fetal position, with a photo of Danni clutched to his chest. He just played that horrible, that monstrous scene of her packing her shit and leaving, over and over again in his mind. He didn't touch the piano. He didn't paint. He didn't write. He worked a part-time clerical job to pay the bills, but he didn't attend his job. He was on continuous sick leave.

What was he going to do: Danni had left him for another guy?


Danni was naked. Brad was naked. Brad was sitting there stretched out in a rocking chair, which used to belong to his beloved grandfather. Brad was reclining back. His arms lay on the worn wooden armrests. His strong legs were lying out before him. He was slowly rocking the chair back and forth, over and over, by leaning and pushing. The bottom of the chair rubbed against the floorboards of his apartment. The rocking chair creaked and threatened to fall apart.

Danni was on top of Brad. She was facing away from him. She was impaled on his hard penis. She just sat there. Her hot moist pussy was filled with his dick. Brad was sighing and watching the ceiling through half closed eyes. His large, tanned muscular body was shining with perspiration. The sweat trickled and pooled in his belly button and crotch. It ran between his chest muscles. It clung to his thick limbs. His forehead was wet. His scalp was drenched.

Danni was softly smiling. Her eyes were closed. Her fine dark hair was wet and stringy. Her beautiful petite body shone like her lover's did. She was inhaling sweetly. She was slowly and carefully rolling her hips in a relentless pattern. Danni bit her bottom lip and opened her eyes. She gazed at the television set with a vacant expression. The sound on the TV had been turned down low. There was car racing on. Danni watched the fast sedans go round and round.

Brad took Danni's hips in his hands. Danni stopped rolling her lower body for a moment. She grinned. She giggled. She cleared the stringy hair from her eyes. Brad abruptly sat up. He pressed his face into Danni's upper back. He ran his arms around her waist from behind. He was breathing hard against her hot skin. His eyes were closed.

"Are you okay," Danni asked him softly, with a smile on her face, "what's happening back there? Give me an update."

Brad was silent for a moment. Danni giggled again. She knew he was close to losing it. She had been fucking Brad for more than an hour and she knew he was close to coming inside her again. She had to hand it to him though. He had stayed hard and he had kept his self control for such a long period of time.

"Give me a sec," Brad hissed, inhaling and exhaling slowly and gently. "I can do this, I swear I can."

"Ah, well, okay then," Danni whispered, beginning to slowly screw her boyfriend's large hard cock by grinding her lower body against him over and over and over again.

"Damn you, Danni, you gorgeous chick," Brad gasped out, running the palms of his hands up and over her beautiful breasts. "Give me a chance now!"

"A chance," Danni said, after laughing, "you've had your chances. It's time to finish this round, mister! You can try and better your time during the next stage of the comp!"

Danni suddenly sped up her movements. Brad groaned and lay back in the rocking chair. He grabbed hold of the arm rests. Danni's perspiring body flashed up and down. The rocking chair squeaked and screeched in complaint. Brad thought the chair was going to topple over backwards and spill the two sweaty lovers on the floor.

"C'mon, c'mon, Brad," Danni urged him with her sweet loud words, "c'mon, Brad, cum for me! Do it, Brad - cum for me!"

The semen was teased and provoked out of Brad by Danni's snug hot body. Brad began roaring while his sexy girlfriend began laughing. The sound bounced around the room as Brad shuddered hard and Danni squealed and laughed. He fired cum inside Danni's body. He was still shooting his load inside Danni when the inevitable happened. The two of them rocked back too far, the chair upended and the two lovers fell out the back and ended up on the apartment floor.

"OH SHIT," Danni screamed, while Brad continued coming inside her like a madman, "OH MY GOD - HA HA HA!"



Could the greatest of art come from the depths of the deepest tragedy? Could pain and sorrow give rise to the energy and the insight needed to bring something astounding and meaningful into existence? Could it be done? Could Aaron do it?

It took Aaron a couple of weeks to finally shower, make a decent meal and sit down before the piano again. The place where Danni dwelt inside him was now just an empty dark hole. That place was like a deep blackened well with slimy walls, which he had to train himself not to jump blindly into. Her voice, her smell and her touch lingered on only to taunt and upset him now. The tears in him were gone. Aaron was just numb. He had so many place inside, which were off limits, at least for a while, at least until his art went with him into those dark recesses.

It took Aaron a while to get his scrambled thoughts together. He constantly examined the half completed composition he had been working on for his final exams. He was always looking at it. It was a shallow and pointless thing, without any deeper underlying significance, as far as he was concerned.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT," Aaron thundered, tearing the sheet music into shreds in a blind rage and throwing the remains across the floor. "YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!"

Aaron soon had a fresh composition started. He was at the piano night and day. A dam had built up in his mind, in his heart and in his soul. The waters behind that dam had suddenly burst its bonds. Aaron was right there to ride a powerful surge of inspiration as it carried him through into a sacred place. The music, tragic and deep, poured forth onto the page.

To be an artist, to be sincere, to bleed for it, to wrench and drag Being from that place inside, to put it down in musical form, to bring it forth like a child - it made Aaron cry and punch at the air again and again as he did it. He was only 22 years old, and he declared himself to be an artist, and he was.


Danni couldn't believe how good it felt. She felt so fine. Her tingling body was just so delicious.

"Awww boy," Danni whispered up at Brad as he gently penetrated her petite body with his huge hard cock.

"It's so nice, isn't it," Brad softly said, caressing her with his words in the night.

"Ohhh God," Danni exhaled in his ear, as he carried her around his apartment, his hard dick inside her, as if she were his sweet tiny plaything and he was some dominant gorilla.

The two lovers, left to their own devices, had created a sort of magical connection which drew them so close to each other in every sense of the word. An unspoken language existed between them, which was communicated through looks, breathing and the caress of skin on skin in the dark. Danni couldn't bear to be out of contact with Brad's body and Brad just naturally and normally sought out his new girlfriend, whenever she wasn't touching him.

They were making love as often as they could. Everything else in their life suffered as a result. Danni had quit her low paying job at the café. Brad had promised to get her a new job at the restaurant he held a part ownership in. It was going to be a better job, a higher paying role, where she could manage others rather than being managed herself. The only problem: Brad and Danni never appeared at the restaurant. They were too busy playing around in bed and fucking each other's brains out. Danni had his word though - Brad would help her get the exciting new job they both wanted her to have. She trusted him and believed in him implicitly.

It was so typical for the two lovers now. It was late at night. The large glass doors leading from Brad's bedroom out to the back patio had been unlocked and opened. A soft breeze came in from the pounding dark ocean beyond the edge of the apartment property line.

Danni was on her back. She was naked. Brad was on top of her. His hard dick was inside her pussy.

The night air drifted inside through the open glass doors. It wandered slowly about, as if it were a thoughtful thing, tentatively exploring that space, rather than just some mindless oxygen. That thoughtful breeze settled down softly on the moving bodies of the lovers. It ran its long tender fingers across their wet skin and caused the goose bumps to rise and the fine hair on their bodies to stand up.

Brad's girlfriend sensed the presence of the thoughtful conscious breeze on her head as she softly and gently kissed her boyfriend's mouth. The gaze coming from the soft sea-wind seemed to be everywhere. It travelled secretly and carefully along the narrow passages opening up and closing down between Danni and her boyfriend's moving forms. It watched Danni's roving arms and hands as she slowly caressed Brad's flanks and shoulders. It slipped effortlessly over her swinging legs. It tickled and tingled in her curling toes.

Brad broke the deep lingering kiss with Danni. He gazed lovingly down into her eyes. They were mere pools of deep shadow with a spark of light gleaming there. Brad felt the conscious ocean-air sweep so carefully and tantalizing along his spine and over his perspiring muscular back. He gasped as the breeze slid between his moving behind. The conscious sea-air slid along the cleft of his buttocks and over his anus.

"Oh Brad," Danni whispered. "It's just so beautiful when you make love to me this way. It's just so soft and gentle."

Brad carefully drew his hips back and then pressed forward, filling Danni with his oozing prick. She just gasped and sighed as he did it.

"Do you like it when we do slow missionary together, do you," Brad asked.

"Yes, I love it, Brad, I love it so much."

Danni closed her eyes. She rubbed her scalp in the pillow. The conscious sea-wind brought the sounds of the night, the sounds of the restless ocean to her sensitive ears. Danni could hear the distant wail and shrieking of the seabirds. She could hear the crash and sizzle of the waves on shore. She could detect the powerful boom of a more forceful surge hammering the rocks from a mile away. She could smell the clouds of salt in the air. She could only see the dark ceiling and then the face of her lover. She was on her back. She was being penetrated by her man. She was kissing him again.

The two of them ended up whining together and rolling from side to side. Danni was crying. Brad was gasping in the dark while the conscious intelligent breeze played with their senses and completed its part in stimulating them in their lovemaking. Brad was firing more hot semen inside Danni and she was exuding her fluids on his organ. Their limbs slapped together. Their mouths molded together. The awareness of the wind from out of the dark ocean vanished.


Aaron sat at the piano. He inhaled deeply. He exhaled. He was nearly finished his piece. He was on stage and he was being watched by his college teachers and his classmates. He was on the verge of completing his final examination.

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