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The Girl with the Sea Colored Eyes


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Aaron had played perfectly and thoughtfully. He had described the emotions underlying his composition so beautifully. Nobody said anything to break the train of his intense concentration, nor did they just get up and walk out half way through, or start coughing or laughing.

Aaron brought his piece to an end with a thoughtful and sad ambience. The final notes rang out beautifully but sadly in the college auditorium. He had tears running down his cheeks as the music finished. He sat there perched on the edge of his bench. He was silent. He stared at the keys.

Aaron noted the applause. It wasn't merely routine or just a courtesy extended to students for going through a mundane exam. The clapping was enthusiastic. There was even some whistling. Aaron drowned out the sound of clapping. Images of Danni ran through his mind.

Aaron could clearly picture Danni smiling at him, as she ate dinner, on the coffee table next to him, in their apartment. He could see her on her exercise bike. He could see her legs pumping and her arms moving quickly backwards and forwards as she raced to beat her previous best time. Aaron could see her looking tired and harassed in her soiled and rumpled waitress's uniform. He could remember her yelling at him and waving her arms about. He could see her naked, her head wrapped in a towel, as she padded about in her fuzzy-wuzzy slippers. He could remember touching her and making love to her early in the morning. He remembered her sweet breath in his face and the way she gently snored in his ear while he held her in his arms.

Finally, Aaron could see Danni turning and walking away from him. She briefly looked back at him and blew him a kiss. She grinned at him. She softly bit her bottom lip. She turned away from him again. She began walking away once more. She picked up her speed and then began running. Then she stopped. She looked back at Aaron once more. She looked pensive and worried. But then she smiled softly. She waved at Aaron. She turned away from him again. She just kept running and running. Aaron stood there. He watched her go. He was beside himself. He was just beside himself. She wouldn't stop. She just kept running away from him.

Aaron suddenly jolted awake. He was breathing hard. His heart was thumping in his chest. One of his college teachers had placed her hand on his shoulder and the shock of feeling that contact tore him out of his dream world. Tears were still running down his cheeks, but the applause was still going.

"Are you okay, Aaron," his teacher asked him, concerned.

Aaron gritted his teeth. He aggressively nodded. He got to his feet. His examinations were finally over. He had been through hell, but the look in everyone's eyes told him he had passed through the fire successfully. He was done. College was going to be over and he would have his degree.


Their next round of sex was taking place in the early afternoon. They had slept soundly until about mid morning and then they had come awake. They were clinging to each other. They were both naked and Brad's damp bed sheets were wrapped around their sweaty bodies.

Brad had cooked them something quick and then they had jumped into the hot tub to wash the dried perspiration from their skin in the rumbling water. It wasn't long before Danni and Brad were kissing passionately in the tub.

"Next lie down on your back, Brad," Danni whispered in his face, as he set her down on her bare damp feet, after carrying her into the bedroom.

Brad grinned. He climbed onto the bed. He turned over and stretched out. Danni mounted the end of the bed and then moved over his large inert frame. She lay down on him.

"My God you're a big boy," Danni whispered, running her hands over his broad shoulders. "I swear you get bigger every day."

"I do," Brad said softly, "fucking you at least three times a day makes me all big and strong, baby."

Danni laughed. Then a few seconds later she dropped her head and began kissing her boyfriend's chest. Brad whined as she decided to torment his nipples by sucking on them tightly and dragging the tip of her tongue over them.

"Goddamn it," he hissed, cradling her head in his broad hands. "You're such a tease, babe!"

Danni laughed at him, after releasing him. She then rubbed her nose in his hard belly. She deeply inhaled his scent. It made her head spin out of control. It was so delicious.

"Hey turn around, Danni-girl," Brad whispered, "I wanna eat your sweet pussy."

Danni laughed.

"Ummm, okay, that sounds like a plan," Brad's girlfriend said, turning and swinging her leg over her boyfriend so he could have her the way he wanted to have her.

Danni reached out and ran her fingertip along the underside of Brad's hard shaft. She took his cock by the base. She leant in and planted soft mushy kisses on his erection.

"Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm," Danni murmured happily as she peppered her boyfriend's dick with soft smacks, "Damn, that's yummy!"

Brad meanwhile plied Danni's lips apart with his fingers. He treated her like gelato. He slid his tongue along her genitals and licked her with the flat part of his tongue. She sighed and grinned when she felt him locate her sensitive clitoris, and then begin teasing it, in order to provoke it to make its triumphant appearance, so he could really stir Danni up.

"You've become so good at that, baby," Danni whispered, while she stroked her boyfriend's dripping cock with her fist.

"I've had a lot of experience, girl, but practice does makes perfect, beautiful," Brad softly said before going back to work on her body.

Danni was on her hands and knees soon after. She was facing the bedroom wall. Brad was behind her. His palms were on her hips. He was thrusting hard from behind. His cock slipped inside Danni's body as she swung back and their forms crashed into each other.

"Awww gawd," both lovers muttered together, loving the sensation of their sex organs sliding back and forth.

"C'mon, fuck me, Brad," Danni whispered, before the breath was forced out of her by Brad's next collision with her body, and before she was able to speak again, "oh, my gosh, boy!"

"I love fucking you, Danni," Brad hissed, pleasure slipping over him.

"Me too, so get on with it, boy," Danni urged him, "get on with it and fuck me, Brad!"

Brad sighed. He closed and opened his eyes. He looked down and watched his shaft disappear inside Danni. He loved watching her petite lower body move forward and back in time with the motion of his own form. He loved the way her pussy lips clung so snugly to the exterior of his shiny, red looking rod.

They ended up reaching their climax in the way they enjoyed the most. It had become their favorite way. Brad was sitting cross legged on the bed. Danni was sitting in his lap. She was facing him. Danni had draped her arms around Brad's neck. He was holding her by the waist. She was bouncing up and down. His cock was racing in and out. He was already firing pre-cum inside her.

"Oh God, I'm gonna cum again, Brad," Danni whined, before breaking into a long moan and then speaking again. "I'm gonna cum again!"

"Me too, baby," Brad hissed, feeling the building pleasure in his purple looking prick, as it grew even thicker, ready to deliver its hot payload.

Danni continued bouncing. Brad was raising his hips slightly. Then whatever wild uneven rhythm, they had left, just abruptly ended as Brad started firing, and then Danni came explosively.




"AAAAWWWW, AAAAWWWW, AAAAWWWW," the two lovers cried out together in the early afternoon light.

The two of them clutched each other. They were deep in each other's arms. Their hands slapped each other's wet skin. Their eyes were closed tight. They were rocking backwards and forwards and then from side to side. Brad fell backwards and Danni ended up on top of him. He violently shot his load again and again. Then it was finished and the power which had shaken and animated them drifted away in the air.

"I love you, Danni," Brad whispered, his face inches from hers, his breath bursting against her features. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Brad," Danni responded, "I love you as well and so very dearly."

They gazed at each other for a long silent moment and then they closed their eyes, leant in and kissed again.



It was three years later. Danni and Brad were sitting in the dark together, in a vast theatre, filled with people. Danni and Brad were holding hands. The soft light from the nearby exit caused their engagement and wedding rings to shine with a dull gleam.

Aaron was seated on a bench, before a grand piano, on the theatre stage. A full orchestra was spread, from one end of the stage to the other, behind him.

Aaron's eyes were closed. His head was bowed. His nimble, swift fingers ran across the keyboard. The well dressed musicians behind Aaron were moving in powerful harmony with him as they all approached the climactic end of the great piano concerto.

Danni watched Aaron with bated breath and wide, tear-filled eyes. She sat well forward in her seat and stared as her brilliant ex-boyfriend filled the dark theatre with exquisite notes and thrilling, complex runs.

"Oh my God, Aaron," Danni whispered, amazed by the ocean of sound which washed over her and swallowed her whole. "Look how far you've come!"

Brad smiled at his wife, Danni. He leant in and kissed her cheek. She turned and grinned at him. She turned back to watch, Aaron. Brad felt Danni squeeze his hand as the third Rachmaninoff concerto was brought to a thunderous close. Danni gasped. More tears burst from her eyes as the powerful music came to an end. There was a second of shocked silence around the vast room, then the theatre exploded with applause and people were jumping to their feet.

"Bravo, bravo!"

"Wow, people really liked it," Brad softly said, looking around , getting to his feet as Danni did, and running his gaze around the theatre as he clapped.

"Oh my God, Aaron," Danni repeated, violently clapping her hands, standing on her seat while Brad held her around the waist, watching Aaron step forward and repeatedly bow to the animated, noisy crowd. "Wasn't he marvelous, Brad?"

Brad grinned and nodded.

The applause continued as Aaron finally turned and walked off stage while the orchestra congratulated him as they watched him leave.

"C'mon babe," Danni stated as the house lights came on and the theatre was filled with a blinding glare, "I want to at least try and get backstage if we can."

"I don't think we'll be allowed back there. Didn't you send him a text," Brad asked. "I thought you said you did?"

"Yes I sent one, but no, no, it didn't go through; he must have a different number now," Danni said, jumping down off her seat, grabbing her husband's hand and then pulling him along the crowded aisle behind her.

"Crazy girl, who I love," Brad said. "They will have security - you know - to stop crazies like you getting in."

"Yeah, yeah, but I have the gift of the gab, baby, I can talk my way in anywhere."

"What's the gift of the gab?"

"Never mind," Danni said with a sigh, dragging her huge husband along.

Danni and Brad wormed their way through the slow moving crowd as well as they could. People peered at them or shot them an annoyed look as they went against the flow of traffic and away from the theatre exits. They managed to reach the edge of the stage. Danni looked around. The theatre was half empty. No security guards or ushers were in sight yet.

"That way," Danni announced, pointing to the stairs, at the far end of the stage. Danni assumed correctly that the stairs led down towards the dressing rooms. She pulled Brad off again.

They arrived at the far end of the stage. They ran down the stairs, hand in hand. They reached a closed door at the bottom.

"Oh boy," Danni muttered, feeling disappointed, "so much for that idea."

Brad reached out and turned the handle. Both Danni and Brad expected it to be locked. The handle turned. The door opened. Danni and Brad stepped inside. They were amazed. They stared at each other.

"Wow, we're inside," Danni said, wide eyed.

"Yeah, now all we have to do is figure out where he is before we get caught and booted out by security."

"Don't worry, babe," Danni said, "I just want to say a quick hello, that's all."


Aaron was in his dressing room. The door was shut tight. Aaron had taken his dark jacket off and dropped it on a chair. He had undone his bowtie and unbuttoned his collar. He was grinning. He was running his fingers through his hair. He had a distracted look in his eyes. He was taking one step back, then another step back, and then another step back.

Aaron's three hungry girlfriends were approaching him. They were stalking him. They slowly advanced on him from all sides of the dressing room as he withdrew from them. The three women were older than Aaron was and all three of them were strangely beautiful and exotic.

The female on Aaron's left was named Janine. She was 38 years old. She had long fine chestnut colored hair, large light eyes, red lips and creamy skin. She was tall and slim. She was wearing a short tight glittering cocktail dress, sheer stockings, high heels, jewelry and nothing else. The woman on Aaron's right was named Jenna. She was 36 years old. She had long fine dark red hair like a stream of Shiraz. She had light unearthly eyes like Janine. She was so pale. She was tall and slim as well. She was wearing the same sort of dazzling dress as Janine did. Jenna didn't have any underwear on either.

The third woman was 40 years old and her name was Julianne. She had short, boyish blonde hair. Her eyes were a startling icy blue color. Her skin was more tanned than Janine and Jenna's ice cream colored complexions. Julianne had full lips. Her body was more curvaceous than her two female counterparts. She was wearing a sheer, short tight dress with no underwear. Aaron could see the shape of her breasts through the thin material.

All three women wore soft inviting smiles. Their eyes were demure and twinkling. Aaron just loved them to bits. He adored them. They were his muses. They were his inspiration. They were dream females as far as Aaron was concerned.

All three women were aggressive. They were "don't say no to us" types, who always seemed ready to tear their wide-eyed boy's clothes off and drag him into bed for yet another go at it. They were great between the sheets and they were all happy to jump into bed with him at the same time. Aaron couldn't believe his luck. He gasped when he thought of the three of them. He didn't realize a trio of gorgeous females could make feel him that good!

Janine had been married for several years to a great solo violinist before she caught her husband in bed with a young male singer. She had divorced him. She had taken their two children. Jenna had been briefly married to a well known vocalist, but their marriage had self-destructed in a very public way. She had one child. She had gone on to enjoy a number of affairs over the years with much younger men. Julianne was still married to the conductor from that night's performance. Julianne had three children. Julianne had her husband's permission to play with the young virtuoso as much as she wanted to. All three women just loved and craved Aaron's body - the 25 year old pianist was going places and that turned Janine, Jenna and Julianne on so much.

Aaron had met Julianne first. She was a self-confessed groupie when it came to young, brilliant and well known classical musicians. She had dominated Aaron's time at a formal after concert drinks and supper one evening. Her conductor husband had given Julianne the nod and the grin. Julianne had gone home with Aaron and blown his penis and his mind in bed.

The other two women both met Aaron at the end of a dazzling performance. The two females were friends. They, like Julianne, loved young and gifted virtuosos. Aaron at 24 was already being spoken about as one of the most gifted artists to come along in years. Everybody in the classical music world expected big things from him. Aaron was going to end up successful and wealthy. Janine and Jenna just pounced on him straight away. It was the first time Aaron ever had a threesome. It was just amazing and then it got better when Julianne happily joined them!

Aaron had been involved with all three of these beautiful, highly sexed, female bohemians for nearly eight months. All four of them were more or less living in a large apartment uptown together. Julianne came and went. Children arrived and left. It was just so unusual. Aaron never really got over his unreal luck.

"I hope you enjoyed the performance, ladies, I think it went very well indeed. The audience seemed to like it. I received a standing ovation for the Rach. 3, which was very welcome...," Aaron said nervously, smiling, his eyes moving from woman to woman as he withdrew from them.

"Well, of course, Aaron, it was yet another triumph, wasn't it, hmmm," Jenna softly said, her eyes running over him as she spoke.

"Absolutely Aaron," Janine added, pulling the pins which held her long fine hair up - her eyes on his crotch. "It was a sterling performance - simply sterling!"

"Uh huh," Julianne whispered, licking her lips.

"Yes indeed," Aaron rattled off, still quickly talking as he withdrew. "I think it will appear on radio. It may have been recorded."

"I'm sure it will be recorded and then people will buy it and listen to it," Julianne continued. "Then there'll be even more money in the bank."

"Indeed, what an honor," Jenna whispered, "your ladies were hoping to congratulate you properly, darling, now that we're behind closed doors."

"Absolutely," Janine softly affirmed, "your ladies are going to tear you apart - our special gift to you, honey."

"Well, that does seem like a great way to celebrate," Aaron whispered glibly, matter of factly, while his heart pounded in his chest.

Aaron ran his gaze over their slinky tight forms and their Elfish facial features. They were sinewy and lithe. He stared into their feline eyes. He suddenly and abruptly backed himself into the dressing room wall. He heard and felt the thud.

"Oh shit!"

Janine, Julianne and Jenna softly laughed. Jenna spoke.

"Nowhere to run now, darling: you're always trying to run away from the inevitable, aren't you, Aaron."

The three beautiful older women reached Aaron a moment later. He grinned. He was wide eyed. He was red faced. His back was to the wall. He scratched his head. He was about to say something, but Janine dropped her eyes, lined up his lips with hers, ran her fingers through his hair, swiftly leant in, and sealed off his nervous words by kissing his mouth.

Janine softly sighed. Aaron gasped in Janine's mouth. Jenna placed her left hand on Aaron's chest. Her bangles rattled on her slim right wrist as she quickly undid and unzipped Aaron's suit pants and pressed her hand inside his underwear. Aaron gasped again as Jenna took hold of his hard prick and began crushing and caressing it. Julianne leant in and exhaled a burst of hot air in his ear before kissing him there.

"And how does that feel, my young darling," Jenna whispered in Aaron's other ear as she stroked and squeezed him. "Do you like that?"

Janine broke her kiss after a passionate moment. Jenna and Janine looked at each other. Jenna looked at her 25 year old boyfriend. Aaron's mouth was smudged with Janine's red cocksucker lipstick. Janine went to work on his other ear, while Jenna leant in and kissed his lips.

The three hungry females worked quickly to strip their prey. The bowtie was pulled free. The buttons on Aaron's brilliant white shirt were undone. The shirt came off. The belt on his pants was dragged free. His open pants fell to the floor. Julianne was kissing Aaron deeply, as soon as Jenna released him with a wet smack. Julianne was cupping the sides of his face in her hands. Jenna was still wondering around in Aaron's underwear. Then Jenna dropped to her knees before Aaron, whipped his underwear down his shaky legs and around his pale hairy ankles.

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