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The Happiest Day of Her Life Ch. 10


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Frank took a second and said, "I don't want to sound rude, but I'm sure I'm going to. Could you please wait for my answer until I go to the bathroom? I have to pee like a racehorse and I also wouldn't mind a minute or two to think this over. Is that ok?"

"Of course, it is," replied Marie. "I certainly don't want you pissing on Jayne. I don't care for Golden Showers. Although she might like them..."

"Yeah, not so much," replied Jayne.

"So, get your ass in the bathroom and have a good think!"

Frank clamped his hand on his penis hoping to prevent an accidental discharge. He ran to the en-suite bathroom and slammed the door closed behind him. Seconds later, the naked ladies on the bed heard a loud, "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," followed by the sound of a stream.

"I guess he made it," said Marie. "How much did you hear of what I told Frank?"

"All of it," admitted Jayne.

"Are you ok with Frank and me sharing you?"

"Yes, Ms. Marie. I really liked what we did this morning."

"And you understand that if he can't handle sharing you, then he's out? I am not choosing him over you. We're a package deal. It's all or nothing."

"Yes, Ms. Marie. Thank you so much!"

They stopped talking when they heard the toilet flush. Seconds later, the bathroom door opened and Frank peeked his head out.

"Would you ladies care to join me in the shower?"

Marie smiled and asked, "Does that mean what I think it does?"

"I love you, Marie. I've loved you for the longest time. And, well, I've had a little crush on Jayne since before my folks died. I'm going to be honest with you. This isn't how I pictured things working out. You do things a lot differently than I do. I'm starting to learn that different isn't always bad. Hell, sometimes different is a lot of fun. Yes, I can handle you being in control and I promise not to hurt Jayne if I dominate her."

"Thank you," said Marie with a smile. "Now please understand, both of you, that it won't always be all three of us in bed. Sometimes I'll want just one of you. You'll both have to promise not to get jealous if or when you are the one left out."

In unison, Frank and Jayne said, "I promise."

"Good, because I think I just want Jayne tonight. Are we still sharing that shower?"

Frank smiled and said, "I'll get the water started."


Beth and Gail were already seated in the Dining Room when Holly came in for breakfast. The lovers stood as a show of respect when Holly entered the room.

"Oh, please," said Holly. "This isn't my courtroom. You can stay seated."

"Is everything alright, Judge Sullivan? We saw Mr. Sullivan get in the taxi last night," said Beth as she reclaimed her seat.

"You saw that?"

"Yes," said Gail. "Our window is right above the door and I had Beth against the win... Uh... We happened to be looking out the window at the time. Is everything ok?"

"No, but it will be soon. Thank you for asking," Holly said with a sigh. "Mr. Sullivan forgot something at home so he's going to stay there while I have fun here."

"What did he forget?" Beth asked.

"His maturity," Holly said under her breath.

Beth was about to ask Holly to repeat that when Chloe and Jenn entered the room. Liz came in shortly thereafter and sat down next to Holly.

"Where's John?" Chloe asked as she sat at the long table.

"Home," Holly said simply. "He took Twister with him."

"Thank the Lord," said Chloe. "So, will you still be gracing us with your presence for the entire weekend?"

"Damned right I will," Holly answered. "I don't spend enough time with you guys."

Frank came in the room and sat down at the seat facing Chloe. He smiled at her and she smiled right back. Exactly five minutes later, according to Chloe's watch, Marie entered the Dining Room and sat next to Frank. Chloe smiled.

"Where's Jayne?" she asked, her smile growing.

"Oh, she has her morning chores to do," said Marie. I'm sure she'll be joining us soon..."

"Yeah," said Chloe. "I'm guessing she'll be here in four minutes and eighteen seconds." Everyone at the table seemed puzzled by Chloe's statement. Beth and Holly began chatting about something. Chloe kept looking at her watch. She just knew that Marie, Frank and Jayne had come from the same place and were giving each other five minute gaps in departure to make it look as though they were coming from different places. Chloe looked up occasionally, but spent most of her time looking at her watch. At the four minute and thirteen second mark, Chloe loudly said, "Five... Four... Three... Two... One... Good morning, Jayne!"

"Good morning," Jayne said as she entered the room. "What did I miss?"

"Well, apparently, Chloe's become psychic," said Holly. "Quick! What number am I thinking of?"

"Seven," Chloe said.

"Holy shit," replied Holly. She and Chloe stared at each other for a long time and then they both burst into laughter. Holly had guessed the reason Chloe was able to time Jayne's entrance, but thought calling Chloe a psychic would be less embarrassing for Jayne. Holly thought it was more fun as a private joke anyway.

Instead of taking everyone's orders, Marie had the kitchen staff prepare breakfast buffet style. She was certain no food would go to waste. There was a light, joking, atmosphere in the Dining Room. Most of the guests were well rested and in a good mood.


Every ten minutes or so, a member of the kitchen staff would check in the Dining Room to see if anything from the buffet needed to be resupplied. As they ventured out, they each saw Jayne eating with the guests and sitting next to the new boss. Most of the staff had assumed that their newly promoted Chief of Staff was sleeping with the new boss. They were actually very happy about it. The kitchen staff, in particular, loved Jayne. They were reasonably certain she was the one responsible for the new uniforms, the pay raise, the expanded staff quarters, the use of the estate's amenities and their getting to cook, eat and clean with the boss every dinner service. The cleaning staff adored Jayne. Even as Chief of Staff, she was one of them. If Jayne ever saw a cleaning staff member who was not doing a good job, she would help that person rather than scold. All members of the staff loved their new boss and it was generally accepted that if Jayne's sleeping with her was what had her in such a good mood lately, more power to the both of them. Even the two male members of staff found it hard to dislike Jayne. None of the staff had any feelings of animosity or jealousy towards her. They seemed to agree that if she was sleeping her way to the top she was at least nice enough to make things better for everyone else as she did so.


After breakfast, Jayne stacked the dishes and utensils and carried them into the kitchen. She then helped James as he fetched the stretch limousine by pulling Marie's usual limo into the garage. Jayne assisted the guests as they climbed into the stretch limo.

"Oh my God," said Beth. "Would we get to use this for our wedding?"

"I'm not sure, Miss Beth," Jayne answered her. "I can check with Ms. Marie."

Jayne grinned as she saw the good mood all the guests seemed to be in. Even Judge Sullivan was conversing happily with Miss Beth and Miss Gail.

Inside, Chloe was on her way to join the others in the limo when she saw Frank sitting in the Living Room watching television.

"Hey, buddy," she said. "Aren't you coming with us to the shops?"

"Shopping really isn't my thing," said Frank. "Marie has all my sizes and she's going to pick up some things for me. In the meantime, I'm going to make a few phone calls for her."

"Well," said Chloe, "I guess Ree can pick out nice things for you. She knows you pretty well."

"Yep," said Frank with a straight face. "She's got me pegged."

Chloe gave Frank a hug and went to join the others. She thanked Jayne as she helped her get in the limo and then sat down next to Jenn. She and Jenn had plenty of clothes here, but they needed to get started on their preparations for the big wedding. Marie was the last one in the car and Jayne slid in next to her.

It was not a very long drive to Bridgehampton Commons. Several of the guests got sticker shock at the first store until Marie reminded them that this trip was on her. Marie made a point to lead the group over to the Victoria's Secret. She and Jayne looked through the lingerie, but after a thorough inspection of the brassieres, Jayne shook her head glumly. The rest of the shopping party found nice things to wear for Sunday. Both engaged couples found wonderful wedding dresses and Marie was more than happy to pay for all of it.

Once they got back to Tarabella, Marie marched straight to the Living Room. Frank was still watching TV.

"How'd you do?" Marie asked him.

"Great," said Frank. "Chris said it would be no problem. It's a good time of year for him. Then I spoke to my guy and I got you exactly what you were looking for."

"Thank you so much, Frank. This is going to be so wonderful. They won't see this coming." Marie hugged him and gave him a peck on the cheek.

At dinner, Marie announced the fruits of Frank's labors to Beth and Gail.

"Ladies, I have a little surprise for you. I overheard Beth mention last night that you couldn't afford a honeymoon, so I booked one for you. Frank's brother, Chris, owns and operates a luxury hotel in Maui. Since you're getting married in the off season, he can give you eight days in the penthouse suite. Oh, and don't worry about getting there and back. Frank has agreed to fly you."

"What, in the puddle jumper?" asked Chloe.

"It's not a puddle jumper," said Frank. "And no. Marie has just purchased a very nice lear jet."

"Yes," continued Marie, facing Jenn and Chloe, "And the jet will be at your disposal for your wedding as well. You two just have to decide where you want to go and I'll make the arrangements."

"You don't have to do all that," said Chloe.

"I know. I want to and I'm insanely rich."

Beth ran up to hug Marie. Gail followed at a somewhat slower pace.

"Mrs. Melar," Gail said, "thank you for your offer but this is all way too much. We don't deserve such generosity."

"The hell you don't," said Marie. "Gail, if it wasn't for you, we might have lost Chloe. Jenn and I would have been devastated. You rescued a member of my family. That makes you a member of my family. I want you to have a magical wedding. You can have either of my limos to get you here from your homes. You'll stay here the night before your wedding and my staff will help you get prepared. You'll have the fairy tale wedding you always dreamed of. I insist."

Gail found it impossible to argue with Marie so she hugged her instead.


Saturday night, Chloe insisted on using the grill from Lindenhurst. She had assistance from two members of the kitchen staff, but she didn't really need them. On one grill Chloe had inch thick steaks going. On the other grill, she had vegetables and tofu. There would be something to eat for everyone. She made sure to have enough for the staff who would be eating with them. Wine flowed, but not as heavily as the previous night.

It was a pleasant evening. Liz, however, was feeling melancholy. Chloe noticed Liz absentmindedly scooting her tofu burger patty around her plate. She assured Liz that she would make up the PT time she'd missed when she went shopping. Liz nodded dismissively and sighed. Chloe's therapy was not what had her down. Liz felt like a fifth wheel here ever since she saw Marie and Jayne holding hands. She was tired of returning night after night to an empty bed. Liz had noticed the sexy platinum blonde eyeing Jayne up and down. After four glasses of liquid courage, she waited for an opportunity. Liz's blue-violet eyes spotted the ravishing judge as she excused herself to the bathroom. The lonely Physical Therapist sucked in a deep breath of air and followed. She walked slowly and waited for Holly to exit the toilet.

"Excuse me, Judge. I couldn't help but notice how lonely you were looking and I wondered if you'd like a little company until morning."

"Oh," said Holly. "That's very nice of you. I'm happy, though. Really."

"You don't look very happy," said Liz.

"Thank you for your concern," Holly said politely. "I just don't think it would be a very good idea."

"Give me one good reason I should leave you alone, Judge."

"I'll give you an excellent reason," Holly replied and she held up her hand so that her wedding band was showing. "I'm married. Have I always been the best wife? Fuck, no. But I am a wife. Look, I can tell that you're very fun in bed. I can see the way you hold yourself and you're in really great shape. Not for nothing, though, one night of wild, mindless, fucking is not a good enough reason to throw away a marriage."

"I... uh..." Liz started, before Holly interrupted her.

"Believe me, I would love to bite that tight ass of yours and fuck you so hard they heard you on Montauk Point, but it's just not going to happen. I don't need a lover right now."

"Ok," Liz said softly, feeling incredibly dejected.

"I'll tell you what I do need, though," said Holly. "I could use a really good friend. What's say you and I go back and be lonely together?"

"That's actually the best offer I've had in a very long time," said Liz.

Holly replied, "I'm sorry to hear that."

"Me, too," said Liz.

The two women returned to the patio table arm in arm. When the dinner dishes were cleared, the grills shut off, and the kitchen cleaned, people excused themselves to change into swimsuits and return to the hot tub. The weather-proof flat screen was turned on and people soaked in the tub as one of the later Die Hard movies played. Liz and Holly sat next to each other in the tub and didn't watch the movie together. There was something about sharing loneliness that was more bearable than facing it alone. Liz and Holly talked about the root of their loneliness and each understood the other and felt considerably less lonely. Holly was in a string bikini and Liz didn't ogle her. Liz was in a skintight one piece and Holly didn't imagine her naked. They just talked.

Eventually, the night came to an end and pairs and individuals headed to the second floor bedrooms. Frank went up with Jenn and Chloe and hugged them at their door before going to his own. Marie and Jayne were the last ones to leave and they locked the doors and windows before turning out the lights on the first floor. Jayne stopped off at her quarters to pick up a few items and then went with Marie to the Master Bedroom. They had a lovely night.


At exactly 10:30 Sunday morning, Marie's cell phone rang. It was the ringtone she assigned to Frank. It took her a few attempts to answer her phone as Jayne's body was wrapped around hers.

"Frank, what the fuck?"

"Good morning to you, too," his voice replied. "This is when I always call."

"Ok," said Marie. "Is there something that you wanted?"


Chloe was just about to step out into the hall to head up to the third floor gym for her extra physical therapy with Liz when she saw Frank leave his room, naked, and cross the hall to enter Marie's room. While Marie's door was open, Chloe heard Jayne's distinctive giggle. The door closed and Chloe continued to the third floor with a big grin on her face.


It was a sad affair Sunday afternoon when it was time for the guests to leave. Of course, all three of them would be back in less than two weeks for the wedding. Hugs were exchanged as well as wishes of safe travels. When the two cars pulled out, Marie looked back at her sister, her future in-law and her two lovers and she smiled. This had been a very good weekend for her and she was happy to still be surrounded by the people she loved.


"What the fuck, Sullivan?"

Holly looked around the mess that was once her happy home. There was garbage on the floor. There were dirty dishes on almost every vertical surface. There were empty beer bottles and several pizza boxes.

"I was gone for two fucking days! Did you hire people to come in and trash the place? This was supposed to be our special evening. What the fuck did you do?"

She walked around the shambles of the Living Room and towards the sofa. She followed a trail of potato chips. They led to her bedroom. She saw the tangle of sheets on her bed and then, on the floor, she saw it. She emptied her overnight bag on her makeup table and filled it with fresh clothes from her drawers and closet. She marched out the front door, pulled out her cell and called Marie.

"Hey, Ree? It's Holly. Could I come back and stay over for a few more days? No. Just me. Thanks. I owe you. No, I'll explain when I get there."


"A used condom," said Holly. "Right there on our bedroom floor. A used fucking condom. I had to get out of there before I did something that would make me lose my job."

"I'm so sorry, Holls," said Marie. "You're welcome to stay as long as you'd like. James will be happy to drive you to and from work."

"I can't steal your driver," said Holly.

"He's not going to stay there," explained Marie. "Either I'll go in with you and he'll take me on my appointments and we'll pick you up on the way back here or, if I'm not going out, he'll go someplace near the courthouse and hang until you're done for the day."

"That doesn't sound very fair to him."

Marie smiled and said, "So I'll give him a raise."

Holly hugged Marie and thanked her.


Monday afternoon after Holly was dropped off at the courthouse and after Marie's therapy session, Frank went with Marie and Jayne to the airfield to check out the new jet. It was gorgeous. It would take a few days to transfer the title, but everything would be ready in time for Gail and Beth's wedding.

In the evening, Holly and Liz hung out together. It was good for Chloe to see that Liz was a real person. She was used to the dragon who forced her to do four more sets her of range of motion exercises. She knew, intellectually, that Liz was hard on her because they were trying to get her to recover quickly. It was nice, though, to have a visual reminder that Liz wasn't the monster she seemed to be in the gym.


Tuesday evening, James drove Marie, Jenn and Chloe (after Holly was back from work and sharing a bottle of wine with Liz) to the Rape Survivor's Support Group. Chloe and Jenn told their story. The woman sitting next to Jenn put her hand on Jenn's shoulder when she spoke about beating a rapist to death. Chloe, whose breasts were molested but wasn't actually raped, received a somewhat cooler reception from the group. They decided this wasn't for them but thanked the other women for their time. Alana, Marie's co-facilitator, thanked Jenn and Chloe for sharing their stories and wished them luck and happiness.


Thursday evening, the title came in for the jet.

Marie took the ladies to the spa at Bridgehampton Commons so that Holly, Liz and Jayne could be included in the Thursday night massage ritual. Jenn was very happy the ritual could continue but had to admit it was very nice that she didn't have to do all the work. Jayne insisted on a female masseuse. She was afraid a man would get a little grabby. Frank had been invited to the spa, but chose to stay home. He wasn't into being rubbed by strangers. The ladies were all feeling wonderful when they returned to the estate. Marie slept with Frank and Jayne and didn't give a flying fuck who knew about it.

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