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The Haunted Hotel Ch. 01

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Siblings get seduced by ghosts, nothing is as it seems.
13k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 05/11/2021
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


Fall colors flashed past the car window as the narrow road took another winding turn. In the passenger seat, Jenna tried to track their course on the map, but the blue dot kept jumping around erratically.

"Shit. No signal," she said.

"No problem," her brother Mike said, his eyes on the road. "There weren't any more directions to follow anyway. We follow this road until it ends, at the abandoned hotel, and then we're there. Can't miss it."

"I hope you're right," Jenna said. "Thanks again for dragging me out here."

"No problem," Mike said. "It'll be nice to hang out one more time before you start your new job overseas. Maybe get drunk and tell stories. Like old times."

"Old times? Mike, you're only 21," she scoffed.

"And you're 23. So what? Point is, if you weren't here, it'd just be me drinking alone."

"If you ask me, it was shitty for Lisa to break up with you last week, and it was shitty for all your friends to side with her," Jenna said.

Mike waved it off. "It's not like that. They...they just don't want to pick a side right now."

"Still shitty," Jenna added. "But it's cool that you were able to reserve a whole hotel for the weekend."

"Abandoned hotel," Mike corrected her. "Lower your expectations. Remember that castle in Germany? It's like that. We'll be lucky if this place has any part of its roof intact. But who knows? Maybe we'll see some ghosts. The old hotel got shut down after some incident, a gas leak or something, that killed a bunch of people."

Ahead, an iron gate came into view. It was in surprisingly good condition, and someone had left it open for them. Up the driveway, they found the hotel sitting at the top of the hill, all knotty old architecture. But it didn't look as spooky as Jenna expected. There were other cars sitting out front.

"Looks like the roof is intact alright," Jenna said. "You call this a ruin??"

Mike pulled into a parking space. "That's what the listing said, I swear. I'd show you, but I don't have any signal now either. This doesn't look anything like the pictures. And I thought we were going to have the whole place to ourselves."

"It sounds like you got tricked," Jenna said. "What should we do?"

Mike shrugged. "Let's at least go inside, and see what's actually going on here."


Mike shouldered his bag and led his sister into the lobby. He was expecting the inside to be in disrepair, but it wasn't. There was a fireplace lit, surrounded by high-backed leather armchairs. There were a bunch of staff about, as well as a few other guests.

Behind the front desk, Mike saw a young woman who had to be about his age, but in a very formal uniform with a cap. His first impression was that she was really cute, with her dimpled cheeks, striking red hair, and curves that rounded out the uniform in all the right places. Then it occurred to him that maybe he was attracted to this woman because she reminded him of his ex Lisa. Then he realized he was staring awkwardly and approached the desk, flashing her a smile.

"Hi," Mike said. "I think there was some mix-up. I was supposed to have a reservation tonight..."

"Let me check," the woman said. "What's your name?"

"Mike," he said, reaching his hand across the desk as he introduced himself. She took his hand in hers, her grasp momentarily warm and soft.

"Rosie," she said, and then both of them realized the awkwardness of what they'd just done, and laughed it off.

"Uh...sorry...Mike Grimm," he added.

"Right. Yes, we do have a reservation for you. One room, right?" Rosie asked.

Belatedly, Mike remembered his sister standing behind him. "One second," he said, and turned to Jenna.

"Well sis, should we just roll with it?" he asked.

"Mike, this is weird. We were supposed to have this whole place reserved. And it isn't anything like what you were describing on the way up," Jenna said. "Are you sure we're even in the right place?"

"This hotel is in the right place," Mike said. "If there were any other hotels nearby, we would have seen something on the drive up here." Mike glanced around, at the decor, at the other young, attractive guests. "It's not what I was expecting, but it seems really nice, especially for what I paid. Anyway, sorry that we won't be spending the weekend getting bored of each other in some ruin."

Jenna set down her bags. "Sure, but I didn't think this was going to require sharing a room."

"Two rooms? Not a problem," Rosie piped up from behind the desk, and slid two keys across it.

"Aw thanks, Rosie," Mike said. His sister gave him a mocking look, but he paid it no mind. When Jenna had started down the hallway, Mike leaned over the desk and asked quietly, "Hey, do you want to have a drink after your shift ends?"

Rosie looked thoughtful for a moment, and said, "Sure, Mike. I get off at nine."

"I'll see you then," he said.


While Jenna lugged her bags down the hallway, someone walked up beside her.

"I can help you with those," he said, his voice deep but gentle. "...if you want."

"You know what? Thanks," Jenna said, handing him one of the bags.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"You can call me...room 126," she said, thinking she'd accept the favor and then have nothing more to do with him. After all, she thought he was way too pretty to be interested in her. "Sorry, I don't mean to sound ungrateful. My name's Jenna."

"Pleased to meet you. But if you want me to call you room 126, then room 126 it is," he said. "I am Frederic."

"Fred?" Jenna asked.

"No no no."

"Derek?" she asked. He shook his head adamantly. "Rick?"

"That's the least bad of them, but no. Just Frederic, please," he insisted.

"That seems like a lot for a girl to cry out in bed," Jenna remarked. "Oh, I didn't mean to say that out loud!"

"So far there have been no complaints," he said with a smile. "But I imagine room 126 would be a mouthful too."

"The name's Jenna," she said.

They walked down a long hallway, and Jenna snuck a glance at her rescuer. He was pretty, with a neatly shaved beard on a jaw that didn't need one, his hair slicked back with a little product. Jenna imagined what that hair would look like, mussed up. The image came to her, of his head between her legs, her fingers running through his hair as he did things to her.

"Jenna, are you okay?" he was saying. "I said, this is your door."

"Yeah, more than okay," she said. "I don't know how to thank you..." She wondered if that would be too open-ended. What was she even doing? Jenna wasn't the kind of girl to hook up with someone she'd just met.

"If you were to buy me a drink later, I think we'd be even," he said.

"Sure," she said. "I'll see you at the bar later." She didn't want to commit to a time; in truth, she wasn't sure she wanted to go any further with this. She'd let her freshmen 15 appreciate with interest, and her skin had never cleared up since puberty. It was hard to imagine that a man like him would be interested in her.

Besides, she hadn't been expecting to hook up with anyone this weekend. It wasn't like her. But she wasn't sure what was like her. She hadn't really been sure since David broke up with her three months ago. Maybe it was time to find out.


At dinner with Jenna, all Mike could think about was his date later. Jenna seemed distracted too, so at least he wasn't the only one failing to keep their conversation afloat. After, he had time to shower and shave and get out the best of the clothes he had brought, though they were hardly impressive threads.

At nine o'clock, he walked into the bar, and saw Rosie sitting alone at a table for two. She had changed out of her hotel uniform and into an elegant evening dress. He was struck again by her resemblance to Lisa, and in the flickering low candlelight, it was almost uncanny.

"Hey, thanks for accepting my invitation," he said, feeling awkward.

"It's no big deal," she said. "I might as well. Where else would I go for a drink around here?"

They easily got to talking, and Rosie was like an open book. Mike quickly came to feel like he knew her pretty well, and he was charmed by what he found out. That, and as the night went on, she was sliding closer to him, brushing his arm with hers, pressing her leg against his. Mike felt eager to get somewhere alone with her.

"Did your parents know you'd be a redhead when they named you?" Mike asked at one point.

"They should have," Rosie said. "They're both redheads too. But my last name is almost worse."

"What's that?"

"Tanner," she said. "I don't tan at all, I just freckle."

"Well you could change your name, if you found one you like better," Mike suggested. He wondered if she'd catch onto his implication, that maybe she could have his, if they...he worried it was too much, too soon.

"Says Mr. Grimm," she added with a smile. Ah, so she had caught on, and hadn't called him out on it. Could she really be thinking along the same lines, already? It was a hope, and yet a somewhat intimidating one. Sure, he'd been mad for Lisa up until the end, but he'd never felt like this before, not with someone he just met. He didn't know what to say, and just shrugged.

Eventually Mike noticed his sister Jenna sitting at the bar across the room. When they made eye contact, she gave him a smile and a thumbs up. Then a moment later, a man in a dark-colored jacket came in and took the seat next to her. Mike returned the gesture from across the room. As eager as he was to nurse his emotional wounds in the arms of someone new, it was also good to see Jenna rebounding, finally, three months after her previous breakup.

"Hey, I hope this isn't crazy, but do you want to go back to my room?" Rosie asked, getting Mike's attention again. The light shifted, and she looked just like Lisa again. Then the candle flickered, and she was back to the girl from the front desk.

"Uh, yeah sure," Mike said, trying to play it cool, but also surprised at his luck. He followed Rosie down a few turns of the hallway until she stopped to unlock a door.

"I don't have my own room here," she explained. "I just sleep in one of the unoccupied rooms every night. Tonight it's nothing fancy. Okay, now that we finally have some privacy..." She pulled him in for a kiss, which he eagerly returned. "Let me know if I'm moving too fast. It's just that I have an early shift tomorrow."

She started pulling at his clothes. Clumsily, Mike managed to get her dress unzipped, exposing first her collarbone, which he kissed, then her shoulder, which he kissed, and so on. He made his way down to her panties, which he pulled aside and kissed what had been underneath there too. As he lapped at her slit, she was close to orgasm, but not quite there.

Taking a break, he slid up and kissed her on the mouth again, her tongue playfully against his. Where his body came to rest against hers, he could feel his erection pressing into her folds. She must have felt it too, since she started pressing her mound up to meet him.

"Is this...safe?" he asked. "I don't have any condoms with me, I wasn't expecting to get laid this weekend."

"Me neither," she replied. "And yes, I'm on birth control."

"Please don't take this the wrong way, but I've gotta ask..." he began.

"It's safe for you too, if that's what you mean," she said. "I've never done this before."

Mike leaned up to look her in the eye better. "You mean you're a virgin?"

"No, I'm not a virgin," Rosie said, laughing. "I just mean I've never slept with a guest here before. This isn't the kind of thing I do, ever, until you."

His doubts assuaged, Mike pressed his tip into her flesh. When they were conjoined, he looked at her face and saw Lisa's eyes looking back up at him. In the days since she broke up with him, he had missed her touch, missed her body. He had wanted more than anything to make love to her one last time, to give a proper goodbye to what they had. Now it seemed like he had that chance, even if it was an illusion, even if it wasn't really her.

He kissed her in all the ways he fondly remembered, as he started to thrust in and out. The next time he blinked, it was Rosie underneath him again, taking him deep within herself. Another blink, and the illusion returned. Her limbs, her breasts, it all felt so welcomingly familiar to his touch, that he didn't stop to think about what he was doing. But the weird thing was, as far back as he could remember, sex with Lisa had never felt this good, her muscles squeezing him, drawing him deeper, holding him tight inside her. He was quickly building to an overwhelming, unstoppable orgasm, and he could tell she was too.

Bringing his mouth her her ear, he mumbled, "I'm about to cum!"

Her hands around his back clasped him tight to her as he pushed as far as he could go, and exploded inside of her. That was what set her off too. Opening his eyes again, Mike saw that it was Rosie under him, feeling him ejaculate inside her, climaxing together with him. Though he was a little sad to have his illusion shattered, in the throes of her orgasm, Rosie was beautiful too. She shuddered and shook, and Mike thought he could feel every beat of her heart, every gasped breath in her body's reaction to him.

Lying together afterwards, Rosie was all aglow with her contentment, but she wasn't done either. She wasted no time kissing her way down his body, to his cock, deflated and still slick with their fluids. She took it into her mouth with a wicked smile, and it wasn't difficult to suck him back to hardness. But when he looked down, it wasn't Rosie's head he saw the top of bobbing up and down on him, it was his sister Jenna's.

"Stop. Stop stop stop! Hang on," he said, scooting up to the top of the bed, away from her hungry mouth. She looked disappointed at the sudden change in mood, but Mike saw no choice. Whatever weird mind thing was going on with him, he couldn't cross that line. It made him feel suddenly sick to his stomach, like the drop on a roller-coaster.

"I'm sorry, I...I have to go," he said, slipping into his clothes again. He thought if he tried to explain, she'd think he was crazy, or some sicko who was hot for his sister, or both.

"Mike," she said, trying to talk him down. Somewhere along the line, his vision cleared, and he saw her as Rosie again. But he couldn't go forward, not with whatever weirdness was happening.

She was still sitting, naked, confused, and unsatisfied when he hurriedly got dressed. Mike felt unsatisfied too, but too bad, he thought. More than that, he was freaked out. He ran out into the hallway and didn't look back until he got to his room.


Jenna awoke to find a note on her bedside table. "Thanks for a wonderful night. I've got to run! -Frederic" She sighed. He had seemed really into her, but sneaking out before she woke was the kind of thing she'd been through all too many times before, last time she had been single. What a jerk, she thought, to use and dash before she woke. Her head was splitting with a headache, and there were enough bottles and cans lying around to explain why.

She remembered inviting Frederic back to her room, in disbelief that he could actually be into her. She remembered the way he went down on her, just like she'd been fantasizing about. It had been everything she imagined and more. She remembered sucking him off, until his cock pulsed in her hand and spat its load into her mouth. She remembered cumming again on his fingers while they made out, and feeling both satisfied and wanting more. All of that must have been before they finished the minibar.

But exactly how far things went, she couldn't say for sure. Lying naked in bed, she can feel that her pussy is leaking sticky fluid, but she can't tell if it's hers or his. It sure looked like semen, but she didn't want to believe it. Could she have really had sex unprotected? She'd have to be stupid drunk to ignore the fact that she hadn't taken the pill in the three months since her last boyfriend. Maybe she had been stupid drunk, but she didn't want to believe it.

She went to breakfast and saw her brother there, eating alone, and sat down with him.

"So you and the front desk girl. Good to see you processing your break-up with Lisa already," Jenna said, tearing into a bagel.

"I guess so," Mike said, less enthused than Jenna expected him to be. "You too. Finally over what's-his-name?"

David. His name was David. They had been together for a year, and not once had he met her family. Jenna knew now that it should have been a sign that he didn't respect her, didn't see what they had ever going anywhere. In the three months since, her friends had told her plenty of times to go out and have a one night stand, but Jenna just hadn't felt like it. Now she had hooked up with some random hottie at a hotel. But did she feel more over David today than the day before? The jury was still out.

"It's...whatever," she said. Mike didn't have a lot else to say, and actually seemed kind of anxious to finish his breakfast and leave.

After breakfast, Jenna still felt off-kilter from the drinking last night. She felt like the only thing for it was some fresh air and exercise. She changed into her leggings and sneakers and went out for a run in the forest. She had gone about a mile, when she saw Frederic coming up the trail in the opposite direction. It was hard to concentrate on her footing and not stop to marvel at his form.

"Good morning," he said, stopping to talk.

"So this is what you meant," she said. "Gotta run."

"Oh. Yes, I'm up here to train, I thought I mentioned that last night."

"Um...sorry, this is awkward...so we had sex last night, right?" Jenna asked.

Frederic looked stunned. The color drained from his face. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I could tell you were kind of buzzed, but if I had any idea you were black-out drunk, I never would have..."

"Frederic, I'm not blaming you. I just wish I remembered..." Jenna said. Looking around, she checked that there wasn't anyone else in sight. "So what did we do?"

"Okay. To put it plainly, we had oral sex, mutual masturbation, and eventually intercourse..."

"Ah, okay, yup," Jenna said.

"Is that all okay? Are you okay?" Frederic asked.

"Yes. Yes, I'm okay. Don't worry, I don't regret any of it," Jenna said. "And thank you too for a wonderful night, even if I can't properly appreciate it, which is my own damn fault."

Their breath was visible in the cold forest air, making it clear how close they already were. Then Frederic, leaned in to kiss her, and Jenna met his lips with hers.

"I should go shower," he said finally.

"Me too. Want to use mine?" Jenna asked, worried it was too forward.

"Absolutely," he said, and followed her back to the hotel.

It was hard to keep her hands off him until they reached her room. When the door shut, she started frantically undressing him. Again he pushed her back onto the bed, and leaned down to lap at her slit tenderly. Reaching down, she ran her fingers through his hair, now slick with sweat, pressing his head into her mound, pushing her hips up to reach him. It wasn't long before she reached her climax, with her eyes closed, arching her back up, as it roared in her ears.

When she came down from her peak, she felt satisfied, but at the same time, felt like there was something more she needed from him. An aching void deep inside herself. She couldn't remember ever feeling like this before, her sexual appetite ever being so strong, even when she was a teenager.

She knew she shouldn't fuck him. She shouldn't have the first time either. Last night was a mistake, but she had been drunk, and maybe she had decided she could sort out the consequences when she got home on Sunday. Having already crossed that line, Jenna decided to cross it again.

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