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The Haunted Hotel Ch. 01


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So far, none of them had been. Too bad. As she stopped in front of the next door, she heard someone inside scream, "Oh Mike!"

That had to be where he had ended up. Maybe with the front desk girl again, or some other patron of the hotel? But the weird thing was, Jenna thought it sounded like her own voice screaming that. She tried to dismiss that thought, because it couldn't have been. Still perturbed, she went back downstairs to her own room.

It was well after midnight when there was a knock on her door. She opened it in a bathrobe, and found Frederic leaning in the doorway.

"Hi there, room 126," he slurred.

"Hi," she said. "You seem quite drunk."

"I am, yes," he said. "I thought earlier, I must have done something to upset you, so I should leave you be. But as I sat in the bar drinking alone for the past several hours, I decided to hell with that. We might never see each other again, and I'd regret it if I didn't at least try to spend tonight with you. And if you don't want me, that's fine, at least I gave it a shot."

"I think maybe you took a little too long coming to that decision, and a little too much," Jenna said with a smile. "And maybe liquid courage played a role?"

He wobbled in the doorway, looking to her for more of an answer.

"You didn't do anything wrong earlier," she said. "I just had some issues to work out with myself. Actually I thought I had been unacceptably rude to you."

"So is that a yes?" he asked.

"Yes. Please come in," she said, pulling him away from the door, letting it swing shut.

They sat on the bed, and started to kiss. She got up and hung up her robe, and helped him undress, but by the time they were both naked together on the bed, he was nodding off. A little disappointed, Jenna tucked him in, and climbed in under the covers, and turned the light off. It was still pleasant to cuddle him at least, as she drifted off to sleep too.

Sometime in the middle of the night, while it was still dark outside the curtains, she woke up, and felt him spooning her back, and an erection pressing against the backs of her thighs. She found herself getting quite worked up too, and gently reached down and guided him into her, so that he was penetrating her from behind. Just slightly, she started pushing her butt back at him, feeling him nudge deeper into her.

At some point he began to awake, his hand reaching around to her front, grasping her breasts, clutching her hip as he thrust into her. Then suddenly he picked up the pace, pushing her and faster into her. This was a kind of fuck she hadn't had in months. It reminded her of the way David used to.

"Oh, Frederic," she moaned.

"Who's that, baby?" came David's voice from behind her. A trick of the eye was one thing, but this set her hairs on end. Was it really him inside of her now? She had mixed feelings about that. Sure, she still yearned for him sometimes, but with the distance of time, she saw David now for the jerk he was.

"Huh?" she asked, confused.

Frederic sensed her confusion and immediately stopped thrusting into her. "Jenna, are you alright?"

It was definitely his voice this time, to Jenna's relief. And while they were lying still together, his cock nestled deep inside her, Jenna could feel everything. Every contour of it, every pulse, every throb.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just lie still," she said. And then she closed her eyes and focused all her attention on that feeling inside of her, and very carefully starting flexing her muscles, in ways she didn't know she could do intentionally, until just now. From his gasps and groans, she could tell he was enjoying what she was doing, and it was pushing her towards climax too, feeling him spasm and bulge inside her, feeling the resistance of his muscles against hers in this tender, delicate dance. She was close, and clutched the sheets reflexively, even though neither of them were going anywhere, as a tear fell from her eye. And then with one more swell, she felt him grow bigger inside of her and then flood her interior with his seed. She was already on the precipice, and that made her lose control, clenching around him with every heaving breath, every spurt into her touching off another wave of pleasure.

"Jenna, that was incredible," he gasped afterward. "You are incredible. But that time we did it your way. I want to do it my way, face to face, as soon as I'm ready for more."

"You will in a sec," she said. "Don't move yet. I've got this."

He was only just beginning to soften inside of her. Even though her vaginal muscles were all loosened up from her explosive orgasm, she tried flexing them around him again.

"Oh my god," Frederic said. "You do got this. You really got this."

As soon as he was hard again, he slipped out of her, and rolled her onto her back. He even turned on a lamp to get a better look at her. Jenna was in disbelief that anyone, let alone him, would want that, but it made her smile. Then he climbed over top of her and slid his erection back into her slit, where their juices already mixed. And he was right, it was more emotional to be face to face, where his lips could lean down to meet hers, where he could look into her eyes. The problem was, his eyes weren't always his. She tried to focus, to blink away the visions, but increasingly it wasn't Frederic thrusting into her, pressing down on her thighs, it was her brother. She remembered the sound of her own voice calling out his name. She couldn't let this end up that way.

"Stop. Sorry," she said, and she sat up and caught her breath. "Okay, I have an idea. Lie down on your back."

While Frederic rolled over onto his back, Jenna leaned off the side of the bed and grabbed his necktie out of the pile of clothes. She straddled his waist and then tied the necktie around her eyes. It might not solve all the problems, but it would at least let her ignore some of them. She guided his cock back into her and started riding it, pushing her weight down on him mercilessly.

They were both already worked up, and she slowed as she felt her nerves growing more sensitive. Still blindfolded, she leaned down and pressed her mouth to his. She tried to ignore the fact that the face she was kissing was clean-shaven, like Mike's, not like Frederic's or David's. She kissed him hard, and he thrust up into her wildly until she felt him cum inside her again. Before this weekend, she never would have imagined doing this unprotected, and now she'd gone through with it multiple times, now twice in one night. She knew she had to get that pill tomorrow, or maybe just maybe to reevaluate her life. But for now this felt good, too good to be true and too good to be wrong. The overwhelming orgasm pounding in her blood overwhelmed all her doubts about that, and the sneaking suspicion that it was her brother's body under her right now. She didn't care. Whatever mind tricks she had to weather, to be with Frederic this one last time, she would take whatever it threw at her. So it was with passion that she kissed lips that felt like her brother's, as her hips bucked uncontrollably, until she was a quivering mess. Then, finally, she went back to sleep.


In the morning, Mike awoke alone. Rosie must have gotten up early this time and left him sprawled naked on the bed of the honeymoon suite when housekeeping arrived.

He found Jenna in line for the breakfast buffet. She was glowing and smiling, and it was a good look for her, Mike thought. He tried not to compare it to how she had looked naked in his visions the night before.

During breakfast, they could see and hear the storm raging outside. It was raining hard, and tree branches thrashed against the window panes. The sky was dark, aside from occasional bursts of lightning. The dining room shook with every strike close by.

"I'm not looking forward to driving home in this," Mike mentioned.

"I know. But we are supposed to leave today," Jenna said.

They packed up their bags and went to check out. Rosie wasn't at the front desk, it was a stern-looking man in his fifties. Mike was disappointed. He had been hoping to say a proper goodbye.

"Pardon me, we're here to check out," Mike said.

"I have bad news," the desk attendant said "Unfortunately, there are some downed trees blocking the road out of here. We've been calling around all morning, but all of the tree crews are busy. I'm afraid no one's going to be able to clear the road until tomorrow."

"So we're stuck here," Mike said.

"Unacceptable," Jenna said. She seemed upset about the situation.

"Hey, I've been having a good time here," Mike said to her. "I thought you were too."

"I mean yes, but..." Jenna trailed off.

"But what?"

"Never mind. I'," she pouted.

The desk attendant gave them a contrite, thin-lipped smile. "We're very sorry about the situation. You can stay another night free of charge, everything included."

"What other option is there?" Jenna asked, but she didn't wait for an answer, and stormed off.


Jenna went and dropped her bags in her room again. Room 126. Frederic had gotten up early again to go for a run. She wasn't sure how he did it, on such little sleep and probably a hangover. Now she took a walk around the hotel, but she didn't happen to spot him anywhere. He was probably in his room, but she didn't know which room he was actually in. Or maybe, having gotten up early, he had managed to check out before the road got blocked. Or maybe he had gotten caught in the storm. Regardless, Jenna decided it was out of her hands. Though she was disappointed not to be able to spend the extra day in his arms.

Back in her room alone, she thought about all the things she'd done this weekend. If that first night had done it, then it might be too late for a morning after pill by the time she got out of this place tomorrow. Of course she still had options, but if the easy option wasn't going to work, that might change the equation for her. She could get the pill anyway and bet on it working, but then she might miss her next period, and be for sure pregnant before she had to decide what to do about it. Or she could not bother with the pill at all, and just wait and see if her period came.

Thinking about how she'd gotten Frederic off with just her vaginal muscles, she squeezed them again, and found herself getting wet. She had never been so strong down there before, or had so much control. Maybe it was another way she was becoming riper for motherhood. She squeezed her muscles again, imaging using that strength to push a baby out of her. She imagined its gentle bite on her nipple, and squeezed one between her fingers, simulating that sensation, and it triggered a spasm in her pelvic floor.

You know what? I am beautiful, Jenna thought. Sexy. Attractive. Fit. She was getting herself worked up to the point where normally her climax would come, but it didn't. She was aching for it, rubbing herself madly, but it wasn't until she slipped a finger into her pussy, and felt her vaginal muscles clamp down in it, felt the finger nudge into her like the tip of a cock, that the sexual energy building up inside her caught fire. It was a pleasant release, but still nothing like the explosive orgasms she had been experiencing the last few days. She had enjoyed the feeling of a man cumming inside her, from the first time she felt it, but she had never needed it in order to get off, until now.

When the sweat cooled on her skin and her head started to clear, she wondered what she had been thinking, fantasizing about a baby, about lettting the baby inside her grow. No, she reminded herself, she could have conceived, but she wouldn't know for weeks yet. And there was still a chance that getting emergency contraception tomorrow could avoid the whole issue. What was she thinking though? She reminded herself that she had a whole career lined up ahead of her, and student loans to pay off, and an approved visa to move to Dubai. She had an exciting life planned out, one that didn't involve coming home from this weird hotel pregnant from a weekend fling. But the events of the weekend sure had made her horny.

Getting dressed again, she found Mike in the lounge. They spent the afternoon playing the old boardgames that were there. It was nice, spending time, normal time, with her brother. Spending at least some of the weekend the way they had expected to, just hanging out. And maybe it undid some of the damage that this curse was probably doing to their relationship. Still, Jenna thought Mike's gaze sometimes lingered on her a little too long. And when their hands happened to touch, like when they exchanged playing cards, Jenna drew hers away like she'd touched a hot pan. Contact with Mike was tainted, at least for now, because it reminded her of sex with Frederic. She worried that if they hugged or sat close or let their fingers linger too long, then her breath would catch, her nipples would stiffen in her bra.


The mood at dinner was somber. Almost everyone there had been planning to leave, and was trapped there by the weather. Mike doesn't see Rosie amongst the guests. If it was her day off, then maybe she took off before the road closed. Or maybe as a member of the staff, she still took her meals somewhere else.

His hopes weren't high, when he put on a button-down shirt and went down to the bar anyway. The hotel seemed to be full of attractive coeds his age, maybe it didn't matter that she'd gone. He couldn't believe how amazing the weekend had gone. Even with the curse, he'd never had sex this good. Or maybe because of it? Maybe it didn't matter who he hooked up with tonight, because whoever it was would look like his ex Lisa. Or more likely, Jenna. It was a bittersweet idea. No, that wasn't entirely true, he had gotten to know Rosie a little, and genuinely felt something for her, and the feeling seemed to be mutual. So he had alone at his own table for an hour, nursing a gin and tonic and hoping for a miracle.

Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw her. Rosie was wearing the same purple evening dress as before, her red hair spilling down to the neckline. She smiled as they made eye contact. The curse was coming on strong tonight, the contours of her face shifting even as he looked at her, like a glitch. But occasionally his vision stabilized. It was definitely Rosie.

"You're still here," she remarked.

"Where else would I be?" he replied.


"You're still here," Jenna remarked.

Seeing Frederic brought a smile to her face. Especially the way he straightened up from a slouch at the sight of her. He seemed to be on his first G & T, so maybe there was still some hope for the evening.

"Where else would I be?" Frederic replied. As she had walked up, it had definitely been him, but already the curse was taking hold, making him look like other men. Jenna tried to not let it get to her.

"I worried you might have left. Or tried to, and wound up crushed under a tree," she said.

"You'd be the first to know if that happened," he said. Jenna wasn't sure that was true, but she let it slide. She didn't have any appetite for disagreements tonight. She had other ideas in mind.

"Would you like to join me for a drink?" Frederic asked.

The memory of that first night was still on her mind, and the blackout she'd dealt with the next day. She didn't want to tonight to be a gap in her memory. And a part of herself was wondering if it was time to quit drinking altogether, depending on what might happen next for her.

"I'd better not. So are you coming back to my room with me or not?" she asked with a smile. He hopped up from his chair enthusiastically, leaving the drink there to melt, unfinished.


Mike didn't hesitate. He got up and walked with Rosie back to her room, whichever one she had for the night. Maybe it was the cocktail in his stomach, but he lost track of where they went through the hallways. He wasn't sure how to get back to his room or the common area from here, but that was a problem he could sort out tomorrow. All he knew was, eventually they reached a door and went in. It was just a normal hotel room, like the kind he and Jenna had been staying in.

The door clicked shut and Rosie pressed him against it, her breasts warm against his chest, even through the fabric of her dress. Her lips sucked at his, her tongue slipping into his mouth, and he pulled her close and kissed her in return, just as passionately. Even so, there was a lingering tenderness when their kisses slowed, as they both knew this was their last night together. Mike didn't pay it any mind when for a moment it was his sister's lips against his. A moment later and it was Rosie again.

She stepped back and asked him to take off the dress for her. He blinked, and suddenly it was Jenna in that purple dress, her pudgy form filling it out altogether differently, though Mike didn't altogether mind. He unzipped the dress and kissed the back of her neck and shoulders, reaching around and fondling her breasts. Then she turned and undressed him, finding him already erect when she unfastened his slacks and let them fall.

Sitting at the edge of the bed, she pulled him close and leaned in to lick him, lubing him up before taking him whole into her mouth. Mike looked down, and Rosie's appearance shifted before him. Now it was Jenna's lips around him, her pudgy cheeks sucking him in, Jenna's throat swallowing him down. He sighed with pleasure, while trying to remember what this had felt like before. What she was doing to him, he wasn't sure he could handle for very long.

"Hang on, I'm...Oh my god..." he said, losing control before he could stop himself. Mike struggled to stay upright. She kept sucking him hard while he shot ropes of cum into her mouth. With a moan, she swallowed it all, before pulling his penis from her mouth. She licked her lips proudly as she held her sticky prize.

"Sorry," he said with a smile.

"Don't be," she said. "It'll come back." She sounded absolutely certain.

"Now if you don't mind," he said. "...I want to taste you too."

She climbed further up on the bed, her naked body stretched out for him. Mike actually didn't mind that it was Jenna's thick, muscular thighs he kissed as he neared his target. In fact, he wondered wickedly how she'd taste, since he'd never get to find out in real life.

He started gently tonguing her clit, and found her juices enticing and sweet, and started lapping at his slit. But it was when he slipped a finger into her that she really went wild, pushing back against his hand. And the way her muscles clenched around his finger, he couldn't wait to replace that finger with something more. It wasn't long before he was hard again.

"You're back," she said, looking down at him over the hills of her breasts.

Taking that as an invitation, Mike slid up the bed, ready to press himself into her slit.

"My turn," she said, getting up. "Sit against the headboard."

"We're gonna make a ton of noise," Mike said, though he did what she suggested.

"I don't care," she replied. She straddled his legs, and rubbed the tip of his cock up and down her slit. "There's something I ought to tell you..."


"There's something I ought to tell you," Jenna began. "I'm actually not on birth control."

Frederic looked surprised and a little betrayed, but speechless. Maybe she had lied to him Friday night, that first time that she couldn't remember.

"And um... The women in my family all get pregnant very easily," she added.

"Huh. The same is true of my family," Frederic said. "So what are you going to do?"

"To tell you the truth, I haven't entirely decided," she said. "I don't have to figure it out until tomorrow, or maybe not at all. I just thought you should know."

"Well what do you want me to do tonight?" he asked.

She leaned over, bringing her face close to his. "Just do whatever feels right."

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