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The Hellfire Club - Fusion Ch. 02

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A young John goes to Hell and Vy finally gets to feed.
7.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/26/2018
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Welcome back everyone. Kinda just wanted to get this part out of my system as a kind of preview to what will come next. Feel free to leave comments and other feedback as, while I've been writing extensively for several years now, I'm still new to... well this side of writing.

Figured it couldn't hurt to broaden my horizons and skillset so to speak.


Vy. Pronounced like Vi. Or like the first part of the word violet. Her real name, Vyleth was something demonic, given to her in some long-forgotten era in some darker corner of Hell. On her official documents though, all expertly forged by the best in the business, her name read Violet Ashton. Of course, he needed a birth certificate and social security card for her if she were going to function on Earth. Though that had thankfully been a problem he'd worked to sort out before he even met her.

He still remembered the day they met. He'd still been a dumb kid, just some junior in high school with too very rich and often very absent parents with far too much time on his hands. John had always been smart. Too smart perhaps for his own good as his instructors often said. Early on, he'd taken an interest in math and science. He'd gotten good at them too. Too good.

But not good enough for his tastes.

Knowledge was power, and he didn't have enough for the task he'd set himself to.

So, he turned to other means.

It must have looked odd for a math and science prodigy to spend his summer in the city library, reading and researching every occult book he could find and even ordering some he couldn't. Between that, supplemented with heavy internet research, as well as an eidetic memory, by junior year, John had everything he needed to proceed.

The brand had hurt the most. Hopefully it would heal by the time his parents returned from whatever business/company/vacation trip they were on now. He doubted they would have cared either way if they could even be bothered to notice. Still, the less they were around the better, now especially.

The maids had left for the day and his mother's assistant wouldn't be back to check in on him until Monday nor would father's Chauffeur come to pick him up unless requested. Now he had all weekend to conduct his excursion.

Tonight, he would be going to Hell.

The garage was empty, both mother's and father's cars stored at the airport until they returned and his own car... well he didn't have one, yet. Still, the area provided a perfect place to work.

John glanced at the circle. Perfectly drawn with mathematical precision. All that was required was to light it. He grabbed his bag full of supplies and other equipment. A custom fabricated ring with a symbol like the one branded onto his neck, one of father's shotguns with some... misappropriated special shells, a map of hopefully where he would be appearing and his destination in mind.

He grabbed the torch he prepared and a lighter from his pocket, igniting the end of it. A burst of green fire extended up from the wood before settling on an unnatural green flame. Carefully, he waved his hand through it.


He held his finger in the fire for a few seconds.

Cool as the air in the room. He smiled. The brand was working. At least some of its effects were. As for the others... that would require a trip into Hell itself to find out.

He swapped hands and shoved his left fist and ring into the flame, holding it there for over a full minute. When he removed his hand, aside from the lack of burns, the only thing that had changed was the brand on the ring now glowed white hot.

He was ready.

After giving his bag one last tap for comfort, he picked up father's shotgun and tossed the torch onto the pentagram. Immediately a burst of light illuminated the room, forcing him to look away. The smell of sulfur and cinnamon filled the garage, accompanied by other unknown scents. When the light dimmed he glanced ahead of him.

A large spherical portal rested in the center of the pentagram. John studied it, moving around the circle to look at it. It appeared to defy all known laws of the universe, but he knew better. The environment on the other side changed as he moved around the edge of the tear. The image occasionally fluttered across it like light over the surface of a rippled ocean.

This wasn't a portal to Hell, (well it quite literally was), so much at it was a wormhole to another world. John smiled.

There would be time to study it later. For now, he had a mission to complete.

He inhaled and exhaled. His mind drifted to his afternoons and evenings spent studying pentagrams and alchemical circles on the school bleachers. The number of times the cheerleaders and their accompanying boyfriends who had called him names and thrown things at him became too numerous to count. The one's who'd told him to go to Hell were about to get their wish.

He took a step forward and disappeared through the portal.


John and Vy burst through his dorm room, quickly slamming the door behind them. Vy quickly raised a hand, an alchemical circle momentarily appearing on the dorsal side, sound proofing the room again as well as preventing any unwanted... vibrations from escaping. It was a simple trick of hers, one she'd used for him countless times before. As a succubus, being able to isolate a room came in handy when feeding, as she told him.

Fortunately for him, she wasn't here to completely drain his life force.

She practically slammed him against the wall, her lips immediately finding his, her tongue quickly forcing its way into his mouth. He welcomed her intrusion, playfully wrestling her invader with his own. The fight for dominance was merely for show on his part, as her tongue swirled around his, almost supernaturally grappling him into submission. He long ago accepted her role as the more dominant one.

Not that he minded.

His head began to cloud as her taste and scent flooded his senses like a torrential rain. This time, instead of resisting and repressing, he welcomed it, breathing in her scent and taking in her unique flavor. It was like someone drugged him, his vision momentarily tunneling before refocusing. She tasted as she smelled: sweet like vanilla and caramel with subtler floral notes with an added cinnamon inspired bite at the end of it. Like an expensive whisky, there was no other real way of putting her into words.

Her lips aggressively danced across his, the familiar smooching sounds filling the space as she gave an arousing moan into his mouth.

He could get drunk off this alone. Kissing her was already better than sex with most human girls. Normally, when she came onto him like this, he'd often had to push her away, to stop her, the edicts of his school schedule preventing them from going further, much to her (and his), dismay.

Today, however, was a Friday. And he had all weekend to work on his short homework assignments. His mind momentarily drifted to them before he shoved them away. They'd take at most an hour of his Saturday morning to complete. Tonight, and the rest of the weekend, was for her and her alone. She deserved it for her patience at the very least.

Eventually, he forced her lips from his, eliciting a groan of protest from the succubus. He flashed her a grin.


"Off. Now." She commanded, kicking off her shoes and tossing her jacket to the floor.

"Yes, mistress." John rolled his eyes.

He have been her master but here, he deferred to her expertise, which often meant her taking the role of the master.

He knelt and began untying his shoes before moving to unbutton his shirt. Vy released a frustrated growl before grabbing his shirt and tearing it open, sending the buttons flying. She quickly raised a finger, the tip of it extending into a demonically violet claw, before slicing through his undershirt with lighting speed and precision, somehow only tearing the fabric.

"Hey!" He said startled.

"We'll grab replacements tomorrow." She breathed, tearing the tatters of his clothes off his body before shoving him onto their shared bed.

He landed with considerable force, her demonic strength slightly showing through. Shirtless, he felt he looked unimpressive, even with some of Hell's gifts he'd appropriated. Still, Vy found something attractive about his body, considering the toned look of it a lot more attractive than the over muscled Arnold Schwarzeneggeresque body builders he figured she'd be interested in.

She climbed on top of him and pulled her own shirt off, exposing her black sports bra underneath. She grinned, licking her lips, momentarily exposing her teeth. For a moment, John thought her canines had extended to look more like fangs.

"You're so fucking hot." She breathed, leaning down to kiss him again.

He closed his eyes, savoring the abundance of sensation. Her lips on his, her tongue's welcomed invasion, her fingers running through his hair, her weight on his lap, her scent in his nose, all of it coming together to flood his senses. He felt it again in his heart and in his head. Oh, he was definitely in love as she was with him. He welcomed the chance to drown in her.

Eventually, Vy pulled away and began working on her bra.

"You don't have to just say that because I'm your master, you know." He said.

She growled, pulling off her bra and tossing it aside, exposing her perfect perky chest to him. His pants suddenly felt uncomfortably tight.

"I'm not, you idiot."

"You don't have to lie."

She raised a finger, claws materializing on the tips. She placed one finger under his chin, locking his gaze upon her. "I'm not. Now shut up and stop being so self-conscious and fucking sin with me."

That put an end to that line of thinking. She raised her hand, her eyes flashing red momentarily as she aimed her claws at his pants.

"Wait! Wait." He said, unbuckling his belt and quickly sliding off his pants and boxers before kicking off his socks and pants in one go. "Don't need you shredding any more of my clothes tonight."

"Good boy." She said, standing up and removing her jeans, panties, and socks, leaving her as naked as the day he first encountered her. She climbed back on the bed, seating herself on his lap, visibly relishing in the sensation his erection sliding between her ass cheeks.

She sighed, closing her eyes, her vocals filling the room like music through a cathedral. When she opened them again, the blue in them had intensified, almost glowing. Vy tossed him a toothy grin before placing her hands on his shoulders, quickly moving up to find his wrists, pinning his arms above his head with one hand. The other she absentmindedly fingered his chest.

"I'm going to fuck the shit out of you, master." She growled.

"Just don't break the bed." He said.

She smiled. "No promises."

She bridged the gap between them, capturing his lips in hers, relishing the simple feeling of enjoying a kiss with him. Naturally, she was an excellent kisser, and she regularly enjoyed using her talents to ravish him whenever he allowed her. Thankfully for Vy, tonight was one of those nights.

She felt him straining beneath her, wanting to move his hands from where she had pinned him to touch her magnificent body. Now she was cheating. John let out a moan of protest, the urge to run his hands down her body now irresistible. After what felt like a micro eternity, she parted her mouth from his, a mischievous look on her face.

"What's wrong, master?"

"You know damn well what's wrong."

"No touching? Sound familiar?" She said, running her free hand up to her chest, fondling her breasts in front of him. Now it was her turn to tease him. Revenge at its sweetest. Her flesh yielded beautifully beneath her fingers, each motion serving only to increase his skyrocketing arousal. She ran a finger over her pink nipples, giving her piercings a gentle flick as they passed.

"You're such a bitch." John smirked at her.

"And you're such a weak human." She tightened her grip on his wrists, keeping him pinned as her hand moved down her body, rubbing gently over her well-toned stomach, passing over the smallest beginnings of her six-pack abs. Vy knew he loved her athletic frame and now she was doing everything to make his mouth water over it. He was now fully under her spell and she knew it. It was here that trust entered back into their relationship as it always did. She could do whatever she wanted to him.

Out of habit, he tried to push her arms off his to no avail. She was strong. Oh, so very strong. He loved that about her. He loved it when she switched their power game to become the dominant one. Nothing compared to having a succubus hold you down and fuck you until you quite literally begged her to stop.

Her hand slowly journeyed down to her pussy. From his vantage point, her lovely pink clit seemed to wink at him, teasing him further with what, for the moment, he couldn't have. She slid two fingers around her nub, fingering her dripping entrance, her juices leaking down onto his throbbing cock, teasing him further.

She let out a small gasp as she slowly began working two fingers in and out of her hole, her eyes never leaving his. Her face burned pink, a similar blush burning across his own. John swallowed.

"You gonna let me up?"

"Eventually," She breathed, continuing to finger fuck herself. "For now, this is your punishment for earlier."

"I hate you." He said, straining against her hands, trying in vain to move.

She blew him a kiss. "I love you too."

For the next few minutes, John could do nothing but lay back and watch and listen to Vy screw herself mere inches from him, completely unable of joining her. She did little to ease his frustrations, sensually moving her fingers between her snatch, occasionally arching her back in sexy, felinesque motions. Still, for all her masturbating, she denied herself orgasm, edging herself ever closer but never allowing herself to dive over the edge. It was almost a form of mental discipline on par with a practiced martial artist or a shaolin monk.

It was here, John got an idea. He smiled.

Normally, he'd have to press his brand to get the desired effects but in situations like this, where his succubus was in extremely close proximity and already a few millimeters from cumming, he could probably work something to throw her off her game. Just some mental discipline to match her own.

Not taking his eyes off hers, he focused on opening their link a bit more. Immediately her emotions flooded him. Her enjoyment of having him pinned below her derived itself less from her demonic domination instincts and a lot more from a place of affection. She loved him, and he felt it. Dominating him like this was just one small way she expressed that love. He was almost touched if not slightly frustrated.

Still, there was one other reason she was enjoying this so much.

She got off on it.

If they ever got into BDSM, her role was obvious.

John waited. This particular fetish of hers would be her downfall. He waited, silently probing her while she continued to play with her food. She was almost there, edging ever closer to that cliff again. All it would take was one tiny push to disrupt her focus and send her over the edge and inevitably soak his crotch with her fluids.

He was looking forward to it.

Her breathing deepened, her alluring scent growing stronger. Small beads of sweat began to form on her forehead as her movements began to grow microscopically shakier. To the untrained eye, it would be near impossible to notice she was close to orgasming. To John, her tells were written all over like tattoos. She almost at the top of the peak.

It was here he struck.

He lightly flicked his head and sent a tiny bit of energy through their link, a tiny burst of lust mixed together with a healthy dose of his own love and affection for her. He watched with hungry anticipation as it hit her just as she moved to stop herself from cumming.

Her eyes widened.

"Oh fuck." She gasped.

Her legs became jelly, her muscles losing enough of their strength as she began to spasm as her first orgasm of the night washed over her like a tidal wave. She let out a loud moan of pleasure, her eyes closing as John found his own strength, slipping his hands from her grip and flipping onto the bed. Her legs closed in on themselves as a rush of her juices flowed from her hungry pussy. Her orgasm continued for several more long seconds before finally subsiding, her muscles finally returning under her control.

"...fuck..." She breathed.

John subconsciously counted how long she came for. At least thirty seconds. And for her, that was a minor orgasm. Minor.

He quickly pinned her arms above her head before she fully recovered. She opened her eyes, finding him above her. Unlike her, he needed both arms to even remotely have a chance of holding her down. Still breathing heavily, she smiled.

"That was a dirty trick, master."

"Had to do something to level the playing field." He said. "You are far stronger than me."

"Still. Low blow dude."

"You enjoyed it and you know it."

"Fuck you." She smirked.

He released her arms, cradling her face in his hands. She brought her own hands up to his, staring into his eyes with both curiosity and affection.

He leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss on the nose. She closed her eyes and let out a contented sigh.

"That was nice." She said.

His spine tingled at her words. "I could do it again if you'd like."

"Maybe later. For now, I'm still hungry."

She quickly sat up, throwing him to the other side of the bed and quickly pounced on him, grasping his cock in her hands, forcing her pussy into his face.

"That's how it's gonna be?" He asked.

She ran her tongue over the head of his dick. "You cum first, you stay on the bottom. I cum first, you get to be on top for a change. No cheating this time."

"That's not fair and you know it."

The tip of her finger ran up the underside of his penis, causing him to instinctively thrust his hips. She giggled.

"I'm a succubus, not a judge. I'm not exactly made to play fair. Nor are you one to play by the rules either."

His face heated up as he brought his hands to her ass cheeks, lightly squeezing them. "I'm still trying to figure out what the rules even are."

"Make me cum and find out."

"One of these days, I'm going to tie you to a bed, shove a vibrator inside you, and walk off for the day."

She gave his dick a squeeze. "Naughty, naughty."

Vy opened her mouth, her tongue extending out to near superhuman lengths, coiling around his member like a snake before quickly slipping back into her mouth. John shuddered at the contact.

"What makes you think I wouldn't enjoy something like that?" She said.


He leaned up and planted a kiss on her clit, taking it between his lips, gently sucking on the nub. Above him, Vy let out a cute, girlish moan, almost uncharacteristic of her more tomboyish and aggressive personality. Had he not known her better of course. He watched in both pleasure and fascination as a red light traveled down her spine as she shuddered in pleasure. Her body's natural reaction to his touch.

He released her from his mouth and smirked.

"Because I won't be here."

She nodded, lightly tapping his dick with her finger. "True. Any orgasm is better with you around. Guess I better motivate you to stay with me when you do tie me up like that."

"You saying you'd like to be tied up?"

She turned and smiled at him. "Very few things in this universe would make me wetter than having you tie me up and do whatever you wanted with me. But for now..."

She licked her lips and dove down on his cock, taking his entire length into her mouth. Immediately John tensed as he felt his member engulfed by the demonic warmth of her throat. She laughed around him, the vibrations travelling through his cock like she'd wrapped a vibrator around his entire shaft.

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