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The Hodengreif Procedure Pt. 02

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More of official report on the results of female takeover.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/15/2021
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You really need to read Part I to understand this and to decide whether you want to read any of this thing at all.

This story is a speculation on a female dominated society written in the form of a mock report on the results of implementation of a procedure that gave women practical control of men by creating in women the ability to inflict extreme pain on men, create erections and delay male orgasms.

II. Public Health, Social and Economic Effects of the Implementation of the Hodengreif Procedure.

As discussed above, Part II of this report summarizes the key facts disclosed by the

Interdisciplinary Committee's study of the available statistical data regarding the effects of the Hodengreif Procedure that ended male dominance and rape culture in the Colony.. The bulk of the report, however, is contained in the Appendices A-ZZZ to this section which supply the underlying data and explanation of the methodology utilized here.

It is believed by the Interdisciplinary Committee, however, that the raw statistics cannot tell the whole story. Accordingly, over 5000 interviews were conducted with women regarding the real-life impacts of the full implementation of the Hodengreif Procedure. Although males are considered to be less reliable, interviews were also conducted with 500 males. These interviews of males were conducted to provide confirmation of the incidents related by the interviews with women and to provide a second perspective for use in interpreting the statistical data.

A. Public Health Effects

The health data show major benefits of the full implementation of the Hodengreif Procedure.

Violence against women - Naturally, the Colonial Governing Council was most interested to determine whether the widespread implementation of the Hodengreif Procedure had lessened violence against women. The answer was unambiguous. Male rape of women was eliminated. Although it is theoretically possible for a male to be an accomplice to a sexual assault on a woman instigated by another woman, this has not occurred.

Moreover, incidents of violence against women generally were reduced to about 5% of the pre-Hodengreif Implementation reported incidents. The small number of murders of women all involved women murdering women, sometimes with the assistance of their male consorts. There is no evidence that the Hodengreif Procedure was a contributing cause to any of these homicides. On the contrary, the practical inability of both men and women to have illicit relationships with the spouses of other persons appears to have contributed to the fall of crime by women against women that is clearly shown from police data.

Disease - Women's health also generally improved as the incidence of STDs (95% decline from before implementation of the Hodengreif Procedure), cervical cancer (19% decline), vaginitis (82% decline), and depression (86% decline) all fell by the indicated percentages. Although the causation is uncertain, it also appears that cases of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes also fell.

Diet, exercise -- It was feared that many women would let their bodies go if they no longer had to try to please a man. This fear proved unjustified. It appears that the increased male consumption of healthful foods and exercise of various sorts has led to the substantial reduction in the percentage of women who were overweight to an unhealthy extent. Counterintuitively, anorexia also is much reduced.

The probable reasons for these results were revealed in the interviews, including the one of Sheila a portion of which is given below:

SHEILA: After I first zapped Ralph I did start to let myself go a bit. With control of Ralph's balls and cock, he sure wasn't going to bother me if I sat around and ate bon bons. The one time he mentioned that maybe I should put down the candy and take a walk, I put him on floor screaming about his nuts and begging me for mercy.

Then I got instruction on how to use the controls better and on how to feed Ralph while lowering household food bills. Once I taught Ralph how to do me right, we started having sex at least once a day and I immediately started to lose weight and feel better. I did not restrict myself entirely to the healthy stuff I fed Ralph. That would have been too boring. But I started to eat better and more carefully even when I was out with other women. I mean with the sex so great and Ralph doing so much work around the house, there was something more to live for than chocolate. I didn't want to have a heart attack during an orgasm.

Substance Abuse by women - Substance abuse by women fell by 60 %. An excerpt from a somewhat colorful interview with Marilyn and Bob is here provided as it was typical of the data used to explain the substantial reduction in female substance abuse.

MARILYN: You asked me why I quit drinking after I gained control of Bob. Are you an idiot or something? Most every woman would tell you that men in general or some motherfucker in particular drove them to drink. Women out together might have a bit too much to drink every once in long time. A woman wanting a man sometimes drinks too much because she can't get one.

But much worse, having an asshole dominating your life with him having huge amounts of booze around the house all the time, will cause a lot of women to hit the bottle hard. After I had Bob by the balls, I cut him off the bottle almost entirely. Maybe we had a glass of champagne for the New Year or I let him have a beer after he'd washed all the windows in the house but that was it.

With Bob off the bottle and great sex, I had a lot less reason to drink and without the house full of booze, I had a lot less temptation.

BOB: I missed the beer at first, but I did not have anything to say about it. Now Marilyn and I both feel better.

Conclusion regarding women's health: The life expectancy of women rose by at least 2.2 years as a result of the implementation throughout the Colony of the Hodengreif Procedure.

Male health was not an object of the Implementation of the Hodengreif Procedure and the Interdisciplinary Committee was not explicitly directed to report on this factor. However, it will be important in considering the social effects of the Implementation that the male life expectancy surprisingly rose considerably more than that of women. The combined effects of the reduction in violence of men on men, improved diet and exercise, and the reduction of substance abuse apparently caused male life expectancy to rise 5.9 years.

The increase in male life expectancy substantially closed the pre-existing difference in life expectancies of women and males which in turn required adjustments in the policies regarding assignment of males. Young women are now directed to choose a consort from men their own age unless choosing from the Orange Group of hard to place males.

The issue of violence of women against males is considered here because that was one of the main objects of the Weicherz Reforms. It was hard to collect data on this factor because males often have fantasies of abuse. Also, many males complained that they were forced to work a full day, pick up the children from childcare, make dinner, wash the dishes, put the children to bed and then make love vigorously in whatever way their wife wished. Such petty complaints were not recorded as they were not of interest to the Interdisciplinary Committee.

It is believed by the Interdisciplinary Committee that there was never much abuse of males, but that it did occur to a small extent prior to the Weicherz Reforms. Specifically, it appears from the interviews that have been taken that violence against males by women, always rare, initially rose slightly with the implementation of the Hodengreif Procedure. However, by the time the Weicherz Reforms were instituted, the level of abuse of males by women was already in steep decline.

The following interview by the Interdisciplinary Committee relates to one of those rare number of cases in which there was a substantiated report of abuse. (As explained in Appendix CC, a report of abuse was considered substantiated if it was collaborated by physical evidence or the report of a female witness)

Interview 7 -- Christine and Joshua.

CHRISTINE: I was taught that a proper daughter of the church protected her virtue at all costs. Naturally I was a virgin when I was married. I'd never seen a male thingy before my wedding night. I'd even averted my eyes from the thingies of animals until after I was a married woman.

I knew after marriage I would have to do my duty as a married woman and allow Joshua to do anything he wanted as long, as it wasn't unnatural, and to yield to the will of my lawful master as many times as he wanted.

On my wedding night it hurt really bad. Only later did I learn that we should have done something to get me moist in my womanly part before Josh stuck his thingy in me. The whole awful act only lasted a few seconds, though. That was the first time and it didn't last that much longer the second time. He generally lasted longer the third time, but it didn't hurt so much when I was all full of his white stuff.

The next year or so, Joshua kept wanting me to let him stick his thingy in me every day, several times a day on the weekend. It did not take much time, but it always really hurt. I was told by Pastor Paul Black that I should just let Joshua do what he wanted, but Pastor Black had heard I should try to relax. He said he'd pray that I accepted fully that I must surrender to HIS will which meant that I had to surrender to my husband. I must admit, though, that I thought a lot of unholy things. I cried in the bathroom afterward every time.

I kept wondering whether all women had to suffer this way because of our sins before the Almighty. Sometimes I just swelled up in anger about Eve and the horrible thing she did.

Then a woman named Sindy XXX joined the church. We in the church thought it was kind of an unusual name because she did not act or look like she was from some foreign country that used a lot of 'Xs' in names. She did have much larger than usual breasts so we thought she might be part Italian or Mexican or something although she had really light hair and talked American really good.

Sindy became real good friends with Pastor Black and later with his wife Faith. Soon after that we heard from the pulpit from Pastor Black that, just as God had told the Jews to be circumcised, God wanted us non-Jews to perform a ritual called either the Freedomstone Procedure or by some foreign name I can't rightly pronounce.

Josh and I both did what Pastor Black said the lord wanted. Some medical lady at the place we got the ceremony done told me that it would allow me to control Joshua's thingy and told me how to get Josh's thingy hard, how to keep him from spraying his stuff in me unless I wanted it, and how to give him a jolt that would keep him from hurting me. She also said that I could make Josh be a lot more gentle if I gave him a jolt whenever he tried to do anything I thought would hurt. She also gave me some lotion like stuff to put in my place for making babies before sex saying that they would help if I still wanted to have sex.

I did not know what to think. For a few days, nothing changed except Josh wanted me to let him put his thingy into me even more than before, but it didn't hurt quite so much if I used the lotion stuff. It kind of felt good even and I was developing an appetite for doing my marital duties.

After maybe a week, Pastor Black and his wife invited us over to the rectory for non-caffeinated tea. When we got there, we were surprised to see Sindy XXX there with her husband Hawk. Faith and Pastor Black said that there had been a new revelation and that a miracle had occurred. Pastor Black said it was really important that I learn from Sindy how to have sex and learn how to use the miracle HE had given humanity to keep folks from straying from the narrow path.

Sindy said that Josh and I should sit down and watch something that she and Hawk were going to do. I was initially appalled when Sindy told Hawk to take off all his clothing and present his thingy to us all, but Pastor Black said that that was what God wanted. Faith said that God has decided that Eve has paid enough for her sins and there was to be a new Eden and the daughters of Eve were to be given the strength of Samson and the powers of Delilah, only to be used for good naturally this time. Sindy grabbed the little sack under Hawk's thingy, squeezed a bit, and said she now owned Hawk's balls.

Josh started to get up to go but I did not want to disobey the pastor. Faith told me to use the device in my arm. I pushed the button that the medical lady told me to use. Josh buckled over and said it hurt like h___ after he got off the floor. I told him he should not use that H word and that what he'd done to me had hurt a whole lot too.

Sindy took off her clothes and told Hawk to lick her right between the legs. I was really shocked at first but after a few minutes, she was obviously having some sort of intense religious experience.

Joshua said it was disgusting. It did not seem so disgusting to me if this led Sindy to reach God, so I gave Josh another jolt and told him to be silent during the ritual.I was feeling very strong in the way of faith and I had to make sure that Sindy was not disturbed.

Sindy started talking in tongues as she just bubbled up all over and began breathing really heavy and making sounds. After a few minutes, Sindy started praying by screaming "oh my God, oh my God." It was right clear that she'd had a vision.

After the spirit had eased in her and she stopped breathing so heavy, Sindy told Hawk to lie on the rug. His thingy - oh I should just call it a penis - Pastor Faith has told me to call things by the real name that Adam and Eve gave them - was real big, even bigger than Joshua's. Sindy eased herself down on it. Sindy then bounced up and down and all around in a way I had not seen before that day except maybe on TV by some hussy dancing to the devil's music. But Sindy seemed to be having the time of her life. I was getting moist below my dress in a way I'd never gotten before.

Joshua seemed to be getting hard under his pants. Faith said he should take off his clothes. He said than he did not want to, but I knew he should. I gave him another jolt. After he was naked, I could see that he was all excited too although I had not let him touch me.

Sindy after a while seemed to have another holy experience and started screaming "oh my God" again. Hawk seemed to have some sort of holy moment too although he just grunted. Both Sindy and Hawk breathed heavy for a while.

Afterward, Faith and Sindy said I should come back the next day with Josh. Pastor Black said that I should not worry about the Seventh Commandment no more because it did not count now that we had been purified by the Freedomstone Ritual.

Can you believe? The next day when I came back, we had Josh do for me what Hawk had done for Sindy. He wasn't very good at it at first but Sindy and Faith both gave him real careful instructions as to where to put his tongue and what to do with it. They had him work his tongue gently around my little inner folds before licking carefully on the little nub between the bits of flesh that stuck out. For the first time in my life I felt the spirit really move me. I could not think of anything better to pray and shouted, "oh my God," as Sindy had, as a powerful sort of fluttering happened from my little nub and in my womb. It seemed to spread from there to my whole body. I felt righteously sacred and thankful for this new revelation.

Joshua said he could not believe what had gotten into me. I said that he had better get his thingy into me right away if he knew what was good for him. I added he should do his in and out business nice and slow this time and keep it up until I told him he could stop. I was feeling still more strength coming from my faith in all of what had been revealed.

Josh poked me the place that my mother told me babies come out. This time it didn't hurt at all. He was sliding in and out real nice and I was feeling that if this was what was meant by doing my marital duty, I was ready to follow the way joyfully. Josh worked a while with Sindy whispering in his ear what to do, and I had another powerful experience, maybe even better than I'd had before.

Josh said he was getting tired. I said it must have been tiring marching around Jericho six days. He was going to keep it up until I told him to stop. After I had had a few more tremors of joy, I pushed the button that I'd been told would let Joshua do what he'd done before when he hurt me. That seemed to make him happier and he did spurt his white stuff in me.

Josh was real sheepish as he put on his clothes afterward while Faith, the Pastor and Sindy told him that he should expect probably that I would want to use my new God-given powers often in the future.

Sindy and I became good friends and that maybe led me to make some mistakes. Seems Sindy had had some real bad things done to her. She'd started taking off her clothes in bars for men when she was 18. She said that Hawk had kind of adopted her a few years later and let men use her in exchange for money. Hawk beat her if she complained. She said she liked Hawk in some ways, but that she mainly hated him and was going to make him pay for the years he'd made her do things she didn't want to do. She said Hawk made her get her breasts a lot bigger and told me a lot of details about other things, but I don't think it's proper for me to tell that all now. It's pretty sad.

Well, anyway, after Sindy heard about how Joshua had made me do my duty as a wife even when it hurt me real bad, she said that I should do the same sort of thing to him. I should have all the joy that I had been given by the miracle. She said it would be an unforgiveable insult to God if I did not make full use of the gift.

We started getting together at each other's homes. The first thing we did after we gathered was tell Hawk and Josh to take off all their clothes and give us nice long back massages followed by a nice long session with them using their tongues.

Sindy said that we should not use the control that stopped them from spurting when the real sex stuff started. Since they'd wanted sex so much, we should just keep them spurting until they couldn't stand it anymore. We could get them hard whenever we wanted, and they had to do what we wanted. We'd take turns on each of them off and on for hours. I think Sindy and I made Josh spurt about 16 times one day after making Hawk do it about as much.

Even without Sindy around, I was having Josh lick me and spurt a lot. He kept saying that he enjoyed it the first few times every day, but that I was killing him. Whenever he said something like that, I reminded him of what he'd done to me and had him do something around the house he didn't like to do. Then I'd use his body again to have another spiritual experience.

Sometimes, Sindy would talk me into getting both Hawk and Joshua tied up with their arms above their heads and we'd swat them with belts and other things. Sindy said Hawk had done that to her a lot. I said Josh had never done that to me. Sindy said she was sure he had thought about it and thinking about doing something was as bad as doing something in the view of God. She swatted them all over, even on the little sac below their penises even after they started begging her to stop. She also touched them with little glowing sorts of electric things that seemed to hurt a lot.

We'd make them use their tongues again and then their penises inside us again and we wouldn't let them stop until something went off and they automatically lost their hardness for a while. But they would get hard again when the safety thing in our devices turned off.

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