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The House of Lights Ch. 06

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Messalina is introduced to the cave creatures.
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/30/2010
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"You may be pleased to know that your time with our cave creatures has come at last. Our medical people have declared you ready for duty – as it were. Do you have any questions at this time?"

This was Number One speaking to us and giving us what she thought would be good news. I could tell by Georgy's expression that she felt the same as I did. Neither one of us was particularly happy over what this announcement meant.

"Messalina, let me introduce Boak. He is an ogre and he will escort you to and from the rooms of the cave creatures. If you don't have any questions, then I suggest that it is time for you to proceed."

This Boak character looked like a walking mountain. He was easily eight or nine feet tall and must have weighed 400 pounds. His chest, arms and legs all looked as though they had been carved out of rock. His upper arms were bigger than my thighs and his thighs – well, it is sufficient to say that they were really huge. His hands were the size of small boulders and I wondered at the size of the cock that was hidden by his short kilt-like garment. There was no doubt in my mind that, if he took a desire to fuck me, there would be nothing I could do about it.

I looked across at Georgy and she just shrugged. I knew that she was telling me that neither one of us had any choice so we might as well make the best of it.

Okay, Boak. Let's go!"

I didn't know if this monster of a man could speak or not and he didn't give me any hints as he merely turned and led the way out of our rooms. I couldn't help myself so, as I was leaving, I turned and with a very weak smile on my face gave Georgy the, 'thumbs up'.

Boak and I walked completely across the ground floor of the castle before he stopped and, reaching out, opened a small door in the wall. From the size of the door and the size of Boak, I didn't think he would fit, but he did. There was a flight of stairs leading downward. My number training took charge and I began counting the steps as we went lower into the bowels of the castle. There were just eight steps in this flight, but, when Boak opened a second door, we were confronted by a very long flight of steps. I knew at once that we were going deep into the innards of the castle for these steps were cut from solid rock and there was one helluva lot of them. As we started downward, Boak shocked the hell out of me. With a sudden movement, one of his huge hands grabbed hold of my ass cheeks and a massive finger was thrust up into my ass! I was truly startled by this and,as I turned to ask him what the hell he was doing, he gave me the ugliest grin and said,

"Boak take hold little girl. Steps steep and sometimes wet. Boak hold on little girl."

I almost smacked him, but then I thought,

"Oh, what the hell. He's just trying to keep me from breaking my neck. I can take a little of his finger fucking while we work our way down these damn stairs."

So, the two of us began our descent into the very guts of the castle. As I had done before, I counted each step I took. At the bottom, I had counted 195 steps. Allowing about eight inches per step and including the eight steps at the top, I calculated that we were almost one hundred feet below the floor level of the castle. Boak and I were standing in a small area that faced another even smaller door. I knew that this was where Boak would have to leave me for there was no chance that he could get through this door. He removed his finger from my butt hole and, reaching around me, opened the door.

"There door!" And he pointed into the room before us. " You open that door then close behind you. Cave creatures not come out here." I wanted to ask if there was any way in which I could contact him if I wanted to be let out, but I knew what the answer was beforehand so I kept my mouth shut. I had no more than stepped inside this first door when Boak slammed it shut! I took that to be the answer to my unspoken question. Boak would not help me in any way. This room was lighted by some kind of light that was recessed into the overhead so I could see clearly what awaited me. I moved over to the other door and, after having sighed deeply, I pulled on the handle. I was really surprised at how easily it swung open and how massive it was. I stood there for some time trying to work up enough courage to walk into the room beyond. I could not see any thing in this second room. My indecision was finally resolved by something weird. The darkness from within this second room actually began oozing out of the room and surrounding me. Whether I liked it or not, I was soon going to be in the dark. So, brazen hussy that I am, I stepped through the door into total darkness. I was startled when that massive door swung closed of its' own volition.

I stuck my arms out from my sides and felt for the walls. I couldn't feel any structure whatsoever. I had to move to one side by sliding my feet along on the floor. The floor was surprisingly warm and, as I touched the wall, I was pleased to discover that it, too, was warm. I thought to myself,

"At least, I won't be uncomfortable even though I am stark naked."

There is one thing I learned from my time in the house and that is, it is damned difficult to estimate the passage of time when you are alone and standing in total darkness. So, I don't know how long I stood there before I began to sense another being in the room with me!

I tried speaking to whatever or whoever it was, but there were no return sounds. Suddenly, I felt the lightest of touches on my let tit. It felt as if I had brushed up against a spider's web. I sucked in my breath as this web-touch proceeded to investigate every inch of my body. By the time it was satisfied, I was so aroused I thought I might climax right there and then. I started to move my arm and I discovered that I had been totally covered with some kind of coating! It was a very thin coating but I could not break it apart and, when I ran my hand over my chest, I found that it was actually some kind of furry covering. I discovered that neither my tits nor my nipples were covered and, as my searching hand brushed over them, my arousal jumped several levels. Another quick investigation and I discovered that neither my cunt nor my ass were covered in this fashion. I knew what this portended and, in just a few minutes or so, I was not disappointed. I felt something grasping my buttocks and pulling them open. As soon as they were sufficiently parted, something was forced up against my butt-hole. It wasn't a cock. That much I knew, but just what it was I had no idea. I soon found out for, I soon began sensing a flow of air into my ass! Someone or something was blowing its' breath up into my bowels! It felt like one of Scylla's enemas only this was much gentler. I placed both hands upon my belly and I knew at once that it was swelling as more and more of this breath was blown into me. Abruptly, I felt first one foot and then the other leave the floor! I was being filled like a balloon and now I was floating!

The breathing into my guts stopped and, for a second I hung suspended - completely off the floor! Then, a slight nudge in my back and I was rotated until I was facing downwards! It was because of the presence of gravity, that I could tell in which direction I was facing. I had been so preoccupied with the state of my belly that I had not paid any attention to other portions of my body. Now that I was facing downwards, I suddenly realized that my belly wasn't the only thing that had been grossly enlarged. My tits hung down from my chest like two very large melons and my nipples were the largest I had ever felt. Not only were my nipples huge, but they were sensitive as well. A caress or two and I nearly climaxed!

Once more, the mouth or machine was reattached to my butt hole and the blowing resumed. This time, the effects of this were decidedly different from those of before. Without any effort on my part, both of my arms began to extend out to my side. They weren't getting any larger. They were merely extending out horizontally putting me into a downward-facing crucifixion position. As my arms began this shifting in their positions, my legs began moving, too. My legs were spreading wider and wider until I thought they must surely begin tearing my crotch area apart! There was some discomfort, but not nearly as much as I might have expected. When the blowing stopped for the second time, I was spread like a sky-diver. My body was in the form of a huge, 'H' with my torso providing the cross-piece and my spread arms and my splayed open legs forming the sides of the, 'H'. Strangely enough, I did not feel any physical pain or discomfort.

Then, my attackers began playing with me. A gentle nudge on the soul of my foot and I went into a head-down glide. A similar nudge on one of my hands and I rolled as if I were inside a huge barrel. Evidently this satisfied these creatures for they brought me back to a face-up, horizontal position. There was absolutely no chance of denying them access to my ass or cunt. Both of my portals were readily available. In just a few seconds, I felt the head of a cock pushing against my cunt lips! I braced for the pain that I was certain was coming, but it entered me without any difficulty whatsoever. Then, my torture began. Or, should I say it was my pleasure that began? At that particular point, I wasn't certain what I was about to receive, but soon, there was no doubt left in my mind.

As that cock began its' passage up into my cuntal channel, I began climaxing. Soon, I was floating in a sea of orgasms. I briefly recalled something that Number One had said about installing numerous nerve nodules in our cunts and asses and now I was reaping the results of this major modification. Each of my orgasms followed closely upon the heels of the preceding orgasm. As that cock passed each newly installed nodule, it triggered yet another orgasm. I lay there in the air with both arms straight out from sides and my legs in the form of a dancer's split convulsing as each climax roared through me. The realignment of my sexual sense system resulted in something else. Whereas before, my orgasms had been, more or less, restricted to my belly, guts and thighs, now they triggered responses from every part of my nervous system. And, they never seemed to stop! I stared up into the direction that I thought the ceiling was and began laughing. This was a major fucking and there was no doubt about that. But, these creatures were not through with me. Without any warning, I felt another cock begin the penetration of my ass! Was this a second assailant or were these creatures equipped with two cocks? It didn't matter to me at that time. Imagine the sensation caused by the doubling of your orgasms and you will have some idea of what I was feeling. I couldn't stand that for very long. I lost contact with any sense of reality.

When I next became aware of where I was, I was choking because a very large cock – at least I surmised that it was a cock – had been forced into my mouth and down my throat. And it was ejaculating! In my past experiences, I had tasted enough jism to know what it was like. This, however, was definitely a different flow. I felt the flow moving downward until I was certain that it was filling my stomach. Then it hit me! They are feeding me! Their form of jism must have some form of high-energy food quality for my energy seemed to increase immediately and I was once more wide awake.

How these things knew what my state was, I don't know, but they started in fucking me even while that feeding cock was still in my throat! The two cocks that were currently installed within my body began a queer pulsing motion. This motion seemed to result in a cock brushing against the entire family of clits in both my cunt and my ass. Orgasms which had lain relatively dormant immediately came to life and once more I was afloat in a sea of orgasms. For a nymphomaniac such as I, it was heaven. I surrendered all of my intelligence and earthly awareness and gave myself over to nothing but my animal senses. Like the first fucking session, this session continued until I once more passed out.

The routine became: rouse the cunt, feed her and then fuck the very daylights out of her. It was a glorious time and I was in a sexual heaven.

Finally, there came a time when I regained my senses and found myself on the floor of the little anti-room. Boak was gently shaking my shoulders.

"Little girl! Wake up! Time go back upstairs."

I shook the cobwebs out of from behind my eyes and smiled up at him. If I was never to be permitted another experience such as I had just undergone, so be it, but I knew that I had spent time in a sexual heaven. When he saw that I was awake, Boak helped me up to my feet. I found it very difficult to stand and even more difficult to walk. It seemed as though I was constantly about to fall over onto my face. At first, I thought it was a natural reaction to all of the fucking I had experienced, but then I looked down at my lower extremities and I very nearly did fall over onto the floor.

My feet were solidly planted on the floor, but they were further apart than my shoulders! And, my legs didn't slant downward to my feet! Strangely enough, my legs went straight downward! I raised my gaze up to where my thighs once met my torso to find that the space between my thighs was now at least a foot wide! Boak must have anticipated my questions for he suddenly reached under my ass and laid the palm of his huge hand flat upon what was now my vaginal plateau!

"Wha... What have they done to me?"

"Cave people make big."

"But, why?"

"Now, when Number one send you to pit, big demon make fuck with you!"

There wasn't anything I could bring myself to say to this. Perhaps unintentionally, Boak had given me some insight into my future. Or, was it intentional? I wondered.

"Come. We go."

As he said this, Boak exerted a slight upward pressure on the hand lying on my newly formed vaginal plateau and we started up that long stretch of steps. On the very first step, I discovered that I needed Boak's hand not only to hold me steady, but to assist me in climbing up the stairs as well. Even with his assistance, I had to stop a number of times and rest. Waddling up the stairs was not easy and it took all of my strength to accomplish it. During one of my rest periods, a devilish thought occurred to me and, just as soon as we restarted our journey, I put it into action. I reached over, slid my hand under his kilt-like covering and gripped his cock. Or, I should say that I tried to grip it. That fuck monster was as big around as a loaf of salami! This unexpected action on my part brought Boak to a stop so I used this to my advantage and I reached over with both my hands and took hold of his cock. It took the fingers on both my hands to completely surround his cock! And, by moving my hands hand-over-hand, I was able to estimate its' length at something over a foot long! The very prospect of that thing being shoved up inside my cunt brought shudders to my belly. Then, it occurred to me that, in describing the reason for my physical enlargement, Boak had intimated that there were demons that were even larger than him!

"My GOD! They must be elephants!"

Eventually, we reached the very top of the steps and we were once more on the main floor of the castle. I expected wisecracks and snickering from any of the people we might meet, but that didn't happen. In fact, there were a large number of various people standing around as we exited from the lair of the cave people. By now, I had mastered walking to some degree. I couldn't stride because of the space between my legs and feet. Instead, I waddled like a very old woman. At first, I glared at the faces turned towards me. I was daring them to make even the slightest derisive joke or gesture, but they didn't. In fact, their actions were just the opposite. Many that I passed smiled broadly at me and some even applauded! Boak supplied the explanation.

"Not usual girl come out cave alive! Usually, Boak carry or she screaming! You special!"

This made me feel really good. I had never considered that being able to fuck whatever or whoever lived in that damn cave and come out alive to be a praiseworthy accomplishment, but evidently these creatures did.

"How long was I in that cave?"

"You with cave creatures three days and three nights!"

So I acted the part of a conquering hero and smiled and even waved to the crowd. Still, it was a relief to finally reach our bedroom and see dear old Georgy on her back in her bed.

"What in hell took you so long? I've been back for almost an hour."

I made as if I were going to hit her and we both began laughing. The relief that we both were experiencing at having completed our first visit to the cave creatures made us giddy. I was laughing and I had not yet fallen onto my bed when I got the surprise of my life. I suddenly knew what my genital region looked like for I could clearly see Georgy's. She was unable to close her legs so I was looking directly into her cunt. And, my gaze was directly INTO her cunt! Her cunt lips no longer sealed her cunt! Instead, there was a direct opening into her very insides!

"Now that you've had your view, you might as well see it all."

As Georgy said this, she rolled over onto her stomach and provided me with a view of what had been her puckered hole. It was no longer in that state! Just as her cunt was wide open, so was her ass hole! I looked into a dark hole that went far up inside of her. I choked for I knew that I was in the exact same state.

"Okay, Baby. Now its' my turn. Lay down and show yourself to me! I want to see what I look like, too!"

All of a sudden, I felt self-conscious. Heaven only knows that I had been stared at many, many times before, but the sudden prospect of displaying these abnormalities of my body embarrassed the hell out of me. I knew that, because of our friendship I had to comply with her wishes, but something made me hesitate.

"Come on, damn it! I've seen your cunt and ass before. Now show me what they have done to us!"

That statement galvanized me into action and in one swift movement I spread myself upon my bed so that she could view my new attributes. As she stared at my holes, I told her,

"Boak tells me that when we are finally sent to the pit, that we will be expected to fuck demons that are even bigger in the fuck-flesh department than he is! And, I can tell you from first hand experience that he is gigantic!"

This brought a pregnant silence to the room. Then, I couldn't help myself. I began smiling at Georgy and then my smile developed into a chuckle which exploded into raucous laughter. Georgy was laughing right along with me. Finally, our glee died and we were, once more, looking at one another. My smile had not disappeared and Georgy said,

"Hey, what have you got to smile about?"

"Georgy, baby, I was just thinking. If this is hell for two nymphos such as we; then what is heaven like?"

Once more, our laughter roared.

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