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The Humiliation of Xander

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Xander is required to submit to an exam before marriage.
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The Humiliations of Xander

by Maude1067

Xander is required to submit to an examination to ascertain his physical fitness for marriage


At nineteen years old, Xander Jordan and Evita Mason were hopelessly and profoundly in love and their announcement of their engagement was received enthusiastically by both families. As well as it should. Because finally, after all these years, the parents knew that they would finally get to see their youngest child completely naked.

For those who can remember living in the early 2000's, life was free and open. But when authoritarianism crept in, the freedoms crept out. In the United States, the government was controlled by the fierce religious priests and pastors who created a country where nudity was forbidden. Or anything close to it. Children had to remain fully clothed with the exception of when a child took a shower. And that child had better be alone when he or she had a shower.

Thus it was that Xander and Evita had never seen each other without a lot of clothes on. All children were taught about the human body and all children knew about genitals and, roughly speaking, what they looked like, and the function the genitals served. But to actually have anyone see you naked was considered shameful.

To be seen naked by members of the opposite sex was both powerfully embarrassing but very dangerous because of the strict laws now imposed in the last years of the twenty-first century. But it never was a problem since all children were brought up on these restrictions and having known nothing else, thought nothing of it.

But an engagement announcement between a couple who were between eighteen and twenty-one years old required the future bride and groom would have to undergo an intensive inspection so that each family was sure that their own child and the future in-law child were up to the task of marriage and creating children of their own. Now this did not happen to adults who were married at age twenty-one and older. It was only for those who foolishly wanted to marry while eighteen and nineteen. Xander (and Evita presumably) was in for a long embarrassing and humiliating time in the month before the wedding ceremony.

"The Institute of Marriage', located in the capital city of each state, was one of many government institutions that existed to implement all the restrictions that the law required. The Institute of Marriage was to ensure that public or private nudity was prevented. It also was in charge of inspecting young eighteen and nineteen year olds who wanted to get married before they were twenty. Such was the case of Xander and Evita.

Xander's First Person Narrative

"What does all this mean, Xander?" Evita asked me.

"From what my father said," I replied, "it happens over two days. First the man gets inspected and the next day, the woman. He did not know exactly what happened but he assumed it involved cognitive tests and physical tests. I guess at some point, you have to undress and in my case, a man looks me over, and, in your case, a woman."

"That would be so embarrassing," Evita said with a shudder.

"Yeah, I know," I said. "But soon we will be seeing each other naked so I don't see this as a big deal."

"I cannot wait for our wedding night. I like the idea that we will both lose our virginity with each other. I have always wanted to see what your male thing looks like."

"We both have a strong general idea what the other must look like," I said. "After all, the schools did teach us that. I think being naked with each other is very, very special. However, I know that I am very nervous about this inspection, aren't you?"

"Oh, gosh, yes," Evita replied. "Everything is such a mystery."

So Evita and I were nervous but not fearful of what might happen during this inspection. Little did I know that like all institutions in this authoritarian government, this 'investigation' had become corrupted. We had no clue of what was going to happen.

I arrived at the institute at my appointed time of 9:00 am. I walked into the lobby and was surprised to see Mrs. Doris Mason, Evita's mom and my future mother-in-law, at the desk.

"There you are, Xander," she said. She stood up and walked to me and gave me a big hug and a soft kiss on my cheek. I really liked Doris and returned the kiss. She was always so nice and affectionate with me, and made me feel really welcomed to her family.

"I didn't know you worked here," I said.

"Only on the days of the inspections. There are not many of such days - only for people your age. I earn some money running the desk as the staff are all required to help with the inspection. Mrs. Roper, who usually runs this desk, is in charge of the cognitive testing so you will see her when you do that test."

"I have to say, I am a little nervous about all these tests," I confided to Doris.

"So is my daughter. There may be some awkward times, but everything we do here is dedicated to making sure that you both have a wonderful life together. Now, off you go. Take that hall, second door on left, and find Mrs. Roper."

Off I went, thinking about what Doris meant by the word 'awkward'. I arrived at the office and listened to Mrs. Roper instructions.

"Now, Xander," she said, "some of the questions on this test may seem a bit intrusive but the answers will help us decide how to advise you before your wedding."

"Who sees these answers?" I asked.

"Only Miss Hackett, who runs the institute," she said. "She looks at all the results."

Once I finished the cognitive test, Mrs Roper said she would see him again at a few of the other tests. As I went to the next room I was a little concerned since the cognitive test was different from any other cognitive tests I had taken. Judging your IQ and thinking skills did not usually ask 'how many times a week do you masterbate'. I thought about not answering that question, but I knew, or thought I knew, that this whole process was to help me be a great husband. So I truthfully checked off 'A lot'.

When I arrived at the second room, who should show up at this session but Mrs. Carol Jurgans, the school nurse at my former high school. I had not seen her since I graduated the previous year, but I fondly remembered her as a fun and loving person. She was very kind and playfully flirted with male students but never crossed the line. Today, to my embarrassment, she would.

"Hello, Xander sweetie," she exclaimed as I entered the room. Throwing one of her patented great hugs around me, she said "How wonderful to see you. I see you are as handsome as ever."

"Thanks," I said nervously, "I certainly did not expect to see you."

"Well, I am part time at this Institute and my job is to get candidates like you and Evita ready for the main inspection. Are you all set to begin?"

"As ready as ever, I guess," I said nervously.

"Now, I know that this will be a bit awkward for you, since we have known each other for years, but I will need you to take all your clothes off."

"Really, Mrs Jurgens?" I exclaimed. "You mean I will be naked?"

"Of course, dear," she replied, "and call me Carol - if I am going to see you all naked and stuff, we can be on a first name basis." She then began to help me take my shirt off and then I removed my sneakers and socks. Down came my pants and there I was, standing in front of my former school nurse, wearing just boxers.

"Even these?" I rather stupidly asked.

"Of course - aren't you the funny one," she laughed. "I have to check your sweet sex organ, mustn't I."

So, I closed my eyes and took off my boxers. Having asked a dumb question, I decided not to cover myself with my hands. I heard her gasp and mumble 'wow'.

"Oh, Xander, I have always wanted to see you naked and let me tell you, you do not disappoint. Your little treasure must be over three inches long." I felt her fingers lift up my penis. I jumped back a little but she didn't let go. "Oh, and your balls - what perfect balls you have. Isn't Evita the lucky one to have your balls to play with."

Well, by now I was thoroughly embarrassed. I was relieved, of course, that she was giving me praise and not criticism. But still, having anyone talk about your most private parts can be humiliating. She let go of my penis but she held onto my testicles.

"Xander, honey," she whispered, "does it feel good when I roll your balls in my hands?"

"Oh, gosh, yes," I whispered back.

"Let me help you become erect," she said.

"Is that really necessary?" I asked, not real sure that I wanted my school nurse to see my cock hard.

"Oh, yes, dear," Carol replied, as she began to stroke my cock and fondle my balls. I watched her hands in action as I stood there in absolute shock. I had trouble comprehending that my old school nurse was now giving me my first real handjob. The sensations rolling through my body were hard to contain. She then tried to reassure me by saying "I have to be sure your sex organ is in perfect working order."

Well, it was and when fully erect, she actually measured it. She was impressed that my hard cock ws six inches. Actually, I was rather impressed, myself. What was she going to do now? It turned out, nothing.

"I would like to relieve you, sweetie," she said, "but I am not allowed to. I am only allowed to make sure everything works and I can see that everything does. Now, you are to place this towel around your waist"

This I did and fortunately, my erection calmed down. I was wondering why I could not be dressed a bit more - the towel was not a large one and was just long enough to cover my privates with two inches to spare. It also did not really go all the way around so that part of my left hip remained exposed. It would not take much for me to have a towel 'malfunction' before I was completely naked.

When I entered the next room, who should I meet than my next door neighbor, Mrs. Debbie Hofster and her daughter, Helen, who was twenty-six years old. Helen used to babysit me, and we had formed a firm friendship over the past few years. Eight years older than me (she was still living with her parents while she pursued a nursing degree) she and I had lots of talks that greatly helped me negotiate my teenage years. And it was through her that I met Evita. So seeing them while having only a towel between their eyes and my nakedness was very disconcerting.

"Wow," I said, "Mrs. Hofster and Helen - I surely didn't expect to see you two here. You don't work for this institute, do you?"

"Gosh, no, dear," Mrs. Hofster said. "Not many young people the age of you and Evita get married, so what we do here is seldom done. So, Miss Hacket gets volunteers whom she trains. She knew that we knew you so we, of course, said 'yes' when she asked us."

"Well, it is good to see you both," I sort of mumbled. It was the polite thing to say but I wasn't sure, wearing only a small towel, that it was good to see them.

"And I am here because of my nurse training," Helen said as she gave me a quick kiss on my cheek."

"What are we doing that requires a nurse?" I asked.

"Well, don't freak out, Xander, dear," Helen replied, "but we have to give you an enema."

"What exactly is that?" I asked.

"It is when you have your bowels cleaned out," Mrs. Hofster said. "We have to flush everything out. And this is why we in particular are here. The process will be embarrassing for you and we thought it would be better for you if two close friends of yours do the procedure. We have known you since you were a wee baby so there aren't really any secrets between us."

My first thought was 'no - we do have secrets' because I have always had a thing for Helen and often dreamed of seeing her naked. I never have but apparently she is about to see me naked. Real naked. I suddenly realized that I do know what an enema means. It means having a tube inserted in your ass, filling you with soapy solutions which you will then blow out over a toilet. I was getting a bit nauseous just thinking how exposed my body will be to these two people whom I have known and loved for years.

My demeanor made it very obvious how I felt and how humiliating I was feeling - and they hadn't even begun. Mrs. Hofster came over and put her hands on each side of my face and looked me in the eye.

"We love you, Xander," she said "and always will. Let's get rid of the towel and get this over with."

She removed my towel and then she and Helen took a few seconds to look me over.

"You always were the cute one," Mrs. Hofster said.

"And I think it is cool that we get to see all your secret parts," smiled Helen. "And you are beautiful."

They brought me over to the exam table and placed me on it, laying on my side and with one leg pulled up. I could almost feel eyeing eyeing my ass and my balls hanging downward. I felt Mrs.Hofster's hands spread my cheeks and now both could see my butt hole. I could see Helen put some solution on her finger and then I felt her finger circle my anus.

"Now, Xander," Helen said, "I am going to insert my finger inside you."

I grunted when I felt her finger go into me and circle around my rectal canal. While she was doing that, I suddenly felt Mr Hofster touch my balls.

"Oh, Xander," she said, "you have such beautiful balls - so smooth and tender."

Then Helen pulled her finger out and then the tube came in and soon I was cramping from all the soapy solution now inside me. Before long, I had to get to the toilet and Helen walked me in and I settled on the toilet.

"Hold my hands, Xander," Helen said. So she watched me as I crapped and crapped into the toilet. I just couldn't believe that my dear Helen was watching me as I completed a massive bowel movement. And to add to my humiliation, she said 'good boy', smiled and left the room so that I could clean myself up.

When I returned to the room, Mrs. Hofster congratulated me on a successful ''elimination.' This was one praise that I could have done without. Still, if it had to happen, I was sort of glad that Mrs. Hofster and Helen were there and not someone else like a teacher or someone else I knew. After all, they had helped mom bring me up.

Helen marched me to the next room and I couldn't look her in the face - my humiliation was very overwhelming. Helen had touched my anus, had loaded my bowels with soap, and then held my hands while I sat on the toilet and took a massive dump. Well, one isn't left with many secrets after that!

"Now, Xander," she said when we arrived at the next room, "you need to take a shower. You have the cutest little asshole but it needs cleaning now. So while you are in the shower, clean your whole body but pay special attention to your anus. I will help you if you wish."

"No, thanks," I quickly said as she laughed at me. "This part I can do quite well." Helen laughed and left the room and I showered, paying particular attention to my butt hole.

Mrs. Jordan's (Xander's mom) first person narration

As Helen left, I quietly entered the room as I did not want to disturb my son while he showered.. As I waited with anticipation for him to finish, I realized that my moment had arrived. I was offered this particular part of Xander's exam because it would fulfill a dream I had always had. Now he was a legal adult and now he was getting ready to be married to pretty Evita. My job was to be sure his sexual organ was in perfect operating status. I was going to relieve my son's tension - I was going to make him cum.

I snuck into the shower room and could see Xander in the shower. Well, not really. The glass was all fogged up but I could make out his perfect body - just not in any detail. He was standing in the shower letting the water zip over him. He had his back to me as I could make out his butt. He seemed to be cleaning his genitals. Then suddenly, he turned off the water and walked out and there, suddenly, he saw me standing at the door, just staring at his nudity. He could see my eyes focused on his penis which was standing out at six or more inches, dripping precum. He couldn't move - he made no attempt at covering himself - he was too stunned.

I looked at him in the eyes and said "Oh, sweetie, how cute you are."

"I'm sorry mom - I don't know....I don't..." he mumbled. He covered his engorged penis and almost came to tears. I could see his massive embarrassment. There he was, sporting the most magnificent erection I had ever seen. He was so ashamed that his mom was seeing him this way.

I came up to him and put my hands on his shoulders. "I know, honey," she said. "I know what you have been going through. Let me dry you."

He helplessly stood there as I turned him around and began to dry his shoulders and back. He jumped a little when began to dry his ass. I made sure that I dried between his soft cheeks. I turned him around and began on his chest. Our eyes locked as I rubbed his nipples, and then, with my fingers, circled around his nipples. Then I noticed that my son's penis had deflated. His embarrassment was such that he could not maintain his erection.

What to do? I quickly turned him around and sharply told him to put his hands on the wall and push his bum out. Meekly he obeyed. Then I kneeled down, spread his cheeks and shoved my face into my son's asscrack. He cried out when he felt my tongue slurp all around his anus.

"Jesus, mom," Xander mumbled.

"Do you want me to stop?" I playfully asked.

"No, no," he whispered.

I stuck my tongue into his hole and then I stuck my middle finger into his rectum and could feel his moist rectal canal. With my other hand, I grabbed his balls and felt them tighten. I removed my finger and turned Xander around.

Then, looking him right in his eyes, I kneeled down and thoroughly dried his now fully erect penis and his precious balls. I began to stroke his enraged penis.

"Oh, mom," he whispered, "I will come quickly,"

"I want your cum, all of it," I whispered back.

I could feel my son's body tighten up. I could see I wasn't stroking him in just the right way so I let him take over and placed my hands on his jerking ass cheeks. As he came closer, I cradled his balls in the palm of my hand. I stared right at my son's pee slit as I wanted to see his cum spurt out and onto my face.

Xander produced five intense and strong spurts and my face was covered. Some of his semen entered my mouth and I reveled at the sweet taste of his essence. I swirled his cum in my mouth before swallowing.

Xander felt so weak after his massive organsm, that I sat him on the chair and got a towel to clean my face. He just sat there, looking at me, and comprehending the wonder of having his mom intimately taste his most private body parts. I took another cloth and kneeled in front of him and gently cleaned his penis and balls. We said nothing. Xander just watched me clean him up, marveling at the sight of his mom gently fondling him.

"Well," I said, "I can truthfully report that my son's sex organ is in fine working order."

Mrs. Lois Hackett Narrative

I am Mrs. Lois Hackett and I am in charge of the 'Institute of Marriage'. The 'Institute' has several obligations set by the government. One is that we investigate the fitness of anyone one aged 18 to 21 for marriage (no one is allowed to get married before the age of 18; people aged 21 or older can get married without completing this program but they do have to register with us and answer a few basic questions).

Xander Jordan is only eighteen and his fiance Evita is nineteen. Thus both have to undergo a thorough investigation. I am in charge of planning the program and I am the one who appoints the people who deal with Xander. I have found out that choosing women whom the bridegroom knows do the best job determining he would make a good husband and could father children.

Now, when Xander entered the building, he didn't know any of this. He did not know the questions he would be asked, or what he would have to undergo to prove his fitness for marriage. And he certainly did not know who would be administering the tests.


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