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The Internet's Out

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Making the best of an otherwise dull day.
5.9k words

Part 9 of the 19 part series

Updated 12/18/2023
Created 05/20/2017
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Making the best of an otherwise dull day.


Other Mistress and Charlotte stories for your enjoyment

Girl Friday
Kitten With Benefits
Maid's Day Off
A Beautiful Night
Charlotte's Opening Day
Best Laid Plans
Charlotte's Secret Recipe
Charlotte's Jazzy Halloween
Tina's Plea Bargain
The Third Wheel
Charlotte's Summer Vacation
It's a Gift
Juliet's Play Date
Little Miss Charlotte
A Friendly Wager


Author's Note

The events and characters in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

The main characters in this story are a trio of women in a dominant-submissive relationship. It is safe, sane, and consensual as well as kind and loving. But if this type of relationship is not your thing, you may want to skip this story and find something else to read. I have plenty of nice romances that I have written as well.

Wax Philosophic



Dear Friends,

I'm hoping you've had a chance to read some of our other stories. If not, you'll want to at least read Girl Friday and The Third Wheel to understand how the three of us got to where we are today.

We all have busy lives, but we do our best to keep things interesting, even on dreary days.

I hope you enjoy our latest story.

Love and hugs,
Mistress Natasha


Introduction - I'm so Bored


"It was raining that day in the city. A hard rain. The kind of rain that seeps into your skin and chills you to the bone. I was just about to head to the diner for a hot cup of joe, when in walks this dame."

Miss Natasha stood in the doorway of her home office where I was currently lounging naked in her high-back leather chair, my bare feet perched on her desk, and leafing through the pages of an old detective novel.

"She was quite a looker, this dame, and I knew she'd be nothing but trouble. She strolled in wearing a silky red robe that was tight enough to look like she'd been poured into it, leaving very little to the imagination. She put her right hand on her hip, and frowned. She began drumming her fingers."

Miss Natasha glared at me. "Juliet, you know how I feel about drugs in the house, don't you?"

"Not drugs, Miss Natasha." I held up the book so she could see the cover. "Mickey Spillane."

Miss Natasha didn't move, except for her fingers—her fingers were still drumming.

"The dame walked over to where I was sitting, and with a commanding gesture, pointed to the floor. I got up out of my... uh, her chair."

"Are you sure you're not on something?" she said, her hand on the back of my neck and her hard gaze drilling into my eyes.

I shook my head. "Just bored. It's raining. And the internet's out."

"Well, lay yourself across my knee." Miss Natasha smirked. "It'll give you something to do."

"Yes, Miss Natasha." And I did as she asked and settled my bare body over the smooth skin of her thigh.


"Mmm. You smell nice, Miss Natasha."

"Thank you, honey. It's the body wash you and Charlotte got me for mother's day."


"Ow." That one was quite a bit harder than I had anticipated.

"That's for insinuating that I am old enough to be your mother."


Note to self: no more mother's day gifts.

"Just as the dame was winding up for another go, in walks this other broad. I'd seen her before. She was a real doll, this one, and quite obviously hadn't bothered with getting dressed this morning."

"Mistress," Miss Charlotte said. "The internet's out again. Do you have a bill from the cable company? I want to call their tech support number."

"Don't bother, baby," Miss Natasha said. "I already called. Half the city's out."


Charlotte cocked her head to one side to get a better look at me. "Hi, darling." She gave me a little finger wave. "Got yourself in trouble already?"

"Nah, just bored."


Miss Charlotte sauntered over to where Miss Natasha was cross-crossing pink handprints on my rapidly warming butt cheeks. I was watching Charlotte leaning in toward Miss Natasha when I heard smooching sounds. I couldn't really see what was going on since my view was mostly confined to the floor, but it sounded nice.

My pussy clenched. Something, someone, was filling me up. Ooh, I like that.

"The next thing I knew, this broad had her finger two knuckles deep inside my pie." I shuddered as I felt her probing deeper. "Or maybe it was the dame who had me over her lap."

Charlotte held her middle finger up so I could see it glistening. "Nope, it was me," she said, and then popped that finger in her mouth and grinned around it while she slurped.


"Meanwhile, the rain kept coming down..."


Part I - Quest for Entertainment


"Behold! The purple bag of holding."

I loosened the drawstring on the velour sack and dumped out a collection of multi-sided dice onto the surface of the dining room table. I reached for the two sheets of paper that I had just run off on the printer, and slid one over to each of the two naked lovelies sitting across from me.

Charlotte gave the paper a sideways glance. "What's this, Mistress?"

"Character sheet, baby." I tapped the top of the paper. "You fill in your race here. You can be human, elf, hafling..."

"You were kind of a dork in high school, weren't you Miss Natasha?"

I reached across the table, grabbed onto Juliet's nipple, and pulled her over to me. A grimace crossed her face as she leaned forward in a valiant effort to relieve the tension.

"This what we did for fun before the internet. It's called using your imagination." I kept pulling until Juliet was bent at the waist with her upper half laid out over the table. "You should try it sometime, it's fun."

While Juliet lay there panting, probably trying to decide if it was safe to get up, I stood and made my way over to her side of the table.

Crack! I added another pink handprint to the rather full collection already adorning her backside.

"Mmm. Yes, Miss Natasha."

I pointed to the character sheets I had given to my two girls. "Make up a name for your character and put it here. Then, you put your race here. Juliet, you should probably pick troll."

Juliet grimaced again and I got the feeling that maybe I was laying the teasing on a little too thick for such an early hour.

I tousled her hair. "You know I love you, don't you honey?"

"Yes, Miss Natasha."

"Good." I leaned in and kissed her on the mouth—hard and with tongue. "Pick whatever race you want. And here you can decide if you're a warrior, mage, cleric, et cetera."

Turning my attention to Charlotte, I gave her a nice long smooch too, while cupping her right breast in my hand. Such a lovely handful.

"Thank you, Mistress," she said.

"You're welcome, my perky little elven ranger..." I gave her nipple a quick squeeze, feeling it stiffen, before turning my eyes back to her character sheet. "Charlemagne. Nice name, baby. Very regal-sounding."

I straightened up and laid a gentle hand on each of my girl's shoulders—my elven ranger and my... "Ooh, Juliet's a human mage.

"Anybody want something before we get started? Coffee? Tea?" I grinned and tugged at the lapel of my robe. "Me?"

Both girls rolled their eyes in unison. I filed that away for later.


"Your spell was deflected, and you take damage." I picked up my cup and drained the last of my coffee. It was lukewarm, but tolerable. "Roll for hit points."

Juliet grumbled as she reached for the die. "We're never going to get out of this stupid forest."

"Patience, honey. Your elven ranger over here is right at home in the forest. You just need to free her so she can lead you to safety."

Charlotte smiled. She was bound to the chair with several passes of rope, but she was still in good spirits. Plus two for charisma. I chuckled to myself.

"Shit," Juliet said, staring at the die. "Six damage. I'm so fucking dead."

"Fortunately for you, my foul-tongued human mage, a benevolent forest pixie happens upon your party and offers to let you partake of a restorative nectar that will limit the damage to half—even though she takes offense at your swearing."

Abandoning my now empty cup, I walk over to their side and squeeze between them. Hoisting my backside onto the table, I slide my robe aside. "Do you wish to partake in the pixie's nectar, Juliet?"

Juliet's eyes light up as I part my thighs. "Yes, Miss Natasha... I mean, uh... yes, Your Forest Pixieship. I would very much like to partake in your nectar. Thank you for your, um, generosity... and for forgiving my swearing. Mmph."

I let out a little sigh as Juliet pressed her face firmly between my legs and felt her tongue begin exploring. She was certainly motivated, I'll give her that.

"Elves like nectar too, Mistress," Charlotte said, her eyebrows knitting together.

"Sorry baby, but you're still a captive of the Orc Queen." I tugged at the rope squeezing her soft skin. "No nectar for you until you're free."

The elven ranger Charlemagne squirmed in her seat while I stroked the hair of my little human mage, Jules the Blonde, who happened to be doing a fine job lapping up the restorative nectar. A very fine job, indeed.

"Ohh, that's it. Drink the nectar, honey. Feel it's power coursing through your... mmm... through your... oh god... Through your body." I shifted my hips and leaned back onto my elbows. "Yes, coursing through your gorgeous body."

I slapped the table repeatedly with the palm of my left hand—the hand that wasn't busy stroking the hair of this wonderful mage girl between my thighs. Juliet lurched at the initial sound, causing her nose to bump up against my clit for one glorious moment. Charlotte just strained at her bonds as she looked on with lips parted.

"Oh... my... gaaahhhh!" I collapsed backward into a quivering heap.

"Mmm. Your full health has been restored, Jules the Blonde. The forest pixie thanks you for your visit, and would very much appreciate it if you could fetch her another cup of coffee while she recuperates."

I heard Juliet chuckle as she wiped her chin and reached for my cup. "Yes, Your Royal Forest Pixieship."

While my little mage was off on her quest, I plunged my finger into my still dripping folds—my pussy spasming at the intrusion—and brought forth a little more pixie nectar.

"A reward for your patience, Charlemagne." I extended my finger in Charlotte's direction and she greedily lapped at the restorative juices, while straining at the ropes that held her. "How you holding up?"

"Good, Mistress," she mumbled with my fingers still in her mouth.

"Your coffee, Your Most Glorious Forest Pixieship." Juliet thrust the steaming cup in my direction.

I wasn't sure about the whole Pixieship thing, but coffee was coffee, and I thanked her anyway.

Juliet sat down, looking rather pleased with herself. I thought about her cheeky tone, and back to her mother's day gift quip from earlier this morning.

"Up, mage," I said. "You're not out of the woods yet."

Juliet stood and chewed her lip while I chuckled over my own pun.

"The Orc Queen is returning to her forest lair, mage. You must hurry and free your elven companion if you wish to avoid being the main course for tonight's dinner."

Juliet's eyes went wide. Finally, she was loosening up and getting into the game.

"But how? Charlemagne is held fast by the enchanted constrictor vines. Every time I try to cut them, they squeeze her tighter. And all the spells I cast just bounce back at me."

Juliet pressed the back of her hand to her forehead in a mock swoon. It was a little much. "I'm afraid we shall never see our way out of this dark and dreary forest, and are doomed to die here in the Orc Queen's cooking pot."

"There is another way," I said, "But it is a path that is fraught with danger..."

I looked at both my girls, whose eyes were locked on mine and wavering. "And pizza. Anybody want to order pizza? It's almost lunchtime. If we get it delivered, we can keep playing."

Nods from around the table. Juliet was leaning in, waiting for me to reveal the option that would lead them back to safety.

"There is only one substance in the land that works against the enchanted constrictor vines holding your companion captive..."

"What is it?" Juliet gasped. "What could possibly save her?"

I swear I saw Charlotte rolling her eyes at Juliet's over the top enthusiasm.

"There is a tale from long ago about how the magical secretions of a freshly fisted virgin mage were once used to provide the necessary lubrication to free a captive of a similarly enchanted constrictor vine."

The color drained from Juliet's face and her impish grin went suddenly slack. Gotcha! Cheeky Girl. I let a sly grin cross my own face.

"Who—who's doing the fisting, Miss Natasha?"

"Elven hands are known to be smaller and more gentle than others, particularly when compared to those of the Orc Queen." I held up my own hand and squeezed it into a fist. "You must hurry and make your decision, for I do think I hear the Orc Queen returning this way. And she looks rather famished."

"I'll do it!" Juliet made a tight little frown for a moment before her mouth straightened out again. "I'm not a virgin, but I'll give it a try. Please be gentle with me, Charlemagne."

"You know I will," Charlotte breathed.

I unwrapped one pass of rope so that Charlotte could wiggle her right arm enough to bend it at the elbow.

"Come here, my little mage." I wrapped my arm around Juliet's waist and pulled her closer to where Charlotte was seated, still trapped in rope, but with one arm up in the air and two fingers extended.

"You don't have to do this, you know," I whispered. "If it gets to where you think it's going to hurt, you can stop. We'll find another way to free your elven ranger girlfriend."

"Thank you, Miss Natasha." Juliet smiled." "But I've had Charlotte's fingers curled up inside me before. It's a tight fit, but I kind of enjoy the challenge. Besides, someone told me that elves have gentle hands."

And with that, Juliet positioned herself over Charlotte's two finger salute and lowered herself with and awkward sort of curtsey.

I moved around beside Charlotte so that I could take a little more tension out of the ropes that held her, and allow some more freedom of motion in her arm. I also wanted to get in a position that would let me to take a couple tongue swipes and Juliet's sweet little mound. I figured she deserved that much for what she was agreeing to do.

"Ohh," Juliet shuddered. "I didn't know I was getting you both. Mmm."

I smiled and placed my hands aside her hips, extending my tongue to press hard against the outside of her warm, wet folds. While I was doing that, she concentrated on lowering herself onto Charlotte's fingers.

Charlotte was grinning too, so I'm pretty sure she enjoyed the thought of watching Juliet impale herself as much as I did.

Soon we all had a good rhythm going, Juliet bouncing up and down, using Charlotte's captive body for her own pleasure, while I watched another finger disappear into her and continued my tongue work. Charlemage's arm was beginning to accumulate a pretty good coating of Jules the Blonde's slippery girl juice.

I watched as another finger found its way inside. That made four, and Juliet was practically hammering them home, her swollen folds swallowing them all. I was almost afraid of her injuring Charlotte's hand now, more than I was of her injuring herself.

"Is everybody okay?" I asked.

A chorus of sultry moans filled my ears.

"Miss Natasha," Juliet heaved just as Charlotte's thumb joined her other digits.

"Yes, honey? Are you okay?"

"Mmm. Oh gawd, yes." Juliet slowed her bouncing to hang in the air for a moment. A contorted expression crossed her face and then vanished as quickly as it came. I looked down and could no longer see any trace of Charlotte's knuckles.

Juliet looked as if she were having a tough time forming words.

"You sure, honey?"

"Uhhng," was all I got in response. But soon Juliet picked up the pace of her motions again. She wasn't slamming down with abandon anymore—more like rocking back and forth while moaning like some kind of animal. I wasn't quite sure if that animal was wounded, or in heat.

"Slap..." she finally said. "Miss Natasha, will you slap my ass... ungh... a few times. I think... oh, gawd... I think it'll... ungh..."

She never did finish her sentence, but I understood what she was asking. So while Jules the Blonde was enduring a fisting extraordinaire by the captive elven ranger Charlemagne, I reached around to freshen up the pink handprints on her ass, just as she had asked. I never let up with my tongue the entire time.

Juliet's thighs were starting to quiver, and she looked as if she might come crashing down in a heap at any minute.

"Uunghhh." The cords in her neck stood out as she arched her back and tossed her head backward.

Charlotte pressed her lips tightly together for a moment. I could only imagine how Juliet must be bearing down on her hand as she went over.

"Ahh," my two girls sighed in unison. I watched Juliet wriggle herself around so that she could lean in and kiss Charlotte on the lips. Pretty impressive seeing that she was still impaled.

"The magical secretions have worked." I slid my finger up and down over Juliet's forearm before painting Charlotte's nipples with the fresh glistening of pussy juice. "The constrictor vine is withering away to dust."

I unwrapped the ropes that held Charlotte to the chair.

"Pepperoni, or veggie delight?" I asked as I got up to find my phone. "Girls?"

When I looked back over my shoulder, Charlotte was still seated while Juliet straddled her lap and attacked her mouth with kisses. I smiled. "Okay, veggie delight it is, then."


Part II - Out of the Pan and Into the... Paddock?


"After your escape from the Orc Queen and her cooking pot..." Miss Natasha was sporting a mischievous grin that made me wonder what we were in for next.

"After your escape, you are so exhausted that you stop to rest under an old oak at the center of an expansive green meadow."

"That sounds nice," I said.

"Unfortunately for you two," Miss Natasha continued, "the meadow is actually a paddock belonging to an old blind cyclops."

"Named Polyphemus, Mistress?" Charlotte said.

I looked at her sideways. "Polly who?"

"Polyphemus," Charlotte repeated, and then gave me a look of indignation that I'm pretty sure was meant to convey a big fat, 'Duh.'

"Actually, it's Polyphemus' lovely sister... uh, Natasha Phemus." Miss Natasha was grinning. "I'll be right back girls, don't go anywhere."

"Who the fuck is Polyphemus, Charlotte? And don't give me that 'you're so stupid' look again. I just had your fist up in my bits, so excuse me if I'm a little off my game."

Charlotte leaned over and wrapped her arms around me. She didn't say a word, but I suddenly felt like I had snapped on her for no good reason.

"Sorry, Charlemagne," I said and kissed her.

She squeezed me once more before taking my hand in hers.

"Polyphemus is the blind cyclops from Homer's Odyssey." Charlotte extended her index finger, which she used to slowly trace a line over the length of each one of mine. I shivered.


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