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The Leg Barber Comes to Town


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"One of the hairiest pair of legs I've had to shave today! Not the hairiest, but up there on the hirsute shaving challenge. It might seem strange but I get more pleasure shaving a really hairy pair of legs to a pair with just a bit of tiny stubble!"

Now Hils was relaxed and even beginning to enjoy Mike's firm manly hands skilfully deploying the blade along her increasingly hairless lower limbs. She now had a lot of questions for Mike.

"I'm guessing shaving legs isn't your proper job?" she asked.

"Not sure what you mean about proper job as I do this with love and skill," smiled Mike. "...but I am actually a barber full time, but doing guys' heads and beards. The leg shaving is more of a hobby job, but it's much more enjoyable and satisfying creating smooth shapely feminine legs!"

"So how did you start this? Pretty niche and not something I'd heard about until today!" asked Hils fully intrigued.

"Well!" exclaimed Mike. "I was dating this girl who like you was on the hairy side. Her legs were pretty hairy and I kept asking if she would shave them for me. She refused and one day when I asked her for the nth time she got really angry and shouted if i wanted her legs hairless I'd have to shave them myself as she had no intention of shaving them. I think she was hoping I'd let it drop so she was surprised when i took her up on her offer! It was a life changing moment for me. I found the whole experience exhilarating and very sensual! To my surprise Louise really enjoyed the whole episode too and sex really improved between us after that. So I started shaving her legs most weekends and both of us always felt a heightened sense of anticipation as the weekend approached. I became totally fascinated by the whole shaving thing and found various movies on-line with barbers shaving women- their faces, their pits and so on. So the Leg Barber was born! Many of the videos were from Asia and places like Turkey."

"So you don't like body hair on women, then?" asked Hils.

Grinning, Mike replied, "Now you're putting words into my mouth!. Did I say I don't like body hair? Now as you know I'm not a fan of hairy legs on women but equally, if you don't mind me getting graphic, I also don't like bald pussies or even one of those silly strips of hair that some women have on their pussy. Though many of the women I've been with have trimmed pussies I love nothing more than a really full furry pussy with the hair escaping onto the thighs and even a trail. That to me is truly exciting, especially with the contrast of smooth pins! "

"That's good, though you do surprise me!" Hils responded..

Mike added, "I'll surprise you even more! Not only do i like a furry bush I'm also partial to hairy pits, though I don't often get to experience that furry delight! It's just the legs, particularly the calves, I like smooth. I don't mind fine hair on the thighs and hairy up top, but not keen if they're hairier than mine!"

Feeling much more confident Hils added, "Blimey, time you finish shaving my legs I'd be like your perfect woman, hairy-wise!"

Mike just smiled at his as he finished removing the last hairs below the knee on her second leg. Hils then had to raise her skirt as she exposed her fuzzy thighs to be shaved next. She really tingled as Mike rubbed soap up her thighs and tried to hide how aroused she was as the nerve endings reached her intimate parts. Fully soaped Mike approached the upper part of where he was gong to shave, marking a shaved vertical line about six inches down her inner thigh from the top. Above that it was truly a wild jungle of tawny brown hair. Mike then wielded the blade and began shaving from above the knee up to the sacred inner thigh border. After completing the top and sides of her thigh, which were considerably less hairy, but still quite furry, he raised her leg and enjoying the smell of her jungle, he began to remove the thicker fuzz on the back of her thighs

Hils was finding the whole experience much more enjoyable than she expected; a novel sensory adventure! Not that she was craving a hairless state for her legs but enjoyed the intimacy with this hunky guy taking control and gently shaving her. After completion, Mike could tell there was some chemistry between them and asked if she could suggest a bar around town he could visit after the fair finished?

"Actually, I'm not doing anything tonight and I could show you this cool place with a nice beer garden?" said in an upbeat Hils, feeling pretty charged up!

"It's a date!", smiled Mike, not believing his luck. "I'll see you in a couple of hours then!"

Hils jumped on a bus with a big smile on her face. She looked down at her smooth hair-free legs, which she didn't really recognise as hers. They looked so different without the hair- slimmer and sleek and though her hairy legs felt nice, this was a different smooth sensation. In fact while she sat on the bus she couldn't stop stroking them and was keenly anticipating Mike stroking them too later if things went well!

As soon as she got in she jumped onto her bed where she had a large mirror at the end. She immediately ripped off her skirt and again she stroked her smooth hairless legs and thighs but she particularly loved the feel where the hairless thigh gave way to the hairy tops- far too extensive to qualify as a bikini-line! Though she missed the hair she was keen to savour this new her! She then removed her undies and admired her huge furry bush complete with upper thigh flanges contrasting with her newly hairless legs. Removing her top she raised her arms to also reveal her furry pits. She could certainly see the appeal of the contrasts of thick hair with smooth hairless legs. For the moment she was going to revel in it.

As she looked at her reflection in the mirror she smiled as she remembered the time she discovered a stack of porn mags in her brother's room when she was a teenager. before the era when bald pussy dominated. The days when most of the models had full bushes and like her with plenty of thigh spillage! She remembered too, that a small number also had hairy pits like her. For the moment she was revelling in being a hairy porn queen in her own room. Playing with the long inner thigh and pubic hair as well as stroking the smooth areas she began to get really turned on! She fingered herself for all it was worth, to release the pent-up sexual urges, gasping with loud squeals as she came. She did feel very sexy after her unplanned encounter and had some excited anticipation how the evening would develop!

As the time was passing by she jumped into the shower to get ready and remembered a very short skirt she still had from the distant days when she routinely shaved her legs. She put on a t-shirt that would reveal her hairy pits, previously unseen by Mike and combined this with her pale short skirt, augmented by white ankle socks and pumps, exposing her ultra-smooth legs for the world to admire!

When they met up again they exchanged a warm embrace and Mike was now exposing his legs too with khaki shorts. His legs were lightly tanned and probably as hairy as her legs were before he so carefully shaved them.

Sitting at a table having beer they soon started chatting about their families and journeys in life. Before long they clasped hands and Hils cheekily rubbed her toes up Mike's fuzzy calves. Smiling, Mike looked under the table and grabbed her foot.

"You look gorgeous tonight and if I may say you have a stunning pair of legs!" as he began to stroke one of them and enjoying the smooth sensation.

Blushing, Hils replied, "Thanks and also thanks for the wonderful experience earlier. I probably won't keep them like this as I hate shaving and I do like my fuzz, but it was certainly a magical, sensual experience as you wielded the blade so skilfully up my furry legs. You made me feel special and very sexy!"

In fact, Hils was still fascinated by the Leg Barber role and was intrigued by some of Mike's anecdotes about this.

"I've certainly got some memorable tales!" smiled Mike.

Laughing, he remembered this middle-aged guy who virtually dragged his wife to his cabin,

"This guy almost begged me to shave her legs. The front of the calves were covered with dark wiry hair and he hated it. The rest of her legs weren't that hairy. I don't think she was that bothered but agreed to have them shaved to please him. Even she agreed they looked better after I'd shaved them clean and the guy had a broad grin after I finished.He gave me a healthy tip and shook my hand. Think I may have saved their marriage and she agreed not to let them go feral again. He also promised to pay for the razors and shaving cream!"

"Never had you down as marriage councillor," joked Hils.

"I've also had the opposite scenario where I heard this couple arguing outside my shop. He was quite the hippy and his girlfriend was totally gorgeous with long dark brown hair and had long slim legs that were covered in dark fine downy hair. I could him begging her not to go into my place and have them shaved. She was adamant she was fed up with people staring at her hairy legs and wanted to go back to having them hairless. I could hear her shout that she'd still have a hairy bush and pits and that should be enough for his fetish. Anyway he stormed off and she came in to my stall. One of my most rewarding leg shaves ever! A real pleasure to transform them into smooth legs and I'll admit I really had to pleasure myself after that one!

Another time there was this teen, about 18 with her controlling mother. The girl was pleading with her to get her legs done as she was old enough now to have them shaved. Most girls would have started earlier but her mother had stopped her. Much to my amazement after 5 minutes of this heated discussion the young woman pleading and shouting at her mother, they both came in and the mother agreed to let them be shaved for the first time ever. Even I felt nervous as the mother watched me like a hawk as I shaved her daughter's noticeably hairy calves. As I finished both calves, the teen looked so happy and excited to see her fuzz free calves. She did ask her mother about doing the thighs too, but she put her foot down and said there was no way anyone was going to shave her thighs; not even herself. Despite that she looked really happy, thanked and embraced her mother, smiled at me and I felt a buzz of satisfaction assisting this young woman on her metamorphosis from hairy-legged student to a young woman, who would wow the lads with her smooth calves.

The mother promised to buy her a safety razor and foam so she could start shaving them for herself and it would be easier now I had removed the thicker hair, Ah so many stories- each shave a new individual tale!" grinned Mike.

"A whole new world!" said Hils. "I feel educated and entertained,". by your anecdotes.

Holding hands, they walked back to her flat. She hadn't felt this sexy for months and as soon as they got into her flat she removed Mike's top, running her nimble hands through the light chest hair; not too dense, but enough for Hils to enjoy and play with.

Mike speedily removed Hils' top and made a beeline for her thick, hairy pits, caressing the long hairs, licking them and gently nuzzling the fragrant fur while tweaking her nipples. He gently pulled her onto the sofa and while still engrossed in pit love he manipulated her leg to remove her pumps and cute white socks so that he could run his hand up and down her smooth legs, He then moved round so he was facing Hils, initially sucking her toes, continuing to revel in the smoothness of her slim legs, but now admiring the view, where the smooth met the wild- the thick hair of her inner thighs separated by a clean straight line delineated by his handiwork.

Hils was now getting aroused, sighing and groaning, and undid Mike's zip to remove his leaking and fully swollen dick. She then proceeded to eagerly lick it as though a favourite ice cream. Then she started slowly jerking it and began to rub the leaking semen up and down her calves.

Laughing she joked, "This will make them grow back even hairier!"

Before Mike came totally, she strode over him, holding his dick firm in her love hole as she eagerly moved up and down on him while he moaned with delight, the same time as he held onto her lovely legs.

As he recovered Hils lay on her back and Mike began to kiss and lick her thighs with her legs rubbing over his shoulders. He was enchanted with her jungle and was happy to let his fingers and tongue explore the dark, furry depths. Before long Hils was screaming with pleasure as in Mike's furry explorations he hit the jackpot!

Both tired and sated with pleasure they fell into bed. The following morning Hils rose first and went straight to the shower. This made Mike stir, so he stumbled out of bed and soon found Hils in the shower. Without a second thought he joined her, kissing her passionately in the running water and offered to soap her, which she was more than happy with! Mike particularly enjoyed soaping her furry pits and bush and gallantly towelled her off before himself. He then started nuzzling her pits again and removed a comb from his shorts by his side and began gently combing her long silky pubes, then running his fingers through them, gently tugging them and stroking her sexy inner thigh hair.

After a bout of grooming, sweet caresses and a quickie fuck they both got dressed as they both had plans for the day ahead.

They passionately kissed goodbye and Mike said, "You have such a sexy body and perfectly hairy in all the right places. Keep those gorgeous pins nice and smooth!" laughing as he went.

"Thanks for an amazing 12 hours! I won't make any promises about the legs. I hate shaving myself with a passion and though I've loved the smooth look, I do like the furry look too!."

As Mike left he mentioned he'd be at a similar fair about thirty miles away in Throckton in 3 weeks time!

"Oh my god, .my girlfriend lives there and I'm due to meet her that weekend!" exclaimed Hils.

"Your girlfriend? Are you bisexual, then?" Mike asked, feeling somewhat surprised.

"I don't describe myself this way,I prefer to call myself sexually fluid. Yes Serena is my lover but I only have the one female lover, but I just love having dick and like variety so don't stick to one guy. Maybe we could meet up again, then in 3 weeks time?"

"You bet!" smiled Mike with a huge smile. "Is she hairy like you?"

"Yes and no!" replied Hils with a wry grin. "Yes she's hairy but not like me. She's of Spanish descent so Serena has dark body hair. Now whereas my arms are virtually hairless, her arms are coated with thick but fine dark hair, pretty long near the elbow end. So silky to play with I just adore playing with her hot arm fuzz. But, unlike me she has no visible hair on her thighs, just a thin dark bikini line escaping her undies, but below the knee it gets hairier and the bottom half of her calves are coated in thick dark hair, running onto the top of her feet. She has lovely dark pubes and bushy pits but also quite a thick dark brown down on the bottom of her back!"

"Look forward to seeing you again and meeting furry Serena in a few weeks!" grinned Mike.

Three weeks flew past and after the fair ended Hils met up with Mike and escorted him to Serena's cosy pad. She was wearing a mid-length skirt, her legs already noticeably bristly, maybe nearly 1 cm long. The hair was already growing back strongly!

Knocking on Serena's door, Serena opened up and warmly embraced her lover.

"This Serena is the Leg Barber I told you about on the phone!" gushed Hils.

"I'm really fascinated by this. I wish I'd been there to watch you getting shaved. Never known you with anything but decidedly furry legs Much as I loved them furry I'd have paid good money to have seen you being de-furred!" exclaimed Serena.

Feeling playful, Hils climbed onto Serena's work top, removed her sandals and started running her hands up and down her plentiful stubble,

"I actually like running my hands up and down the bristles- quite a novel sensory sensation for me after all these years. Do you think they need a shave, Mike?"

Laughing Mike got out his razor and walked over to the sink while Serena couldn't believe what was happening in front of her eyes.

"No thigh shaving this time though Mike! It's so bloody uncomfortable as it grows out. Just the calves this time, love!" requested Hils.

Mike picked up the soap by the sink, massaging the prickly legs with a strong lather and in no time at all had the blade (this time a traditional razor) erase all the emergent bristles.

"Nice and smooth again!" he proclaimed, running his hands up Hils' shiny smooth calves.

"That looked like fun!" said Serena, her eyes almost popping out.

Serena had a short skirt on with thigh length socks, extending a few inches above her knees and a top that just revealed her dense dark pit hair sticking out at the side. Mike was also quite taken by her furry arms, more than he expected. The hair wasn't manly as he anticipated but silky, long and somehow feminine.

Having had her legs shaved smoothly, Hils ran to the bathroom and began running a bath. Serena was still shell shocked but as Hils returned to the lounge she started to pull off Serena's long socks that concealed her dark furry leg hair and started to run her fingers through the dense, soft growth, gently tugging at some of the longer hairs..

Hils then escorted her to the bath where she then removed Serena's short skirt and top, leaving her in knickers and bra.

In devilish mode Hils began soaping Serena's furry legs and called Mike in.

"Think these gorilla legs seriously need a shave, don't you?" opined Hils.

Mike just beamed with delight and went back to his bag of tricks and retrieved a shaving brush and his trusty straight blade for very hairy legs, trying to conceal his growing erection!

Serena didn't show any resistance and there was a sense she was looking forward to Mike's shaving skills. Placing one soapy hirsute calf on the edge of the bath, Mike eagerly got to work scraping off the abundant fur with multiple tufts of congealed wet soapy hairs falling into the water below. Soon he was holding her ankle up in the air removing the last of the dark hairs hiding on the back of her legs, not missing a single stray hair. Ten minutes later and the second hairy leg was met with similar efficiency and now as smooth as a baby's bottom; though the bath looked as though a fur coat had been shredded by a wolverine!

"They look so different!," said Serena as Hils dried her off. As she sat in her soggy pants she decided to remove them and started touching her smooth calves, looking much paler without the mass of dark hair. "Mmm, nice and smooth!" she smiled.

As Serena stroked her now hair-free calves she noticed the strong contrast with the ample dark hair on her arms and the smooth legs. Though Serena was aware that she possessed a hairier than average pair of arms, all of a sudden this was amplified with the contrast of her newly hair-free calves.

"Do you think I ought to get my arms shaved too?" looking puzzled as whether this was a good idea as she played with the hairs on her arms and compared her arms and legs

Putting on a face of mock horror, Mike reacted quickly.

"Oh my god, No, no, no!!" he emphatically emphasised with frustration at the notion. "Women should never, ever remove their arm hair. Your hairy arms are so beautiful. The hair isn't coarse like that on the average guy but soft and silky! I really love the contrast of your fuzzy arms as you caress your smooth, hairless legs, Soft fuzzy arms combined with smooth hairless legs is such a rare sensual treasure that really excites the senses. So sexy in fact!"

"Oh okay, then," smiled Serena and feeling reassured. In fact she felt a warm glow of satisfaction after Mike's compliment and began gently running her fingers through the long hairs.

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