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All Comments on 'The Letter Pt. 02: Jen's story'

by 62_goo

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Garbage, this didn't need to be written, she is just a disrespectful skank.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Feel like I need to take a shower to wash the filth off after reading these 2 stories. Hoped the 2nd one would get better but, no, it only got worse and who cares about any of these assholes. No more.

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago
Just Give Him The Damn Divorce

It's obvious she's a cock hungry slut who has ZERO respect for her husband.

Just let him go and enjoy her slut life-style.

javmor79javmor79over 9 years ago
"Thought of nothing but his own pleasure"

I have never wondered this until recently, but why do the women in these stories want a man who "fucks them with no thought but their own personal pleasure"? I have never met a woman who thinks like that. Every woman I have had the pleasure of having sex with have told me stories about past guys who were horrible in bed. The ironic thing is that they used that very line to describe them. The fact that many authors use that line to describe a pleasurable sexual experience shines a light on how little many of them know about pleasing a woman. I'm just saying.....

As for the story itself, I liked the first one better. In the first one, she was a wife who loved her husband and tried to teach him a lesson. In this one, she was the typical 2 dimensional literotica slut.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
what a s...

she is a slut and he is a wimp 1*

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 9 years ago
A Right of Reply?

This is her reply! She just dug the hole a yard deeper.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Well here is of one man's reason of downward spiral ... A lying conniving so call wife

bruce22bruce22over 9 years ago
Not badly constructed

It certainly provokes the reader. It is not a useful reply, it is a confession! If she had taped this and listened to it the next day she would have agreed to a divorce. Fascinating how two highly egocentric people insist on staying together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Curious second chapter.

Both main characters become even less likeable, and except for some stroke material the narrative adds little to the plot. The marriage sounds pretty empty. And a wife having unprotected sex with multiple partners? Obviously no respect for her husband, herself, and especially her child. Wonder where the playboy doctors will run to when hubby hits one of them with a paternity suit? Did I just hear a cash register ring?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
very silly story

but the way people treat marriage and each other nowadays i'm not surprised this author and the most of the rest on this site are the reasons society have so many retards and no moms and dads anymore the kids don't have a chance with no one raising them. Sorry for the rant but i feel better and believe every word i have written.

looking4itlooking4itover 9 years ago

Thank you for this side. It let's everyone completely know exactly what kind of person she really is, why it was so easy for her to jump in with both feet and a wide open pussy as well as why their relationship won't last. And since you revel or celebrate in her pregnancy by another, you are granted access into the cuckold fetish and an instant following of other weak willed readers who believe that relationship trust and parenting are simple sidebars to selfish sexual behavior.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Now at least her hubby with all that money can divorce the cheating bitch and leave her with nothing. But being a slut for other men and a baby that now shell have to find that father so he can support her and her baby and his. I doubt that being a part time receptionist will pay enough to raise a baby. I see her being a prostitute now to support herself and her baby and also to get the sex she needs. That along with one of a dozen men to pay child support. Oh well Her ex hubby with his job and money will be able to find a nice wife that is his soul mate now

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

A baboon arrived recently has found the keyboard of his trainer

m48gunnerm48gunnerover 9 years ago
Really Not Very Nice

She really is a selfish lying bitch isn't she! She is manipulating and setting up her husband to raise someone else's child, and for her to continue her affair. She say's a "part of her" still loves him and wants to be married to him, yet she feels no remorse about deceiving him about the previous week and the weekend. She just isn't a very nice person is she? As far as I can see her only redeeming feature is that she is a very good looking and a good fuck. as a person she is without a doubt a total loser.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
How about a part 3 thast discribes how the red head and trhe husband got it off

A young beautiful woman fucking his eyes out!! How about that as part 3. It would also show how fucked up both of thee people are. And then let the baby be his! That would fuck up these annony. assholes on here who read a story about swinging which was the husband's idea and then get pissed off at the wife. It was a story of how sad these two are and how broken this marriage is. And about how you got these dumb fucks who read these stories knowing the wife or husband cheats and them they get mad and sad nasty things. And yet, Lit. doesn't band them This site gwets sorrier every day

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
move on

The wife states that she doesn't love her husband, but may like him. Hubby is not her soul mate and she was glad to have a open marriage and her studs were wonderful and could go four times a night. Why hang on to hubby especially when she is still planning to have sex with others behind his back. Now she will try and sell hubby this is his kid! If they split, both would be much happier in the long run and it's not like she is going to have to work when she gets her divorce settlement.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Nasty story

And what a nasty NASTY cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
ugly,not erotic.

Just a slut who doesn't love anyone but herself.

impo_58impo_58over 9 years ago
What I said in part 1...

In part 1 i rated 2* and said: "Will the marriage survive? I don't think so...He was the guilty one, but then she also showed her true self..." Part 2 described how right I was...She is just a whore (not just a slut) that married with his money...She only cares about herself...From the husband she wants the money...from the doctors she wants the sex...Of course she will never leave the money...Real money is difficult to find, cocks are everywhere...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I like this 62_ goo. A great cautionary tale. The wife realised she is NOT in love with her husband. He has to see that she is not the woman he needs to build a future.

The spouse in an 8 year marriage that suddenly suggests opening up to others, well he/she needs to be slapped up side the head. That is a game changer. Even if the marriage continues a person will always have doubts.

Like your dialogue. Emotionally felt connected to the characters. Gave you 3*s for making a terrible experience into a positive life lesson, lol. For us not your characters otherwise the story would not continue, lol.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Well that was ugly

My problem is that there isn't a likeable character in this mess. They are all, for various reasons, nasty pieces of work. Since there's no one to like, the story simply isn't interesting or entertaining. A complete waste of time to read. UGH!

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 9 years ago

why would you want your husband back if its so much better with the other guys? And for all the "she a whore people", he's the one that wanted it. She should have dumped his ass when he asked for an open marriage. But she had to want it to, so fuck them both. And the only person I feel so for is the kid she's carrying. A fucked mom wiling to turn a cheater into a cuckold dad. I don't know whose worse.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This is just a selfish slut story. Ugly,ugly,ugly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
This woman has earned the right...

to get her stupid brain blown off by a well targeted gun shot!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I hope you didn't write this wanting people to like this piece of shit, no class, low-life slut. No wonder this guy didn't want to come back. Who wants to be with a fucking bitch like this woman. I'd get out as soon as possible because any angle you look at it this woman sucks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Like I said, CRAP--SHIT

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
We can only hope...

...none of these people actually breed. The race is going downhill fast enough already.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
My 2 Cents

She admits that hubby at least occasionally treated her right (her 30th b-day). I didn't read anywhere in the story that she did anything for him. She doesn't love him, respect him or even want him. What the selfish bitch is a paycheck and life style. If she was so disappointed she should have divorced.

ramonbrookramonbrookover 9 years ago
Well he brought up the whole open marriage thing

But she would have cheated on him anyway! He told her that it was his for fault and he would let her have here freedom, but she is a whore that wants to stay married for the wealthy lifestyle! She is a cheating slut wife and I say BTB!

She admits she never really "loved him as a soulmate" and she ridiculed him with her new fuck buddies! Scott needs to get revenge!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
its a open marriage when wife wants too whore around

she got know ground to stand on.doctors baby.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Hope the bitch gets aids and dies

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 9 years ago
so now we know

So now we know where this story is headed.

Time for Scott to realize that this marriage is at a dead end.

Her threats of physical abuse should be enough reason to call it over.

He should go find a new lower mileage (trophy?) wife.

What does not make any sense is him being so good at making money with the stock market when he is too dumb to use internet banking and can't keep simple facts straight.

How does someone like that keep track of all the companies and their performance?

Without that how does he know when to buy and when to sell?

Nobody is that lucky for that long in the stock market.

This is one of those statements in a story that by being so out of line with the rest of the storyline it makes the writer look bad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
General Question

Why would educated doctors, well informed on BC methods, have bare-back sex? They would also be aware of the liabilities they would face for any child.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Well, you called it right in the opening.....


Nope, most of us don't like her crap attitude, abusive and excessive behavior and pre-planned and grotesquely excessive infidelity. Open marriage or not, she went mega-slut and is likely carrying something they will both lethally regret.

The marriage obviously should have died a quick death years ago.

She was obviously not willing to communicate with her job-focused husband about the issues that had crept in. How did he get job-focused? If the fucking princess feels no need or obligation to keep sex interesting, keep him enticed and coming back for more, contribute to building the relationship, why on earth does she think she has any right to complain when he loses interest? She's as much to blame for their boring sex life as he is.

She fully qualifies as a self-important, self-indulgent, narcissistic bitch. He is a juvenile boob, never graduated from the foolish fantasy of his early marriage.

They should have owned their mistakes and parted amicably long ago.

And you should write characters that act, sound and behave like real people, not schizoid nut balls. in spite of how well you presented the story in technical terms, the storyline was so shot up with bad ideas, I can't in good conscience give you more than one star (they don't offer zero stars......yet!).

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
It's just a story!

Not really much of one, but still it is just a work of fiction written to evoke a response from the reader. Seems to have worked based on the comments.......

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

He can't stay with her she went wild at the chance to fuck around with two guys and than she does a eight man gangbang . Hubby knows this and stays with her and now she's pregnant with someone else kid . Time for DNa and divorce , he's rich , still will earn a lot of money and she never really loved him or the sex they had cut her loose in the next chapter and let her see how those guys just want to fuck her. They let their friends all fuck her she's just a pig to them and needs to find that out but to late

cap5356cap5356over 9 years ago

seems that the way she is talking that she will stray again as soon as she thinks she can. she learned fast to enjoy the other guys and i feel that she is with him cuz of the money. I think he should just move on and find someone that really loves him as she said she don't really love him marriage for the money.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
this marriage is short term

when the lady has been to town... she comes back a slut... liked the story!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
1 star!

I read the first one and then I got to "my husband is not my soulmate" on this one and stopped. The bitch can go do 9 guy gangbangs all she wants now. What no one ever writes is how fast guys bail on a woman that loves gangbangs! Guys will fuck a whore a few times then they are on to new meat. This whore will be used up in a year or two and then she will be cryin the blues that she "lost the only man that ever loved her" and "all men are pigs" routine. Hubby needs to forget her and move on. Good guys can ALWAYS find another woman!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
just another cheating slut, not worth a story or a marriage, cut her loose

shame she cant be forced to live on her receptionist salary, then she could sell her body as she should have done instead of getting married to a guy to support her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
You go Whore

What a crappy story

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
never thought I would say this.... less than a 1 star

A loving wife... Yeah right

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 9 years ago
What's with all the math madness?

This couple cannot even agree on how long they have been married? Amazing

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 9 years ago
What do you know...?

I pegged this marriage in one with my response to the first part.

Of course, the only facet this story adds is now we not only realize she doesn't and never really loved her husband... but she's also heartless.

Her husband, who unfortunately for him, maybe turns out TO love her would let her free to enjoy what she seems to really want.

She, on the other hand, plans to grind him into the dust. And, ultimately, why...? Because he have her what she really wanted anyway.

Most guys don't want to marry sluts - so neither Jacob nor Michael are likely to marry her... but hopefully her husband will realize what's going on and divorce her after all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Time for him to leave....

Seems wifey is a little whore. She doesn't know whose it is because she fucked eight men and kept at it. Played the husband, instead of just letting him divorce her...what a bitch. I hope the husband knows when the baby comes and doesn't look like him to leave. She's nothing but a cunt.

aptonthe503aptonthe503over 9 years ago
Curb City

She'd be so gone from my home and life. And good riddance!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

And this is why I hate all you assholes that like this crap I just skimmed and thought heres another man hating dude that gets off on this garbage

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Wife is a low life piece of shit I hope the husband finds out the baby is not his ships her skank ass off to a whore house in mexieco so she can fuck all she wants and have all the skank kids she wants a first rate piece of shit........................................

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Jen the Slut

Why bother with the whore surprised she found out she was pregnant more likely to have gotten AIDS poor kid having such a slut like this for a mother

Tootight1Tootight1over 9 years ago
good story

wish some parts were included in the first part. now I have a change of opinion, due to the new info. get her drunk or at least high, wait till she's almost asleep, soak her down with kerosene, and light the loving wife(not) up. love to watch her face as she tries to evade the flames. do the doctors house after you zap them, at the same time, while their in it. since hubby doesn't know who the father is. she never loved him anyway. for all the reader knows the red head that got hubby started may have been a plant by the doctors, or the doctors and his wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
you should stick to the gay, homo shit you're use to

LW is a hard place to play in. And it doesn't help that so many cuckolds live in the genre........so go back to the fag shit.....you'll fair better.

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanmabout 9 years ago
You should get Finish The Damn Story to really finish this one

You should get Finish the Damn Story to finish this one. It is incomplete, and you really haven't gone with anymore chapters. This one deserves to be finished, but by Finish the Damn Story. Write him and tell him to finish it please?

RePhilRePhilalmost 9 years ago
In lue of FTDS's follow up.....

The blood slowly trickled between her eyes as he look down at her motionless body, smiling to himself he thought "she is better off now than the slow death from AIDS" the only question was "did she actually catch aids from Jacob or Micheal?. Oh well better safe than sorry.....good time for a beer" The End

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
NO Sympathy

After reading this second chapter, my already low opinion of this woman just hit rock bottom. Her bullshit stories to her husband, her "premeditated" actions, and just general attitude is just over the top. Hopefully she has contracted something from one of the doctors or their "friends" and passed it on to the rest of them. Trash like this all deserve to die a slow and painful death. He's going to be better off without the whore, maybe he can find someone to love him, or at least respect him. Far better than to waste another moment on this piece of trash.

sbrooks103sbrooks103almost 9 years ago
I Knew It!

“At least, I really, really like him.” – Wow, don’t strain yourself!

“Our sex life was comfortable rather than spectacular” – And just what have YOU done to make it spectacular? And how is he supposed to compete with 2 and 8 guys, possibly younger?

“I was beginning to think that there might be something more out there.” – So what would have happened if he DIDN’T suggest the open marriage? Would you have cheated anyway? And again, why the need to humiliate him?

“Dr Jacob Thompson and Dr Michael Bradley” – Oh, so it wasn’t just a casual hook-up, you PLANNED this with them! And as I mentioned earlier, these guys are pretty definitely younger than hubby, of COURSE it’s going to be more exciting with them!

sbrooks103sbrooks103almost 9 years ago
No Likeable Characters?

I don't agree!

Yes, hubby is a foolish wimp, but he's a good guy who loves and (unfortunately!) trusts his wife and wants her to be happy.

We can only hope that somehow he finds out the truth and she pays for her actions.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
slut whore.

Nobody but her husband gives a shit about this selfcentered slut, terrible story, D.N.A

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 8 years ago

Story line, character development, plot, you name it. Awful

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I knew it and suggested it

Hadn't thought about her fucking the guys all week but ir fit with who we thought she really was, right from the get go.

Dummy loves her. Good grief, she admits to doing 8 guys and dummy still thinks he's at fault and they have a marriage.

Pregnant, I thought it would be a possibility on the first part. Okay, what does she want...well, too easy...a seven figure income with a loving dummy, kids to keep hubby and eventually some freedom, here and there to play with lovers that have big cocks.

Will/would he ever catch on - sure, eventually she'll slip up or he'll find something or even get a whiff of her transgressions from a colleague who has seen her or the best one...events at her Hospital Christmas party!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
The Bottom Line

This marriage is doomed. Dress it up any way you like, use any term you like, but at the end of the day they are both damaged goods.

She will always lust after the hot sex she had while acting like a slut, and he will never trust her ever.

They are both a couple of fucking morons that deserve to be kicked in the crotch.

A marriage has to be worked on as it is an everlasting work in progress. Anyone who has been married for any length of time will tell you that there will be good times and bad times, and it is the action you take when it all seems to be going pear shaped that defines if you will make it or not. And yes we will all feel temptation at some point. It is how you deal with this temptation that defines you.

But both of their actions in this piece show them to be a couple of immature morons who should have the shit slapped out of them.

An old married man

sinsational83sinsational83over 8 years ago

The fucking whore should be shot and left in some cornfield or alley somewhere. and if he had any sense he would opt for a DNA test.

chytownchytownover 8 years ago
Sometimes A Little Is To Much***

I would have left this as a one and done. It's still a good read. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

fag cuck shit.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2about 8 years ago

because dear annony is a old ugly fag ass fag with ED who hate everything

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
A little lesson in anatomy

Thick 12 inch dicks hurt like hell. The clit is just below the skin. The g spot is never more than three inches up the wall. U guys watch too much hateful porn

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
That whore needs to be terminated...

... together with that bastard child.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Some idiots should just never try to write..… This garbage was a huge waste of time....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Thanks for anatomy lesson

You should know that it all takes place in the mind and for some huge dicks is analagous to huge tits

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 6 years ago

that she is a slut and Scott should walk away and this time keep going. DNA that kid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Will have the DNA tests run for the divorce hearing, but so will your soon to be ex-husband and his attorney... so I guess its still too bad for you, right.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
He Brought Out Her Inner Sluttiness

Once a slut, always a slut. Better to get a divorce now, as to latter, so you can move on with your life.

meganann10meganann10over 5 years ago

She doesn't deserve a husband

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
😂 😃😀🙂🥴🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

🥴🥴🥴🥴 .... 💩 FINISH !!!

WOW, I think it‘s for Pulitzer, right ?!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Sorry I bothered to read this drek.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
burn in hell forever

with all the other heartless cheating bitches

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

Bottom of the barrel whore. This totally sucked.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Why do you bother?

I no longer do.

SwordWielderSwordWielderabout 4 years ago
Ok, where is part 3 - burn the B-tch?

You have a very selfish, narcissistic woman that committed adultery numerous times and is now pregnant but doesn't know who the father is. She doesn't love him, she just loves his paycheck. I sincerely hope that the baby is not her husbands, and he verifies that with a DNA test, then divorces her (with as little a payout as possible). Maybe she will like being a single mom who can have sex with whoever she wants to. of course it may can a scandal at the hospital, but what does she care?

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaalmost 4 years ago

Wonderful 1star story... Very bad cheating wife storyline. She's a whore no matter how you look at it. She didn't need an open marriage, She was screwing around on him anyways. She is a very selfish slut and never really loved her wimpy husband. Who cares about her bastard child, it's not her cucks kid. She will die of AIDS soon enough. This does not need another chapter.

NitpicNitpicalmost 4 years ago

Story needs an ending.Hopefuly author produces ending where the baby isn't Scott's and he dumps her.

dob092095dob092095almost 3 years ago

I’d require a dna test. I wouldn’t raise someone else’s child conceived like that. First of all, I’d never suggest open marriage cause I don’t share. Serious cuck.

WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

Stupid story about stupid people

Scores 1/5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

pathetic story and author - 1*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago



AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Lord, please let this bitch get run over by a garbage truck.

jimjam69jimjam69almost 2 years ago

The bitch wasn't married to a man. Not sure what it was.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

She plays the victim but she's a lying cheating fuck pig that needs to be set free.

mattenwmattenwover 1 year ago

No wonder the rating is miserable. Even the readers of "LW" can tell crap from good stories!

cruzer1955cruzer195512 months ago

the poorest story about a collection of human weaklings, users and selfish people I've ever read

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

If you were trying to portray the sluttiest nastiest most vicious skank in the world, this would get 5*****. However, the scoring system is based on whether or not the reader "Likes" or "Dislikes" the story; by that measure this is 1*. "Jen" is a hateful cunt; she won't be able to hide her conduct or her feelings forever. Her "7 figure income genius" hubby should be able to fuck her life up along with her various fuck buddies. When he gets the results of the DNA test back it seems unlikely that he will be the father. And even if he is, he will end up trashing the contemptible whore. 1*; stop writing rather than continue this awful trash.

BSreaderBSreader3 months ago

Cum slut skank marriage isn't going to last he have filed than been done with it.

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