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Click hereThe Limited Boyfriend Experience, part one: Dancing +
I am Joan Taylor. My husband of nine years, Bob, has an interesting form of jealousy. My dancing with other men both bothers him and also turns him on. Since we both love dancing, we handle it with two rules. I don't dance with any other man more than twice a night, but I am allowed slow dances with other men. Bob gets every second dance. Sex after dancing is always great unless Bob has had too much to drink, and I have to drive home. If I have too much to drink, the sex is even better.
We read literotica stories together. We were looking at these types:
Husband as a stranger
Wife dating
Girlfriend experience
Bob said to me:
"Maybe we can have more fun if we change our rules. I don't think that I could accept acting like any of these stories. However, if we take some of each, perhaps we can find something that works."
"What is your idea?"
"You will go to the dance club alone like 'husband as stranger,' but you will not accept any drinks from guys. You will however say to an acceptable man that while you don't accept payment, you will be glad to chat for free. If he interests you, then tell him that you are waiting for your husband, and he has agreed to let you have a limited boyfriend experience. If he accepts our rules, it will be him tonight. Your husband will get every second dance, but he will get the others. You will get a secluded table, and you will neck with both of us. Necking with him will allow touching above the belt, but outside your clothes. He cannot unbutton. He will get nothing more tonight. Necking with me will include anything that doesn't get us evicted. If he accepts limited necking, but only having to pay for his own drinks, you will find a table, text me, and I will join you."
"That sounds great for me. Are you sure you will be able to stand me necking with another guy?"
"Not sure at all. However, my benefit will be going home with a horny wife. But I now realize, we need more rules. You can't pick a guy who could mop the floor with me. You can get his phone number, but not give him yours. No promises, that he will hear from you again, but it is a possibility with my permission. Do not tell him our last name. I would like to say that you cannot pick a guy with a bigger dick than mine, but I am not sure I want you checking."
"Great safety rules, but again. Are you sure? I don't want doing this to hurt you or us."
"Again, not sure at all, but I am willing to give it a shot."
That Friday, we chose "Googling," a safe yuppie night club for our experiment. The club had big windows and was well lighted. Bob was able to park where he could see the bar from our driver's seat. I headed towards the club with my two inch heels clicking on the cement. I dressed like a pretty girl next door, not a fashion model or sexpot. I thought it would draw a safer guy. I ordered a moselle Riesling. My favorite wine is a Sancerre, but it goes right to my head. I wanted my mind clear. I was sipping it when a guy sat next to me and asked if he could get me a refill. He was as tall as Bob, but had broader shoulders. Before I could decide whether to disqualify him on the mop the floor grounds, he made sure I saw his Rolex. Bob's $25 timex shows exactly the same time. I sent him on his way for pretentiousness. The next guy, Gordon, to offer a refill was an inch shorter than Bob and slim. His clothes fit well even though their cost was moderate rather than expensive, middle management on the way up. His interest in my choice of a Moselle, and educated comments on German whites, made my mind up to discuss Bob's limited boyfriend plan. Gordon's comment was:
"A cheap date with a beautiful lady, wonderful! I will get us a table."
I texted Bob to come in. Bob found the secluded table that Gordon secured, and greeted me with a French kiss. I then turned and kissed Gordon on the mouth, but no tongue, establishing the limited boyfriend experience. Gordon and Bob immediately began a rapport over investments. They both had Schwab accounts, and agreed that the fun in investing was making your own bets.
Since they got along, it was easy for Bob to offer Gordon the first dance. It was a fast one, so romance was limited. When we returned to the table, another French kiss for Bob. It was followed by a deep kiss for Gordon during which, he lightly caressed my breast. Bob took the next dance, a slow one. My arms were around his neck for all of the dance, and our lips were often together. Gordon got his first French kiss when we returned. A discrete necking session followed, with me alternating kisses, and each guy playing with the closest breast. The caresses were more intense than Gordon's first. The next dance, Gordon's, was romantic. Though my arms didn't start on Gordon's neck, that is where they ended.
Bob had ordered fresh drinks, and when they were finished, necking continued. Gordon followed the rules, and kept his hands above my waist, but got to fondle both breasts. Bob's hand found its way under my skirt, but went no higher than my thigh. Regardless I needed a trip to the ladies room, and a change from my already dripping panties to the first spare that I kept in my purse.
Bob got the next dance, a fast one. Gordon lucked out with a romantic ballad, and I could feel his erection between my legs. He whispered, "If Bob enforced the cock size issue, would I be disqualified?"
"Borderline, but an inspection that can accurately settle whether you conform to the rule is not allowed."
We sat out a few dances with our last drinks. At Bob's instruction, I went into the ladies room and stuffed my bra in my purse. When I returned, Bob played with my bare nipples under my blouse. While he was concentrating on exciting me, unbeknownst to him, Gordon broke the rules for the first time. He slipped his hand under my skirt. I was sitting on my pussy, so all he could do was pat my public hair over my panties. Still we both appreciated the experience. Bob said that we would have to leave soon, but he graciously would allow Gordon the last slow dance.
While Gordon and I were plastered together on the dance floor, he whispered:
"According to the rules, you have my phone number, and I have neither your last name or phone number. I have loved this evening. So if you and Bob want another limited boyfriend experience, call me. If you want an unlimited boyfriend experience, get a burner phone and call me."
When the music stopped, while we were tight together, I gave Gordon my best tongue kiss. Bob had our coats when we got back to the table. My last touch of Gordon was a handshake. Neither of us said a word on the drive home.
The sex at home was the best ever. For the first time since we were married, Bob had three ejaculations in one hour. I had maybe nine orgasms. We immediately fell asleep after the third coupling.
After breakfast the next morning, Bob established new rules.
"I have never been so jealous. But the sex was worth it. So if you were turned on near as much as I was, we will give limited boyfriend another try. However, there will be no second date with Gordon or anyone else. A good second date will tempt you for a third. We all know what the third date is about, but that is not what our marriage is about. So are you willing to pick up a new man?"
Short, sweet, and to the point; or, much said in few words—which is always worth aiming for by a writer.
Thank you. I looked up dancing stories and this was exactly what I needed to send to my wife. Minus the getting his number and him breaking the rules or offering to cheat but that's to be expected by a pos at the club
Hot Hot Hot story. I've got to tell you, sending your wife into a bar by herself, dressed provocatively, is an intense experience! Very Intense. LOL This story would be 'right up there' with it as well. 10 big blazing stars for a realistic interesting read. Thanks for the great effort. I was right there! Thanks, Buster2U
The previous poster thought this was exceedingly immature. I, however, found it an interesting twist. Although after a few more dates wife will be fucking in front of her husband.,