by Strapper66
If many wives read that there're going to be a LOT of husbands getting hassled tonight (mine included)! Excellent writing as well, and wonderfully entertaining.
I've read a few stories where the couple do things like that in a changing room - but this is the first one that had any kind of realism to it.
First class story-telling and 5* from anyone with a pulse!
A neat telling of a story about a loving wife - and a loving husband. Good job! 5*
I am curious though, to see if you continue with this couple if you will eventually have them cross the line. They have been dangerously close and in a lust filled frame of mind I can see them pushing too far. You personally would not allow that to happen to your characters but you have led them to the precipice several times and it is surely possible that they could unintentionally fail, emotionally and sexually charged people can make poor decisions at times. I wonder how he'd react to a situation he helped create but crossed his particular moral base? Seems like a pretty "black and white" kind of guy and doesn't forgive. Guess we'll see how many stories it takes to get in her ass...
for writing one story that doesn't involve a bunch of sick pervert topics and comments from people trying to convince people they are normal.
I am very interested in seeing where their adventures take them. The apprehension the hubby is feeling adds a bit of mystery. Keep up the good work.
A couple experimenting within the boundaries of their marriage! What will this writer think of next? Great story with some excellent humor.
You did it,you put a story together that showed a husbands love for his wife and trying to keep her happy and he saw how a women's day is never over especially if she has a job outside the home. Maybe some pig headed male will get it.WellDone',,
A loving couple sharing their life, needing no one else to be happy. Does it get any better?
And he's got serious stones. Taking their expression of their love/lust for each other to the edge where either can damage what they have, so that they have these incredible peak experiences, is awesome. Dangerous, but awesome. Living life with the lights fully bright. I'm inspired.
A true loving wife story. Thank you!
the kind of loving relationship that you are describing takes us males about forty years of marriage to learn. That is why this story easily gets five*****stars,
imagine hubby gets home nearly an hour late know he was expected for a special evening and he hasn't called. He stopped to buy the wife some silk knickers for $120 out of the house hold account, he said it is so she can have even more orgasms. Then proceeds to take the wife to bed ignoring the diner she has spent an hour preparing and cooking so now it will be ruined. I think we all know, this would end very badly. Funny how things work differently for each gender. Loved the story #5 please keep writing heaps. T
You can return the boxers and wait for a sale or buy them online. Geez why spoil the moment?
Absolutely enjoyed it. I love these two. They feel so real and exactly like people I'd want to know.