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The Maid's Uniform Ch. 05


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Sophia let the two maids stare at each other for another five minutes, both soaking from the intimate experience. It would be a memory that Tasha would use in the future to get herself off. Finally, Sophia closed her book and stood up.

"Good job Madelyn. Now before the party, I want you two to switch your outfits." Both maids looked at Sophia and all they saw was her contagious smile. "In their current states. Chop Chop."

Sophia left the room. The first problem was that Madelyn's bathing suit was likely one size too small for Natasha. The second problem was that each pussy would now be soaking in the other's juices. The mischievous Sophia had known this would happen and that's why they had both been summoned together.

Like the kiss, Madelyn was the first to start undressing. She peeled off her soaked thong, then moved on to her top and diamond accessories. No words were spoken, not that either of them would know what to say. Tasha followed suit, stripping off her wet bottoms and pulling off her top.

When each bikini was in a pile, the two women switched piles. Madelyn picked up her mother's thong and looked back at Tasha.

"Did you just get off to me getting off?" Madelyn asked.

Tasha was too ashamed to answer. The evidence was already there, and she wasn't required to explain herself. She grabbed her daughter's wet thong and slipped her legs into it, pulling up the drenched garment until it rested against her pussy. It was uncomfortable, but knowing the thong had been baptized by her daughter, Tasha had already begun adding her own wetness to the mix. Next came the tight top, which had just enough support to keep her tits in place. Finishing the outfit, Tasha put on Madelyn's accessories and then turned to see her daughter rocking her previous swimming suit. Tasha was ashamed to admit it, but Madelyn wore both outfits better. Oh, to be young again.

After their outfit exchange, Tasha and Madelyn joined the 20 other hired servers, also wearing black bikinis, in the kitchen. At the front was Sophia barking orders much like Natasha had used to do. Now, Tasha knew what it felt like to be on the other side and see the tyrant up front.

Sophia went through each name, assigning tasks and responsibilities. Drinks, food, entertainment, there were plenty of tasks to go around. Some of the girls were there as models, either being an atmosphere model or being asked to pose erotically around the pool.

"Natasha, you'll be serving drinks, come get your tray." Sophia said, treating Natasha like any of the other girls.

"Madelyn, you'll be an erotic model. Jonas will direct you."

Tasha walked up front to grab her tray. Sophia completely ignored her, and it settled in that things were changing drastically. She was being treated very much like any other maid. When Tasha turned back and faced the crowd of maids she used to boss around, it was humiliating to walk back amongst them. This was how they made a living and Tasha was doing their job partially because she got off on the humiliation and partially because Sophia had done a damn good job at seizing control. Tasha found her spot and stood next to her daughter. How hard could serving drinks be?



Lily couldn't believe the outfit that she was being asked to wear. It was basically a black bikini top and thong with an accompanying lace headband and gloves. Her makeup was done up like she was going to a club and her heels where higher than she cared to walk in. The uniform was obviously designed by a man to make sure everything was on show.

When Lily saw her mother in the same uniform, she was surprised by how young her mother could look. Walking together, they looked like twins despite being twenty-five years apart in age. Mariah led Lily to a large room that looked like a den and both girls waited side by side in silence. After several minutes, Lily looked around.

"Are you sure this is the right room?" Lily asked.

"Yes, our mistress likes to make her maids wait. Just stand there and don't move." Mariah said. She kept her body still, her mouth tight and her voice low.

'Mistress'. There was no way Lily would be using that ridiculous word. She sighed and stood on her uncomfortable heels. Because she had a privileged upbringing, she never had to wait around. Everything was just always there. And if she was ever bored, she could go on her phone and let the hours fly by as she surfed on social media. Consequently, standing motionless wasn't exactly an easy task for her.

"Okay, this is ridiculous. I'm a maid not a statue." Lily said. She took a few steps forward and turned to her mother, but Mariah remained in her position. "I'm going to go find someone who will give me something to actually do."

Lily turned around and unexpectedly came face to face with an imposing woman. The way she carried herself and the way she was dressed immediately clued Lily into who she was. But that didn't stop Lily from not caring.

"Are you in charge?" Lily asked.

"Aren't you a little firecracker." The woman said. "I'm Regina, your mistress for the time being."

"Nice to meet you, Regina." Lily said. "My parents explained this fucked up transaction and here I am, ready to work. So, either give me something to do or I'm leaving."

Regina eyed up Lily for a moment then stepped out of her way.

"There's a supply closet at the very end of the hallway. I'd like the kitchen, and bedrooms cleaned. My head maid Jaqueline will give you more specific instructions." Regina said.

"Thank you, Regina." Lily said.

Lily didn't intend to be a brat. She just hated wasting time. Keeping her mind and body busy was the only thing keeping her from being bored. She walked out of the room and headed for the supply closet, ready to get to work.



Bradley paced by the backyard gate.

"Bradley, what are you doing?" Sophia asked.

He stopped in his tracks, suddenly realizing that he had been pacing. Sophia had recently been his beacon for help, but when he couldn't find her, his brave facade had started to fade.

"Elektra's going to be here soon and I was going to greet her at the gate." Bradley said.

Sophia palmed her face. "Bradley, Bradley, Bradley. This is your party. She should come in and see you having fun, not welcoming her like a doormat."

Before Bradley could respond, there was a knock at that gate. Sophia grabbed Bradley and whispered in his ear.

"Go find the hottest girl here and start talking to her. I'll get it." Sophia winked at Bradley, and he thanked her quietly before running off.

The guy was a work in progress, but Sophia had a soft spot for him. He was intelligent and more handsome than he gave himself credit for. But the good guy routine was not going to do him any favors with the ladies. He didn't have to be a bad boy, just a bad ass.

Sophia straightened her dress. Unbeknownst to Bradley, he had inadvertently forced her to make a small social sacrifice. It wasn't her job to answer the door, but she knew that having him do it would ruin his chances. Besides, she could handle some posh brat.

Before Sophia could open the gate, however, it flew open on its own. In walked a gorgeous blonde, with full make up and tanned legs that went on for days. It was a rare sight, but despite having an impressive rack on display, her legs were the true showstopper. Her entourage walked behind her accenting her beauty like complimentary dolls.

The blonde bombshell stopped in front of Sophia.

"Aren't you the help?" the girl asked.

The smile afterwards meant she knew what she was doing. As skilled as Sophia was at her age, some girls caught on when they were younger. Sophia brushed off the insult and gracefully extended her hand.

"I'm Sophia, it's a pleasure to have you here."

The girl didn't shake her hand.

"Sorry, not sorry." The girl said. "I'm Elektra."

Sophia felt stupid for never having put it together. Of all the girls Bradley could have a crush on, it had to be Regina's daughter.



Serving drinks wasn't the worst task, and it brought Natasha back to the days when she had been the one being served. Her beautiful, young body on display in one of many colorful and fashionable bikinis. Despite the hot young women that had been prancing around at that time, men and women had never been able to keep their eyes off Natasha's electrifying body. And she had enjoyed every ounce of attention.

Now, she got the occasional glance, but nothing special. Dressing in the same sort of black bikini as every other girl working the party didn't do much to differentiate her. The guests were college kids whom Natasha had never met, so to them, she really was just another serving girl.

Then trouble walked in. Everyone at the party stopped momentarily as Elektra Winchester cat-walked in, her long legs beautifully accented by the shining sunlight. It was the kind of attention Natasha had used to get. The kind of attention every girl wanted at least once in her life. However, there were certain girls that reveled in it and knew how to use it to their advantage. Elektra was one of those girls. The way she moved conveyed sexiness, vulnerability, and dominance, all in one cute little wrap. A devil to be wary of.

Natasha had come across Elektra several times while serving at Regina's, but the girl had never acknowledged her. Whether she had been waiting for the right time or if she had her mother's strict command not to interact with Natasha, was unclear. But even making eye contact with her, Natasha had known she was a spoiled, entitled brat.

"Bradley!" Elektra said, hugging Bradley in front of everyone. Natasha was happy that Bradley was getting social proof, but she feared Elektra's intentions. She wasn't the type of girl to get feelings and settle down. Not with a body and mind like that.

Sophia followed Elektra around the corner, and she did not look happy. The Elektra effect, Natasha joked in her mind. Sophia may be able to tame most girls, but it would take a hell of a lot of work to tame this wild one.

When Elektra was done with Bradley, she and her close friends set up camp at a row of beach chairs while the rest of her entourage spread out and joined their other friends. The joys of social cliques. First, they had to be seen with the queen and then they could branch off. Elektra didn't seem to care. She probably didn't know the names of half the people that had come in with her. The real question was, what was she doing here? She was way out of Bradley's league and despite her friendliness with him, there was no way she would have ever considered him as a potential sexual partner. Elektra had to have an ulterior motive and unfortunately, Natasha realized that she was about to find out.

Elektra waved Natasha over and she reluctantly brought her drink tray to the spoiled brats. Elektra was the first to grab a tropical cocktail.

"Well, if it isn't my maid working overtime somewhere else." Elektra said. She looked at her friends. "She's so special, my mom won't even let me boss her around." Then she turned back to Natasha. "I won't tell if you won't."

The sexy brat put a seductive finger to her lips making the universal secret symbol. Natasha tried to ignore her and emptied her tray to Elektra's companions.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" Natasha asked.

"Yes, there is. I want you to get on your hands and knees and be my drink table." Elektra said and then took a sip from her straw.

Natasha looked over at Sophia who was watching the scene intently from a distance. She nodded her head, granting her approval of whatever the little diva was asking for.

"Of course, Elektra, it would be my pleasure." Natasha said.

Reluctantly, Natasha handed her tray off to a passing server and got on her hands and knees for Regina's daughter. She felt the cold bottom of the glass rest on her back and maintained her perfect posture to ensure the drink would never fall.

Her view wasn't the worst. Aside from Elektra's perfectly pedicured feet, Natasha had a view of the entire party, including her daughter, Madelyn, posing seductively like a statue. What was going through her mind?



After a morning of cleaning, Lily was ready for a break and wanted to check if her mother was interested in lunch. When she got to the den door, it was closed after having been open all day. Until told otherwise, Lily thought that no room was off limits.

Lily pulled open the door and saw an image that would be forever engraved into her memory. On her knees, naked, was her mother giving oral to Regina while the rich bitch read a book. Lily almost exposed her presence with a noise, but she quickly backed out of the room and closed the door softly.

It was surreal, almost like a dream. Did she really just see that? It was impossible to check without confronting both her mom and Regina. Lily had never figured her mom as being bisexual. Maybe that wasn't her. Maybe that was another maid. The excuses kept coming as Lily tried to comprehend what she had just seen.

"You must be Joshua's daughter." A strong, deep voice said.

Lily turned and saw the voice's handsome owner.

"And you must be the guy that swindled my dad into using me as a poker chip." Lily said. She sarcastically motioned down at her sweaty, skimpy uniform. "I hope you're enjoying the rewards."

Tom half smiled.

"You did a good job. Thank you." Tom said. "If you got a couple minutes to spare, I'd like to meet with you in my office."

He didn't wait for an answer. Instead, he turned around and walked away. With nothing else to do and to avoid the thought of what she had just witnessed a few moments ago, Lily followed Tom to his office.

Contrary to what Lily had thought, there were many maids that worked in the house, some with very specific jobs, including women who just stood around naked or in very little clothing all day. In Tom's office, there were several 'maids' posing provocatively on podiums. This guy was so rich, he actually paid women to just stand around like living art. It was fascinating and intriguing, and Lily was surprised at how wet she was getting at the thought of being such a work of art herself. The sheer objectification and celebration of the female body highlighted and focused on a woman's longing to be desired. It all sounded like a hot fantasy in theory. But then Lily remembered how bored she had gotten in the five minutes she had waited at the start of her workday and realized how much self-control the models were utilizing to be able to remain still for so long.

Instead of sitting across from Tom at his desk, the pair sat in a two-seater. If Tom had been an ugly fuck, Lily would not have given him the time of day, but his strong gaze, quiet demeanor and nonchalant confidence made it worth her time.

"So, is this where you get me to suck your cock?" Lily said.

Tom laughed. Even his laugh was cute as fuck.

"Lily, I deal with men like your father all the time. He thought he could beat me, and he lost." Tom said. "Now I did win your services, but I don't want anyone here that doesn't want to be here."

"Are you firing me?"

"I'm saying it's your choice. Complete the contract or don't. But base it off what you want, not the poker game."

Tom was effectively giving her permission to go to college. But if she didn't do the contract then she would lose the deal with her parents. In fact, if they found out that Tom had given her a choice, she would for sure lose the deal.

"Hypothetically, if I were to stay, you'd keep this little optional conversation between us, right?"

"If that's what you would like, then yes." Tom said.

College verses a car and the college of her choice. The only thing holding Lily back was the year timeframe.

"Can I like tell you in a week?" Lily asked.

"Sure, I'm in no rush here."

Lily nodded then looked around again. Everywhere she looked there was a question. While she had the main man's ear, maybe the best thing would be to ask for an elaboration on the roles.

"So would I like be expected to pose naked across your desk?"

"Only if you were up for that kind of task. None of these models here are unwilling or even reluctant. They are actually happy to be on display. Of course, some are meditating and using it as a relaxation exercise, but I know they get a confidence boost when they get a lot of stares."

Lily was skeptical, but it was something that could easily dig deeper into after she talked with the other girls privately.

"And what" Lily said. "Like I'm pretty sure I saw my mom eating out your wife."

"Again, only if you agreed to it." Tom said. "That's just how it works around here. If you want, I can show you around to see the various tasks you could do."


A mansion tour was better than cleaning and Lily was curious to see what types of positions there were. Domestic servitude was fine, but if she could put in less effort, she'd happily switch to something else. That's if she decided to stay. Lily appreciated that Tom was straight forward and that she had the opportunity to continue on with her normal life. It's not like anything that she'd see on the tour would change her mind one way or the other.

Tom put his arm out and Lily hooked hers underneath. Hanging off him like a bikini model trophy, Tom guided Lily out of his office and began the tour. For the next half hour, Lily was shown all the areas of the house and their respective maid positions. By the pool, Tom had swimsuit models lying and sitting around in tiny bikinis. In the garden, there were both models posing, still as statues, and women maintaining the garden. The kitchen was by far the busiest with many maids running around with different duties. And in Tom's man cave in the basement, several maids stood around waiting for orders. It was here that her dad had lost his poker game.

When the tour was done, Tom brought Lily to a room with floor to ceiling cabinets.

"And that concludes the tour. As you can see there are many things to choose from, if you decide to stay." Tom said. "Since your duties are done for today, the remainder of your shift will be in storage."

"In storage?"

"Yes, I'm a bit old school in that regard. I don't like maids standing around when they aren't modeling or working. The optics just aren't great." Tom said.

"Can't I just go home if I am finished?"

"Certainly. However, that would void your contract." Tom said. "A full day's service is a full day's service."

It was either make a decision now and end it or take the time to think about it. Lily was intrigued by the storage idea because it sounded absolutely ludicrous. The one prevalent theme with Tom was that he loved objectifying all the women. After seeing so many women posed and using their bodies as decorations, it was clear that the job would entail being an object. Putting Lily in storage after completing her domestic duties was akin to putting away a mop or broom.

Tom grabbed the cabinet handle. "Well, yes or no?"

Lily decided that she needed more time to think about the pros and cons of continuing as his maid. She nodded her head. "Yes. I will think it over."

"I'm glad to hear that." Tom said.

He opened the cabinet and inside was a blond woman, kneeling and strapped in place. She had what looked like a butt plug in front of her mouth that was held in place by straps all around her face. On the opposite side of the wall, there was a dildo attached at mouth level and another at waist level. Lily turned to Tom, confused about what to do.

"You just want me to stand in there with her?" Lily asked.

"We like to keep our maids strapped in, so to speak." Tom said. "Just step inside and Jacqueline here will help you get set up."

Lily hadn't even noticed Jacqueline enter the room. Looking at the contraption and the other woman, Lily had no idea what to expect. She stepped inside the cabinet and stood looking at Tom, hoping that would be the end of it. However, instead of closing the door, Jacqueline moved in and turned Lily sideways.

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