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The Major's Pretty Baby Face Ch. 06

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Mary continues her story of submission to Matt.
12.4k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 06/09/2011
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As told by Mary as she continues her story how she and the Major met and how he brought her under his thumb...

It's a five hour drive to our destination at the 1000 Islands. Fortunately the roads were passable and open this time of year despite it being bitterly cold. The low frigid temperatures will allow a nice surprise for Chastity when we arrived.

Matt was driving and Chastity was sitting in the front seat beside him. I was stretched out warm and comfortable in the backseat meditating with my eyes closed to block out all outside stimulus.

Matt has made love to many women in his life, although he has only been passionately and totally in love with one; Chastity. To be sure, Matt loves me very much in his own way; as I love him in mine; but it is a different sort of love than with Chastity. I am content knowing Chastity will be there for him when I'm gone.

I was remembering the day Matt arrived to paint my house and what happened after when I eventually fell in love with him.

"Let the games begin" I thought as Matt pulled into my driveway in the most ridiculous motor vehicle I've ever seen. Perhaps ridiculous isn't the right word to describe it; eclectic describes it best.

It wasn't a flashy muscle car with the state of the art sound system that many young men his age tend to drive.

It was an older model Chevrolet pickup truck. From the sound of the engine it was in excellent running condition and no doubt excellent in mechanical repair overall.

It was assembled from discordant pieces of the same year and different years of that model. The box was a different color than the cab. The color of two front wheel wells didn't match as didn't the doors. There was body filler in several spots with primer sprayed over it.

The front fender was painted white while the back bumper was chrome. I walked around it while Matt unloaded his painting equipment; as we agreed I purchased the paint. As I walked around it I noticed the tires including the spare were new and they matched.

Matt built a raised ladder rack out of two by fours' fastened with lag bolts. The frame was inserted in the square holes of his truck box for his extension ladders lashed to the top; essentially the vehicle was pure utilitarian and unpretentious.

What I found most interesting was the gun rack mounted inside at the rear window because there were two hockey sticks in the rack instead of rifles or shotguns.

"Good morning Ms. Jones. I'm ready to start. Please show me the way."

"Good morning, Matt. You don't have to be so formal now that school is out. Mary will do if that's all right with you."

"Anything you say, Mary, you're the boss."

"I didn't know you own a truck. As far as I knew you walked to school or rode with friends."

"I know it's not much to look at; it has been a two year project. You should have seen it before I started restoring it.

I rebuilt the engine and transmission myself. As a matter of fact I just put it on the road yesterday. It serves its purpose."

Matt was wearing snug fitting painter's pants that obviously weren't new although there was very little paint on them while the white tee shirt he was wearing really displayed his lean whipcord physique and ropey muscles.

I was dabbing on my perfume when Matt pulled into the driveway. My makeup was carefully applied to border on sultry; something I hadn't done in a while.

I was wearing a form fitting light green summer dress to show off my figure; I had white sandals on my feet.

My dress was deliberately short and flirty, being well above my knees to show off my legs.

I fell in love with everything about this dress; the wide V-neck and a plunging V back with an asymmetrical ruffle overlay at the bodice. It was very flirty and quite youthful.

Why not dress young and sexy if there was a chance of having a young lover. I haven't worn or owned anything like this since I started my teaching profession.

I have always looked very young for my age and I deliberately selected my clothing to be conservative and proper and acting accordingly to be taken seriously by my colleagues.

I hadn't cut or trimmed my hair in six weeks although I kept my color touched up; Matt's library girls all have long hair so that is definitely his preference.

I went to the Mall shortly after I hired Matt to buy this summer dress, part of my master plan for him. I also went to purchase a fresh bottle of perfume.

The one in my vanity table is half empty and unused for years after I broke off my engagement with Brian, the lying ball-less bastard that he is; however, getting back on track, I had just walked out of Macy's with my purchases when I paused in front of an upscale wig shop.

I have passed the place for years and never gave it a second thought or a second glance; I stopped in that day out of curiosity and I tried on several wigs; blonde, brunette and redhead. I never realized until then how well longer hair suited me.

I really looked good...not just good, I looked sexy. I decided on the spot to grow my hair out wondering if Matt would notice. Change is good and a bob haircut can be proper and professional as well as posh and sexy, maybe I might grow it longer.

"Would you like a cup of coffee before you get started? I have banana walnut nut bread in the pantry to go with the coffee," I offered as I walked up close to him to see what he would do.

"Thank you, Mary that is very thoughtful of you. I'd like that very much. Banana walnut bread generously spread with butter is a particular favorite of mine."

'I know it is' I was thinking, 'your sister told me quite a bit about you when we had our little chats at your hockey games. Thankfully that delightful child was none the wiser of my motives. I fully understand what Dave means about your sister Laura being your biggest fan.'

"Shall we?" I asked, taking his arm and bringing him up to the porch. Matt opened the door for me and closed it behind him after we entered the foyer. Yes, he definitely has good manners. He didn't shy away when I took his arm.

"We can start with my kitchen" I advised him after we sat down at the kitchen table with our coffee and walnut banana bread "I still want the rest of the inside painted in the semi-gloss eggshell. I decided to do the kitchen in a bright yellow.

I also decided since we last talked to stay with the light green theme in the main bathroom and for the bath-and-a-half."

I deliberately sat close to Matt, touching his hand when I passed him something while letting my hand linger on his momentarily.

"You're the boss, Mary. This banana bread is delicious by the way. It's dominated with a plethora of walnuts; exactly the way I prefer it.

I dabble in cooking. I like things hot and spicy, if you know what I mean" and he touched my hand leaving it there "I'm always willing to try something new" and as he said it, Matt was undressing me with his bold green eyes.

"I know exactly what you mean, Matt" I replied in turn undressing him with my eyes as I allowed his hand to linger on mine.

"Well, then; let the games begin, Mary" Matt replied catching me slightly by surprise at his choice of words "I propose we ask each other three questions that must be answered truthfully.

We will have one free pass not to answer without penalty. For discretion and confidentially sake, our answers must remain between us...ladies first."

Matt's hand was still on top of mine. It was a challenge to see who would blink first so I slid closer to him, thinking...'Damn you're handsome' and I put my other hand on top of his.

"I adore games and I agree; I notice the young ladies you study with in the library have identical sterling silver chains and pendants. Are they gifts from you and what is engraved on the back?"

"That's two questions, Mary, but I'll count it as one because you're wearing Chanel #5.

You put it on moments before I arrived. If I may be so bold to comment, you smell infinitely seductive and desirable.

On you the perfume adds a tangible scent to your essence of inimitable mystery.

Yes the pendants are gifts from me. The girl's initials are engraved on the front and my initials are engraved on the back. You still have two questions left.

"Why do your young ladies always have a red ribbon in their hair?" I asked totally charmed although determined not to be distracted by flowery words...yet he said "your essence of inimitable mystery".

"They always wear red ribbons in their hair because I ask them too. Feel free to be more specific with your last question, I assure you I won't be embarrassed" he took a sip of his black coffee.

I was thinking 'I can maintain a pretty good poker face too, Mr. Wright. You'd have a smug look on your face if you weren't so good at keeping it so annoyingly neutral, however, your eyes say otherwise.

Damn it! I should have been more specific! If you had passed on this I'd have one of my suspicions confirmed.'

"Do you have any questions for me, Matt? Wait... I retract that; I meant to say it's your turn to ask a question."

"I'll save my questions until after I finish painting your kitchen. Thank you for the coffee and banana bread..."

Again, Dave was correct in more ways than one. Matt was not the typical eighteen year old male I was used to dealing with. His intellect and maturity far exceeds his chronological age.

I'd have to change my tactics to be more direct with him although I was greatly enjoying our verbal jousting.

My kitchen was completed around two in the afternoon when I returned from the grocery mart. Matt was outside sitting on my front porch steps drinking ice water and waiting for my decision to continue to allow him to paint the rest of my house.

I brought him fresh coffee and more walnut banana bread after I went inside to critique his work; I was very pleased with it.

"You're hired Mr. Wright" I said handing him his coffee and a plate with two thick slices spread with butter before sitting close to him.

"Let me pose my last question this way" I said, putting my hand on his shoulder near the base of his neck "Forget that I'm older than you.

Forget that I'm a counselor at your high school and you'll be graduating next year to enter Marine ROTC on a scholarship."

My fingers crept up slightly to run my fingers through his thick black hair...damn he's so sexy...I had to stop being distracted by his hard body and concentrate to the task at hand.

I am not judging you; however, I have my suspicions about your library girls. Forget that or them for the moment. Do you find me attractive?"

"I'll pose my answer this way and we'll know how to proceed from there. When I approached you in the parking lot to paint your house you weren't wearing perfume.

All throughout the remaining school year when we stopped to talk you weren't wearing perfume. Perhaps you wear perfume to please yourself.

You haven't worn it for awhile for anyone else; as I said, it was applied moments before I arrived and I dare say from a freshly opened bottle.

The alcohol of your perfume didn't dissipate from your body heat to blend with your natural woman's scent or blend totally with your ethereal essence.

If I'm wrong I'll paint your house for free, including the cost of the paint because I'm not wrong. I challenge you to prove me wrong. I always keep my word and I despise a liar.

You don't have a skirt or dress in your closet that is as short or that reveals as much of your creamy white skin or display your trim figure, or display your shapely legs as you're wearing now and you wear it well.

Yes I know the dress you are wearing is a summer dress and cool in hot weather. Today the temperature will reach the mid-eighties and tomorrow hotter still.

It's also a garment a woman will wear for her lover; an airy and flirty summer dress wide V-neck and a plunging V back with an asymmetrical ruffle overlay at the bodice...a woman will wear it hoping that said lover will notice; will appreciate the subtle nuisance let alone describe the style to her.

Perhaps if you had two questions you might ask me why my library girls dress the same or wear their hair the same, however as I said you have only one question left.

Your makeup at school when you bother to wear it at all is more subdued than it is now. I approve of all three looks on you...although, since you take care of yourself through diet and exercise.

You don't need makeup at all in my opinion; your complexion is that good, Mary and you look twenty years younger than your chronological age; that's a fact all flirting aside.

"Yes, Mary, I find you to be a very attractive woman; your life experience is no hindrance to me at all. I'd like you to share it with me and learn from it. If anything it makes me more attracted to you."

'Young man, you are so incredibly good at this' I was thinking 'no wonder you have those girls at your beck and call.'

"I have another question, Matt, peripheral to and a possible addendum to our little game; what will you trade me for one of your questions?"

"What do you have to trade for one of my questions?"

"I'll make you dinner. How about a rare porterhouse steak done over charcoal and then smothered in mushrooms pan fried in butter.

I also can make twice baked potatoes and steamed broccoli. There is plenty of banana walnut bread with a plethora of walnuts."

"I agree to the trade. I'll never pass up an offer for a rare and juicy steak. What is your question?"

"I will keep your answer in the strictest confidence. Do you make love to any or all of your library girls and if so are all aware of it?"

"I'll pass, Mary, for a gentleman never tells. You may keep your suspicions and again that was two questions. It's my turn and I have two questions remaining. I will keep your answers the same.

Obviously you enjoy flirting and so do I. Do you want to turn things up a notch or two tomorrow?"

"I'm glad you asked Matt for the answer is yes."

"Excellent! You may choose the game and set the stage tomorrow as you please. Your response brings me to my last question.

As you said, Ms. Jones, you have your suspicions. Suppose they are true. Do you really think you can handle me if our little games go beyond flirting?"

"The pressing question, Mr. Wright is can you handle me?"

"We'll both have to wait and see. I'm here to do a job, boss lady. Which room shall I start on next...?"

Matt arrived bright and early the next morning and he was all business. He finished the remaining rooms at around six in the evening leaving the bathrooms to little ranch house is only a two bedroom with a bath and a half.

"Well, Mary" he asked "what little game did you dream up for us?"

"Do you play chess? I know a way to spice up this classic and venerable game to really make it interesting."

I finally had young Mr. Wright where I wanted him. We have a very fine chess club at our school. Given Matt's analytical mind I'm surprised he's is not on it.

"Yes, I'm familiar with the game. It originated in India approximate to or before the 6th Century AD. "

"Quite right; we will play for favors, and by that I mean the loser must do exactly what the winner wants for fifteen minutes."

"What about the venue, Mary?"

"Yes of course; nothing outside of this house and only between you and me. Favors may be of a sexual nature."

"May the favors accumulate and be used at a later time?"

"Yes, that's a good idea; are you in?"

"Not yet. Since we are gambling may we double or triple down at anytime?"

"Yes, that's another good suggestion."

"So in theory, I could be your naked toy boy for a time... and you?"

"Yes your toy girl, are you in?"

"Not quite yet. We will need a safe word?"

"Mr. Wright, you've played this game before?" and I was thinking, "ah ha, another suspicion made the very least you have read some erotica. This will be my first time as a participant. There is no sense letting my book knowledge go to waste.'

"Are you so easily embarrassed or intimidated to need a sissy safe word."

"I was thinking of you, Mary."

"Ah yes, I'll give you credit for being a gentlemen; mine shall be "sailboat" and yours?"

"Sailboat works for me."

"Are you in?"

"One more slight detail; I insist that the above rules and details we discussed will remain in place exactly and to the letter and not sundown or expire unless both parties, you and me, agree to modify or amend them."

"Fine and fine again; so are you in?"

"Yes; what style of chess pieces do you prefer? I prefer the Staunton..."

That evening after I won the first game, I used my favor to make Matt take his tee shirt off and I put several red ribbons in his thick curly hair. That didn't faze him a bit, although it left me a bit distracted looking at his hard young muscled body.

I allowed Matt to win the next game and he lost the following two games leaving me with one favor.

By the time Matt finished painting the rest of the inside and allowing him to win occasionally; I was up eight favors or two hours of "Toy Boy" time.

I was a terrible tease after I cashed in my favors the evening young Mr. Wright finished the inside. I made him a nice dinner though, a bonus for a job well done.

It is nice to share a meal with someone; even though I was aware he studied my every movement and gesture; not that he was obvious about it. Matt also listened...really listened and he gave me his full attention and didn't let anything distract him.

I was growing very fond of him as a dinner partner and looked forward to our conversations. We shared a bottle of Merlot, Pinot Noir or Cabernet Sauvignon with our dinners. Matt drank one glass followed by ice water while I drank two or three glasses of wine with three being my limit.

"There is a gift for you in my bedroom, Matt. I'm making this official. At this precise moment I am formally and unequivocally invoking all my favors. Please get completely naked and put it on."

I was sipping my wine and was very pleased with myself and my little speech when Matt came out of the bedroom wearing a pair of tight red nylon briefs bordering on a thong.

They are what a male stripper wears; and boy, oh boy, from the big bulge in the front, my toy boy was more than well!

"Well, look at you, Mr. Wright; it appears the tables have been turned on you by a woman."

"Is that what you think, Mary?"

"It's Mistress for the next two hours."

"Yes, Mistress" he replied in an agreeable tone.

"You need to put more fawning humility in your voice, Matt."

"I beg your pardon, Mistress. I'm not that good of an actor."

"It doesn't matter as long as you do what you are told. I have one more gift for you."

I got up from my kitchen chair with his final gift; a black silk bow tie. I tied it around his neck complimenting "My goodness, handsome, you look good enough to eat."

"Thank you, Mistress."

"I'm not one of your young inexperienced library girls who are easily manipulated or swept off their feet with flowery words or a handsome face, Matt. That being said, I promise to be gentle with you...maybe" and I pinched his tight butt.

I took my right index finger and put it at the base of his throat, dragging my nail lightly down his hard muscular chest, past his washboard stomach to his manhood bulging against his skimpy red briefs, putting my hand on it and letting it linger.

"Thank you, Mistress" and I remembered how Matt had dominated the pugnacious hockey players putting them out of the game with injuries. This made my power over him even more delicious.

I had life experience on my side with an extensive collection of erotica novels to be my guide, with nobody to share my preferences with until now.

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